But Qianshui's appearance made her a little desperate.

Taking one step is a genius, taking two more steps is a madman, and surpassing all living beings is peerless!

The breath far beyond the ordinary Title Douluo diffused in the center of the thunder. All the soul masters on Poseidon Island who could feel this power and the sea soul beasts with enough power in the sea were also awakened and looked at that position.

Poseidon was sure that such Qianshui had no reason not to complete the Poseidon Nine Tests!

She didn't dare to confirm that maybe her mind was seen through by the Poseidon, so Qianshui appeared. She was a little ashamed and felt that she was unworthy of the position of the Poseidon's great worshiper. She should be wholeheartedly and without any distractions to complete the end of all this.

This is her destiny!

The huge power of the vast sea was still spreading throughout the world from Poseidon's body. The powerful strength of the strongest man in the world was undoubtedly demonstrated at this moment. The huge waves rushing towards Poseidon Island were calmed, as if the huge force brought by the waves did not exist at all.

Qianshui in the center of the storm was being baptized by thunder.

Ignoring the endless darkness over the sea due to the dense clouds, the Yuanshen possessed Qianshui's body.

The external Yuanshen Wuhun was now somewhat worthy of the name "Yuanshen", because every thunderbolt made this energy body more solid, and the original mottled was gradually disappearing.

And if you look inside, the golden elixir in Qianshui's dantian has solidified into shape, but there are still small lines, such mottled is quite similar to the appearance of the Yuanshen Wuhun.

"Swallow a golden elixir into the stomach, my life is in my own hands!"


When the golden elixir was completely formed, Qianshui finally understood why the foundation-building period was called "foundation-building".

"Build the foundation of the great way to form the golden elixir, and the road of cultivation begins from here."

Practicing Qi to nourish the body, gathering the five Qi, and cultivating the three flowers, the real road of cultivation begins.

The thunderbolt slowly dissipated, Qianshui's eyes were calm, just floating in the same place, looking at the sky in the distance.

'The road is long and the journey is long. Can I really reach the end if I keep searching? '

When I first got the Dharma, I just got a glimpse of the path. Even the next realm seems to be a long way off. Where is the higher immortal path?

Only when you can see the road will you walk without hesitation, but where is the endless road of hard practice? How can you not be confused?

"I am really arrogant. I expected eternity with my mortal body. But when I really found the way, I found that eternity is so terrible.

Death gives life real meaning. Death is the visible end, but it is just the decay of the human body.

So immortality is eternal death, right? Without the end, everything stops at the moment of gaining immortality, and that moment is the true extinction of the individual.

So, are people really so pathetic? Senior Poseidon!"

Perhaps the gods of Douluo Continent cannot give Qianshui the answer to such a question, but at this moment he is really hesitant. Poseidon happened to be in front of Qianshui, and she happened to be the strongest person in the world, and she happened to be the only one who could give Qianshui the answer.

But how could she understand? Or rather, how could she think of the question!

Qianshui regretted the moment she asked the question. The woman with extraordinary temperament in front of her was a pathetic end-game person, and she was not qualified to ask such a question at all!

A sad look flashed across their faces at the same time, and the old and the young seemed to understand what the other was thinking.

"I can't answer you, but don't be sad. This is my mission and what I want all my life.

Child, don't hesitate, keep going! There is a way if you keep going! What I can tell you is, complete it! You will get the answer if you complete it!"

Qianshui shook his head, he regretted it a little, "If I had known this, I shouldn't have come."

When everything is not seen with your own eyes, it is so understated, but no matter what, Poseidon is a living person.

"People can die, they can die in battle, they can die of illness, they can die of old age, they can die for themselves, and they can die for others.

Because people will die eventually.

But this must be your own choice!

You are indeed pious, but is it really only pious?"

After saying that, he turned around and left.

'Broken is the promise of rebirth, willing to be dust to make sense, Qian Daoliu is not confused, he only wants to create a new angel god. But she is reluctant in her heart!

No one is born without the right to love and be loved!

The title of the strongest man is nothing but a sad joke to her!

She is much more ridiculous and pathetic than me! ’

Take a step forward, Qianshui crossed the 333rd level without hesitation, and completed the first test in an instant.

The huge golden light instantly enveloped Qianshui. In the golden light, the golden trident on Qianshui's forehead burst into brilliant light. The golden light spread from Qianshui's forehead like a thread and flowed to the whole body.

A golden light curtain shattered in front of Qianshui, turning into dots of golden light and the light flowing down from the golden trident into Qianshui's body at the same time.

A low and majestic voice sounded in his mind: "Crossing, double, the light of the sea god, the test passed.

Complete the first test quickly with absolute strength, the talent is strong, unique.

After the first test, the affinity of the sea god increased by 5%, and the overall current is 5%."

After accumulating a lot of experience, breaking through the golden elixir, after completing the first test, Qianshui's martial soul level also reached level 80.

Looking at Qianshui's peerless figure, Poseidon remained silent. The young man in front of him was extraordinary in both talent and strength, and his character was extraordinary. He could see some things farther and more clearly than she, a peerless Douluo who had lived for a hundred years.

She was indeed reluctant in her heart, and she did not want to die just like that. Facing Qianshui's honesty, she was speechless, but she had no choice the moment she became the Great Worshiper of the Sea God.

For so many years, no matter how pious she was, she should have a little certainty. This is the price of obtaining powerful strength that was not obtained by her own cultivation!

But even if it is not pure, the end can still be seen, right?

Poseidon came to him and said with a smile: "Congratulations on passing the first test. However, the more difficult test is still behind.

The time for the second test will begin, and the time limit is still one year."

And the information of the second test also appeared.

〈Nine Tests of the Sea God, Second Test, Breakthrough, Ring Blockade. Under the premise of testing a sea soul beast, break through the blockade of the ring sea and reach the other side. No soul ring skills may be used. 〉

Ignoring this information, Qianshui looked at Poseidon deeply. He didn't know if it was because of the first productivity of appearance. He did have sympathy.

But with his current strength, where is the choice, unless he never started from the beginning.

Since there is no way for the time being, then let's do it as she wishes!

Thinking of this, Qianshui no longer hesitated, but just focused on it. He smiled and said to this extraordinary woman: "Senior Poseidon, I will complete it and end this fateful wait."

'If possible, reverse it! '

Qianshui said fate, but he is a materialist. Fatalism is the most ridiculous to him. The inevitability of history is!

And the creator of history is people, and people are the key!

Knowing that this is a way to quickly improve strength, then improve it until you control everything, and then re-choose all destinies!

Poseidon also laughed. This young man's words were so confident, yet so trustworthy.

"Then I'll leave it to you!"

Chapter 135 Level 135 Great White Shark?

"You are the Demon Soul Great White Shark?!"

Qianshui put one hand on his waist and pointed at the huge monster under the water with one hand, his face full of disdain.

I saw a person floating in the air above the ring-shaped sea. The huge monster under the water slowly surfaced until its eyes were exposed and blinked, and then it moved.

Invisible energy began to dissipate, and very obvious hostility came towards Qianshui.

Qianshui didn't remember the content of the Nine Tests of the Sea God. He was speechless when he saw the soul skills were sealed.

At least in the generation of the Sea God, the Douluo Continent should attach great importance to things other than soul rings and soul bones. This God Test is proof that the old man of the Sea God understands what these mean, otherwise he would not seal the soul skills to participate in the God Test.

But this is ineffective for Qianshui, and it can even be said to be a recommendation.

Before the breakthrough, it might be a bit difficult. The Demon Soul Great White Shark, a 100,000-year-old soul beast, is at least at the level of Super Douluo. It is possible to pass, but it is definitely not easy.

However, it is easy after the breakthrough. Just with the hard power of the Golden Core Stage, there is no need for any magical skills. He can produce a Yang God and escape with light. This second test is a piece of cake for him.

But this is a good opportunity to practice with the orc beauty girl, and her strength is stronger than his own, and she will not chop him, and the time limit is one year.

Thinking of this, Qianshui's smile gradually became perverted. Since he left the Killing City, he has never fought against an evenly matched or stronger opponent.

After all, She Long Ci Xuekong's realm is really too real in actual combat. If he hits hard, it is easy to cause casualties. Whether it is Qianshui or the two titles, both sides have this concern.

But the Demon Soul Great White Shark is really different, with thick skin and flesh!

"Are you the human in the sea?"

"You said I was struck by lightning? That was me."

"You can't use soul skills, but you can fly? You have soul bones?"

"With soul power, you can fly, no problem."

The Demon Soul Great White Shark seemed to be very interested in Qianshui. Although the Demon Shark Domain had been launched, she still asked some questions out of curiosity.

"It seems that you are very strong, but it is not so easy to pass the second test. I will not let you go!"

"Really? That's great!"


Qianshui didn't want her to hold back. The growth of strength requires actual combat to test and run-in.

"Don't laugh, come on!"

The Killing God Domain was launched, and the cold murderous aura rushed straight to the Demon Soul Great White Shark. Qianshui blasted out with a palm and took the lead in attacking the super shark with a faint glow of soul power in the water.

With a bang, a violent explosion, with huge waves surging up.

Qianshui was rushed into the air by the recoil, while the Demon Soul Great White Shark used an attack similar to a water bomb to resist and dived into the water and disappeared.

"Flying Pig Technique for personal use!"

Thinking that he was also good at water combat, Qianshui rushed into the circular sea, locked the Demon Soul Great White Shark with his mental power, and chased after it again.

As if he didn't expect Qianshui to fight in the water even though he had an air advantage, the Demon Soul Great White Shark's huge shark mouth also opened.

A simple charge, carrying huge kinetic energy at high speed rushed towards Qianshui.

Qianshui obviously underestimated the speed of the Demon Soul Great White Shark in the water, and was pushed out of the water before he could react, looking a little embarrassed.

When the white figure rushed out of the water, Qianshui finally saw this extremely large and natural streamlined body.

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