Walking through the square and through the classroom, Tang Sanyu's eyebrows were lowered, and the whole person was a little absent-minded.

As soon as he greeted the dormitory work-study students, he ignored them, causing the former to be puzzled.

"Tang San, everyone has a pure land in their hearts that they need to stick to, and that is not transferred by their own likes and dislikes.

"I can't argue with the fact that being passionate about one's own likes and dislikes really allows people to live freely and unfettered."

"I really don't like Yu Xiaogang very much, the strength of the soul master is respected, it stands to reason that I don't need to pay any price, because I am better than him."

"But the principle that I stick to in my heart, if one day because of the improvement of strength, he is left behind, don't you think it is very sad?"

"He is kind to Xiao Wu and has taught her a lot of knowledge of the soul master, and I can't erase this fact.

"The young man who slayers the dragon will eventually become an evil dragon, and if he wants to trample on the right reason with his strength, he will inevitably be trampled on the soles of the right reason.

"Cultivation is not only the cultivation of soul power, but more importantly, the cultivation of the mind.

Constantly recalling what Su Ming had said to him in his mind, Tang San realized something in his heart and slowly exhaled.

When he looked up again, his eyes seemed to have changed somewhere.


Arriving so soon?

Seeing that he had arrived at Yu Xiaogang's office, Tang San smiled helplessly.

"Let me do this kind of thing, and what kind of reason, you two brothers and sisters are not ashamed!"

Lingering at the door for a moment, Tang San still walked in with firm steps.

Teacher, even if the elixir is not given to me, I will not complain about you~

In the woods.

Xiao Wu holds her chin with both hands, and her whole face is like a lotus blooming, beautiful and moving.

It's just that this lotus flower looks like it's thinking about something.

Yes, Xiao Wu was also thinking about what Su Ming had just said.

Because these things were completely different from the concepts she had realized in the Star Dou Great Forest before.

In the Star Dou Great Forest, a big fist is the truth.

Without strength, it will be reduced to the rations of meat soul eaters at any time.

It was the first time she had heard such words, and she felt a sense of absurdity.

But it feels that there is some truth that makes her strange.

"With your head, I guess you can't figure it out for a day, and you won't even be able to sleep at night." The

ridiculing voice sounded, and Su Ming closed the "Barbecue Experience Book", intending to go back and try it later.

Xiao Wu pouted and sat down next to Su Ming, "Anyway, I don't have a teacher now, you tell me, I really can't figure it out."

Su Mingjian raised his eyebrows slightly, and asked with a light smile:

"Since you know that there will be no teacher, why did you agree so happily?"


Xiao Wu's face turned a little red.

She tilted her head and leaned on her knees, her pink eyes shining with joyful tenderness, "I'm not stupid, I know who will be really good to me."

"Although the master is a teacher, he is not sincere to me, although you were also a bastard before, but in comparison, you are much more sincere with me, and you will not be bad for me in the future."

Xiao Wu raised her head and seemed to smile, "You said I was right, brother~" A

soft call made Su Ming's whole body goosebumps burst out, and the whole person trembled slightly.

I'm enough to be your dad~ Not


She is 100,000 years old, enough to be my ancestor...

Su Ming rubbed his eyebrows fiercely, "Let's talk about the doubts in your heart."

"I ask you, what do you think you're trying to cultivate for?"

Without waiting for Xiao Wu to answer, Su Ming had already continued, his face looking very serious.

"Generally speaking, cultivation is nothing more than the following two situations, first, you don't want to be worse than others; second, you don't want to be bullied.

"The so-called do not want to be worse than others, is with an ideal side, chasing strength, chasing power, chasing money, the original intention is to put yourself ahead of the people around you." "As for not wanting to be bullied, one is that you

don't want to be bullied to the head by others, and the other is that you have been bullied to the head and need strength to seek justice."

Speaking of this, Su Ming's tone slowed down a lot. Glancing away, he

saw Xiao Wu pulling his head, his eyes were cold, hatred and anger were intertwined, and he reached out and rubbed her head with pity.

"It may seem different between the two, but each is mixed in with a person's life. "Not wanting to be

bullied, not wanting your own gains to be robbed, is actually very different."

"Do not do to others what you do not want, I told you before, have strength but do not use it indiscriminately, right?" Yes~ I have

a brother~

I still have a grandfather~

Feeling the warmth of her relatives, the hatred in Xiao Wu's eyes gradually receded.

She rubbed the corners of her eyes, raised her head, and said fiercely:

"Although the words are correct, there is no need to give him a soul ascension pill.

"That's a pill that can increase soul power, can't you keep it yourself?"

Xiao Wu's eyes were bulging, and he was scolding Su Ming in his heart for being too defeated, and he wanted to send some thousand-year-old medicinal materials.

Outcome... Send out a Soul Ascending Pill?

You might as well give it to me, the more Xiao Wu thinks about it, the more it hurts, he should have stopped Tang San just now and brought the pill back, now he feels really a big loss.

"The Ascending Soul Pill can only be taken once, and now that I have a Soul Venerable, it is of little use to keep it.

Stretching his waist, Su Ming slowly lay down, looked at the halo on the tree, and muttered to himself:

"What I'm looking forward to more is whether the Ascending Soul Pill will finally fall into Tang San's hands, or let Yu Xiaogang eat it." "

Your soul Venerable?

You are clear!

Have you forgotten that there is still a big soul junior sister at home?

Really, the sugar gourd sent me away, didn't it? Xiao

Wusheng couldn't love and pouted, "Love whom, anyway, the elixir is not yours, what are you doing with this heart?"

Also, Su Ming smiled, and did not say to Xiao Wu that he had explained something more to Tang San.

Teacher Waste Chai stepped on the light of the students to the altar?

If the latter is really waste material, at least it proves that this teacher is excellent and deserved.

But who let his apprentice be Twin Martial Soul and Traverser Tang San.

Even without Yu Xiaogang, he can still become a top powerhouse.

And this is also an important reason for Yao Lao to stabilize Yu Xiaogang.

The plot is over...

Justice is in people's hearts!


Not knowing what he was angry about, Xiao Wuqi glanced at Su Ming, dropped the book and prepared to leave here.

This girl, Su Ming smiled dumbly, and threw out a box towards Xiao Wu's back.


With her arm back, Xiao Wu squeezed the hand in the box "steadily", and the corners of her mouth immediately showed a smile like a spring breeze.

"That's it, don't come to me if you lose it." Su Ming reminded coldly.

"In your words. Little Dance was elated and ready to leave.


"What's wrong again?" said Xiao Wu as she turned her head in confusion.

The muscles at the corners of his mouth tugged, and Su Ming said with a difficult face:

"The voice of calling brother just now is very good, don't call it next time, I am a little diaphragmatic."

"It's really not okay, call me Su Ming." "Brother~" (raised eyebrows) "Brother~" (

bad smile) "

Brother~" (tilted head)

Slightly ~

Seeing Su Ming gritting his teeth, Xiao Wu stuck out his tongue and jumped out of here.

Su Ming, "...".

Sure enough, when I hit her as a child, I didn't feel guilty at all!

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