The next morning.

Su Ming got up early and didn't go to cultivate.

Today is the day when the martial soul of Oiwa Village awakens.

The man who was called the "Man of God."

Su Yuntao, here he is.

The rough hand held Su Ming's small hand, and Brin's footsteps were slow, and he walked towards the back of the village steadily.

Maybe it's no pestle crutches.

His body was straighter than usual, and his new clothes set off his tenacity.

Su Ming could feel that Grandpa Brin's palm was extremely rough, as if it had been cut by a blade.

Perhaps nervous, his palms were harder and warmer than usual.

The two arrived at a log cabin in the center of the village.

Each village has one such Martial Soul Hall site.

Waited here for a while.

The goat-bearded skinny village chief Jili led a few little guys over.

Jili touched his beard and greeted happily, "Brin, come early enough, this body bone doesn't sleep much?"

"Gee, isn't it because you're afraid that you won't be able to get up one day?"

Brin glanced at the crutches and said sharply, "I'm not like someone, someone walks on two legs, and he has a crutch."

"Since one more leg is useless, I think it's better to cut it off."


As soon as they met, the two of them were like eating gunpowder, and neither of them could get used to the other.

Su Ming had long been accustomed to the two-person mouth cannon.

Although the two of them exchanged words, they both had a kind smile on their faces.

It feels like a brother.

Su Ming knew that the two were small and had a lifelong friendship, not brothers but better than brothers.

"Grandpa Geely~"

Su Ming called, Jili's attention shifted, and his warm palm rubbed his head.

"Good boy, come on later, don't let your grandfather down."

Grandpa Brin's shining gaze also came over, with a confident and expectant smile on his face.

"I will."

Su Ming nodded emphatically, and then came to the side to line up.


Brin coughed twice, and Jili glanced at him obliquely, and walked over to pull Su Ming to the front.


Su Ming secretly gave a thumbs up to his grandfather Brin, who also proudly touched his beard.

After a while, a man in white clothes walked over.

The man had sword eyebrows and starry eyes, his appearance was handsome, and his body exuded a faint pride.

On his left chest are engraved three longsword insignia, symbolizing that he is a War Soul Master.

However, the man was not in a good mood, and his face was gloomy, as if he had been beaten.

It wouldn't be dumped by your girlfriend, would it?

It seems that this Su Yuntao also has the element of "licking", Su Ming smiled secretly in his heart.

It's not that he thinks wildly, it's really that the licking dogs of Douluo Continent are a bit much.

Seeing the person coming, Jili hurriedly stepped forward and saluted respectfully:

"Honorable Lord Battle Soul Master, the children of Oiwa Village have arrived, and you have worked hard to come to Oiwa Village."

Su Yuntao glanced at it expressionlessly, as if he didn't want to talk too much nonsense with Geely.

Dropping a sentence of "You come with me" to Su Ming and the others, he walked into the hut alone.

"Let's go."

Geely didn't think about it and waved his hand towards Su Ming, who hurried to follow.

"Su Ming, grandpa believes that you can become a soul master!" A

voice full of expectation suddenly sounded behind him, Su Ming's body trembled, and then he strode into the Martial Soul Hall.

Hehe, isn't it so easy to be a soul master?

When Su Yuntao heard this voice, the corners of his mouth helplessly sneered.

I ran three whole villages, and I didn't see any qualified seedlings.

Oiwamura, Yasei is also disappointed.

Seeing that the children were already standing in line, Su Yuntao cheered up and said in a loud voice:

"Children, my name is Su Yuntao, I have cultivated to be a level 26 war soul master, and I will awaken your martial souls one by one."

"You just need to remember that whatever happens, don't be afraid, just do what I say."

Saying that, he took out six black spars and blue crystal balls from the package.

The black spar is used for martial soul awakening.

Crystal balls are used to test innate soul power.

"Finally here!"

Su Ming's eyes froze, his face was full of determination, and he strode into the Black Stone Hexagonal Array.

This kid was calm, and Su Yuntao secretly praised.

But martial soul and soul power are not determined by heart.


Brilliant blue light burst from Su Yuntao's eyebrows, dyeing his hair gray.

The muscles of his body swelled, and the fur of a beast appeared on the back of his hand, and his ten fingers were claw-shaped, overflowing with Sensen's cold light.

Green-eyed fangs.

The terrifying atmosphere instantly spread inside the wooden house.

"Wolf! It's a wolf, run! When

the children in the back saw this scene, they couldn't help but scream.

Afraid to death in their hearts, they only felt that their legs were soft, and they couldn't help but retreat back.

Su Ming, who woke up, glanced speechlessly at the three meters vacated behind him.

I'm afraid of a hair.

I was the first.

If you want to call it, I will call it first, okay?

Su Ming turned around and continued to look at Su Yuntao's changes.

Especially the soul ring on the bottom of his feet, one white and one yellow, is too dazzling.

The anime has seen more of two yellow soul rings, and this white and yellow is really a little unaccustomed.

"Funny little ghost~"

Looking at Su Ming who was calm and calm, the corner of Su Yuntao's mouth couldn't help but show a smile.

This was the first time he had encountered a child who was not afraid of his martial soul possession.

"What's your name?"

"Su Ming."

"Okay, let's keep calm."

I hope you have good luck, Su Yuntao has no nonsense, and clapped his hands.

Oh, golden brilliance gushed out from the black spar on the soles of his feet, wrapping Su Ming in it.

"This is the Martial Soul Awakening."

Su Ming only felt that the warm air flow surrounded his whole body, and his body was very comfortable.

Watching the golden light emanating from the spar into his body, Su Ming was very emotional, back then, he had also become light.

"Okay, raise your hand."

Is it also a garbage martial soul, Su Yuntao, who pays attention to the amount of golden light, can't help but feel a little lost.

Su Ming subconsciously raised his hand.


A black wood knife suddenly appeared in his hand.

Forty centimeters, thick black back, silver blade, proper wood-chopping knife.

Seeing this, Su Yuntao said without sorrow or displeasure: "Although it is a

wood-chopping knife, it is much better than a sickle, and there is hope to become a war soul master."

"Come on, test your innate soul power and see if you have the potential to become a soul master."

Su Ming put his hand on the blue crystal ball.

He already knew that he was "innately full of soul power", and his face was naturally surprisingly calm.

As the palm touched the crystal ball, the soul power in Su Ming's body seemed to be summoned and poured out towards the crystal ball.

Suddenly, pure and brilliant light erupted from the crystal ball.

Like a pearl of the night, it instantly illuminates the entire wooden house.

"My God, it's actually innate full of soul power."

Shocked, Su Yuntao's eyes widened like an old cow.

He looked at Su Ming in disbelief.

The wooden house suddenly fell into a dead silence.

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