The branches are swaying, and the grass waves are undulating with the wind.

Two figures, standing opposite each other.

The two did not move.

But when the eyes meet, fierce sparks have already collided.

It's the height of summer and the sun is scorching.

But Tang San and Xiao Wu both tightened their bodies and felt a chill.

The master's tricks, even if they don't do it.

But from the eye hedge, from the aura to the collision, the clue is already visible.

"This guy..."

Dai Mubai's eyes were serious, and Su Ming's aura was extremely unusual, since it brought him nervousness.

Especially those eyes, the eyes are cold, sharp and fierce, as if there is no sweeping edge.

In a trance, it gives people an irresistible illusion.

Knowing that the other party was not an ordinary person, Dai Mubai's heart converged lightly.


Two figures appeared beside the three of Xiao Wu at the same time.

The old man on the left has white hair and goat's whiskers, but he is dressed in a gorgeous costume and has a dignified appearance.

His eyes shone with brilliant wisdom, giving people a sense of wisdom and alertness.

The man on the right is relatively rounded and looks slightly younger.

But wearing chef's clothes made Tang San and Xiao Wu a little stunned.

What's even more amazing is that both of them are teachers of the academy.

"It seems that the academy has good seedlings again. "

Sharp gazes crossed over Tang San and Xiao Wu, and Lu Qibin was secretly happy in his heart, but he was silent on the surface.

His eyes slowly turned to Su Ming and Zao Wou-ki, and his demeanor was somewhat aristocratic.

"Old Shao, what do you think, will that guy from Zao Wou-ki take a heel?"

Shao Xin's eyes did not move.

Maybe it's the size, his voice sounds soft.

"That young man's strength should not be simple, if the soul ring is almost possible. "

"After all, Zao Wou-ki is a near-soul saint, and with the age of the other party, the gap between the soul rings of the two is destined to be too large. "

Looking at the opposing two, Lu Qibin's bright eyes flashed a brilliant light.

He did not jump to conclusions easily, but pointed out the gap between the two.

From the rhetoric, he seems to be more optimistic about Zao Wou-ki, which is not surprising.

"That's right. Shao Xin nodded, but for some reason, he always felt that Su Ming could surprise people.

Forget it, read it and you will know:

The conversation between the two was light and breezy, but it fell in the ears of Tang San and Xiao Wu, but it set off a terrifying wave.

Soul Saint!

That person turned out to be a soul saint!

As soon as Xiao Wu was about to move, Tang San immediately stopped her.

Tang San looked at Xiao Wu seriously, "Your brother is calmer than anyone else, and he won't fight uncertain battles, otherwise he won't propose physical battles." "

"The most important thing you need to do now is trust him. "


Xiao Wu was fixed in place, and Su Ming's words seemed to sound in his mind.

You, it's easy to get nervous~

Taking a deep breath, Xiao Wu immediately retreated and nodded towards Tang San.


I should trust brother, not make a mess for him~

Clenching his fists, Xiao Wu looked at Su Ming meticulously with his eyes, cheering for him in his heart.

In the field.

Su Ming stared at Zao Wou-ki deadly, his face extremely solemn.

Without a martial soul possession, Zao Wou-ki could slap a soul king away.

Although that soul king was not very strong, he only used the first soul technique.

But Zao Wou-ki of the Martial Soul Mighty King Kong Bear Soul Saint, how strong his strength is, can already be seen.

There is basically a correspondence between soul masters and soul beasts.

Seventy-sixth-level Zao Wou-ki, with all his strength, has already corresponded to the powerful King Kong bear of about fifty or sixty thousand years.

He burst out with all his strength, his strength was definitely tens of thousands of catties, and his defense was extraordinary, which was not something that Su Ming could resist at all.

Even if he fought purely physically, Su Ming still didn't have much physical advantage.

Tang San of the original Great Soul Master can hold up a blaze of incense, and also uses the kite playing method to drag out time, and he is hit hard once and is hit hard.


Su Ming moved his left foot back and lunged his right lunge, like a cheetah ready to attack.


The next gust of wind appeared particularly loud.

[Sky Strike], body style!

Zao Wou-ki felt that the black shadow in front of him suddenly enlarged, as if teleporting, a figure had come to the near front.


Zhao Wuji was shocked, and even the two teachers who were watching were stunned, and their hearts were shocked.


Without giving Zao Wou-ki a chance to react, Su Ming's arm turned into a knife and slashed at Zao Wou-ki's shoulder.

The power of Qianjun is like a mountain and a sea of mountains, and it is exhausted in an instant.

With just one collision, Zao Wou-ki's back suddenly felt cold, and the terrifying power was even unable to resist him.


The huge body crashed to the ground, and Zao Wou-ki was half-kneeling on the ground.

One blow, kneeling does not move the king of Ming?

Shao Xin swallowed his spit, and said in a serious voice, "Old Lu, I take back my previous words, this time Zao Wou-ki really encountered a nail." "

"This kid lost, I estimate that Zao Wou-ki also has a blue nose and a swollen face. "

Lu Qibin's eyes were shocked and he did not refute.

It's too strong!

Tang San's eyes widened, and Xiao Wu waved his powder fist in excitement.

Dai Mubai was also not calm, his dark blue eyes flashed with golden light, and he called "perverted".


Zao Wou-ki was enraged, shouted fiercely, and the iron fist "bluffed" towards Su Ming's abdomen.


Su Ming raised his leg and rushed, using Zao Wou-ki's strength to retreat to open the distance.

"Good boy, no wonder you want to compare your physique with me, it turns out that you are a power-type soul master. "

"It seems that your soul ring matching is also extremely perfect, let's say, what kind of martial soul are you?"

Zao Wou-ki grinned and got up embarrassed, his eyes were not only not angry, but very surprised, as if he had picked up a treasure.

The blow just now made him feel palpitations~

I really haven't met a powerful power-type soul master for a long time, hahahaha.

"Come again!!"

Shouting loudly, Zao Wou-ki stepped on the ground and rushed quickly.

It's a pity that the speed still seems to be more than one notch worse than Su Ming.

The speed of the power-type soul master is relatively slow, not to mention the Zao Wou-ki who is not possessed by a martial soul, and has heavy tonnage and short legs.

The scene of spicy eyes made Shao Xin and the two of them can't bear to look at it directly, and they can't wait to say the same thing as Li Yunlong...

——Old Zhao, the idea is good and worthy of praise!

As for Tang San and Xiao Wu, their faces were a little strange, when was Su Ming a power-type soul master?


Su Ming dodged sideways.

Facing Zao Wou-ki's blow to the Earth, he took it out with his left arm.

Immediately, the lunge of his right foot charged up and attacked again with one punch.

With an accent, Zao Wou-ki raised his head leisurely.

"Boy, catch you!"

The corner of Zao Wou-ki's mouth smiled viciously, his arms were bruised, and he clamped Su Ming's right fist deadly.

You're far behind casual combat skills!

Not good!

Tang San Xiaowu's heart was not good, and Zao Wou-ki deliberately wanted to make up for the lack of speed.

But before the exclamation could reach the sea of hearts, they saw Su Ming leaning back and one foot on Zao Wou-ki's knee.

The picture is so familiar.

Damn it!

Zao Wou-ki instantly understood that the loach in his hand could not run, and immediately increased his strength.

Although Su Ming's waist toughness is not as good as Xiao Wu's, he is better than his physical strength, bowed his waist, and Zao Wou-ki's feet instantly left the ground.


The two figures were thrown out.

Su Ming did not expect that Zao Wou-ki would choose the way of killing eight hundred enemies and self-harming one thousand.

Landing heavily on the ground, he didn't seem to have the slightest effect, and instantly turned around and kicked towards Zao Wou-ki's arm.

The fall was not light, Zao Wou-ki had just woken up, Su Mingshi kicked vigorously, felt severe pain, and he subconsciously let go of his arm.

Rolling. Rise.

Zao Wou-ki was like eating a fly, and his face was extremely bad.

After a few minutes of fighting.

Zao Wou-ki couldn't tolerate it, and said angrily, "Boy, if we have the ability, let's just face it directly." "

Shao Xin and Lu Qibin covered their faces helplessly.


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