At this time, it seemed that he was tired of scolding, and the rabbit finally calmed down.

Qian Shui, who had left her unmoved, also stopped. He almost didn't get there, and having several litters of rabbits would be too destructive.

After putting down the rabbit and lighting the fire, Qian Shui also picked corn cobs and other vegetables, while the rabbit was the unbeatable carrot.

"Do you rabbits really like carrots that much?"

Looking at this rabbit spirit who looked like a little girl, who was considered a goddess in her previous life, Qian Shui not only had many ultimate questions for her that she wanted to ask. For example, at least he knew that normal rabbits would not eat carrots, and the reason why he used this thing to attract her was only because of the original work.

"Of course!" The clicking sounds of chewing continued, and it could be said that the chewing was delicious. "Carrots are so delicious!"

Seeing how excited she was, Qian Shui was about to vomit. Firstly, he doesn't like to eat food like radishes, and secondly, he has eaten too many of them recently, and he keeps away from them because of the smell.

"You really don't know how humans appeared?" Qian Shui was still struggling with those issues.

"I've said it hundreds of times! I don't know!"

At first, Rabbit didn't want to answer at all, but the carrot set was so delicious! If all human beings are bad in her mind, then the only good thing is this carrot's weird ways.

She really didn't know that it had been eighty or ninety thousand years since she had a clear mind, and she had no trouble with the world, and she didn't care about these things. This kind of thing seemed big, but compared to her, a harmless human and animal. What does the soft-bone rabbit have to do with it? It's not as important and real as a meal, so she doesn't need to care about it at all.

"Forget it, with your IQ, you can only do this for a hundred thousand years, and I can't count on you anymore."

"You have a low IQ! Your whole family has a low IQ!"

Thinking about Ning Fengzhi, Qian Shui even silently ordered her some money.

"I don't know that it's because I don't care! If it were my mother..."

She blurted out and suddenly felt a little sad.

"Your mother? Can you rely on your mother for the rest of your life? I really don't know how you dare to transform!"

She felt depressed all over, "I...I just have bad luck..."

Regarding being caught by Qian Shui, her perception was that she was unlucky to meet someone who could figure out her identity in such a remote border town.

"Luck? You are indeed lucky to have met me."

“Am I very unlucky?!!”

Qianshui was expressionless. Not to mention Tang Hao, he was killed by you at first sight. Thinking back to the future ending of this rabbit, he died and died, and even the future of the entire soul beast clan, it couldn't be more tragic. What is even more worrying is what happened to her daughter, the goddess of light, Butterfly? Talk about a gift from God, does she still have some characteristics of a rabbit?

"Forget it, at least I'm not interested in killing you for soul hunting or making you sacrifice. I'm only interested in what's going on in your mind and your transformation itself."

Hearing this, Rabbit threw the carrot on the ground, pointed at Qian Shui's nose and began to curse: "Huh, tell me! Your dirty thoughts! You don't kill me now just so that I can You sacrifice, so that you can ignore the soul master level and absorb it!"

“Don’t believe me if you say you are stupid, I have a better way to make you sacrifice.

Anyway, I know your identity. As long as I don’t tell you, I just get close to you and develop feelings for you. When it actually matures and creates a large enough external life and death crisis, I will spare no effort to protect you and fight to the death. You may even have fallen in love with me by then. If you don't sacrifice, you will die, but if you sacrifice, one person can survive. If you don’t know anything, what other options do you have? "

Qian Shui just recounted her original experience in a darker way, which made the rabbit's hair stand on end in shock.

" could I fall in love with a despicable human being like you!"

Qian Shui also plays an idle game to prevent the inertia of the plot from pulling things back to their original track.

Such words will plant seeds of doubt in the heart of this rabbit whose worldly knowledge is a blank slate, and he will not become the Tang Shenwang easily.

Although with him here, the possibility of this is almost zero, but don't be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of the eventuality.

"I need you to fall in love with me?" Qian Shui sneered, "You just need to think carefully, can such a thing happen? Can I do it?!"

The sudden sharp question made Rabbit suddenly startled. He couldn't help but think about the possibility, and subconsciously kept looking at Qianshui.

At first sight, he was just an uncle, which was very scary, but for female animals, appearance is always the primary productive force, and Qian Shui, who later changed into his true appearance, still looks pretty good.

The key is that Qian Shui has a deep mind and a changeable and cunning personality. On the surface, she doesn't think anything about such a person, but once she gets close, she feels like she is facing an abyss.

The more she thought about it, the worse she got. An ordinary soul master might only care about his soul ring and soul bone, and that would be nothing more than death. But the person in front of him seemed to be about to knock her bones and suck out her marrow. The unknown was the most terrifying thing!

The more the rabbit thought about it, the more frightened he became. If in the hands of this person, even sacrifices could be manipulated in this way, what about the others? Thinking of this, she stepped back step by step until she leaned against the big tree behind her.

"You are a devil!!! Yeah..."

Chapter 98 The Fifth Soul Ring

The rabbit was entangled by an unknown plant. She was frightened by Qian Shui and was in a state of confusion. Almost all her hundred thousand years of cultivation experience were forgotten.

"Yeah!!! What is it!!"

But Qianshui smiled: "I've been looking for him everywhere, but I can't find him. I can meet him by chance while walking."

"What are you talking about? Save me! I can't get away. If I die, your spirit ring will be gone!"

With his life at stake, Rabbit asked for help without any pretense.

"Didn't I say it? I don't want your spirit ring. If you have the guts, you can sacrifice it! If you force it on me, I can only do it reluctantly." After saying that, Qianshui even took a bite of corn and chewed it comfortably.

"You *****!!"

The rabbit cursed vigorously, but didn't notice that Qianshui's eyes were shining and he looked into the distance.

"Good guy, this is the Blue Silver Forest! It's really possible that this place is close to the Sunset Forest!"

This area is full of ordinary Blue Silver Grass. This thing was originally common. Qianshui didn't care much when he first arrived, but just now it made him develop all his perceptions. The blue and patches of spirit power light spots in front of him were too eye-catching.

Chinese people have always been familiar with the principle of natural growth and decline, and thanks to Qianshui's mature mind, if he were in adolescence, he would really think that animals and plants are good or bad, such as rabbits and grass that are harmless to humans and animals.

But the story of killing all the wolves because of deer, which eventually led to disaster, is also in his mind, so he can't think that ordinary blue silver grass is simple.

Venus flytraps and pitcher plants with hunting types exist, so why is blue silver grass special? The dead bodies of animals lying at the bottom of the tree will not be absorbed by plants as nutrients? They all get energy from the outside world, and there is nothing noble about it. The only difference is the control of degree.

After eating the last bite of corn, Qianshui habitually stood up and patted his buttocks, and then the sword moved with him, freeing the rabbit in an instant.


But before the rabbit could thank him, a ball of rags was stuffed into his mouth, and Qianshui tied him directly behind him.

Just when the rabbit thought Qianshui was about to escape from here, he was taken to stand in the tall tree canopy and did not move much.

As if talking to himself, Qianshui said: "Blue Silver Grass, weak? Harmless to humans and animals? Ignore it, but what a coincidence, I encountered a wood-attributed ten thousand-year-old soul beast!"

As soon as the voice fell, Rabbit saw a translucent object attached to Qianshui's body, and four soul rings of yellow, purple, purple and black appeared under his feet one after another.

'How is it possible? He is only a soul ancestor? How did he recognize me? Does he have an elder who is at least a soul douluo? '

Qianshui took out Mingxin at this moment and calculated this incident, because in his eyes, a huge soul power light ball appeared not far away, which was the total amount of soul power that soul beasts of at least 50,000 years old would have, and there were countless large and small light balls around.

He was almost certain that this place was the place where Tang Shenwang awakened the Blue Silver Emperor, so there was nothing to hold back.

'The fifth ring in the plan was a wood-attributed soul ring, and finding the Blue Silver Forest was just a chance to destroy Tang Shenwang, but the probability was not high, and this was indeed a coincidence. ’

The two purposes simultaneously forced Qianshui to start destroying this beautiful place. After all, it was a plant, and the root system might be the main body. It might not be killed without some major destruction.

He took out Mingxin, shouted "sin, sin", and launched the first and second soul skills without hesitation, jumped high, and attacked the brightest light ball.

This scared the rabbit behind him. Qianshui carried her on his back, just like carrying a luggage bag, and didn't feel anything, but she couldn't, especially when she was conscious, it was much more exciting than riding a roller coaster. What's more, at such a fast speed, driven by inertia, she felt that her neck was about to break.

But this person's fighting style is much more violent than it looks. The continuous swing of the knife smashed all the vines that were wrapped around him, and the rabbit's internal organs were subjected to super stimulating vibration massage, and the whole rabbit was about to collapse.

"Fourth soul skill, flying pig technique!"

Just recovered, the rabbit experienced a spinning charge again, and this time it was completely dizzy.

"Tsk, it's still 100,000 years... Not as good as an auxiliary, I should have knocked him out earlier."

The rabbit was about to curse again when she heard that. She hadn't even condensed the first ring yet, she was very weak!

He dodged and hung the unconscious rabbit on a tree outside the battle circle like bacon. Qianshui shook his arms and prepared to start plowing the land.

"Third soul skill! Fourth soul skill!"

At this time, Qianshui was like the rotating blade of a harvester, clearing the place where the rabbit was hanging and the plants in a large area in front. There were no soul rings, only low shrubs and blue silver grass on the ground, including many tall trees.

After cleaning these, he also treated the trunks of the tall trees as huge trunks, kicking or throwing them at the light ball.

At the same time, his body was rioting, and he rushed up and slashed a few times, and some white and yellow soul rings emerged.

When the huge vines tried to entangle him and the numerous wooden thorns tried to pierce him, he retreated violently and began to chop trees and hit people as before.

‘It’s one against many, it’s like fighting against the entire forest! ’

Qianshui repeated this fighting style without stopping.

I don’t know how long it took, but Rabbit woke up slowly and found that she was hung up again. She spat and was shocked by the scene in front of her.

From where she was hung, a huge circular circle was about to close, and the circle was full of cut trees.

The broken ends of these trees were intact, and it was easy to judge that this huge circular circle was formed by these cut trees.

Qianshui, who caused all this, was chopping trees not far away and throwing tree trunks into the center of the circle.

As he approached, Rabbit also saw clearly that Qianshui broke a big tree with a touch of his hand, which was quite incredible.

The blue silver grass was endless, and the Blue Silver King who had been hiding had already judged it: 'Dark Gold Terror Claw Bear Palm Bone! '

'But he is just a four-ring soul master. I don't know why he is so persistent and can't be driven away. '

When Qianshui seemed to have chopped down the last tree and finally stopped, the sky was also dawning.

"Young soul master, retreat, your soul power is almost at the bottom!" An old voice came from the field.

The display of strength made the Blue Silver King know that if this human wanted to leave, these Blue Silver Grasses would definitely not be able to stop him, and even his 80,000-year-old Blue Silver King was not enough.

After all, their species was too weak. Apart from their strong vitality and adaptability, they had no means of attack at all.

"Leave? Can you get away?" Qianshui came to the rabbit at this time and whispered to himself.

Although the rabbit was full of questions, Qianshui didn't seem to have any intention of leaving.

He rushed to the large number of vines in the center of the big circle again and cut them again.

"I don't have much soul power, but fire overcomes wood!"

The unreasonable words made the Blue Silver King confused. Qianshui had a total of four soul skills, which he had used countless times without interruption. What fire?

The next moment, Qianshui's more random speech and actions also answered it.

"Firebreak, wooden chimney, done, then what to take next, hehe!" Qianshui smiled evilly, looking at the masterpiece in front of him, his middle school soul burned, "Qian Renxue's Great Method! - Sacred Flame! Hu Liena's Great Method! - Fox Fire Spreads Across the Prairie!"

Human language translation, lighter, lighter.

He had studied his companions' skills a long time ago, although he couldn't completely replicate them, but he could still do simple things like making a flame of the same nature.

Looking at Qianshui who kept throwing out a small flame in each hand, the army of blue silver grass soul beasts didn't even move, as if they were watching a clown.

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