"Ah~No~" Qianshui subconsciously hid Qian Renxue behind him, but such a big person can't hide.

"Xiao Qian, won't you introduce me to her?" Feng Jingyi had seen Qian Renxue before, but Qian Renxue was like a dragon that was hard to find, and she hadn't met him yet.

"Uh..." Qianshui was not good at dealing with this kind of situation, and because of nervousness, he didn't know what to say for a moment.

"My name is Qian Renxue! Yes...Yes, I'm his sister!" Qian Renxue took the initiative to stand up and introduce herself.

'Sister, is it time to talk about age now? '

"Oh~Is that so~"

"Yes, I'm here to find Qianshui to go home for dinner!"

"Oh~I see~"

"Sister Feng~You see, she's not a bad person, school is almost over, let's go!" Qianshui took the initiative to act like a good boy and prepared to take Qian Renxue away, so as not to expose it to the public, it would be fine, but it would be very troublesome.

"Well~ that's fine, you can go home and eat first~"

Feng Jingyi didn't bother them too much and let them go.

"You, why did you come here suddenly? If you want to come, just go to school~"

"What do you care about me! But you can marry this sister as your wife! She's just a little older, but you don't have to wait for 16 years, it's not bad!"

"What do you know? Why don't you say that I'm the hero of the Condor Heroes, and I've been ruined for life after seeing Yang Guo?..."

The two of them whispered and ran away quickly.

"Who is that girl Xiaofeng?"

"She's said to be Qianshui's sister~"

"She doesn't look like him?"

"Right? Her hair color is obviously different!"

"Xiaoshui said he's an orphan. Could he be from an orphanage?"

"No! Look at their clothes. It's obvious that they are not affordable for children from an orphanage! And they are in the same style~"

"Ah? Xiaoshui is not from an orphanage, so he is actually a rich man?"

"It's possible!"

"That girl? Could she be Xiaoshui's concubine?"

"It's possible!!!"

Feng Jingyi and Chen Sha were thinking about who Qian Renxue was, but nothing came of it.

"But what does it mean to be ruined for life after seeing Yang Guo?"

There are always some strange and incomprehensible things around Qianshui.


But the two little ones didn't care. Soon they came to the Pope's Palace.

The protagonist of this birthday party was obviously not Qianshui, but there were many eyes on him, and he was only concerned with eating and drinking.

'Eh~ It's still as unpalatable as before! 'Fortunately, there are enough varieties, so there is always something to eat.

It was late, Qianshui was chatting with the dean. Qian Daoliu only showed up and left, and didn't stay long. The dean looked a little lonely.

And the music competition agreed with Qian Renxue was about to start.

Qian Renxue took the lead and looked at Qianshui confidently.

Although Qian Renxue was a rare genius, she was indeed good at music. At least her technique and tone were impeccable. But it was a pity that there was no good music, so the Douluo's music was just so-so~

Then it was Qianshui's turn. To be honest, he had practiced secretly, but he could only be considered proficient. He could be considered to have squeezed out the original song from memory. Fortunately, his mental and spiritual power were very strong now, otherwise he couldn't even recall it.

"Dear seniors, the song I'm going to play next is called "The Sky"!"

This was a song that Qianshui liked more back then, and it was carefully selected.

Chapter 39 Outside Wuhun City

"I lost!"

The two little ones quickly ran out of the Pope's Hall, with no intention of staying.

There were all the high-ranking members of the Wuhun Hall inside. This kind of banquet was more of a social event for adults than a birthday party for children.

Looking at the bright night sky, Qian Renxue admitted defeat generously. Whether from the audience's reaction or her own evaluation, she lost.

"Xiaoshui, you are so smart. It has only been a short time since you can create a piece of music that will be sung for thousands of years! The ones I practiced are not even as good as one of them!"

'Yes, that is the weight of a brilliant civilization! Of course it is not that simple! '

Qianshui was a little proud, but not for himself, he was proud of everything he inherited behind him.

"Here, Xiaoshui, a birthday present~"

"What is this?"

"Gloves, you can't use a sword without hand guards~"

Qianshui really lacked a pair of hand guards. He didn't buy them because he felt that the ones on the market were too bad. He just wore them to show off because they looked good. There was no need to buy them.

"Not bad, it fits so well? It feels like it's stretchable!"

"Well, this is the work of the master craftsman Lou Gao. It's very thin and light, but very tough."

"Thank you, Xiaoxue!"

Qianshui put on gloves, took out the heart, and started using it.

"Where's my gift?" Qian Renxue spread her right hand

"Ah, yes, yes!" Actually, there's no one, Qianshui forgot! I was thinking about the gift that day, but I just wanted to fool Ju Douluo!


"What is this?" Qianshui handed over a page of paper, and the paper was densely packed with these words, and she was speechless the moment she saw the words, "Xiaoshui, you just gave me a page of truth?"

Qianshui has been frantically instilling new ideas into her recently, sometimes in the form of stories, anyway, some words like never forgetting the original intention, self-improvement, etc., and this time Qianshui's birthday gift is still a bunch of truths, and it's even more difficult to understand!

"I spent several months writing this! You can't throw it away! Keep it well, take it out and read it when you encounter something, Qianshui Douluo will keep you safe!"

He had to fool around, but Qianshui didn't want Qian Renxue to forget about it just because she didn't like it.

"Okay~ for your hard work~" Qian Renxue didn't care. With Qianshui's personality, it would be strange if he could get something good.

"But we can't just let it go like this. You have to punish me!"

"Ah? Okay, then you say!"

After all, it was the little girl's birthday. Although he was thick-skinned, he felt a little guilty.

"I'll punish you to sing another song!"


"Why? Can't I? Aren't you good when you don't sing?"

"Uh... normal~ normal~, but don't sing here." It was impossible to howl in the Pope's Palace. He had played it tremblingly before, and he didn't need to sing. He made it like a performance report.

"Indeed, in front of the Pope's Palace, they are going to attract people again. Hehe~ You will have to embarrass yourself when the time comes~ Then go home?"

"Forget it~ Isn't there the Elders' Palace? Let's go out of the city and take you to play something exciting and do something else good!"

"Shame on you, I'm afraid of making a fool of myself~ But okay, let's see what you can do~"

Qian Renxue doesn't like running, after all, she can fly! It's just that Qianshui loves this sport. Originally, he was pulling Qian Renxue to run, but she was directly possessed by the spirit.

"Let's go~ Let's fly high!"

"Hey~ Hey! Xiaoxue, don't be like this! If you have something to say, talk it over! Hey! Pay attention to the roof!"

Qian Renxue grabbed Qianshui with one hand and passed through the entire Wuhun City. She didn't fly fast, at least not as fast as Bibi Dong.

As Qian Renxue went up along the wall of Wuhun City and then swooped down, they finally left the city.

"Oh my dear mother! Xiaoxue! Do you know how your dear mother treated me those times!

Just like you!"

Qianshui started to complain before he even stood firmly on the ground, and finally fell to the ground with his buttocks.

"What does her behavior have to do with me?"

"I am so unlucky to meet you two!"

"Humph, that's her!" "Tell me quickly, what do you want to do?"

"Oh, don't you think the food in the Pope's Palace is as unpalatable as what we usually eat?" Qianshui said, and took Qian Renxue to walk farther outside the city.

"No, it's delicious~ Xiaoshui, you're not picky about food, why do you have such an idea?"

"That was in the past~ I can't help it! Ever since I went to the Star Dou Great Forest and studied cooking, I couldn't eat after returning to Wuhun City!"

"Oh? So you can cook? Why don't I see you cook normally?"

"What do you know! The place we live in is next to the Elder Hall! If I cook, what if the great worshipers come, I will be dead! Every day I cook for those dozen or twenty elders!"

" Grandpa and his friends are Title Douluo-level masters, how could this happen! Do you think they are all as willful as you? "

"Why not? Guangling Douluo even made me a target! Besides, how could I be so willful!"

"Who went to the Silves Kingdom because he didn't want to go to school~"

"I did it to practice, okay!"

"Who knows~"

As they talked, the two came to a tidal flat outside the Wuhun City. There was a small river in front, a small forest in the back, and a flat grassland in the middle, which was perfect for camping.

"That's it!" Qianshui pointed to the open space.

"Here? It's very ordinary here?"

"Hehe~Xiaoxue, Wuhun possesses! Release soul power!" Qianshui commanded Qian Renxue.

"Why? You took me so far, just to fight here?" Qian Renxue was confused. Does the fighting spirit need to run so far?

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