She has no name, she is just called a girl.

Qianshui's soul power surged out, driving the innate soul power in the little girl's body to circulate around the body, and stopped after a few circles.

"Practice diligently, practice by yourself, don't teach others."

He took out some gold soul coin storage cards from the soul guide and gave them to Xiao Wu along with a handful of change.

"I will send you off later. Take these and go back to the Xingdou Great Forest. If you don't have the strength to be crowned, don't come out! With her, you don't have to worry about not being able to transform without contact with humans!"

"There are also these soul power cultivation experiences. Take your time to read them. The main thing is to teach them to her."

Xiao Wu was confused by Qianshui, "What do you mean? You want to let me go? Let me take her to the Xingdou Great Forest. Aren't you afraid that I will kill her halfway?"

"I will disappear, maybe I will appear again, but if you want to kill her, you'd better pray that I don't appear, otherwise there will be no survivors in the Xingdou!"


Qianshui was like a barrel of explosives at this time, which would explode at any time, but the meaning was still clear. He really wanted to let himself go, or let himself go back to the Xingdou Great Forest.

'Look at yourself now! '


It was dusk. After sending Xiao Wu and the others away, Qianshui entered Tiandou City again.

Outside the Prince's Mansion, Qianshui's concealment skills were fully activated. Even if he stood in the crowd, he was still ignored.

"I finally gave everything back to her! This is the time to say goodbye. Now she takes her train and I take my path!

Finally, one person embarked on a path that would do anything to achieve his goal!

It doesn't matter if there is no one to go with him or if he knows it is a dead end, he will still die!

Maybe dying here is a blessing..."

In the sneak mansion, he placed the soul guide ring and everything he got from the Spirit Hall on the bedside of Qian Renxue.

So far, he may have embarked on a dead end with an uncertain future.


And the arrogant Gordon was also wrapped up like a dumpling and lay in the Marshal's Mansion.

But his fate was already determined. In just a blink of an eye, even the maid who took care of him didn't notice that the young master lying on the bed had disappeared!

It was Qianshui who took Gordon away. He ran towards the southeast without hesitation.

Target-the City of Killing!

Chapter 109 Angel's Love

The moon was bright and the stars were sparse. Xue Qinghe ended a busy day and finally returned to the dormitory. He was particularly troubled today, so he rubbed his brows and sat down, closing his eyes to rest. Qianshui's sudden appearance made him, who was already busy, even more overwhelmed.

When he looked at him with a half-apology and half-seeking understanding look, what caught his eyes was actually unbelievable.

This matter was really hard for him to understand!

In the image, Qianshui would never show this expression when facing his decision at that time!

Recalling the scene at that time, Xue Qinghe was sure that this was the source of the whole day of panic, even palpitations, and the vague premonition of confusion!

The pale face, the stagnant breathing expression were reflected in his mind again and again, and he could not get rid of it no matter what!

He should not have such an expression, at least not in this situation. He should be as confident and clear as usual.

As Qian Renxue, she knew Qianshui too well. Even when facing Qian Daoliu, who was known to be the 99th level Extreme Douluo, or being thrown into the Xingdou Great Forest by Bibi Dong to fend for himself, or being assassinated by Ning Fengzhi and his group, he was not able to do this!

There was even a trace of fear in his eyes!

If he were in his shoes, he should have found a way out, and he would not even bring Ge Long's idiot son to find him.

A slight mistake can lead to a huge difference! Too many misunderstandings are like this.

What Qian Renxue couldn't figure out no matter what was the difference in thought and cognition between the Douluo World and Blue Star!

Shaking her head, she stopped thinking about it for the time being. However, Xue Qinghe opened her eyes and suddenly caught a glimpse of something.

She was very familiar with it, Qian Renxue was very familiar with it!

There was a ring and a letter on the bedside.

She picked it up with a slight bitter smile, and she didn't understand the meaning yet, thinking: 'Is it necessary? ’

This is exactly the storage soul guide she carefully selected and gave to Qianshui. She has been playing with it for a long time. Qianshui specifically asked for the ring at that time, so she knew who put it there without looking.

"The trip to Sunset Forest was fruitful. I found the Yin-Yang Eyes of Ice and Fire. I left it to you. I hope it can be used.

Ge Long's idiot son must die! I will go to the City of Slaughter and I will take him with me. This is my punishment for him!

I wrote some things about Tiandou's political affairs. I hope it will be useful.

I wish you can finally achieve your dreams, like the scorching sun hanging in the sky. No matter how chaotic the world is, you will be eternal and constant."

'Why is he so angry? Why even want to return my soul guide ring~'

Qian Renxue was filled with countless question marks after reading these few words.

The soul power was immersed, and the soul guide ring flickered, but the next moment it was tightly grasped by the owner!

"Qianshui, what do you mean!"

A low roar was heard, and the two guards, Snake Spear and Thorn Porpoise, were slightly startled.

Qian Renxue no longer cared about Xue Qinghe's disguise, and took out things one by one!

"Change of clothes! Gold Soul Coin Card! Cultivation Experience! Purple Record Medal! Ask the Heart? Clear the Heart! Qianshui, what do you mean? Why are you giving me all these? Just go to the Slaughter City like this? What on earth do you want to do! Are you looking for death?!!"

Qian Renxue knew him very well. These should be all of Qian Shui's belongings, including some small inventions, food and drink, and some training equipment.

What's more important is that he doesn't even bring commonly used weapons. This is almost a great weakening of Qian Shui. You must know that both martial souls and soul bones require soul power. Using weapons is a very low-cost attack method. This It was the philosophy Qianshui himself told her.

Seeing these, Qian Renxue became more and more panicked. She took out items one by one and filled the bed, as if she was trying to regain something she was about to lose.

Qian Renxue's eyes became moister and heavier. This feeling became more and more familiar, yet more and more confusing, but she just couldn't grasp it.

Until she saw the moment when she was heartbroken by lovesickness!

She recalled the fairy sketches she and Qian Shui looked at when they sat together that year, and recalled that story.

I also remembered the moment I learned about my father's death, and the pain I felt when a piece of my heart was ripped out of my heart.

That year, she and Qian Shui were sitting at the table, watching Qian Shui studying an atlas. The content was exactly the fairy grass mentioned in Qian Shui's letter, so she also read it by the way. After all, it was not difficult to remember, especially At that time, she would never believe the story of lovesickness.

The news of Qian Xunji's death was a huge blow to Qian Renxue.

When she was a child, her mother's disgust made her extremely painful. Although her status as the young master of Wuhun Palace allowed her to get almost everything, she only lacked normal maternal love and friendship.

Fortunately, Qian Shui existed, and fortunately there was someone like Qian Shui who could look her in the eye and be completely attentive to her.

Mother's love was beyond her reach. Her father and grandfather were the few sources of family affection in her childhood. Apart from them, Qian Renxue only had Qian Shui.

So she cherished all of this and the boy who accompanied her when she grew up.

At this moment, she understood why Qian Shui's unbelievable look at that time made her so flustered, and why she couldn't control the tears falling down at this moment!

"Young Master!" Snake Spear Douluo couldn't help but rush in first.

Qian Renxue did not respond, with blood overflowing from the corner of her mouth. She just stared blankly and blushed with lovesickness. Memories of her childhood flashed through her mind one by one, and letters from many years were presented one by one. She sat paralyzed by the bed and remained silent.

‘Why do people always have to wait until they lose before they appreciate something? Isn’t it good to seize the moment? Is it so difficult to do it? ’

Qian Renxue didn't want to lose anything anymore. At this moment, she saw her heart clearly. She understood that in the end, the friendship of many years had deteriorated!

I don’t know from which day, maybe it’s because people in the Star Forest are looking for him, maybe it’s because I look back when I leave without saying goodbye, or maybe it’s because the lights dim every time I get a reply!

All these emotions have become possessiveness! Everything is fine with him! It became love!

She loves that boy! Just like the red color of lovesickness that was picked off, it proves everything!

Lowering her head to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, she put away the items on the bed one by one, "Uncle She Long, Uncle Blood-thorn, please! Take me to the killing city!"

She begged softly.

"But Young Master, you have more important things, you should understand!" She Long really couldn't believe it. Although Qian Renxue was young, but usually absolutely rational, why would she do this for Qian Shui? He is a genius, but he is not enough to compare with the current things, right?

"I know..."

"Young Master, you shouldn't go! It's very possible to ignore Tiandou's plan for that kid..."

"So what!" Qian Renxue suddenly raised her head. At this moment, she released her soul bone skills and revealed her true appearance. At the age of fifteen, she was already tall and graceful, but her eyes were red and her face was full of tears. , the blood stains at the corners of his mouth, and the expression of gritted teeth are incompatible with his beautiful appearance.

Unable to hide her sadness, she roared out:

"My mother has regarded me as her enemy since she was a child! He said that I came to this fight just to get angry with her! Yes! That's right! I admit it!

Now I have no father! From now on, only Grandpa and Xiao Shui are left! If he died because of this Tiandou plan! I became the emperor of this empire! What's the point of gaining the entire Douluo Continent? ! "

The angel's martial soul possessed him and soared into the sky. She was so anxious! The soul skills and soul power are released desperately.

She is now in dire straits! !

She knew Qian Shui's strength very well. He had the strongest agility attack at the same level and a speed that exceeded his level! With the characteristics of Yuan Shen Wuhun and multiple acceleration skills, Qian Shui's stealth speed is really fast! After breaking through the ban, you may be the fastest in the world! So she was very scared!

She was afraid that Qian Shui would enter the Killing City first, without even bringing weapons or living supplies. In addition, Dugu Bo and his party had rushed in before. Such a decisive break was a sign of self-destruction!

If this was really the case, it was very likely that there would be irreversible consequences. So what if she had cried all her tears?

On balance, she must seize this fleeting opportunity and stop Qian Shui before he reaches the Killing City, so that there may be a chance to save him.

She Long and Zhang Xue followed helplessly.

"This kid Qian Shui is really looking for death. Wouldn't leaving everything behind mean farewell?"

"I think so, but young master..."

"Is this necessary? It is human nature for men to love women. During the day, the young master probably rejected this boy because of Ge Long's son, which caused this situation. Naturally, it was also because Tiandou's plan had to be like this, and the two concepts were different. conflict, this is for military power.

But the young lady came to implement this plan just to get angry with His Majesty the Pope, so in the final analysis, it is nothing more than that. What if we don't want the Tiandou Empire? If it were you, would you risk your lover's life? "

Lianxue mocked his old brother severely, as he still couldn't understand at such an old age.

"That's right. There has always been no way in or out of the Killing City. In the past hundred years, only His Majesty the Pope and Tang Hao have been able to get out of that damn place. Going in is not the same as having a knife on your neck.

But didn’t that kid originally plan to go to the Killing City to experience it? With his talent, it's not impossible to get out of that ghost place, right? "

The agouti Douluo was really speechless, "Just think about it slowly!" After saying that, he accelerated forward and used his soul power to take Qian Renxue and gallop away.

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