"Quick, cut off your ugly beard!"

"Okay, okay..."

Qianshui took out Wenxin and put it on his face.

"Stop, stop, you use Wenxin to shave your beard?"

"Why, I've already shaved it, why do you care what I use to shave?"

Qian Renxue was in a state of confusion, "You're really careless, Wenxin will cry if you do this..."

Qianshui took Wenxin in front of him and looked at it, 'This thing can cry? Isn't that great? ! Transform it for me! '

Sword spirits may not be impossible, Qianshui immediately imagined that Wenxin could turn into a beautiful girl and call her master softly.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Looking at Qianshui's ever-changing facial expressions, Qian Renxue interrupted his spell, "Sit still."

Qianshui took Wenxin and hung it under his crotch, blocking his view and saw Qian Renxue taking out a small knife, which seemed to be a special knife for shaving.

"You still have this thing?"

"What do you care about me?" Don't guess what the girl is thinking, "The biggest question should be why you don't have this thing..."


To be honest, Qianshui has never shaved his beard since he came to Douluo, and he has been obsessed with cultivation. That's why it's so long, so he didn't realize that he still needs to shave his beard, let alone a razor.

"Don't move..." Qian Renxue took the opportunity to sit next to Qianshui and started to shave Qianshui's beard with a knife.

"Be steady, what if your face is broken?" This is a real knife, not the razor that wouldn't hurt people in the previous life.

"Got it!"

"Uh... Can you change back and shave my beard with a man's face? It's too awkward."

"Tsk, why are there so many things..."

Having said that, Qian Renxue still lifted the disguise skill.

"What a magical skill!"

"Don't talk!"


Qianshui looked forward, waiting for the end of the shaving service.

"Okay, take a look for yourself~" Qian Renxue took out a hand mirror and handed it to Qianshui.

Touching his chin, Qianshui exclaimed: "Handsome!"

"Tsk, you're so conceited!"

"I'm naturally beautiful, okay~"

Qian Renxue also looked at Qianshui carefully. Although his clothes were still a little messy, Qianshui, with black hair, blue eyes and fair skin, was indeed a little handsome, and there was always a sense of déjà vu.

Silently turning around, and going behind Qianshui, Qian Renxue combed Qianshui's hair again, picked a platinum-colored bandage from her collection, and combed him into a high ponytail, completing Qianshui's head design.

"Well, it's okay, stand up and turn around twice."


At this time, Qianshui also saw Qian Renxue's appearance clearly. Her neat short golden hair matched with a golden headdress, a platinum-colored dress and light makeup on her face, white stockings and golden decorations, complemented each other and exuded the girl's delicate and cuteness, which was very cute.

Qianshui's eyes were straight, and he stood there stupidly for a while.

"Turn fast..."

"Oh, okay..."

Qianshui also obediently turned around twice, hiding her embarrassment.

"Not bad, not bad~" Qian Renxue put one hand on her waist and touched her chin with the other hand to comment on Qianshui's current appearance, "Hmm? Xiaoshui, what's wrong with you? Why is your face red? Is it too hot after taking a shower?"

Qian Renxue pretended to lean forward again and touched Qianshui's forehead.

Feeling the beautiful body of the most beautiful woman in Douluo, Qianshui's face became even redder, and his mind became a mess, "No... No, it's okay~"

"It shouldn't be, you still have a fever at such a high level?" Qian Renxue didn't pay any attention.

'Alas, this old man's fragile young heart...' Qianshui's expression was erratic, and I don't know what he was thinking.

"Come to think of it, I just felt something was wrong, and now it's true!" Qian Renxue looked at Qianshui's face and finally remembered the inexplicable sense of déjà vu just now, "Xiaoshui, you are really from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect, and you look a lot like Ning Fengzhi! And his little daughter is exactly the same as you when you were a child!"

"Huh?" Because he hadn't summoned it for too long, he almost forgot that he had a second martial soul - the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower. Qian Renxue's reminder made him think, "Could I be Ning Fengzhi's biological son?"

"Eh~ It's so chilling!" Qianshui shuddered at the thought of the bloody father-son plot.

"Don't say it, it's really possible. I worshipped Ning Fengzhi as my master under the identity of Xue Qinghe, and I've seen a lot. Now that you say that, it's indeed possible." Qian Renxue looked Qianshui up and down.

"Come on, why are you looking at me like that? Do you still want me to return to my roots?"

Thinking of this possibility, Qian Renxue became a little anxious. Qianshui's return to his roots would inevitably leave the Spirit Hall. How would they get along at that time? Interact with peers?

"Ha...ha...ha, as long as Xiaoshui, you are willing, well, it's not impossible..." Qian Renxue said this against her will like reading a book.

A fool could hear the meaning of such words, "What are you thinking about, girl? When I awakened my spirit, I decided not to return to the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect. Do you have such a bad memory?"

"Humph, who knew..." Qian Renxue became arrogant. She knew it but still acted like this.

"Hey...arrogant ghost, who said you were so perfunctory just now? You are so bad at pretending, I really don't know how you can be the prince!"

"Wow! I disguised myself very well, there is no flaw at all!" Qian Renxue was still confident enough about this.

"No flaws? Do you believe I can find a few for you?" Qian Shui looked disdainful. Qian Renxue could hide it from others, but she couldn't hide it from him.

The reason why everyone didn't notice it was because they didn't realize that "Xue Qinghe is not the original Xue Qinghe". They just felt that the young man's personality changed rapidly during adolescence. The speech pretends to be similar, but it really doesn't look like it.

"It's funny, Cricket Xiaoshui is talking so boldly, you can tell me!" Qian Renxue changed back to Xue Qinghe, folding her arms and looking at Qian Shui with disdain. Apart from her expression, she could not be more genuine than she was pretending.

"So confident? Then let me tell you~"

"Say it, I am all ears!"

"The most intuitive point is that you are pretending to be a man, just like me." Qian Shui pointed at himself, "I will have a beard, and even if I shave it, the pores will still exist, but your face is too smooth, not at all Like a normally developing boy!”

A confident smile solidified on Qian Renxue's face. She really didn't realize this.

"Second, I don't know if you have noticed the way you walk. There is a difference between the skeletons of men and women, and this is exactly the few flaws in your perfect disguise!"


‘Three more? ’ The first two are deadly enough. As long as you are willing, even if you cannot believe the existence of such disguised magical skills, you can still notice that something is wrong with her.

Qian Shui shrugged his nose and said to Qian Renxue: "Smell, there is a smell on you, it is obviously the smell of a woman, like cosmetics.

And do you know what it means if these smells appear on a man for a long time? Either he hangs out with women all day long, or he is not a man at all! "

Qian Renxue broke into a cold sweat. She thought that her disguise was flawless, even Xue Qinghe's behavior. She turned it all into her own use.

"Another point!"


"Well, as far as I know, the Xue Qinghe you played is very perfect and decent, but this is precisely the root of the problem. The most important and difficult part of playing a person is to become him completely, not just his appearance.

Xue Qinghe can never be a perfect person. Human beings will make mistakes, have weaknesses, and have shortcomings. However, your perfection has covered up all these normal human natures. It is already perfect and abnormal! "

After listening to Qian Shui's analysis, Qian Renxue was completely decadent and sat down on the seat.

"How about it, what I said is right!" Qian Shui entered the state of establishing governance and showed no mercy. As for the rest, let's finish talking~

"Xiao Shui... Am I really a fool? I can't even consider such a simple question..."

Qian Renxue shook her head and doubted her life. Qian Shui could see her problem at a glance, but she was still confident that there was no problem. Sure enough, she couldn't do anything without Qian Shui?

‘It’s only after I’ve thought about it that it’s damning. If I hadn’t followed dramas, watched movies and analyzed performances a lot, how would I have understood this? ’

"Oh, don't feel sorry for yourself. You're not a professional performer. It's pretty good that you can do this. At least no one has noticed it so far, right? I give you a big thumbs up~"

Qian Shui rarely comforted people, Qian Renxue calmed down despite being surprised.

Chapter 70 Discussion

Somehow, Qian Shui dropped his long-held habit this night and fell asleep for the first time in a long time.

When I woke up the next day, it was already a scorching sun in the sky. I had not felt this kind of peace of mind for a long time, and I wanted to stay in bed even more.

He lazily rolled out of bed, dressed and tied his hair, and finally got up.

The Prince's Mansion is quite large, basically in a Western style. I turned on the sensing function and confirmed that Qian Renxue was in the mansion and had not gone out. After finding the right direction, the old man walked towards the study room of the Prince's Mansion like a bird.

Qian Renxue, who was disguised as Xue Qinghe when she walked in and read the documents meticulously, glanced at Qian Shui and ignored him.

Qian Shui was a little curious about what she was looking at, so he picked up the documents scattered on the table and started reading.

Most of them are about the details of the elite competition, which is boring and tight. Seeing Qian Shui's appearance, Qian Renxue also handed him a few documents and motioned for him to take a look.

"what is this?"

"Tian Dou Royal Academy's entry list and team members' details."

"Don't look at it~" Qian Shui waved his hand and threw it on the table. ‘Enable full field of view, doesn’t it affect the game experience?’

"It's nothing else. There are two soul kings from the Haotian Sect."


In Qian Shui's opinion, except for Hu Liena's class in Dou Yili, not to mention the Soul King, the entire Soul Sect team is considered a strong team.

Not to mention that the Haotian Sect, which was completely suppressed after Qianxunji's death, has closed down. How could there still be two young people from the Soul King studying outside?

I really enjoyed opening this information and started reading it.

"Tang Meng? Tang Hu? There's also someone from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda..."

He had the impression that Tang Hu was the one Tang San had fought with in the Haotian Sect. Who was Tang Meng?

"Hey, Xiaoxue, is this your handiwork?" Qian Shui also probably guessed that if they hadn't been deliberately let go, these two fools from the Haotian Sect would never have survived.

"How about it? It's not like I can't beat him~" Qian Renxue smiled teasingly in front of Xue Qinghe's face.

"It's all boring, and your mother agrees?"

"I agree without hesitation."

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