Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 160: The Tiandou Martial Spirit Temple Turned into Ruins (Part 1)

Yesterday, after receiving the news that Saras had sent someone to assassinate Mu Yang, Dugu Bo almost jumped up and down.

You know, Mu Yang's third soul skill: Yellow Jade Poison-Removing Ginseng is related to the lives of himself and his granddaughter Dugu Yan!

If Saras sent someone to assassinate Mu Yang, and succeeded, where would I, Dugu Bo, go to find a soul master who can detoxify the Titled Douluo in the future?

Just for this matter, Dugu Bo was very upset with Saras and wanted to beat his dog head.

"Yes, Poison Douluo is right. It is unforgivable to commit crimes in Tiandou City twice in a row."

Huo Lie nodded in agreement.

He did not make much of the assassination yesterday. That was because the Spirit Hall had a big fist and his own Blazing Fire Academy was far from being a match, so he had to choose to endure it.

But Huo Lie never expected that Saras would be so rampant that he dared to commit crimes against the wind the next day.

A glimpse of the whole picture, Huo Lie understood that his forbearance was useless, and would make Saras feel that Blazing Academy was a soft persimmon that the Spirit Hall could squeeze whenever it wanted.

Therefore, Huo Lie felt that Blazing Academy must retaliate to make Saras sober up, and before he started to make trouble next time, he should carefully consider whether he could bear the consequences.

"Poison Douluo, Tyrannosaurus Douluo, you just arrived, there is one thing I didn't have time to say.

In the storage soul guides of the two red cardinals killed by Sword Douluo, we found the bodies of a purple cardinal and a black cardinal.

And based on my previous impression of Saras, today's assassination was probably not planned by the Heaven Dou Spirit Hall."

Emperor Xue Ye said slowly.

Of course, what Emperor Xue Ye didn't say was that judging from the talent shown by Tang San alone, Saras would not ignore his and Ning Fengzhi's warnings and send people to commit crimes against the wind.

After all, it was the first time that the rules were not followed. The Heaven Dou Empire and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect would choose to take it easy and take a step back because of the power of the Spirit Hall.

But anyone with a brain would know that there is no possibility of giving in a second time in such a situation.

Even if you know that the other party is powerful, you must hold on and never give in a second time, otherwise once you give in a second time, there will be a third time or even countless times.

What is that word called? Yes, a desperate dog will jump over the wall!

Although this metaphor is a little inappropriate, the truth is that this is the truth. With Saras's mind, it is impossible not to think of this.

"Well, there is this thing?"

Raising his eyebrows, Huo Lie couldn't help but be a little surprised.

"Since it's not the Spirit Hall, could it be planned by the Star Luo Empire?

Perhaps these two cardinals were originally spies planted by the Star Luo Empire in the Heaven Dou Spirit Hall?

Planning this assassination is to create an irreconcilable conflict between the Empire and the Spirit Hall, so that they can sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight?"

Qian Renxue speculated.

Regardless of whether it was Saras who did this, as the young master of the Spirit Hall, she had to try her best to distance herself from the Spirit Hall.

"What Qinghe said is not impossible."

After thinking about it, the more Ning Fengzhi thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was not small.

After all, the Tiandou Empire and the Qibao Liuli Sect were afraid of the Spirit Hall, so why would the Spirit Hall want to tear its face with them?

Chen Xin shook his head and retorted: "It's still wrong. I admit that Shrek's Tang San has good talent, but it's not worth it for the Xingluo Empire to expose it and abandon these two hidden pieces to frame it, and it's also not worth it for the Spirit Hall to tear our face for this.

If the mastermind behind the scenes is the Spirit Hall, then their target must still be the descendants of Tyrannosaurus.

Anyway, they have already offended him, and the Spirit Hall doesn't care about offending him again, and the talents of the young people from Blazing Fire Academy and Tianshui Academy are indeed strong.

And if it is the Xingluo Empire, in order to let us fight the Spirit Hall with real fire, the target of assassination will not choose Tang San, but Rongrong.

Compared to Rongrong, what can Tang San, who has no background, count as?"

Tang Hao: You said my son has no background?

"What Jian Douluo said is also reasonable, but since it is not the Spirit Hall and the Xingluo Empire, who is the mastermind behind the scenes?"

Emperor Xue Ye said puzzledly, tapping the armrest with his fingers.

Mu Yang: I am not talented, it is me!

At this time, Huo Lie said: "In my opinion, regardless of whether the mastermind behind this is the Spirit Hall or not, it must be Saras who did it."

If it is impossible to determine who the real culprit is, then it can only be determined that it was Saras who did it.

Who let Saras have a criminal record, and the assassin was the cardinal of the Tiandou Spirit Hall?

You know, in the sequence of the Tiandou Spirit Hall, the cardinal is already a high-level, second only to Saras, the platinum bishop and hall master.

In addition, there must be someone responsible for two consecutive assassinations. Saras, the hall master of the Tiandou Spirit Hall, is undoubtedly the best person to bear responsibility.

Of course, Huo Lie is also a little selfish.

Salas sent someone to assassinate my nephew, who else should I do if not you?

"In this way, detain Saras first, and then make specific arrangements after the empire communicates with the Spirit Hall."

After thinking about it, Emperor Xue Ye made up his mind.

After all, he was the master of the Heavenly Dou Spirit Hall. Salas represented the face of the Spirit Hall, so it would not be good to kill him directly.

However, Emperor Xue Ye could foresee that once the blame was put on Salas, the Spirit Hall would not allow Salas to continue living.

After all, in the eyes of most people, the reputation of the Spirit Hall is still very good. If a platinum bishop like Saras, who has done shady things and is also the master of the Heavenly Dou Temple, continues to live, it will undoubtedly tarnish the reputation of the Spirit Hall.

At this moment, suddenly, the six people in the hall felt a terrifying breath coming from the outside world.

In an instant, regardless of etiquette, Chen Xin, Huo Lie, and Dugu Bo immediately flashed to the window of the hall, climbed over the window, and flew into the air, appearing in the air outside the hall.

With the bright moonlight, the three people standing in the air looked around and saw a huge black figure surrounded by nine soul rings of yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, black, and red in the south of the center of Tiandou City, in the air where the Heavenly Dou Spirit Hall was located.

In the hand of this huge black figure, there was also a black light giant hammer with a hammer head like a small mountain.

"That's Haotian's true body, Tang Hao, the 100,000-year-old ninth soul ring?!"

Looking at the huge Haotian's true body in the air in the distance, Chen Xin couldn't help but say in shock.

Even though he didn't see the other party's appearance clearly, Chen Xin still believed that the Haotian's true body in the air in the distance was released by Tang Hao.

In the whole world, the only Titled Douluo with the 100,000-year-old ninth soul ring of the Haotian Hammer Martial Soul, except for the long-lost 'Land Invincible' Tang Chen, is the contemporary Haotian Douluo Tang Hao.

The next second, the huge black light giant hammer in the hands of Haotian's true body slammed down towards the Tiandou Martial Soul Temple below.

Thanks to my friends 20221110204901668, Duzhen Cangyu, Xinghuan Menglong, Taiyi God, Yeyu Sudi, Qiufengzhiluoyeye, Modao1207, 20190519184217933, 20180330164653993, Sleepy Pumpkin, 20201228205546389, and the truck driver next to the orphanage for their monthly tickets!

Thanks to my friends Xinghuan Menglong, Meiwenhua, Duzhen Cangyu, 20220606163632572, 338130, Yingzhiyu, Lin 24, Haozi Loves Exercise, *Xinghun*, Duzhen Cangyu, Meiwenhua, 20220606163632572, 20230528093056398, Haozi Loves Exercise, 20220606163632572, Xinghuan Menglong, Duzhen Cangyu, guosf85, 20201228205546389, Yingzhiyu, Duzhen Cangyu, and Qiuran for their recommendation votes!

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