Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 180 Brother Qinghe, please teach me?

Thanks to the courtesy of the Blazing Fire Team, the first player to play was the defensive soul master Huo Yu, followed by the two auxiliary combat soul masters Huo Chui and Huo Jun, and then the serious combat soul masters.

Therefore, although the Beast Team lost, it was not a bad loss.

The captain of the Beast Team, who was at the fourth ring level, defeated Huo Yu and tied with Huo Chui. After that, the six three-ring players took turns to play and defeated Huo Jun, who was weak in soul power, again. They were defeated by Huo Lie, and the final result was the elimination of three players from the Blazing Fire Team.

The Beast Academy was able to achieve this result, regardless of whether it was due to the Blazing Fire Academy's deliberate release, and there was an example of a certain academy being shaved bald by the Element Academy, which was worthy of praise.

After the victory and defeat of the Beast Academy team, Huo Lin, who was just a soy sauce in the Blazing Fire Team, had a place to use his skills.

Fighting souls, injuries are inevitable. Huo Lin, who was level 35, was able to become a member of the Blazing Fire Team because of his status as a healing soul master. Otherwise, there would be too many students in the Blazing Fire Academy who were above him in terms of strength level.

Of course, Mu Yang can also play as a healing soul master with his second soul skill, Orange Jade Blood Replenishing Ginseng, but there must be some opportunities for teammates to perform, right?

In less than two hours, the seven groups of the first round of the promotion match were over.

Except for the Thunder Academy team, which was lucky enough to draw a bye and directly had a bye in today's match, all the teams that qualified from the Tiandou Division qualifiers won the first round without any surprises.

Especially the Kamikaze Team, which won the first glorious achievement of shaving the opponent's head bald in the promotion match of this Soul Master Competition.

Barak Academy: "."

It should be said that among the three stages of the qualifiers, promotions and finals, the most likely conflict between the participating academy teams is the promotion match.

There is no other reason. For example, in the match between the Kamikaze Academy and the Barak Academy, due to the qualitative gap in strength, the Kamikaze team shaved the opponent's head bald. In this way, the Kamikaze Academy was happy, but the Barak Academy, which had its head shaved bald, would cry.

If the people of the Barak Academy were narrow-minded, it would not be impossible to hate the Kamikaze Academy.

Of course, the Kamikaze Academy did not care about this. The resentment of the weak is nothing.

Although the status of the Barak Academy in the Barak Kingdom is equivalent to the status of the Tiandou Royal Academy in the Tiandou Empire, the Barak Academy is only an academy affiliated to the kingdom. Whether it is the faculty or the influence of the mainland soul master world, it is far inferior to the Kamikaze Academy, which is one of the elemental academies.

Outside the Barak Kingdom, how many soul masters have heard of the name of the Barak Academy?

After the game, not long after returning, the camp where the Blazing Academy team stayed welcomed guests.

"Brother Qinghe, senior."

Mu Yang went forward to greet him and welcomed the 'plastic brother' Qian Renxue and the burly female guards behind her into the courtyard.

Perhaps his potential caught Qian Renxue's eye. During the preliminaries and the previous one-month rest period, Qian Renxue had looked for him many times.

Although Qian Renxue did not strongly ask him to join the Tiandou Empire, her words and deeds all revealed that 'following me, there is a great future'.

Therefore, Mu Yang was not too surprised that he came to visit him this time.

After making some tea, the two sat on the stone bench in the courtyard and chatted.

After a long time, after enough preparations, Qian Renxue talked about business: "My dear brother, you have to be careful in the future."

"What do you mean?"

Raising his eyebrows, Mu Yang asked curiously.

Qian Renxue said solemnly: "The Soul Master Competition is hosted by the two empires and co-organized by the Spirit Hall. Therefore, the finals of the Soul Master Competition are prepared by the three parties in turn, and the venue of the finals will be changed in turn between Tiandou City, Xingluo City and Wuhun City.

My dear brother, you may not know that the finals of this Soul Master Competition were originally prepared by the Xingluo Empire, and the venue of the finals was Xingluo City.

But something happened to the Spirit Hall. I don’t know at what price, they got the right to host the finals from the Xingluo Empire. The venue of the finals of this competition was temporarily changed from Xingluo City to Wuhun City."

Hearing this, Mu Yang pretended to think for a moment and asked: "Could this be a trap for Haotian Douluo?

In the middle of the preliminaries, the Spirit Hall sent someone to assassinate Tang San, and Haotian Douluo and Tang San were suspected to be father and son. That night, they smashed The Holy Temple of the Heavenly Dou Spirit Hall.

Now that the Spirit Hall has changed the venue of the finals to their base camp, they should be preparing to keep Haotian Douluo, right?

But then again, what does the Spirit Hall's targeting of Haotian Douluo and Tang San have to do with me? "

Qian Renxue shook her head: "This is wrong! My dear brother, you and Bing'er are so talented, and they are not from the Spirit Hall, so they will inevitably be regarded as potential threats by the Spirit Hall.

If Haotian Douluo had not destroyed the Holy Temple of the Heavenly Dou Spirit Hall, the Spirit Hall would probably not have taken real action, after all, they also need to consider the impact.

But with this prerequisite, the Spirit Hall will inevitably send strong people to harm Haotian Douluo, and it is very likely that they will take advantage of the situation and list you as one of the targets. "

"Can Brother Qinghe teach me about this?"

After hesitating for a moment, Mu Yang asked sincerely.

Qian Renxue's words are not without reason. Tang Hao is quite powerful. If the Spirit Hall really wants to ambush Tang Hao, there must be a supporting elder, or even more than one.

And if the Spirit Hall really wants to make a move, with the current strength of its three big men, it is not certain that they can protect him.

However, there is a solution to this problem.

One is to withdraw from the Spirit Master Competition and not participate in the subsequent finals.

But similarly, if the Spirit Hall really sees him and Shui Bing'er and others as threats, it is useless not to participate in the competition, unless they hide and practice, and wait until they have "mastered their magic skills" and become invincible before coming out.

As for the second one~, since you, Qian Renxue, have come to my door and said so, it means that at least you will not see me as a threat.

I, Mu Yang, am close to the daughter of the Pope Bibi Dong of the Spirit Hall, the granddaughter of the Great Priest Qian Daoliu, the only contemporary heir of the Angel Family, and the young master of the Spirit Hall. It is a bit unreasonable for you to see me as a potential threat in the Spirit Hall, right?

Coincidentally, Qian Renxue has a dual identity.

In the eyes of Bibi Dong and Qian Daoliu, since he is close to Qian Renxue, he is undoubtedly a friend of the Spirit Hall.

Since he is a friend, let alone more, at least he will not have the idea of ​​directly eliminating him.

In the eyes of Emperor Xue Ye, since he is close to Xue Qinghe, he is naturally a teammate of the Tiandou Empire.

In Mu Yang's opinion, as long as the Spirit Hall is not hostile to him, it is okay to become a friend of the Heaven Dou Empire.

If he becomes more powerful and no longer afraid of the Spirit Hall, and Qian Renxue's identity as the young master of the Spirit Hall is exposed, and he knows that his "good brother" Xue Qinghe has deceived his feelings, it is understandable that he is not close to the Spirit Hall or the Heaven Dou Empire.

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