Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 165: Arena Competition ‘Divine Skills’

Before long, the first group of games in the morning ended and the second group of competition teams came on stage.

Following the entrance passage, facing the soul beam projected from the dome of the Great Soul Fighting Arena, amid the cheers of the audience, Mu Yang led the six main members of Blazing Team onto the central competition stage.

Blazing Fire Academy faced off against Kamikaze Academy. Both teams had five-ring soul king-level students participating in the competition. It was unreasonable that the competition venue was not in the most eye-catching central arena.

VIP seats.

"Dean Huo, I have a question, can you let me know?"

Glancing at the seven members of Blazing Team who were on the central competition stage, Ning Fengzhi asked Huo Lie who was two seats away.

"Sect Master Ning, if you ask, if you can tell me, I won't hide it."

Huo Lie said with a smile.

"Dean Huo, I'm very curious. We are both five-ring soul masters. Why is the captain of the Blazing Fire Team Mu Yang from the food department instead of Huo Wushuang from the attack department or Huo Wu from the control department?"

Ning Fengzhi asked with some confusion.

Hearing the sound, Chen Xin, Emperor Xue Ye, Dugu Bo, and even most of the VIPs present at the VIP table all turned their attention to Huo Lie.

Among them, Qian Renxue is the most curious.

None of them could figure out why Team Blazing Fire would let Mu Yang, a food-based soul master, serve as team captain.

"Haha~, the position of team captain was elected by young people like them, and the academy did not interfere."

Huo Lie laughed, but did not directly say that Mu Yang assumed the position of captain of the team by virtue of his own strength.

After all, everyone present was not one of his own, and Huo Lie had no intention of exposing Mu Yang's strength, lest the news spread out and attract more ill will.

Even if he hadn't been promoted to level 95 titled Douluo, with his mysterious skills and the power of the soul core, his strength would probably still be above level 96 titled Douluo, and Mu Xiyue and Shui Yanyu had also achieved nine-ring titles one after another. Douluo, otherwise Huo Lie wouldn't have planned to let Mu Yang, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang participate in the Soul Master Competition.

Similarly, Shui Yanyu originally had this idea.

After all, achieving excellent results in the Soul Master Competition would not be able to get much substantial help to the Elements Academy.

A talented soul master who is willing to join the Academy of Elements will not refuse to come because the academy fails to achieve higher results, and a talented soul master who is not willing to join the Academy of Elements will also not choose to join the Academy of Elements because the academy has achieved excellent results.

It is at the ceiling level, and temporary good or bad will not make much difference.

If Mu Yang and others participate in the Soul Master Competition, they will inevitably attract the ill will of others. The assassination incident planned by the Tiandou Soul Temple the day before yesterday clearly illustrates this point.

However, considering that the academy has not won the championship honor of the Soul Master Competition for a long time, and that young people like to join in the fun and have considerable strength themselves, Huo Lie and Shui Yanyu finally chose to let Mu Yang, Shui Bing'er and others participate. This time's Soul Master Competition.

There are three Titled Douluo, and they are still Titled Douluo who are in a neutral position. As long as they pay attention and are not taken advantage of, if there are more, there is no problem in protecting a few juniors.

It is not that there are no geniuses in the soul master world who have died from assassinations, but most of these dead geniuses are just genius soul masters with civilian backgrounds.

Like a genius with an extraordinary background, before committing evil acts, you have to consider whether you can afford revenge after the incident.

In this regard, Salas, who has cooled down, has left a good example to the world.

With Salas as a role model here, in the next few years, the death rate of mainland genius soul masters should be lowered.

As for why Salas knew that there were three Douluo standing behind Mu Yang, he still dared to send people to assassinate them?

Perhaps in Salas' view, as long as his hands and feet were clean and his tail was not caught, Blazing Fire Academy and Tianshui Academy would not dare to steel the Spirit Hall?

On the center stage.

Both teams were ready, and the referee announced loudly: "In the sixth round of the qualifiers, Blazing Fire Academy will face off against Divine Wind Academy. Both teams salute and release their martial spirits. The game will officially begin in one minute."

After the team members from both sides saluted, the light of soul power appeared, the beast soul possessed them, the weapon soul appeared, and the yellow, purple, and black soul rings shone on the arena.

Just by looking at the number and color of the soul rings, the audience can judge the strength of both teams.

The Blazing Fire Team has three soul kings and four soul sects, with a total of thirty-one soul rings, and the Kamikaze Sentai has one soul king and six soul sects, with a total of twenty-nine soul rings.

Moreover, not only did the Kamikaze Team lag behind the Blazing Team in terms of the number of soul rings, but they also lagged behind significantly in terms of the age of the soul rings.

Mu Yang, Huo Wu and Huo Wushuang of Team Blazing Fire all have the fourth and fifth soul rings of Ten Thousand Years.

And this is because Mu Yang disguised the color of the soul rings, otherwise Team Blazing Fire would have seven thousand-year soul rings.

On the other hand, in the Kamikaze Team, only Feng Xiaotian is the fifth-ringed soul king, and although his fourth soul ring year has exceeded the limit of the ordinary optimal ratio, Feng Xiaotian cannot effectively improve his spiritual power due to the lack of effective means. The age of the fourth soul ring has not reached ten thousand years, and its color is only purple with black, which is still far away from the age of ten thousand years.

However, what the audience present was a little confused about was that the battle formation of Blazing Team was very strange.

The food-type soul master and the two assistants in the team are standing at the back of the battle formation, forgetting the positions near the edge of the ring. Why are the three people who are the powerful attack-type soul master and the agility-type attack soul master also located at the back of the battle formation? Instead, let the control-type soul master in the team stand alone in front of the battle formation, more than ten meters away from the other six people?

Seeing the battle formation of the Blazing Fire Team, Feng Xiaotian secretly said, "My cousin is so good," and felt infinite gratitude towards Mu Yang.

Feng Xiaotian: This is a sure thing!

At this moment, Feng Xiaotian couldn't help but imagine the wonderful life with the goddess in the future, and even began to think about what to name the child.

"The game begins!"

One minute passed quickly, and after announcing the start of the game, the referee quickly stepped down from the ring and handed the field to the two teams.

"Go, Sister Huo Wu, it's decided to be you!"

At the moment of the opening, the cheerleading captain Mu Yang gave Huo Wu a command, and then turned around and protected the five people of Huo Wushuang in front of him.

"The third soul skill, resist the fire ring!"

Ignoring Mu Yang's dirty talk, Huo Wu looked at the Kamikaze Team with a fixed gaze, and the third soul ring around her body shone, and as the soul power surged, a dazzling ring of flames instantly broke out.

The third soul skill, the Fire Resist Ring, has no attack power, but can eject all opponents within the range of the Fire Resist Ring to a certain distance. The specific ejection distance and how to distinguish between enemies and friends depend on the user's strength and control.

The range of the Fire Resist Ring soul skill is 60 to 70 meters in diameter and 3 meters in height, while the range of the Soul Master Competition arena

nmmp~, this move, on the competition arena with a diameter of only 30 meters, can be called a map cannon.

Thanks to my friends Fengyuan Yibeijiu, Jinkan Shanhailouwailou, Shiguang36, 20220717225511644, 20220816182500996, 20230925174912, Qiannianzhihuo, Yiyezhiqiu~, Ji_Ruochen, and YonghengME Tianrui for their monthly tickets!

Thanks to my friends Wanfeng\u003e_\u003c and Amireux. , cold wind and clouds, 20220606163632572, Meiwenhua, Ma Ling, Xinghuan Menglong, Duzhen Cangyu, Qingfeng, Xu Lai, Aba Aba, 338130, Mubei~Qingfenghan, Yingzhiyu, 125, 406584, Zhao Qiaoyang's recommendation votes!

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