College back hill.

Haoyue hangs in the sky, like a fairy, cold and proud, otherworldly.

She is not stained with delicate dust, and she seems to be intoxicated with her beauty, and she is so stingy when she splurges the moon.

Tonight's night is too dark, so heavy that it is impossible to see the starlight.

All around, only the leisurely chirping of insects and the croaking of frogs remained.

Su Ming in cultivation seemed to be a little wrong.

A stream of white air that is difficult to see with the naked eye descends from the sky.

If he blended into this heaven and earth, Su Ming looked safe, and he forgot about everything.

One breath and one inhale, the natural cycle, became proof that he was alive.

Tang Hao came, brought a wine gourd, and leaned against the tree with a tiger dragon plate.

The movement emanating from Su Ming's body did not seem to attract him.

Just glance at it once in a while, take a sip of wine, and talk about getting by.

Roughly wiping away the wine from the corner of his mouth, Tang Hao's ears moved slightly, and his eyes immediately looked in one direction.

Through the dark night, Tang Hao seemed to see something, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After a while, the girl came here with a pout, as if someone owed her money.

Seeing Su Ming, Xiao Wuqi didn't fight anywhere, and was about to open his mouth, but he felt that his voice couldn't come out.

What's going on?

What the hell?

Xiao Wu scratched her head in surprise, and tried to cough again, but her ears still couldn't hear anything.

"He is now meditating deeply, which is beneficial to his cultivation, you better not disturb it."

As soon as she heard the sound in her ears, she felt a terrifying suction pull on her.

Feeling this terrifying power, Xiao Wu's face instantly turned pale, and her back was cold.

The outlook is changing.

Looking at the scruffy man in front of her, Xiao Wu was like being struck by lightning, and the strong sense of suffocation made her breathless.

Title Douluo!!

Can't be wrong, absolutely can't be wrong.

Frightened swallowed his spit, Xiao Wu's legs went limp, "You, what do you want?"

A simple sentence exhausted the strength of her whole body.


Tang Hao glanced over, only frowned, and Xiao Wu instantly collapsed to the ground.

The palm of his hand clutched the dirt, Xiao Wu's face was defeated, and his heart was like ashes.

Just out of the wolf's den, and into the mouth of the tiger,

God, are you kidding me?

The little Notting City can actually meet the Title Douluo?

Xiao Wu's heart was full of sorrow, and she wanted to run away quickly, but she felt her hands and feet trembling and did not listen to the call.

It was as if her body was telling her not to do such useless things.

As a 100,000-year soul beast, the innate feeling told her that the strength of the man in front of her was extremely strong.

That kind of horror and toughness, thick and natural, like an unattainable mountain, people can't breathe.

What made Xiao Wu feel even more frightened was the anger that overflowed from the depths of his eyes.

From his eyes, Xiao Wu seemed to see the sea of blood in the corpse mountain, and countless blood spilled and gathered into a river.

The overwhelming blood red made her bones all over her body bubbling with cold.


Tang Hao shook his head and said coldly, "Don't worry, I have no interest in you."

Tang Hao didn't make any movement, but he saw a gentle force shrouding Xiao Wu, obviously he made a move.

Xiao Wu suddenly felt that her body was warm, and the fear in her heart was slowly subsiding.

The big pink eyes were full of suspicion, and Xiao Wu said in amazement, "Seriously, you really won't kill me?"

Looking at Xiao Wu's appearance like walking on thin ice, Tang Hao suddenly became a little sad, and his lowered black eyes seemed to flash a touch of blue.

The soul master needs to hunt the soul beast, and it is righteous. Ordinary soul beasts

are just that, aren't they considered human soul beasts in their form soul beasts?

Martial Soul Hall, why are you struggling to force each other?!


The warmth disappeared instantly, and Xiao Wu curled up tightly, feeling like she was in the ice and snow.

"Uncle, uncle."

Awakened by the sound, Tang Hao collected all the killing intent, and Xiao Wu was amnestied, constantly rubbing his arm, as if this could be warmer. The

hoarse voice seemed to have choked in it, and Tang Hao reminded, "He is right, strength is everything, you don't want to be hunted by humans, you can only rely on your own strength."

"Everyone else is unreliable, except for strength, unparalleled strength."

Saying that, Tang Hao poured a large mouthful of wine, and the dripping wine flowed from the corner of his mouth.

His whole person is filled with melancholy and sad emotions, and under the vicissitudes of his face, he seems to have experienced many deep past events.

Xiao Wu looked at Tang Hao with complicated eyes, curious about what happened to him.

Unwilling to mention the past, Tang Hao took a sip of wine, as if only alcohol could make him mesmerized.

Xiao Wu originally thought that the other party would say, but Tang Hao suddenly changed the topic.

"Do you know why Tang San lost in the afternoon?"

Well? Xiao Wu's face was stunned, and he didn't even react, Tang Hao had already continued:

"First, he was eager to win, perhaps because of the defeat last time, which made him want to defeat Su Ming very much, so in the end, he was bent on ending the battle."

"Second, he mistakenly believes that the difference in rank is absolute, but for a true genius, the battle of leapfrogging is only the difference between wanting and not wanting to, and the soul ring is only a tool, not the whole of defeating the enemy."

"If the soul master only looks at the age and number of soul rings, then there is no need to fight at all."

"Third, he greatly underestimated a person..."

As if facing Tang San, Tang Hao spoke seriously, and Xiao Wu, who was sitting on his knees, couldn't help but nod when he heard this.

In the afternoon, Tang San did lose a little sloppily.

If he had gone all out to use soul techniques from the beginning, it would really be difficult to say who would lose or win.

Although Su Ming was able to cut off the blue silver winding, no one could guarantee that Tang San would definitely lose.

"You think Tang San has a chance to win, right?"

Tang Hao glanced at Xiao Wu and could already see through the latter's inner thoughts.

Xiao Wu's eyes were stunned, "Isn't it possible?"


Tang Hao did not shake his head, nor did he nod, and sighed:

"Where are there so many possibilities in the world, victory is victory, defeat is defeat, often the battle has not yet begun, and the end is already doomed."

"Just like his deep meditation at the moment, without the accumulated penance, he cannot enter this realm."

"Instead of pursuing the so-called possibility, it is better to explore the cause and effect of it, isn't it?"


Xiao Wu scratched her head in embarrassment, her eyes turned to the side weakly, "That, my brain is relatively stupid, and I don't seem to understand what you are saying."

Tang Hao, "..."

Sure enough, not every soul beast is as good as Ah Yin!

Tang Hao sighed and did not continue to play the piano to the rabbit, only hoping that she would bring her previous words to Tang San.

Xiao Wu's face was very embarrassed, and she smiled, cute with silly cuteness.

Although she couldn't understand it, she also sensed Tang Hao's kindness, and her hanging heart landed steadily.

The two were silent, and Tang Hao continued to drink the bitter and spicy bad wine.

After a while, Su Ming came out of the meditative state.

However, he did not open his eyes, but continued to cultivate.

Through Tang Hao's sharp and deep eyes, he seemed to vaguely see...

Wisps of soul power overflowed from the meridians throughout the body, gathering towards the abdomen dantian like a small snake. Wisps

of soul power formed small tornadoes there.


The tornadoes collided with each other, erupting into a fierce arc, faintly closing slowly.

"What a monster!"

Tang Hao took a sip of wine and came out, and as a Title Douluo, he couldn't help but feel shocked at the moment.

In the blink of an eye, several hours passed.

Su Ming also opened his eyes, and a black light flashed in Mingli's eyes. The soul power cyclone in his body

had all dispersed and returned to the meridians everywhere in his body, but the soul power was already somewhat different.

Tang Hao left, leaving only Xiao Wu.

She came over with a puffed face, and said angrily:

"What are you calling me to do, do you want me to come and see you cultivate?"

After waiting for hours, she was already impatient.

Hmph, who rarely stays with this bastard!

Su Ming's eyes lit up, originally he was waiting for Xiao Wu, taking advantage of the gap to cultivate, but he didn't expect to suddenly enter the gods, and she came just right.

"Strictly calculated, in fact, Ling is also a sensitive attack soul master, right?"

Looking at Su Ming's malicious smile, Xiao Wujiao's body trembled, and she couldn't help but be a little afraid.

"You, what do you want to do?"

"It's nothing, let you help me cultivate."


Xiao Wu's eyes widened like copper bells, and he pointed to himself and then at Su Ming.

"You said, you want me to help you cultivate?"

The sharp sound pierced the sky, and the little dancer was completely numb.

A person who covets my soul ring soul bone actually asked me to help you cultivate.

I have never seen such a brazen person!

Su Ming's eyes narrowed slightly, "How, is there any problem?"

"You do... You, you first tell me how you want me to help you.

Xiao Wu was about to angrily rebuke and refuse, but noticing Su Ming's dangerous eyes, she immediately relented, and her face was full of sorrow and indignation.

Su Ming turned a blind eye and reached out and lifted a stick.

"The content of cultivation is very simple, I attack you, you keep dodging, just don't let me hit."

"It's that simple?!"

Xiao Wu wrinkled her brows, her little face was full of stunned, she thought that Su Ming wanted her to do that, but it turned out to be just ordinary training.


Su Ming was also stunned, and the actual battle was simple.

As everyone knows, the understanding of the two has not reached a single point at all. Knowing that the sword technique

is powerful, and also wants to find Su Ming's flaws, Xiao Wu nodded, "I know you want to cultivate the sword technique, okay, I agree."

"Thank you."

Su Ming politely said a word, just two simple words, and Xiao Wu was immediately angry and itched his teeth.

If you really want to thank me, don't worry about my soul ring and soul bone."

"Be careful."

The cold voice sounded, and Xiao Wu's inner alarm bell sounded, and he quickly raised his attention to 100,000 points.

In an instant, the confrontation between the two began.

Knowing the power of Su Ming's sword technique, Xiao Wu immediately burst out with the speed of his whole body.

She dodged and moved, using her nimble speed and incredible waist to deft all attacks.

Su Ming's knife fell into vain, and each knife felt that it was a distance away from Xiao Wu.

This is not the distance of the knife technique, but the distance of the body technique.

Although the speed of the two is similar, every time Su Ming wants to use a knife technique, Xiao Wu will take advantage of Su Ming's slowdown to open the distance.

Just such a slow meal, it was difficult to enter the small dance.

Of course, Su Ming did not attach soul power to the wooden stick, otherwise with his sharp soul power, even if he did not cut Xiao Wu, the latter would also be affected.

In the battle with Tang San, Su Ming only used pure sword techniques.

Because Su Ming knew very well that no matter how many attributes were added to the knife, the knife technique was the focus.

The knife technique that can cut the full output of the person is really effective.


Finding the right time, Xiao Wu took the opportunity to grab Su Ming's left hand, she smiled at the corner of her mouth, and stepped on Su Ming's knee with one leg.

Like a monkey, wanting to climb up, its soft waist suddenly bursts into terrifying power.


Su Ming backhanded and grabbed Xiao Wu's arm.

If you want to use your waist bow to throw the enemy out, or even kill Hachidan, Xiao Wu's first blow is especially crucial.

As long as the first blow is not thrown out and does not cause dizziness, then Xiao Wu can only dry stare.

Seen through!

Little dancing beautiful eyes surprised.

Seeing the wooden stick slashing towards her, she immediately changed to kneeling Su Ming's hand holding the stick.

Bang bang!

Successfully repelling it, Xiao Wu immediately used his elbow to attack Su Ming and grab his arm.

Knowing that Xiao Wu wanted to break free and escape, otherwise he would be so close, Su Ming's wooden stick would easily be able to get his hands on it.

He should have shook Xiao Wu away with force, but Su Ming simply let go of his hand.


Xiao Wu and Su Ming passed by shoulder to shoulder, and as soon as her legs split and landed, she immediately appeared in mid-air again.

She spun sideways, her calves like steel whips, whipping towards Su Ming.


Su Ming frowned, and did not take the initiative to attack with a wooden stick, but resisted instead.

The calf slammed into the body of the wooden stick, and the pink soul power wrapped it.

Only hearing a dull sound, Su Ming took a few steps back.

The figure landed lightly, Xiao Wu raised his little head, and his eyes looked at Su Ming with joy, "How about it, my sparring partner is not bad."

I just love watching this guy get beaten.

Especially beaten by yourself, hehe, it's so cool!

Su Ming's face turned dark, and he gritted his teeth and said, "If you want to compete, I will change the firewood knife to compare with you, and I will watch you kick up." "

Slightly ~

Xiao Wu provocatively stuck out his tongue and snickered, "I'm not stupid, besides, I didn't beg you, you took a wooden stick and asked me to be a sparring partner."

"Hmph, can I only dodge and can't attack?"

"You're going to attack, aren't you?"

Su Ming's eyes were slightly cold, and the wooden stick in his hand was suddenly wrapped in a black glow.

It was a firewood knife that was completely condensed with soul power.

The sharp spike blade is even more terrifying than the original wood knife.

Xiao Wu's face immediately turned green, "That, I was joking with you just now, let's continue to practice like that just now."


Before the voice completely fell, Su Ming's figure had already burst out.


The black light fell in front of his eyes, and countless dust exploded with a boom.

In an instant, Xiao Wu was dumbfounded.

Looking down, a pair of indifferent eyes were staring at him.


Xiao Wu thought about her former situation as a rabbit and met a jackal.

Die! Die!

Feeling the dangerous aura emanating from Su Ming's body, Xiao Wu's hair was numb.

Without the slightest hesitation, she immediately began to run away with her life.

Seeing that the goal had been achieved, Su Mingchai Dao returned to the appearance of a wooden stick and chased towards Xiao Wu.

The valley resounded with the whistling and whistling of the wind, accompanied by a few roars from time to time.

I don't know how long it took, but I felt that the air was getting colder.

Xiao Wu's face turned red, and beads of sweat dripped down her pink face.

Her whole body was like a ripe suckling pig, panting.

On closer inspection, it is even more tragic.

I saw that Xiao Wu's clothes had Dao scratches, and she clenched her teeth tightly, and her forehead was bruised, as if she was suffering from a great pain.


The black shadow flashed, Xiao Wu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he quickly dodged sideways, his eyes revealing panic.

Suddenly, Su Ming's wooden stick turned and went straight up.


The stick landed on Xiao Wu's back, who let out a sharp scream and was knocked out.

Seeing Su Ming rushing over, Xiao Wu, who was sitting on the ground, was terrified, and waved his hand again and again, "Don't fight, don't fight, my soul power is exhausted, and I can't dodge your attack."

Su Ming frowned, and also sensed that Xiao Wu's speed had decreased, and then took a little ginseng root whisker down.

"This is ginseng, you take it for recovery."

"Wait half an hour, we'll come back."


Still coming?

The fragile psychological defense collapsed.

Xiao Wu pursed her pink lips and looked at Su Ming's gaze like a devil.

Indignation, helplessness, despair.

Douda's tears flowed out, and Xiao Wu kept wiping her tears. A

whimpering sound of grievances followed by a drift in the valley.

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