Chapter 36 Ambition for Eternity

As soon as Qian Shui came home, he saw Qian Renxue looking at him with an unfriendly expression. She was shooting arrows out of boredom, and she had been looking for Qian Shui for something, and she had been waiting until now!

"Xiaoxue, I didn't cut my hair! I didn't do anything! I just went to the Angel Academy to see the dean!" Qian Shui shook his hands and his head, indicating that the injury on his face was not healed yet!

"Fighting Soul!"

"Huh? No fight, no fight! Didn't I say that! I just went to see the dean. If you don't believe me, you can ask!"

Qian Renxue had no intention of beating him. There was indeed something else to do this time.

"Xiao Shui, I'm about to break through level 40. I always feel a little bit behind. I need your help!"

"Huh? That's right~ Then we really have to fight!" Qian Shui was relieved when he heard that Qian Renxue didn't want to beat him.

With that said, the two little ones walked towards the soul fighting stage.

Qian Shui stood still, took out his sword, closed his eyes, and his senses came out of his body.

Qian Renxue also summoned the angel spirit. She looked at Qian Shui. He seemed different, with something more inexplicable.

In an instant, Qian Shui moved, and this time he took the lead in launching an attack!

"The first soul skill, Angel Assault!"

Qian Renxue used her first soul skill in an instant, and the sacred energy of the angel martial soul was concentrated in the fist and was about to attack Qian Shui!

This soul skill can also form a shield, which is very abnormal! Qian Shui quickly dodged and then a blow came, while Qian Renxue spread her wings and flew directly into the sky.

"The second soul skill, Sing of Angels! The third soul skill, Dance of Angels!" Qian Renxue summoned the angel sword and used the second soul skill to slow down the enemy and the third soul skill to be immune to negative effects and increase attack speed. !

These three soul skills are already very abnormal when taken alone! What's more, the angel spirit is still using it! I saw the two of them fighting instantly!

Originally, if Qian Shui had let him go and fought with his martial soul alone, it could be said that there was no chance of winning, which was why he was beaten unilaterally.

"Big offering!"

The fight between the two little ones attracted all the elders in the Elder Hall, even Qian Daoliu came out!


In essence, this battle was nothing. It could be said to be like a daily fight between children. However, the actual battle was far beyond their level and far beyond the scope of ordinary fun.

"I won't talk about the great sacrifice, miss, but what about Qian Shui? Their battle has reached the soul king level! Even if Qian Shui, a small soul master, can absorb more than the soul ring years, it won't be enough!"

A worshiper in blue clothes asked.

Qian Daoliu was even more surprised, he was the strongest swordsman in the world! One of the three peerless Douluo! But he asked himself, could he achieve such an effect at Qianshui's level? Even my own granddaughter is so much better than me!

Yes, even Qian Renxue!

She is because she is the most talented person in the world! This evaluation not only includes innate soul power!

If it were in other planes, people like her should be called children of the plane!

Qian Renxue has a very strong learning ability, can remember everything she has said, and can understand these things! She also learned a lot from Qian Shui during her fights with him.

"Use offense instead of defense? Use speed to defeat slowness? Look for opportunities and kill with one strike?" Qian Daoliu is indeed the most powerful person in the world. He understood Qian Shui's current situation in an instant, "It's just not subtle enough."

The aftermath of the battle far beyond their level swept across the scene. Qian Renxue was sacred and upright, with light escaping from his body; Qian Shui was fast and agile, and his movements were accurate.

Two different styles are intertwined, entangled and colliding with each other. Sometimes Qian Renxue flies and swims away, and sometimes Qian Shui rushes forward, and the collision between swords sparkles.

Soon the two younger ones finished the fight. This time, the purpose was different, so there was no victory or defeat. Qianren Xueyuan sat cross-legged and broke through, while Qian Shui also stood with his back to her with his sword in his back. The soul power of both of them came out of their bodies.

Qian Renxue is breaking through level 40, while Qian Shui is comprehending!

‘Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs? ’

‘A cycle of life and death? Does death give life meaning? Is the end of the universe heat death? ’

'Then what is life? What is eternity? ’

'god? Angel god? Rakshasa God? Poseidon? God Shura? Not qualified yet! ’

‘Then the world of mortals is like an immortal, and time has not passed on to me? ’

Qian Shui seemed to understand that maybe his urge to see the dean and his crying at the Angel Academy might not actually be for the dean.

Maybe he was crying for himself! The dean embraces death and accepts all this. What is there to say? Those who understand the meaning of death and are fearless should bless it.

And what about Qianshui himself? As a time traveler, he wants to live forever! The reason is very simple. It is a small step for the senior. Why can't he? What's more, he once made a wish and wanted to go home. This is just Douluo Continent!

But nature is unpredictable. Don’t read novels and return to reality. There are so many wonderful and beautiful people in the world. Even Bibi Dong has such a difficult time. How many people have achieved eternity in the past and present? He is not Tang San, so how can he confirm that he is the protagonist when he returns to reality, and not the nameless nobody at the protagonist's feet?

Qian Shui raised his sword and pointed at the sky, seeming to have a question.

He doesn’t want to ask God if there are immortals. He knows the answer. He wants to ask himself - “Can you become an immortal?”

Qian Shui had no answer, so he took out the knife and started dancing.

‘The path to immortality is vast, but the path to ghosts is so joyful! When one enters the human life, life is precious in the immortal way, and death is precious in the ghost way. The immortal way always brings good luck, and the ghost way always brings misfortune... All the weather is turbulent, but my day is prosperous. ’

He silently recited the "Xian Dao Sutra" he learned from the Xian San drama. Although he only memorized this section because of the TV series, Qian Shui had a different understanding at this time.

"From now on, you will be called Asking the Heart, and you will be called the Mingxin!" After asking himself, Qian Shui also defined the sword - "Use the sword to ask the heart, use the sword to understand the heart!"

"Not a bad ambition!" Qian Renxue also broke through level 40 at the same time. Qian Daoliu was naturally overjoyed and came to the Soul Fighting Stage.

"The big offering is ridiculous!" Qian Shui saluted Qian Dao.

"Qian Shui, you are very good. With such talent, Tang Chen and I were far inferior to you back then! Don't belittle yourself!" Qian Daoliu was not ambiguous, and he was sincere in his praise.

Qian Shui didn't say anything, but bowed again.

"Grandpa, I'm obviously the one who broke through level 40, why are you praising Xiao Shui?"

"Of course Xiaoxue is better!"

Grandfather and grandson Xiaohou saw that it was getting late and agreed to set out to hunt for souls tomorrow, and the two little ones went back to sleep.

"Don't miss the craziness of being young, time is in a hurry~ Don't miss the sunset, no matter where you are~ If you don't have time to live young seriously, then grow old seriously~..."

Qian Shui hummed a song he liked, and he wanted to use it to remember what the dean had done today.

"Xiao Shui, can you still sing?"

"Who can't sing? Not everyone can howl once or twice."

She had never heard the melody Qian Shui sang before. It was not in the same style as all the music on Douluo Continent. It was estimated that Qian Shui must have made it up by himself.

"It sounds good, but how can you use such words at such a young age?"

"Well, I went to see the dean today. I'm afraid he has reached the end of his lifespan..."

"Xiao Shui..."

"It's okay. It's just something I feel. What I want to sing is just the dean."

"Well, does this song have a name?"

""Serious Aging""

"I like it very much! I just didn't expect Cricket Xiaoshui to be able to sing!"

Qian Renxue is an upright and kind-hearted person, serious and smart. If it weren't for her circumstances, she might be a super version of Joan of Arc, so she likes songs like this.

"What do you mean I can't do it? Your music class was so noisy that day that I couldn't even sleep!"

"Hey! So you can play better?"

"Of course! As long as I learn it, it will leave a lasting impression!"

"What? You don't know how!"

"that's not important……"

Ignoring Qian Renxue's disdainful eyes, Qian Shui boasted with disdain.

In the end, they decided to compete on their upcoming 9th birthday.

Qian Shui said, will I lose?

Not to mention me and my dignified Chinese millennium cultural memorial, behind me is the entire Blue Star! As long as you pick a song at random, it's not a game!

But, he can’t play the piano at all~

Chapter 37 Initial Plan

Even the bull who blew it out will have to do it with tears in his eyes!

Qian Shui rarely goes to the Soul Fighting Arena these days. Liu and Qian Renxue have no time to take music lessons. I have to say that after practicing, my brain is very good. Remember the key points and learn the techniques very easily. But I am not proficient.

Life is flowing like water, and the middle of the year has arrived in a blink of an eye. Qian Shui has been living a carefree life these days. He goes to school, practices, runs, and fights every day.

Ever since Qian Renxue reached the soul sect level, Qian Shui has become even more unbeatable. Even if he doesn't let go, he can still remain undefeated for a while.

The little girl is very powerful. Qian Shui didn't teach her specifically. She just learned some fighting skills. She no longer only uses martial arts power to fly big bricks like before, so she is more difficult to deal with.

In addition to these, Feng Jingyi and Chen Sha also wanted to get to the bottom of it. Even though Qian Shui didn't want to expose the method of cultivating immortals, he didn't dare to blame someone and just say that he taught it. What if these two really asked? Or have rumors spread?

Later, Feng Jingyi seemed to rely on him, and he followed him every day before going to bed. At first, Feng Jingyi didn't believe in evil, until her legs were so weak that she couldn't walk. When Qian Shui sent her back to the dormitory, she already had a mouth Foaming at the mouth.

Just kidding, Qian Shui ran around Wuhun City 10 times at full speed. Is this something they can achieve at this level? This guy can get to Silvis City in one night!

Later, I had no choice but to give up running with Qian Shui and could only run slowly. Sometimes Chensha would come for a run, but not often because she was a civilian and the housing subsidy she received would be sent home, and her daily expenses could only be work to earn a living.

In fact, it’s just because of one sentence: “You can see how I practice and you’ll know whether I can be a support player!”

At this time, Bibi Dong had already led the team to Xingluo City. Originally, this was a good thing. Qian Shui expressed his freedom, but Ghost Douluo looked at him, unable to do anything. Fortunately, it has been explained that Qian Xunji has no signs of dying for the time being, and Qian Renxue can spend this birthday well.

"Birthday, birthday~"

"What birthday? Is it your birthday?"

After finishing today's run before bed, Qian Shui and Feng Jingyi walked back together. Because it was too late, they were the only ones on the road~

"No, but that's right. As you know, I'm an orphan, so I don't know when I was born. I only know the day I was adopted. So that day became my birthday."

"Oh, so it's your birthday soon?"


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