Since the subsequent plans had already been set, the high-level meeting of the Blazing Academy ended in a short time.

Afterwards, Huo Lie began to write letters to various forces on the continent.

The contents of the letters were naturally different for different forces, and can be roughly divided into four types.

The first type was to the Tiandou Empire and the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. The letter bluntly stated the effects of whale glue, and there was no intention to ask for compensation in the words, just to keep the two forces secret for the time being.

The Tiandou Empire would allocate funds to the Blazing Academy every year. Huo Lie knew that even if the Blazing Academy did not take the initiative to ask, Emperor Xue Ye would definitely express something.

Perhaps this Tiandou Emperor had many shortcomings, but he would never be confused in terms of human relations.

As for the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Grand Master Ning was very generous, and Huo Lie didn't know where to start.

Talk about money?

It was a bit vulgar, and it was not easy to take the initiative to ask. If you said it was low, people would look down on you, and if you said it was high, people would have a bad impression.

But apart from talking about money, it seems that there is nothing worthwhile for Chihuo Academy to gain from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect.

So, the five senior members of the academy discussed and decided not to put forward any conditions, and let the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect decide for themselves.

If Grand Master Ning is not afraid of being looked down upon, then it doesn't matter if Chihuo Academy gets a free ride once.

The second type of letter was sent to the Spirit Hall, the Xingluo Empire, the Holy Dragon Sect and other forces that can rank among the top in the mainland soul master world.

The letter did not specifically say what the matter was, but only stated that Chihuo Academy had made a major discovery that could bring great changes to soul masters.

If you are interested, you can send a representative to bring 500 to 10 million gold soul coins to Chihuo Academy, and Chihuo Academy swears on its reputation as one of the elemental academies and will never cheat.

Well, this wave is simply to get the wool.

Rich people, such as the Spirit Hall and the Xingluo Empire, need to bring 10 million gold soul coins, while second-rate forces such as the Holy Dragon Sect only need 5 million gold soul coins.

Of course, Huo Lie also knows that all forces that receive the letter will be interested, after all, the sign of the Blazing Academy is here.

But interest is interest, and there will definitely not be many who will really pay for it.

For example, the Holy Dragon Sect, as a second-rate force on the continent, is one of the lackeys of the Spirit Hall. If the Spirit Hall pays for it, then the Holy Dragon Sect naturally does not need to pay, and can directly ask the Spirit Hall for it, or the two sides can trade internally.

After all, intelligence information is different from physical objects, and there is no cost to copy it.

The third and fourth types are Tianshui and Shenfeng Colleges, which are elemental colleges like Blazing Academy, as well as Thunder and Xiangjia Colleges.

Although Chihuo, Tianshui, Shenfeng, Lei Ting, and Xiangjia are all elemental academies, they are not subordinate to each other. In addition to playing their own games, they are also divided into three formations, just like four people in a dormitory, but the number of chat groups can reach double digits.

Xiangjia Academy was founded by Xiangjia Sect, one of the four lower sects of the seven major sects on the mainland, and most of the senior members of the academy are from Xiangjia Sect, and even the outstanding students are basically members of the younger generation of Xiangjia Sect.

Xiangjia Sect is one of the loyal lackeys of Wuhun Hall. Although they are all elemental academies, the other four elemental academies can't play with Xiangjia Academy. Some people even exclude Xiangjia Academy and call it the name of "Four Elemental Academy".

Similar to the relationship between Xiangjia Academy and Xiangjia Sect, the composition of Lei Ting Academy is not simple. It was founded by the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, one of the three sects on the mainland.

The three academies of Chihuo, Tianshui and Shenfeng have no other elements. This means that if there is a division of intimacy between the five elemental academies, then the relationship between Chihuo, Tianshui and Shenfeng is close, and the relationship between the three academies and Leiting Academy is friendly.

Then the relationship between the four academies, including Leiting Academy, and Xiangjia Academy has not risen to the point of hatred, but it can be regarded as zero favorability, and they are very familiar strangers.

It is precisely because of the close and distant relationship that Huo Lie expressed two attitudes in the letters he wrote to the four academies.

The letter to Leiting and Xiangjia Academy was that after one month, Chihuo Academy was going to open its doors to welcome guests and hold a meeting between the five elemental academies, inviting the two academies to appoint senior executives as representatives and bring outstanding students from the academies to participate.

In addition to the meeting, please bring your wallet. Chihuo Academy has a major discovery and wants to share it with all the academies.

In the letter to Tianshui and Shenfeng Academy, Huo Lie did not hide anything, and directly talked about the effects of whale glue and invited the two academies to participate in the meeting.

It's not that Huo Lie is generous, but he has big ambitions.

Just like Yan Ruhuo said at the beginning, this continent will be in chaos sooner or later. If the strong join forces and their strength is further improved, they will definitely make their opponents afraid to act rashly.

Moreover, Huo Lie is very optimistic about his nephew. When Mu Yang, who has full innate soul power and twin martial souls, grows up, he will also reach retirement age.

At that time, let Mu Yang officially take the position, integrate the three academies with absolute strength, and establish the strongest soul master academy on the continent. At that time, as one of the promoters of this matter, Huo Lie will surely be able to go down in history!

As for Tianshui and Shenfeng's reluctance?

Are you kidding? Do you understand the value of invincible in the world?

With such a thick thigh, how could Tianshui Academy and Shenfeng Academy, which can only be regarded as second-rate forces on the continent, not agree?

'It is better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix', this is not feasible in the world of soul masters where strength is respected. A chicken is a chicken and a phoenix is ​​a phoenix. Even if it is just a hair of a phoenix, it is still not something a chicken can touch.

For example, the Xiangjia Sect and the Shenglong Sect are still dogs for the Wuhun Hall.

What's more, Chihuo does not want Tianshui and Shenfeng to be his dogs, but everyone will become a part of the new academy together.

Well, there will be more or less leeks to be cut later, which can be used to expand the academy in the future, or simply find a suitable place to build a new academy.

Five days later.

It was already early in the morning, and the bright moonlight outside the window shone into the bedroom. Mu Yang, who had transformed into the King of Scrolls, had not fallen asleep yet. He was emitting a faint mental fluctuation, sitting cross-legged on the bed to deduce his innate ability.

After a long time, when the mental power was once again consumed by more than half, the mental fluctuations emanating from Mu Yang gradually subsided, and the deduction of a new secret method was completed.

Mu Yang opened his eyes, his expression condensed, and he activated the secret method that he had put aside for the past few days and worked overtime to deduce.

Suddenly, a red soul power light appeared around Mu Yang, and in the blink of an eye, a red transparent soul power film that looked as thin as a cicada's wing condensed from his body.

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