"Yes, I picked this up while hunting in the forest. It should be something like a goat."

As he spoke, Qian Shui knelt down and stroked the little lamb's head.

It was fate that Qian Shui made a bow that day. He was imagining that he had unparalleled archery skills and was able to hit the mark with perfect accuracy. He also thought about catching some prey, including birds and animals.

And just when Qian Shui wandered around for a long time and almost reached the foot of the mountain without finding any prey, a little lamb made a bleating sound.

Thinking that dinner is in order, I draw my bow and shoot an arrow!

However, the little lamb found him, but it was not afraid and walked straight towards him while bleating.

There's no other way, it's already like this, it would be too cruel to kill it with one arrow.

After taking the little lamb back to the camp, Qian Shui stared at it with big eyes and small eyes for a long time, but Qian Shui didn't act cruelly, and he was hungry that night!

"I used to read popular science and said that goats are very curious. This may be why humans domesticated them. I didn't expect it to be true!"

The lamb was very familiar with itself and liked Qian Shui's touch on the head. Qian Shui kept it and kept it as a pet. He thought that if it was a ewe, he would have goat's milk to drink in the future!

So there is the current scene.

How can a girl refuse a cute creature~ Qian Renxue also ran close to her, reaching out to touch the lamb cake~

But the little lamb didn't know Qian Renxue, so he ran away when he saw her reaching out. Qian Renxue tried several times, but in the end, it ran behind Qian Shui's butt.

"Why is it running!"

"Maybe it doesn't know you!" Qian Shui forcefully held the little lamb in front of him and signaled to Qian Renxue that he could touch it.

This was great. As soon as Qian Renxue stretched out her hand, the little lamb began to bleat and struggled violently.

As soon as Qian Shui let go, the lamb ran into the room with its little hooves~

The scene was awkward for a moment!

"Haha, it's okay~it's okay~"

"Speaking of which, Xiaoxue, why are you here with the Pope? You can't possibly come to me specially!"

Although this is indeed the case, it is impossible to say, and Qian Renxue doesn’t feel sleepy when talking about it!

"Of course it's because I'm already level 30 and I'm out hunting for souls!"

Qian Renxue put her hands on her hips, raised her little head 45° upward, straightened out her non-existent chest, and said very proudly!

"As expected of you! You are so awesome! Level 10 in one and a half years! I can only say that you are truly worthy of the innate talent of level 20 soul power!"

Qian Shui gave a thumbs up and sincerely praised Qian Renxue! He doesn't have the heart to compete with the most talented people in the world in terms of cultivation talent, and Qian Renxue's level has also revealed something.

Even if she is very talented, she might be able to reach the soul master level in half a year, but doesn't she feel that she is in a hurry?

The better your cultivation talent is, the more reason you have to be lazy. On the contrary, the little girl must have been working non-stop in the past six months and worked extremely hard to achieve this!

Although Qian Renxue didn't say anything, Qian Shui had already guessed, why was he in such a hurry? Why else?

Qian Renxue has been very kind to him since he was a child. As long as he has his share, Qian Shui's share must also be indispensable. To be honest, Qian Shui can be regarded as being raised by Qian Renxue, it is no exaggeration to say so!

Maybe this is because she is the apple of Wuhun Palace, so she can do whatever she wants, but what does it matter? Do you want Qianshui to thank Qian Xunji and Qian Daoliu?

Without Qian Renxue, Qian Shui would probably have to fend for himself in the Angel Academy, so Qian Shui is grateful and sincerely congratulates him!

In Douluo Continent, he was an orphan with no relatives in this life. Only the dean and Qian Renxue really entered Qian Shui's heart. These were two people he could never let down.

"That's right, this lady is amazing!" Qian Renxue raised her little head and never put it down, not caring at all about the hardships of the past six months. After all, she saw Qian Shui living well, and that was enough!

"Qian Shui, come here." Qian Xunji was satisfied with Qian Shui's talent. He had no intention of turning back his original promise to focus on training Qian Shui, so he wanted to ask Qian Shui what he wanted.

Hearing Qianxun Ji calling him, out of politeness, Qian Shui could only go over and talk to him.

"His Majesty the Pope." Qian Shui bowed.

"Qian Shui, your talent is astonishing. I promised you that Wuhun Hall would focus on cultivating it, so if I ask if you have any requests, I will grant you all of them!"

"Uh...I never thought about this..."

While Qian Shui and Qian Xunji were talking, Qian Renxue wanted to go into the wooden house where Qian Shui was sitting, but when she opened the door, she saw the little lamb standing in front of the door and staring at her.

As soon as Qian Renxue took a step, the lamb pushed forward. This happened several times in a row.

Looking at the territorial lamb, Qian Renxue puffed up her cheeks and got into a fight with it!

"I don't have any needs, it's fine. Thank you His Majesty the Pope for your concern!"

"Do you want to come back to Wuhun City with us?" Qian Xunji actually felt that Bibi Dong had gone too far. Qian Shui said it was easy, but who could survive if it were someone else? This is no different from directly killing Qian Shui.

At that time, Wuhun Palace will lose a genius with twin martial souls, which is really not in line with the interests.

So Qian Xunji wanted to take Qian Shui back to Wuhun City and let him enroll in Wuhun Academy, which would also ensure safety.

Qian Shui ignored Qian Xunji's polite question, because as long as Qian Xunji thought about it, he would be taken back to Wuhun City whether Qian Shui wanted to or not.

"Thank you for your concern, His Majesty the Pope. I am fine in the Star Forest and there is no danger to my life. Wuhun City is too comfortable for me to concentrate on my cultivation. General theoretical guidance is also dispensable for me.

So I chose the teacher’s method and stayed in the Star Dou Forest to practice! "

"Xiao Shui, do you still want to stay in this damn place?"

Qian Renxue also heard their conversation. As soon as Qian Shui said that she would follow Bibi Dong's wishes, she became anxious and furious!

"Yes, I need to practice! You see, you are already level 30, and I am only level 19. If I stay in Wuhun City, I may be left behind by you in this life~"

"This~this..." Qian Renxue has never defeated Qian Shui with reason, and this time is no exception.

"A rational choice! The Star Dou Forest is full of dangers, Qian Shui, have you thought about it?" Qian Xunji somewhat admired this kid for putting himself in danger and gaining full experience.

At least someone like him, who has had everything going smoothly since childhood, has never had such an idea.

Maybe Qian Shui Bibi Dong is the same kind of person. Bibi Dong was able to come out of the Killing City and obtain the Killing God Realm. Qian Shui's current behavioral logic is the same as Bibi Dong going to the Killing City.

Qian Xunji cannot empathize, which is why in the near future, with his level 95 Titled Douluo and super martial soul strength, a group of people will attack Tang Hao. He bullies the weak in such a way that he even gets blasted!

However, Qian Shui's choice can be regarded as maximizing the interests of Wuhun Palace. At worst, he will send someone to protect him secretly.

Chapter 19 Agreement

Qian Shui's reasons were so good that neither Qian Xunji nor Qian Renxue could refute them, so they had no choice but to agree.

Qian Renxue was reluctant to let Qian Shui continue to suffer like this outside. When she entered the house, she saw a simple bed made of thatch, covered with leaves, and dried meat hanging on the side of the bed.

All that's left is a set of small tables and chairs made by Qian Shui, and there's not even anyone to eat! And the whole room smells extremely bad!

"Xiao Shui, here's this for you, and this one~"

Before leaving, Qian Renxue stuffed Qian Shui with all the food in the soul tool, fearing that he would be hungry, just like when she first met Qian Shui when she was three years old and stuffed him with dried meat. Only this time it wasn't a sweet smile, but a frown of concern.

"Uh... Xiaoxue, I can hunt, and there is no shortage of food~ It would be great if you had pots and pans~"

"Ah~ I don't have it either!" Qian Renxue really doesn't have it. How can she have cooking utensils if her fingers are not stained with Yang Chun Shui~

"It's okay, it's okay. At the worst, I'll just go and get one outside the Star Dou Forest. It's a small thing, but I think you took these out of thin air. They must be storage soul guides!"

Qian Shui doesn't care about other things, but things like the main soul guide are very useful!

"Well, it's this wristband that my grandpa gave me." He pointed to the wristband on his hand decorated with white background and gold rim.

"Can you show it to me? I've wanted to study it for a long time! Unfortunately it's very rare and I've never seen it before! If I had this, it would be perfect! Think about it, rocks and wood, large animals, cooking utensils and tableware, knives and daggers, etc. Just put it inside and take it out immediately, so convenient!”

Qian Renxue took off the wrist guard without hesitation and stuffed it into Qian Shui's hand.

"Here you go, take this and use it first, I won't be able to use it very much!"

"It's not necessary. I'm just curious to see it. Besides, it was given to me by the Great Priest. It wouldn't be good for you to give it to me again."

After looking at the storage soul guide and using his soul power to put in and take out items, Qian Shui returned the wristband to Qian Renxue.

Thinking that what grandpa gave to Qian Shui was really not good, Qian Renxue thought for a moment and then turned to Qian Xunji and asked: "Dad, can I give Qian Shui a storage soul guide?"

It didn't matter that Qianxun was sick. Although the storage soul guide was rare, it was not a rare treasure for him. It was just right to use it to win over a genius.


So Qian Xunji agreed.

"Xiao Shui, dad agreed! What kind of storage soul guide do you want? I will find one for you when you go back and send it to you next time."

"Hmm... ring, it feels so cool!"

"Okay, is there anything else? Let's go together~"

"Both swords and knives are fine! It's really hard to use a dagger! I really want to change it to something more comfortable!"


Qian Shui didn't refuse. Anyway, Qian Xunji was clearly trying to win over him, so he just had to accept it with peace of mind.

Qian Shui is looking forward to a fantasy prop like a storage ring!

"Xiao Shui, when do you plan to return to Wuhun City?"

"You should be at level 20 or 30. When the time comes to hunt the soul beasts, you will have to trouble the seniors of Wuhun Hall~"

"Well, I'll wait for you to come home."

After that, Qian Renxue and his party left.

Originally, Qian Shui wanted some daily necessities, but unfortunately those high-level soul masters brought nothing except daily clothes, food and money, so in fact Qian Shui only received some food from Qian Renxue.


Don't worry about the little lamb. Goats are quite stubborn. They may feel that their territory is being invaded, so they are particularly hostile to Qian Renxue.

"Hey, little lamb, little lamb, are you a ewe? Or a ram? Grow up quickly. If you are a ewe, you will provide me with high-quality protein. If you are a ram, hey hey hey~"

With one hand, Qian Shui followed the lamb's hair as straight as an ion perm, and with the other hand, he picked up a leaf and put it to the lamb's mouth, teasing it, and his smile gradually became abnormal~

In the past six months, only the initial period was very difficult for him. He entered a dangerous and unknown situation for the first time. He had no experience at all and had to be careful.

But he is a knowledgeable and civilized person, but he lacks practical experience and can only verify the theory.

After solving the problem of food and accommodation, understanding the surrounding environment, staying away from danger, and knowing what to do, he naturally wants to pursue a better life. He even has the energy to fly a kite to kill a few weak thousand-year-old soul beasts~

So in the end, it was only that tree-hiding snake that almost took his life, and he was not hurt at all~

Humans were originally hunters and gatherers until they learned to farm, which gave them surplus energy to do things other than survival.

All complex things are based on sufficient productivity!

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