The control-type soul master who knocked him away was a little stunned.

"What's wrong?"

"Why is he so heavy?"

Soon, Chen Sha had to leave the field, and the Wuhun team was in danger.

The aftermath of the battle also reached Qianshui, and Feng Jingyi was forced to Qianshui's side when she was fighting one against two.

"Is this your Wuhun team? It looks strong, but now it seems that it is just so-so!" Feng Jingyi was blocked by the wind sword, and the other party spoke, "The captain is a weak assistant, and he has to hide behind a woman!"

Qianshui's face was black, and he thought: 'I didn't expect that the villain's talkativeness is really so speechless? '

Separated from Feng Jingyi, the woman wearing high-heeled boots, with a good figure and aqua blue hair, instantly rushed towards Qianshui.

"Remember, the one who defeated you is me!"

"Second soul skill, ice slash!"

The audience on the stage didn't care, they only saw that the Wuhun team was severely suppressed by Tianshui, and they all shouted loudly to cheer.

But Ning Fengzhi, who had seen Qianshui's strength, didn't think so. It was obviously impossible to end it so easily.

"Hmm... what's your name?"

Hearing the voice coming from the side of her body, she couldn't stop the skill. When the skill was released and a large piece of ice cones appeared on the fighting stage, she said in a trance: "Shui Zhener..."

"Oh, Frost Sword Martial Soul, level 45, the combat power is not bad."

Feng Jingyi on the side did not have Qianshui's theoretical mood. The soul power was pumped all over her body, and the strong wind on the wind sword suddenly ran wild, "First soul skill, wind blade!"

Braashing away the people who restrained her, she launched the first soul skill towards Shui Zhener.

"Stop talking nonsense!" Regardless of Qianshui approaching, Feng Jingyi used the first soul skill to force Shui Zhener to leave the original position, and then knocked Shui Zhener away with a sword, "Boss You, Xiaozhi, Xiaozhou, hold on for ten breaths!"

"Okay!", "Okay!", "Okay!"

Feng Jingyi pulled off her coat, revealing the close-fitting weight inside, regardless of Qianshui's words that it was only allowed to be removed in the finals.

Qianshui was somewhat relieved. These people have always been obedient, which is what he disliked, but Feng Jingyi took the initiative to break the rules, which was rebellious enough!

Attack speed bonuses fell towards Feng Jingyi, and Qianshui's mouth corners rose. This is what he thought Feng Jingyi should look like!

With a bang, the weight fell to the ground, and Feng Jingyi revealed a close-fitting short-sleeved shirt. Her snow-white skin was healthy and rosy, with beads of sweat hanging on it, and her slightly exposed abdomen revealed faint abdominal muscles.

At this time, Feng Jingyi was in a domineering manner, with a wind field gathering around her. Her short white hair and red pupils, as well as her cold and stern expression, made her full of aloof temperament.

The small leather skirt under her body trembled with the wind, and at this moment Feng Jingyi shouted: "Retreat!"

"Fourth soul skill, a moment!"

As the wind sword was summoned again, the teammates retreated, and the strong wind pressure was instantly stimulated from the wind sword, forming a huge thrust. With the assistance of the fourth soul skill and Qianshui, Feng Jingyi was almost beyond the soul emperor level at this time!

The seven people of the Tianshui team were instantly destroyed, some were knocked away, and some were knocked down.

"Fifth soul skill!" Feng Jingyi appeared behind all the people of the Tianshui team and launched the fifth soul skill!

The strong wind pressure gathered towards Feng Jingyi, and the seven people of Tianshui were pulled together.

"Wind Demon Break!"

With the hilt of the sword facing forward, Feng Jingyi played a soul skill. In just a moment, the high-pressure wind knocked the seven people of the Tianshui team who had not yet reacted off the fighting soul stage!

Feng Jingyi stood proudly holding a sword, and the whole audience could hear a needle drop. No one cheered for the Spirit Hall, and some were only in disbelief.

"I declare that the Spirit Team won!"

As the emcee's voice fell, Feng Jingyi packed up her equipment, and the Qianshui side also walked off the stage.

"Why? Why didn't you use all your strength from the beginning! Why? Why are you so strong?"

Shui Zhener didn't understand. These people were almost the same age as her. No matter how strong they were, there should be a limit. Even yesterday's instant kill was just a level suppression, but the strength shown by Feng Jingyi today was beyond her cognition.

"Why?" Ling Yunzhi, who was closest to her, stopped, "Why do you think she looked like that?"

Looking at Feng Jingyi's almost perfect figure and hidden muscles, Ling Yunzhi smiled.

"If she hadn't endured unimaginable pain and hardship, how could she stand here, so dazzling!"

Chapter 79 Xingluo Team

Shui Zhen'er opened her mouth, but couldn't say a word. Her torn clothes and the cut high heels said it all.

She was given special attention. Even the dumbest person could see that the other party was holding back, otherwise no one present would be able to walk off the fighting stage alive.

Ling Yunzhi glanced at the distraught Shui Zhen'er and walked off the stage.

Use all your strength? They used all their strength, and this so-called finals lost its meaning. It's better to hone themselves. As Qianshui had told them long ago, the purpose of training has always been to strengthen oneself. Things like competitions can only be a sharpening, not the ultimate goal.

They were originally mediocre in talent, and their average innate soul power did not exceed level 8. Without years of boring training, day after day, losing social interaction, and racking their brains, how did they get to this point?

The fighting power that surpassed his peers was fully demonstrated at this moment. It was even more unimaginable for him to think that Qianshui was even better than them.

This was also why they could understand why Qianshui despised the competition so much. There was no other reason, he was just strong enough!

"Hmph, trash! I paid such a high price!" Prince Xuexing had a gloomy face at this time.

Although Ning Fengzhi's face was solemn, he still comforted his partner: "Prince, why do you have to do this? Tianshui's role is enough. At least we know that the Wuhun team still hides its strength, right?"

"I hope so!"


"Fengzhi, did you see it? That kid's soul skills?!"

"How can an auxiliary soul master have such combat power as him, and how can a human-shaped martial soul be so simple!"

"Uncle Jian, our estimate of him is still too simple. The soul ring he lit up is just his own soul skills, and the ones he added to his teammates are not normal big auxiliary soul skills at all!"

"Self-created auxiliary soul skills! Fengzhi, do you remember Tang Chen, the leader of the previous Haotian Sect?"

"Haotian Jiujue?"

"That's right!"

Ning Fengzhi and Chen Xin were both full of murderous aura. The unwritten rule of Douluo Continent is that geniuses who cannot be obtained are enemies to be destroyed!

“Xiaoshui, I’m sorry, I took off the weights early to play the game…”

Feng Jingyi lowered her head and apologized to Qianshui.

“Raise your head, Sister Feng!”

Looking at Feng Jingyi who put on the weights again, her hair was wet with sweat, and she looked a little wilted. There was really no reason to blame him for what he did, because it was not an absolute order to be executed.

“You performed very well, very cool and handsome!”

“Didn’t you notice? No matter what the result is, you made your own choice. Wasn’t that what you longed for at that moment?”

The big boy in front of her swayed his long hair in the breeze. The insignificant recognition was exactly what the girl wanted, and the warmth that arose could not be denied. What should she do in this situation?

“Yeah!” Feng Jingyi smiled but responded with tears in her eyes, “Sasha is still waiting for me, I’m leaving first!”

Turning around and shaking off the tears, Feng Jingyi ran towards Chensha.

Qianshui couldn’t help but look at the main platform. The sight there was too strong for him to ignore.

Ning Fengzhi and the others on the stage all looked at Qianshui, and invisible pressure enveloped him.

As the saying goes, you don't look at the bottom when playing cards. The opponent's cards are all known. Qianshui will not be so cautious even if he is afraid of losing.

Qianshui also left the stage with a confident smile towards that person, but Qian Renxue, who was also in the stands, was a little speechless.

'Xiaoshui, you are laughing so silly! ' 'You don't understand, this is called the crooked-mouthed dragon king! It will return to its place after three years! '

Qian Renxue felt uncomfortable watching Feng Jingyi steal the limelight, but she didn't think about it. It was just that their conversation at the end made her care.

Until Qianshui's crooked-mouthed dragon king laughed, which brought her back to reality.


"So happy? Didn't I punish you?" Chen Sha didn't understand. Feng Jingyi, who came back, kept grinning foolishly, and didn't know what she was thinking.

"Shasha, you said, it would be great if I met Xiaoshui first..."

"Didn't you give up?"

"Yes, I gave up, but I'm still a little unwilling..."


The third match was against the Divine Wind. If Feng Xiaotian was not still a child, he would have been beaten if he met the Wuhun Team in this match. After all, the Wind Wolf left an indelible memory for the three strongest players.

The Divine Wind Team was not much better in this match. In order to restore the image in the match against Tianshui, the whole team went all out. The first-time killing and encirclement tactics made their debut in the elite competition. The Wuhun Team played a powerful role in another form of instant killing.

The opponent in the semi-finals was the Xingluo Team. As a veteran strong team, it must have the Wuhun fusion skill of the Nether White Tiger, which was a bit tricky.

"Brother Shui, what do you think? Are you going to use the Netherworld Cat?"

"Let's continue with the previous tactics. Clear the field quickly enough. They can't use the martial soul fusion technique at all. The Netherworld Spirit Cats of this session are just average. In terms of speed, Ruoyou is the winner."

Since the Xingluo team was mentioned, Qianshui analyzed it habitually.

"In short, our tactics have always been fine, but there is one thing. Due to the exposure of the instant kill tactics, they are likely to launch the Netherworld White Tiger immediately at the beginning, and only you have the ability to instantly interrupt the launch of their martial soul fusion technique."

As the actual tactical planner now, Ruoyou has naturally considered it. His meaning is very clear. If Qianshui does not move, they are likely to be unable to interrupt the launch of the Netherworld White Tiger. As for whether Qianshui moves, he needs to ask for his opinion.

"I'll still assist, you guys fight, if you can't do it, just unload the burden. Our overall strength far exceeds Xingluo, we just crush them with strength."

For this point, everyone had no doubts. Even if Qianshui didn't move, the attack speed bonus was high enough. If he unloaded the burden, the game would be a foregone conclusion.

"If they dare to use the fusion skill, just clear the back row, there's nothing to say, it's too easy to have seven against two."

For this kind of Wuhun fusion skill with a relatively long pre-swing, their tactics are basically natural counters. If they give up interrupting the Wuhun fusion skill, then ask their teammates. It's not a turn-based game, and they can still taunt. You hit me and I hit you.

One night didn't take too long to wait. Xingluo should be headed by a branch of the royal Dai family and the side branch Zhu family, probably brothers or cousins ​​of Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing.

They had a bye in the last round, and they saw the game between Wuhun Hall and Shenfeng. No one dared to underestimate the Wuhun team.

After both sides opened their Wuhun, they waited for the order to start the battle.

"You guys are strong, so don't blame us for going all out!"

The evil-eyed cat made a harsh remark, which immediately exposed the tactical arrangement. Qianshui could only laugh at their stubbornness.

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