After tossing and turning, another two days passed.

Su Ming had already stepped into the inner area of the Soul Hunting Forest, and the core area did not dare to go, where there were 10,000-year soul beasts.

Unfortunately, at this moment, he still did not find a satisfactory soul beast.

During this period, he also found a thousand-year-old tarantula.

First Soul Technique Additional Toxin?

It wasn't what he wanted.

After searching for a week, he gave up several claw-type beasts one after another, and Su Ming's mood was also much lower.

Finally, the appearance of a big guy made his dead heart ripple.

It was a pitch-black figure, lying on a branch six or seven meters above the ground at the moment.

The sturdy black armor wrapped around the whole body, exuding a metallic color, like a fully armed samurai.

It is nearly one meter and five meters long, but its upper limbs look surprisingly skinny, with a small three-legged head, a neck section, and a flat oval abdomen that occupies 70% of its weight.

The two pairs of hind limbs resemble bamboo poles, with barbs, folded foot segments, sharp tips inserted into branches, and leg segments and tibia segments with sharp spines with convex forefeet.

But what attracts more attention is the pair of "sickles" raised high inward in the shin, with curved hooks and barbs, which are eerie and terrifying.

It stood on the branches of the tree, majestic like a monarch, using its compound eyes to probe the movements around it.

Seeing Su Ming, it just glanced at the human cub, and took it back proudly, seemingly not interested in him.

Knife-armed mantis!

Su Ming instantly thought of the introduction on the soul beast guide, a carnivorous soul beast, with fierce attack power, a large knife on the forefoot, capable of shredding a solid iron beetle shell.

Judging from the volume, the knife-arm mantis in front of him is definitely a thousand-year soul beast.

Su Ming hurriedly suppressed his restless mood, did not start immediately, but waited for a little closer before launching a surprise attack.


The pitch-black crystal sword instantly burst out from Su Ming's fingertips, which was exactly the sword finger he had created.


Since it was a sudden attack, when the blade-arm mantis reacted, the crystal sword had accurately hit him in the abdomen.

The frightened blade-armed mantis fluttered its wings and jumped from the branch at the first time.

Boom, with the buoyancy of the flapping wings, the knife-arm mantis fell smoothly to the ground.

A stream of green liquid flowed from its abdomen. Seeing that the knife-arm mantis

was injured, Su Ming not only did not have any joy, but quickly stepped back and distanced himself from the knife-arm mantis.

As the creator, Su Ming is well aware of the power of this sword finger.

Even if the Great Soul Master is hit, it will be hit hard.

But the blow just now only scraped the shell of the knife-arm mantis and made it bleed, and did not cause serious damage, which shows how strong the defense of the thousand-year-old knife-arm mantis is.

Squeaking, the enraged knife-arm mantis made a strange sound in its mouth, as if it was roaring.

It crawled quickly on all fours and rushed towards Su Ming, raising its scythe high, wanting to cut off Su Ming's waist.


Su Ming ran lightly and stepped on the bushes to open the distance. The

knife-arm mantis ignored and went on a rampage, as if there was only one thought, that is, to stick to Su Ming.


The crisp metal crash sounded again, and the blade-arm mantis raised its forefoot to block the huge eyeball.

It turned out that Su Ming sent out the crystal sword again, but unfortunately it was bounced off by the big knife of the blade arm mantis.

"I don't believe you can keep in the way."

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Su Ming continued to swim and pull the knife arm mantis, who seemed to be stunned and kept chasing Su Ming.

This looks silly, but Su Ming knows very well what the knife-arm mantis is doing.

At close range, few soul beasts' reaction and attack speed can be compared to the blade-arm mantis.

Even if Su Ming was close to it, eighty percent could not dodge the rapid attack.

Even if he luckily resisted with a firewood knife, the dense attack of the thousand-year-old soul beast was enough for Su Ming to be severely damaged in a few seconds.

This blade-arm mantis was not stupidly rushing indiscriminately, but wanted to bring Su Ming into his best attack distance and wanted to kill with one blow.

Su Ming knew the terrifying intentions of this sword mantis, how could he do what he wanted?

He constantly distanced himself and used his sword fingers to attack the vulnerable parts of the praying mantis. The

Blade Mantis's melee combat is incomprehensible, but equally, its disadvantage is also very obvious, that is, the crawling speed is too slow.

To deal with this kind of soul beast, the best is the kite fighting method!


Su Ming came to the back of the knife-arm mantis, and with another sharp finger, a gap was cut in the hind foot of the knife-arm mantis.

Su Ming stepped on the trees in the forest and flew in the air, like a ghost, only to hear the black crystal sword shooting out, like a machine gun.

Dingding, the vulnerable joints on the blade-arm mantis are constantly attacked.

If a single sword finger can't help the blade arm mantis, then the golden crow sword method is even more impossible.

In hand-to-hand combat, the winner is definitely the knife-arm mantis.

Four or five hundred soul beasts can defeat the Great Soul Master, not to mention the thousand-year-old knife-arm mantis that has once again changed qualitatively and is known for its "death cutting". Su Ming didn't

hit the vulnerable parts of the Blade Mantis with every blow, and he didn't think about it.

But multiplicity, that is, possibly more!

Click! The

trembling right foot of the knife-armed mantis was hit again, and black light shone shone through and flew out with a shin.

Squeak~ The

pain of losing his feet seems to have completely woken up the knife-arm mantis, realizing that the human in front of him can threaten life.

Its surroundings exuded purple energy fluctuations that symbolized a thousand-year-old soul beast.

It exploded like an air bomb, and the refined energy destroyed the sky and swept towards the surrounding jungle. The

energy fluctuations of the fierce wind and rain even made the soul power in Su Ming's body stagnate, and he fell unconsciously when he was in the air.


Low shrubs are cut open, and the leaves of the sky are scattered.


A figure crashed into a tree.

Su Ming wiped the blood stain at the corner of his mouth, and without waiting for him to sigh, a cold white light suddenly appeared from his transparent pupils.

It was a silver moon blade one meter long, beautiful to the extreme, like a gift of life withering.

Su Ming's pupils shrank suddenly, and he only felt that his skin was painful, and the cold breath penetrated his body.


Su Ming quickly rolled sideways, just dodged, and before he could stand firm, the sound of breaking the air sounded again. The same beauty

, the same beauty is incomprehensible.

Su Ming's whole body was cold and upside down, and he didn't even have time to hesitate, his feet exerted strength, and he exerted light skills with all his strength.

The silver blade was only 20 centimeters away from Su Ming's back, and it went straight into the tree.


The silver light reappeared, and the boulder exploded.

With just one attack, the large tree with the thickness of the bucket was cut by the moon blade like tofu, and even the huge stone with a thickness of one meter behind him was exploded.

Su Ming, who fell on the big tree, couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

Such a terrifying attack, even if he is wearing armor, I am afraid that he will not be able to defend against it.

One hit, that is, death!

Su Ming took a deep breath and fixed his eyes, but saw that the purple qi around the blade arm mantis lingered, and the irritable anger made the energy around the body tremble.

A pair of large knives on the forelimbs flashed with a silver halo, and Sensen's cold light swept through the blade, cutting gold and jade.

The silver energy continued to gather, and the surrounding air became restless. The talent skill of the knife-arm

mantis is also the big killing move of the knife-arm mantis to make up for its long-range attack: crescent devouring.

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