Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 167 Huo Wu: I want to fight seven of them! (Part 2)

“Ding Ding Ding Ding——”

Instantly, the cyan soul eagle feathers kept falling, and there were dense collision sounds, but they failed to penetrate the defense of the three Phoenix Fire Mirrors that were combined into one.

The Ice Flame Mirror Secret Art, which has the same origin as the Phoenix Fire Mirror but has different soul power attributes, has a defensive effect that is better than the ordinary 10,000-year defensive soul skills if it is performed by Mu Yang.

Even if Huo Wu’s secret art practice level is not as high as Mu Yang’s, it is enough to match the ordinary 10,000-year defensive soul skills. In addition, Huo Wu, a level 58 soul king, has the same basic strength as many soul emperors who have just entered the sixth ring level. The Phoenix Fire Mirror is not something that the group attack soul skills of the fourth ring soul master can break.

Seeing Huo Wu easily blocking his fourth soul skill, the cyan eagle soul master flying in the air couldn’t help but feel powerless.

Even his most powerful attack soul skill could not work, which shows that Huo Wu’s strength is so strong that he can’t match it at all.


The next moment, accompanied by a strong soul power fluctuation, a loud phoenix cry sounded on the stage, and a divine bird with golden red flames burning all over its body soared into the sky.

Originally, the ultimate moves of "Ice Flame Secret Art" and its derivative versions of secret arts of various attributes were all to condense dragons of corresponding attributes, such as Ice Flame Dragon, Extreme Ice Dragon, Extreme Flame Dragon, etc., but later, in order to allow users to better exert the power of the secret art, Mu Yang took a little time to deduce the Phoenix version.

Since then, the ultimate move of "Extreme Ice Secret Art" practiced by Shui Bing'er has changed from Extreme Ice Dragon to Extreme Ice Phoenix; the ultimate move of "Phoenix Fire Secret Art" practiced by Huo Wu has also changed from the original Extreme Flame Dragon to Extreme Flame Phoenix.

The former has an Ice Phoenix martial soul, while the latter's Phoenix Fire Shadow can condense Phoenix Fire. Compared with the Divine Dragon Secret Art, the Phoenix Secret Art is more suitable for the two.

Looking at the extremely flaming phoenix formed by Huo Wu's secret technique above the competition arena, the participating college teams on the stage were all shocked, especially the Shrek people.

Although they were not the ones facing the extremely flaming phoenix, and they did not know the extent of the power of Huo Wu's secret technique, just looking at the momentum of the extremely flaming phoenix, they could not match it.

"Fatty, do you see, this is called a fire phoenix."

Coming back to his senses, Oscar patted Ma Hongjun's shoulder and said with a teasing look.

In fact, Oscar didn't say the second half of the sentence, which was considered to save some face for his friends.

Oscar: You are just a fire-breathing chicken!

"Huh~, the evil fire phoenix is ​​also a phoenix! She is a peerless genius, it is normal that I can't compare with her, just like you can't compare with Mu Yang of the Blazing Team."

Hearing the hidden meaning of Oscar's words, Ma Hongjun retorted without any hesitation.

Don't laugh at my second brother, my Ma Hongjun's evil fire phoenix is ​​not as majestic as the fire phoenix condensed by Huo Wu with secret techniques, nor is it as good as the ice phoenix martial spirit of Shui Bing'er of Tianshui Team, but you, Oscar, are also not as good as Mu Yang of Blazing Team?

Let's not talk about other things for now, at least Mu Yang's soul curse is definitely not as despicable as your Oscar!

Oscar: "."

On the field, the golden-red extreme fire phoenix soared into the sky, and the gorgeous phoenix wings vibrated as it greeted Feng Xiaotian.

"Second soul skill, the shadow of the bath of fire."

"Fourth soul skill, the fire dance shining in the sun!"

Immediately afterwards, the second and fourth soul rings around Huo Wu flashed one after another, and the three phoenix fire mirrors protecting her scattered and turned into six golden-red round mirrors surrounding her body.

In an instant, the phoenix fire shadow martial spirit that appeared behind Huo Wu ignited a layer of golden-red flames, and under the effect of the amplification soul skill, the momentum it exuded suddenly soared a lot.

At the same time, Huo Wu gathered her hands in front of her chest, and the golden-red phoenix fire rose between her palms.

With the injection of a large amount of soul power, a golden fireball condensed and formed in the blink of an eye.


Using her mental power to lock onto the Qingyu Eagle Soul Master of the Kamikaze Team in mid-air, Huo Wu shouted, and the golden fireball held high above her head shot out at a high speed.

The Resist Fire Ring eliminated five members of the Kamikaze Team at the beginning. As long as she eliminated this Qingyu Eagle Soul Master, Feng Xiaotian would be the only one left in the Kamikaze Team.

And if it was just Feng Xiaotian, hum~, Miss Huo Wu could flatten it if she wanted to, and round it if she wanted to?

'Not good! '

Sensing the majestic fire energy contained in this golden fireball, the Qingyu Eagle Soul Master's face suddenly changed, and the wings behind him fluttered, dodging at a high speed, without any intention of taking it head-on.

Are you kidding? Although this is only the fourth soul skill, the soul skill is as old as 10,000 years, and it was launched by Huo Wu, the five-ring soul king. He is only a level 42 soul master. What can he use to block it? Even the hardest head in his body can't block it!

However, what shocked the Green Feather Eagle Soul Master was that at the moment he dodged, the golden fireball that shot out at a high speed also changed direction and still fell directly towards him, as if this soul skill had a locking effect.

The Green Feather Eagle Soul Master of the Kamikaze Team guessed correctly. Huo Wu's fourth soul skill: Fire Dance Shining Sun, not only can absorb the fire spirit power of teammates to enhance the power of soul skills, but also the fireball that finally condenses has a locking effect. Without special means, it is impossible to dodge.

Looking at the golden fireball that was rapidly enlarged in his sight, the Green Feather Eagle Soul Master, who had no time to dodge again, couldn't help but feel the fear of death in his heart.

At this moment, another thought emerged in the mind of the Green Feathered Eagle Soul Master who was about to meet the God of Death: 'I have been single for more than 20 years and I still haven't had time to find a girlfriend! '

But at this moment, the golden fireball that came at high speed paused in the air, and then it was like a deflated doll, tempting. Pah~, and its power was greatly reduced.

Then, the golden fireball faded from its golden color and turned into a golden red phoenix fire that quickly dissipated in the air.

Then, Huo Wu's voice rang out in the arena: "Go down by yourself~!"

Huo Wu knew that with the power of her fourth soul skill of ten thousand years: Fire Dance Yaoyang, it was enough to kill a 42-level agility attack soul master in seconds, but in the soul master competition, it could not kill the opponent.

What's more, the relationship between Shenfeng Academy and Chihuo Academy is good, even if it is not on the field, Huo Wu will not kill the opponent.

And Huo Wu can control Fire Dance Yaoyang to collapse and dissipate, which is also due to her diligent practice of "Phoenix Fire Secret Method" over the years. The secret method is different from the soul skill of "knowing it but not knowing why". With more practice, the level of soul power control will naturally improve accordingly.

Otherwise, at the beginning, even if Huo Wu Yao Yang was released by herself, she would not be able to control it accurately.

Hearing this, the Green Feather Eagle Soul Master who had almost seen the God of Death nodded hurriedly, gave Feng Xiaotian who was busy dealing with the Extreme Flame Phoenix not far away a look of "take care of yourself", and then fell outside the competition arena.

They are all people who want to save face, Huo Wu let him go, but he can't be ungrateful.

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