After the team battle training, Mu Yang's second soul ring flashed continuously. As the girls from the Tianshui team thanked him, he gave each of them an orange jade blood-replenishing ginseng to recover from his injuries.

Actual combat training, although not life-threatening, but bumps and minor injuries are inevitable.

"Xiao Yang, when will you return to Blazing Academy?"

Shui Yanyu asked Mu Yang after walking out of the training ground.

Hearing this, everyone from the Tianshui team looked over, especially Shui Bing'er and Shui Yue'er, their eyes were filled with reluctance.

Mu Yang nodded and said, "A few days later!"

Now it's only three months away from the start of the Soul Master Competition, and he has to go back to Blazing Academy to train teamwork with other members of the Blazing Team.

Of course, this is not to ask Mu Yang to adapt to their battle rhythm, but to let them explore and formulate corresponding tactics based on the effects of Mu Yang's various soul power ginsengs.

As for how useful it is? Well, it's better than nothing.

In Mu Yang's view, the Soul Master Competition seems to be a team competition, but the reality is that no matter how well-coordinated a team is, it is not as good as a "great god" who can drag six people.

Because the world with extraordinary power is destined to be a personal stage for the strong, and the strong are always only a minority.

If the members of the entire team are strong, then the so-called strong must not be the strongest.

At this time, Mu Yang thought of a special secret method he deduced a few days ago, and asked Shui Yanyu: "Aunt, how far is your soul power level from level 90?"

Mu Yang had never asked Shui Yanyu's specific soul power level before, and he didn't know.

But he could still estimate the level of his aunt Mu Xiyue.

Five years ago, after taking the fairy herb: Eight-petal fairy orchid, and adding the eighth soul ring advancement, the soul power level of aunt Mu Xiyue reached the 85th level of Soul Douluo.

Now that more than five years have passed, with the improvement of cultivation talent brought by the fairy herb, it is absolutely not a problem to increase the soul power by one level per year on average.

However, it is not easy to break through the 90th level Quasi-Title Douluo, and there is no good news. Mu Yang estimates that his aunt is now stuck at the bottleneck of the 89th level.

Although Mu Yang believes that his aunt who takes fairy herbs can break through this bottleneck with her talent and understanding, it is hard to say when she will break through.

If you are lucky, it won't take long to break through, but if you are unlucky and fail to seize the opportunity, you may be stuck for many years.

For this reason, Mu Yang took some time to come up with a special secret method that helps high-level soul masters break through the bottleneck.

Well, it's nothing else, it's the soul core secret method that all the masters of the soul master world in the future will know.

In the current era, there are only dozens of Title Douluo on the mainland, but in the future, although it is not that Title Douluo is worse than a dog, Super Douluo is everywhere, and Extreme Douluo can only shake, it does have that meaning.

The reason why the attributes of the Titled Douluo in the later soul master world are so many is that in addition to the improvement of the training environment, the emergence of the soul core condensation method has contributed greatly.

For example, in the current era, without the innate level 9 soul power, no one dares to say that he has the qualifications for the title, because most geniuses with innate level 8 soul power find it difficult to break through the bottleneck of the peak level 89.

Even if it is not the innate full soul power, it is almost impossible to cultivate to the level 96 Titled Douluo and above.

This can be seen from the fact that before Tang San, at least 19 innate full soul powers were born in the mainland soul master world in the past hundred years, but the current level 96 and above Titled Douluo in the soul master world is far less than this number.

It doesn't make sense that at least 19 innate full soul powers appeared in the last hundred years, but far less than this number in the next hundred years, right?

But in the future when the soul core system appeared and was perfected, the qualifications for the title?

If you can condense a soul core, then the innate level 7 soul power is enough.

Because geniuses with innate level 7 soul power can basically cultivate to the level of eight-ring soul douluo, and there is no bottleneck for the small levels below level 90, as long as the soul power is accumulated enough, the soul power level can be improved.

When you cultivate to the peak of level 89, and then condense the first soul core, as long as you succeed, it is not a problem to break through the level 90 quasi-titled douluo.

Therefore, Mu Yang naturally wants to deduce this secret method that can help masters break through the bottleneck and become a strong man.

"Alas~, a slight difference can lead to a thousand miles of error! Speaking of which, your aunt's cultivation speed was faster than your uncle's back then, but the result was... Forget it, let's not talk about it."

Shui Yanyu sighed, and then shook her head.

Hearing this, Mu Yang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. Look at this meaning, is the soul power cultivated to the peak of level 89?

However, Mu Yang didn't feel much surprise that Shui Yanyu could cultivate to the peak of level 89.

Although Shui Yanyu looks like she is only in her thirties, her real age is not low. She is definitely a grandmother. It's just that her soul power is not weak, and she takes good care of herself, so she looks young.

For example, Tang Yuehua, Tang San's aunt, is not even a formal soul master, but this old lady in her forties looks like a young woman in her twenties.

It is foreseeable that Mu Yang will soon have another backer.

The nine-ring titled Douluo in later generations is worthless, but in this era, it is a rare strong man on the continent.

Even if it is a "weak chicken" title like Dugu Bo, it is still a big figure on the continent. Except for the same titled Douluo or those of high status, who will not respectfully address him as "Your Majesty"?

It was noon, and the group left the training ground. After having lunch in the academy cafeteria, Shui Yueer and the four members of the Tianshui team went to the ‘Ocean Mimicry Training Ground’ to practice, while Shui Yanyu, Mu Yang, Shui Binger and Xue Wu, who all had ice-type martial spirits, went to the ‘Snow Mountain Mimicry Training Ground’.

Snow Mountain Mimicry Training Ground.

“Aunt, I have a special secret method that may help you break through the bottleneck.”

Mu Yang handed the soul core secret method that he had written down to Shui Yanyu.

If Shui Yanyu was only a level 79 soul saint, Mu Yang really didn’t dare to give it to her.

After all, he had only given Shui Yanyu the “Extreme Ice Meditation Method” before, and had not given her the “Taiyin Refining Spirit”. Shui Yanyu’s mental power was not necessarily more advantageous than that of the same level soul master.

The soul core is condensed from highly compressed soul power. If the soul power control level and mental power are insufficient, it may be possible for one to finish himself.

However, with the soul power and mental power of level 89, the first soul core can be condensed safely as long as it is not messed up. Moreover, Mu Yang has marked all the key points and details of condensing the soul core.

As long as you follow the steps, even if you can't condense successfully for a while, the danger is very low.

Of course, the danger is very low, this is only for the 89-level peak soul douluo who condenses the first soul core. If it is to condense the second soul core, no matter whether it is 'isotopic resonance' or 'yin and yang complementation', the danger will increase exponentially.

Thanks to my friends 20221001171024118, 20240212323, and Meiyi sister for their monthly tickets! ! !

Thanks to my friends Limited Edition√, Low-key Foodie, Little Brother, disjjd, 20210301106582630634, 20220606163632572, Brother from Guangxi, Su Tianqi, Su Tianqi, Evening Breeze>_<, Xinghuan Menglong, How Can 520 Understand 1314, Inoue Ryuna, 202103017402225204 for their recommendation votes!!!

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