Douluo: This soul master is too strange

Chapter 96 Core Principle: Great Power Creates Miracles

"Thousand-forging spiritual light!"

Looking at the brilliant silver light rising from the silver ingot on the forging table, Mu Yang couldn't help but exclaimed with excitement.

Unlike the hundred-forging purification, after the metal forging level enters the thousand-forging, the "spiritual light" will appear.

And the spiritual light is the sign of the metal's thousand-forging.

In other words, the first metal thousand-forging in the history of Douluo Continent was completed in his hands!

Although he is now just a small four-ring soul sect, at this moment, he, as a small four-ring soul sect, is worthy of being remembered by history.

Because from this moment on, the blacksmiths on Douluo Continent will usher in unprecedented light.

In the past, the blacksmiths who were regarded as lowly by the high-ranking soul masters were destined to usher in nirvana rebirth in the near future, and transformed gorgeously into blacksmiths.

Once the special soul guide Doukai comes out, even if it is only a thousand-forging master, it will be the existence that most soul masters kneel down to lick, not to mention the soul forging master, soul forging saint craftsman, and even the heavenly forging god craftsman.

There are quite a few Titled Douluo who serve as dogs for the Spirit Hall, but because the spirit master's cultivation system is not highly dependent on external objects, the Spirit Hall can not repay those titled elders.

And the Heavenly Forging Divine Craftsman can forge Heavenly Forging Metal, which can be used to forge four-character battle armor, which can increase the strength of the Nine-Ring Titled Douluo to the level of 99 Peerless Douluo in one fell swoop.

Since there are quite a few Titled Douluo willing to serve as dogs for the Spirit Hall, there should not be too many Titled Douluo willing to kneel and lick the Heavenly Forging Divine Craftsman.

However, Mu Yang did not have time to think too much at this time. A trace of soul power appeared on the fingertips of his left hand, and he gently scratched his right wrist. A bright red blood spurted out and fell on the Qianduan Shenyin that was shining with spiritual light.

Then, the soul bone skill: Wildfire can't burn it all, spring breeze blows and regenerates it, and the wound on the right wrist heals rapidly. Mu Yang looked at the piece of metal on the forging table that was shining with silver light.

Soon, the brilliant silver light converged, revealing the appearance of the metal itself.

Compared with the initial time, the volume of the sunken silver has shrunk a lot, and its own bright silver color has turned into a gray matte color.

On the gray metal surface, layers of seemingly deliberately engraved, but in fact extremely smooth flame-like dark patterns seem to breed a magnificent vitality.

What's even more bizarre is that when Mu Yang looked at it, he actually felt a sense of blood connection.

This feeling is particularly wonderful, as if this piece of sunken silver should have been a part of his body.

This is not that the thousand-forged metal can be connected to the forger's blood, but the metal after the blood sacrifice can have a blood connection with the person who recognizes the master.

Blood sacrifice metal, a way of recognizing the master of metals at the thousand-forged level and above.

After the metal blood sacrifice, it seems to have become a part of the person who recognizes the master, and when using it, it can achieve the effect of using it as if it were an arm, and it can also prevent others from using it normally.

'Flame pattern? Is it because of the ice flame? ’

Looking carefully at the flame-like patterns on the surface of the thousand-forged Shenyin, Mu Yang couldn't help thinking secretly.

Shaking his head, Mu Yang didn't think much about it. No matter whether the flame-like patterns on the surface of Shenyin were due to the ice flame, it couldn't change the fact that Shenyin was already a thousand-forged Shenyin.

Closing his eyes, Mu Yang carefully recalled the mysterious perception when he was forging Shenyin.

He clearly remembered that when he entered that wonderful state, every time the forging hammer in his hand fell, it seemed to have a special resonance with Shenyin.

It was a very strange feeling. The Shenyin in the forging seemed to come alive. He breathed, and Shenyin was also breathing. Every time the hammer fell, it seemed to be infusing a seed with a trace of vitality.

When this vitality climbed to the extreme, the quantitative change became a qualitative change, Shenyin sublimated, and bloomed with brilliant spiritual light. At this point, Shenyin was successfully forged a thousand times.

"Is it evening already?"

Opening his eyes and looking through the window, Mu Yang found that it was sunset at this time.

When he started forging the Shenyin, it was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon. That is to say, it took him more than three hours to complete the Shenyin thousand forging from the ordinary hundred forging.

However, this was only the first time. If he did the Shenyin thousand forging again in the future, Mu Yang believed that he could definitely complete a one-foot square Shenyin thousand forging within an hour. Even with his not-so-low soul power cultivation, half an hour might be enough.

Then, Mu Yang's eyes fell on the thousand-forged Shenyin on the forging table again.

Shenyin was completed a thousand forgings, but at this time, the thousand-forged Shenyin was just a metal ingot, and it had to be shaped into a forging hammer.

As the saying goes, 'If you want to do your work well, you must first sharpen your tools'. How can a forger not have a handy forging hammer?

The iron hammer at the hundred-forging level has long been out of date!

The soul power in his hand was shining with an ice-blue soul power, which turned into a streak and fell on the thousand-forged Shenyin, and the ice flame burned fiercely.

Soon, the Thousand Forged Silver melted, and then, under the control of Mu Yang's soul power, it was evenly divided into three parts, one of which turned into a Thousand Forged Silver Ingot, and the other two turned into two gray forging hammers.

During the process of the Thousand Forged Silver, compared with the initial Silver Ingot, if the impurities removed are not taken into account, the volume of the Thousand Forged Silver is greatly reduced, but the weight is fixed and will not decrease due to forging.

Even some metals will increase in weight after the Thousand Forged because of the Thousand Forged special effects.

The density of Shenyin is extremely high, far exceeding that of ordinary copper and iron. It is three times heavier than ordinary pure silver. A square foot in volume weighs almost 2,500 kilograms. Even if the impurities contained in the Shenyin ingot are removed, this piece of Shenyin after thousands of forging weighs 2,400 kilograms.

If Mu Yang had not been strong and powerful, it would have been difficult to move.

You said that a square foot of Shenyin weighs only 300 kilograms?

Hehe~, if this foot is 33.333 centimeters, then Shenyin can also be called Shenyin?

A square foot in volume and a weight of 300 kilograms means that the density is almost half of that of pure iron.

If the density of Shenyin is only half of that of ordinary pure iron, although it cannot be called "floating silver", it can definitely be called "light silver" and is worthy of being called "sinking"? .

Uh~, maybe the so-called one foot does not refer to an accurate length, but a slightly short ruler?

A piece of Thousand Forged Silver weighing more than 2,400 jin is definitely not suitable for Mu Yang to cast directly into a forging hammer.

The three great hardships in life are rowing, ironwork, and tofu-making. Forging (ironwork) itself is a laborious job. If the forging hammer is too heavy, it will be too crippling.

The weight of a single handle reaches 800 jin, and the double hammers weigh a total of 1,600 jin, which is quite suitable for Mu Yang who believes in "great strength to create miracles".

Well, although Mu Yang used the "Tiangang Hammer" when forging, this is only a superficial skill. The real core way is still "great strength to create miracles".

Mu Yang: I am responsible for the strength, who will be responsible for the miracle?

As for the remaining 800 jin of extra Thousand Forged Silver, when his soul power level is improved in the future and his physique is stronger, he will integrate it into the double hammers of heavy silver.

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