In the end, it was also for Qian Renxue, the golden-haired proud girl, to at least ease the relationship before the complete breakup, so as to completely integrate the Spirit Hall in the future! Qianshui's worship of Bibi Dong as a teacher can serve as this bridge!

Bibi Dong had no expression, no joy or sadness, she did not expect this situation. Bibi Dong hated being forced like this, but for her revenge plan, she would endure it anyway!

"Dong'er!" Qianxunji said sternly.

"I know, I will accept him as my disciple."


In short, a grand event was over, Bibi Dong turned around and left, not caring about Qianshui, the new disciple at all.

And the two little ones also ran out.

"Qianshui! Explain to me clearly! Why do you want to worship her as your master!"

"Ah~ Didn't I say that, compared to the gloomy Ghost Douluo, I certainly prefer the elder sister!"

Qian Renxue stomped her feet in anger, "You are talking nonsense! You know it! I... I..."

"Because I know it~"

"You! You are meddling in other people's business!"

"Ah~ After all, she is your mother, why bother~ So what else do you have a problem with?"

"No more!" Qian Renxue crossed her arms and looked unfriendly!

"By the way, what should your martial soul be called, soul martial soul?"

"Well... I think it should be called - Yuanshen!"

"What is Yuanshen?"

"It's complicated to explain~ I'll tell you later~"


(Qian Renxue: I'm also your paper wife, why don't you have this impulse!

Qian Shui: I don't refine copper! Who would have that kind of desire for a child!)

Chapter 9 Speculations on cultivation

The question of Qian Shui's second martial soul is indeed complicated to explain. Qian Shui's own analysis before was actually only half of the story. He was not unaware of why the soul became a martial soul!

Because in fact, what he cultivated should be regarded as the method of cultivating immortals! And the so-called cultivation of immortals, the word "immortal" in the "cultivation system of immortals" actually refers to - Yuanshen!

The specific process of the cultivation system is to draw qi into the body to cultivate the spirit, qi and spirit, so as to build the foundation, achieve the golden elixir into the abdomen, and then break the elixir into an infant, and transform the infant into a god!

This is the real entry and the foundation of immortality, and then master the magical power. When the magic power and physical body meet the conditions, it is - Ascension! To achieve the true immortal, master the laws of heaven and earth, and achieve longevity.

Then until the achievement of the first palm of the Golden Immortal, walk out of your own unique path, truly achieve immortality, and then the ultimate of immortality, achieve Daluo, jump out of the long river of time, theoretically immortal, as long as the true spirit is guaranteed to be immortal, it will return sooner or later.

Even higher is the highest realm of immortal cultivation, Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian! It is the highest realm of immortal cultivation. Those who have extremely profound cultivation have a body that is indestructible after ten thousand calamities, and are truly immortal!

Qianshui should not be too clear about these. When I stayed up late to read novels and galloped in major forums, the great immortals were the contemporary Zhuge Liang who gave full play to their abilities! Many things have been summarized in the previous life, but they cannot be verified in practice.

The reason why it is judged as the method of cultivating immortals is because the method of cultivating immortals is the most natural, as the saying goes, Tao follows nature. Although other variants are similar, they all draw qi into the body and then enter the world of cultivation.

For example, Qianshui's favorite method of covering the sky, the advantage of the method of covering the sky is that its lower limit is much lower than other methods. Even in the last days of the law, it can still allow cultivators to change their fate, but the difficulty of cultivation is higher and more cruel. Among them, the advantage of the low lower limit is the greatest! If placed in the complete world, this advantage must be infinitely magnified! After all, the theme of covering the sky is-fighting for crossing!

It's a pity that it's not worth it, because that thing is considered an acquired method, created by Emperor Huang Tian. The bad thing about such a system is that you need someone to lead you in! Otherwise, the bitter sea is easy to understand, but what about the other side of the life spring divine bridge, it's completely confusing.

In addition to the cultivation method of taking the body as a seed and the body refining order of this system, it is actually very difficult to get.

Unless Qianshui has a cheat, he can mechanically descend to the gods and directly obtain this cultivation method, otherwise there is no way~

So Qianshui is just practicing the entry now. In theory, he is practicing the innate method, which is a way of cultivation that can be entered without external intervention. This method is actually quite pitfall in the cultivation system, with slow progress and high requirements for comprehension. It is probably only suitable for a complete super world like Honghuang, because there are enough resources, sufficient energy, and comprehensive Taoism.

The so-called "Honghuang does not remember years", who dares to say this in other worlds?

The Supreme who cut himself with a knife in the Heaven-shaking said it was very cool!

But the advantage is that it is comprehensive and omnipotent. Although there is no special feature, it is neutral and peaceful. As long as you don't do it, it is a smooth road, and there is no need to fight to the death.

And Qianshui analyzed that he was theoretically walking on this road. This is also the only other way of cultivation that can be done besides Douluo's own cultivation system.

But in fact, it is much better, because Douluo cultivates martial souls. They know that they need to cultivate soul power but they are not systematic at all. To put it bluntly, Douluo's so-called cultivation is to rely on their own talents to absorb soul power. This is like mouth to water, sucking hard! How much you can suck depends on fate. Whoever has a big mouth, who swallows quickly, who has a big stomach, will suck the fastest and the most! And don't practice the body, don't cultivate the spirit! It all depends on talent!

Qianshui found a way to practice after thinking hard, and he is much stronger than Douluo people. With his daily exercise, his physique is constantly improving, and this path is to practice the three elements of spirit, energy and spirit at the same time!

"The so-called meridian cultivation should be to cultivate essence, soul, spirit and soul! The thing that maintains life can be said to be the human body itself! Add soul power to absorb, as well as my soul strength and mental power! Cultivation of everything Okay~

So my martial spirit is just me who has been trained ~ and it is the integration of spirit, energy and spirit, not just the soul! It’s just my own energy body!

Theoretically, this state is in the system of cultivating immortals. Only after cultivating the soul after the transformation stage can the soul be separated from the body! I don’t understand~ Could it be that the world rules use the martial soul to create a BUG card for the human-shaped beast martial soul? ? The terrifying erect ape martial spirit? But it seems that this is the only possibility..."

Qian Shui didn't discuss it with Qian Renxue for too long. She was soon taken away to hunt for souls. The lineup was unprecedentedly spectacular, including a large priest and a pope!

After that, Qian Shui ran back to the room. This new thing called Wuhun was so interesting!

Qian Shui first acted like he was playing a gun battle game, frantically summoning and retrieving his martial soul, and by the way, he tried to see whether the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Tower could hit people! But anyway, I had no intention of building the Seven Treasures Glazed Pagoda, and I soon got tired of it.

The Yuan Shen Wuhun is different. Qian Shui's consciousness will be attached to it. Because it is an energy body, it can also window and wall, and its shape can also be changed, that is, it can move regardless of space restrictions. Moreover, the movement speed is very fast, which consumes a lot of soul power.

It is very possible to move at full speed to reach the speed of light, but unfortunately Qian Shui does not dare to try it, not even the speed of sound, or even faster than that, because if he tries, he will die! This thing needs to be at least Nascent Soul or Soul Transformation before you can try it.

However, those like Nascent Soul need to at least start as a Super Douluo, and even those with level 99 may not be worthy of the Transformation God! Douluo estimates that the soul has truly taken shape and has reached the god level.

After playing until his soul power was almost exhausted, Qian Shui had no choice but to stop practicing~ First he tried the Douluo method, and all he could say was scum, this thing really only has one function - absorbing soul power!

What Qian Shui obtained was actually Wuhun Palace's meditation method, which is among the best in the world!

I just said something fun and stopped playing. I still have to learn the immortality method!

In the next few days, Qian Shui did not sleep at all except for daily exercise and eating. He also practiced cultivation. On the one hand, he wanted to try the method of resting without sleeping to catch up with the trend of time-travelers, but on the other hand, the liver emperor's essence had changed!

"This thing is more addictive than playing games! It's so exciting! It's better to develop it!"

The experience of the liver game in his previous life was far away. The premonition before time travel made him give away his account. It was useless to think about it~ However, the true nature of the liver emperor cannot be changed!

So within a few days, I repaired my soul power back to level 10, and by the way, I verified that the level will not be stuck in experience.

"The card doesn't seem to be stuck, but I don't feel very comfortable. As for the cultivation speed and other things, I can't feel anything else for the time being. If it doesn't work, go get a soul ring." Qian Shui stopped his Gan Emperor behavior and walked out of his bed .

These days, I have recovered my immovable nature as a homebody. I have basically never left the room and have been practicing in bed. After eating something, Qian Shui took a shower and went out. He glanced at Qian Renxue's room next door and found that no one was there, and he hadn't been bothering him recently, so he judged that he probably hadn't come back.

"It seems they are all still outside~" After asking the servant the time, it should be early in the morning on the fifth day.

Qian Shui touched his chin and finally decided: "It seems that I can only go to Bibi Dong~"

In fact, Qian Shui has many choices. He can also go to the Elder's Hall. The worshiper who knows him should be able to make arrangements. If not, he can also go to the dean. But you still have to be polite after becoming a disciple~ Bibi Dongna had a bad attitude for well-known reasons, and he didn't try to warm his face and put his cold butt.

But soul hunting is a very important matter for soul masters in this world. It can be said that it is second only to the awakening of martial souls and the inheritance of the family line. It is a reasonable and reasonable choice for him to go to Bibi Dong, a teacher.

Qian Shui has a character that doesn't like trouble. He doesn't want to say anything unless it's necessary, so being reasonable is very important to him. Appearing in front of few people can avoid a lot of trouble. Although he is not afraid of trouble, he is even very much looking forward to this kind of show-off and slap-in-the-face plot! After all, he is a time traveler, so he is particularly tough in this aspect~

Qian Shui was confused as soon as he went out. He was completely unfamiliar with Bibi Dong. Qian Renxue never called him when she went to find Bibi Dong. Besides, he didn't want to watch such a disturbing plot at all. He is only a six-year-old child now. Solve the problem with talk? Spare him! Even if he could, he would refuse!

"Perhaps she hasn't gone out yet so early in the morning? Ask her where she lives?"

Qian Shui scratched his head and found a reliable guard outside the Elder's Hall and asked, "Uncle, do you know where the saint lives?"

The guard brother obviously knew Qian Shui, but Qian Shui had no impression of him at all: "Your Highness Qian Shui, the saint's residence is the exclusive saint's hall, but it was later moved to the Pope's Palace. You are looking for the saint ?"

"Well, thank you." With a polite yet embarrassed smile, Qian Shui walked towards the Pope's Palace. The embarrassment was embarrassing, "What an evil title for feudalism!" ’

Chapter 10 Bibi Dong

The Pope's Palace was not far away from the Elder's Palace, so Qian Shui quickly stood in front of the majestic Pope's Palace.

He didn't come much, but the guards all knew him, so he went in without being blocked.

In fact, Qian Shui didn't observe Bibi Dong very carefully that day. He was quite nervous and didn't even see clearly what Bibi Dong looked like. He only remembered that she had purple hair just like in his memory.

Qian Shui stopped in front of the gate of the Pope's Palace. Thinking that it would be impolite to go in directly, he called out: "Teacher~Teacher, are you there? My soul power is level 10, and I want to discuss soul hunting with you." thing!"

After a while, Qianshui only heard a female voice without any emotion suddenly sounded in his ears: "Come in!"

'Is this the line of forcing sound into a line? ! So cool! 'Thinking of this, he pushed open the door of the Pope's Palace.

Bibi Dong was indeed there, and she was reviewing documents in the main seat. It seemed that Qianxunji and Qianrenxue went to hunt souls, leaving the official business to Bibi Dong to handle.

Bibi Dong's current appearance was very close to the Bibi Dong in Qianshui's image, but she was not wearing the instructor's crown and had no scepter.

Qianshui walked closer, saluted and greeted: "Teacher!"

Bibi Dong ignored him and continued to review the documents. Qianshui didn't care. It was either a show of power or he didn't feel anything. This kind of thing requires thick skin, and whoever is uncomfortable will be embarrassed.

This is also an opportunity. Qianshui silently observed Bibi Dong. In fact, you can't have any evil thoughts in front of a real person, and Qianshui can't drive a big car at this time.

Bibi Dong is actually very gentle on the outside, with low eyebrows and charming purple eyes. She has fair skin, a perfect figure, and a very good temperament.

That purple hair is combed into a young woman's style. This is good, but also very annoying! Qianshui can only say that Qianxunji is really not a human being, and he has moved to the Pope's Palace!

'It would have been better if I had come here 20 years earlier. If I had worked hard, I would have hugged Bibi Dong to warm the bed~'

It is not polite to stare at someone all the time. Qianshui looked away after a while. He was not interested in the documents Bibi Dong reviewed and did not want to read them at all. He could only look around, but Bibi Dong still ignored him.

'Forget it, practice for a while~'

Qianshui, standing aside, was in a trance. Suddenly, he thought of the martial soul practice method and considered some issues of soul power development. Dantian slowly absorbed soul power and slowly circulated soul power around the body.

And Bibi Dong knew about this cheap disciple. He has been a maverick since he was a child. A few years after Qian Renxue was born, she actually went to the Slaughter City after gaining her freedom. She didn't know much about what happened in the past three years.

But it was different when she came back. She returned to the Spirit Hall with the fire of revenge. While practicing, she also began to win people's hearts and build her own team. The experience with Yu Xiaogang made Bibi Dong have the habit of collecting information and analyzing and using it reasonably.

This is actually quite difficult for Douluo people. Their minds are full of spirit Ola, and they have no idea about the acquisition and use of information. Few people would do such things, except for people like Yu Xiaogang. Otherwise, why would Yu Xiaogang dare to swing around with just half a bucket of water? Is he worthy?

The sects with a long history probably have specialized research talents. Yu Xiaogang's research is at most an average level. After all, if the realm is too low, his vision will be limited.

And Qianshui is among the information collected by Bibi Dong!

In fact, it is difficult for Qianshui's existence not to attract Bibi Dong's attention. Qian Renxue's playmate, the story of unrestrained imagination, and the self-discipline to terrible action and maturity.

It's just that in a place like the Spirit Hall, there are many Titled Douluo with higher cultivation. The more such existences there are, the less sensitive they are to these things, especially since Qianshui is still near the Elder Hall. So Qianshui simply became a little transparent~ Of course, Qianshui herself is even happier with this!

Bibi Dong has a different perspective from ordinary people. She discovered the blind spot very early. She believes that even if Qianshui can't practice, he is definitely a person like Yu Xiaogang, or even stronger. It's not a loss to be a staff member in the future! It's a pity that his identity and background have firmly bound Qian Renxue!

But what's more surprising is that Qianshui is actually the owner of twin martial spirits like her!

As the second recorded owner of twin martial spirits in this world, Bibi Dong solved the backlash of twin martial spirits, making her very powerful!

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