Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 18 It’s too small, and the pattern is still too small!

It is said that money is something external to the body, and this is not unreasonable.

But for Blazing Fire Academy, gold soul coins are indispensable. The maintenance of the mimicry training ground, the salary of the academy teachers, the wear and tear of the fighting spirit training ground, etc., no dean of the soul master academy will disdain his own. Colleges have too much funding for teaching.

In addition, if Blazing Fire Academy has a large amount of whale gum in its hands and other colleges rarely have it, using whale gum as a reward for outstanding students will surely attract more talented students to enroll in Blazing Fire Academy, thus improving the college's reputation. overall strength.

Well, if you don’t want to be the dean of the most powerful college in the mainland, that’s not a good dean.

"This treasure is whale glue."

Huo Lie didn't hide it anymore and directly said the answer.

"Whale glue?"

As soon as these words came out, Yan Ruhuo, Chi Chengyan and Yan Zhenming all opened their eyes with disbelief on their faces.

They are all people who have eaten meat. The three of them are not novices, so they naturally know what whale gum is.

But whale glue is just for fun, isn't it? Why is the value not lower than that of ordinary soul bones?

"I didn't expect it at first. You all have seen my nephew Mu Yang. This kid looked very weak all day long, so Xiyue and I discussed buying him some whale gum to replenish his health.

Unexpectedly, after taking it for more than ten days, this guy told us that his physical fitness had improved.

With a skeptical attitude, I then asked Wushuang and Xiaowu to try taking it for a few days, and found that it was indeed the case, and their physical fitness improved significantly.

Perhaps for high-level soul masters, this improvement effect is not too obvious, but for low-level soul masters, it is definitely very impressive.

Just think about it, if the outside world knew that whale glue could allow a soul master to add a first soul ring of five or six hundred years, a second soul ring of a thousand years, a third soul ring of three or four thousand years, and a fourth soul ring of eight or nine thousand years. Soul rings, how popular these things are among soul masters, how high will the price skyrocket by then?

And even if we don’t consider buying low and selling high to make huge profits, and the academy keeps it for its own use as a reward for outstanding students, then when the talented soul masters on the mainland choose the soul master academy in the future, they will definitely give priority to our Blazing Academy. "

After verifying the effect of whale gum, Rao Shihuo Lie, as the dean of Blazing Academy, had extraordinary knowledge and could not help but be shocked.

Personally speaking, apart from the fact that it does not come with soul bone skills, the effect of whale glue is not much worse than that of ordinary soul bones.

As for the price of soul bones, everyone who knows it knows that even the most useless century-old soul bones are not worth the price of whale glue.

Although except for soul masters who specialize in soul hunting, most soul masters who are lucky enough to discover soul bones generally do not choose to sell their soul bones for money.

But there are very few soul masters on the mainland who would spend money to buy soul bones, unless their family is really not short of money and has too many gold soul coins to spend.

"Brother Lie, whale glue can only be made from the bodies of cetacean sea soul beasts. The amount of whale glue on the market is rare, and it is very popular among nobles. If we really want to buy it in large quantities, we may not be able to gain much. , let’s do both.”

After a while, after digesting the news that taking whale glue can improve the physical fitness of a soul master, Yan Ruhuo came back to his senses and said to Huo Lie.

"Ruhuo, what do you mean, are our academy masters forming a group to hunt cetacean sea soul beasts in the sea?"

Touching his chin, Chi Chengyan said.

Without waiting for Yan Ruhuo to answer, Yan Zhenming beside him shook his head: "That's not right. Our academy is all fire-type soul masters. If we go to the sea to hunt souls, our strength will be greatly reduced. In addition, the sea soul beast occupies the geographical location of the sea, and the fire-type soul masters A six-ringed soul emperor would probably not be able to defeat a ten-thousand-year-old sea soul beast.

Moreover, most cetacean sea soul beasts are not easy to deal with. If we do it alone, the efficiency is low and the risk is not small. "

At this time, Yan Ruhuo's eyes flashed with excitement, and he said: "I didn't say that we should just act on our own and win over Tianshui Academy! Water and ice soul masters are more suitable than us who are playing with fire. The sea hunts for souls.

Moreover, the Wuhun Palace has become more and more powerful in recent years, and even the Haotian Sect has been forced to close down the mountain and hide from the world. I think this continent will be in chaos sooner or later.

Isn't Xiyue's nephew gifted with full soul power and twin martial souls? From now on, he is destined to be one of the few strong men on the mainland. I think we will swallow up Tianshui Academy!

When the two academies merge, if the mainland is really in chaos, it will make others afraid to act rashly. And I have already thought of a name, it will be called Ice and Fire Academy! "

The Four Huo Lie: "."

This woman has such a big appetite!

It has to be said that Yan Ruhuo's idea almost shocked the jaws of Huo Lie and the others.

Although it is small, his pattern is still small!

Huo Lie felt that compared to Yan Ruhuo, his position as the dean was still small.

I just wanted to go to the college to collect goods together, or cut a wave of leeks, but I never expected that Yan Ruhuo started to think about annexing Tianshui College, which is also a college of elements.

But Huo Lie admitted that he was moved.

Again, if you don't want to be the dean of the most powerful college in the mainland, then you are not a good dean.

"Ahem~, let's put this matter of Ice and Fire Academy aside for now and talk about it later.

Talking about whale gum, on the one hand, we sent people to secretly buy whale glue on the market, and on the other hand, we put up a reward for recovering the bodies of cetacean sea soul beasts in coastal cities, and asked those sea soul masters to hunt for us.

After all, the sea is dangerous, and if there is an accident, no one wants to see it. "

Clearing his throat, Huo Lie set the tone.

Golden soul coins are external things. Huo Lie is unwilling to let the masters of his own academy risk their lives to do things that can be done with gold soul coins.

Anyway, the purpose of Chihuo Academy is just to obtain whale glue. As for how the whale glue came, it is not important.

And Huo Lie admitted that as a fire soul master, he has an inexplicable fear of the sea.

But this cannot be blamed on him, but countless lessons in history have told future soul masters that the vast ocean is a forbidden area for land soul masters, especially for fire soul masters who do not have the ability to fly.

For example, if he, an eight-ring soul douluo, is against an ordinary land soul beast with a year of less than 80,000 years, he can defeat it alone.

But if it is a sea soul beast, and the battlefield is in the sea, it is uncertain whether he can defeat a 50,000-year-old sea soul beast.

It is also because compared with the land soul beasts, the sea soul beasts occupying the sea are a little bit stronger than the standard. This is why there are so many 100,000-year sea soul beasts in the vast ocean, but no 90-level quasi-titled Douluo dares to attack the 100,000-year sea soul beasts on the mainland.

If you don’t have the strength of a 97-level titled Douluo or above and dare to explode the soul rings and soul bones of a 100,000-year sea soul beast, you can only be regarded as sending your head.

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