Douluo: Thousands of Templates Tang Chen

Chapter 330: .Gong Method and System

After the two of [Magic] and [Ember] left, Tang Chen and Emperor Wa had a chat, but it was still time to parte. After all, the reason why Tang Chen divided the clones was that the development of things was too wild, and he alone might not be able to achieve perfection, so he split up the plural templates in his body.

This can be said to weaken oneself, or it can be said to take the essence and remove the dross, and to smelt the originally complicated system into one, so as to go further.

Then again. On that island, after a long period of silence, the emperor Wa, who had faintly understood what, looked at Tang Chen deeply, sighed softly, and said in a slightly hoarse magnetic voice:

"Since you have made a decision, go ahead according to your arrangement."

While talking, her palms were stretched out like mutton jade, and brushed lightly on the void in front of her. In a moment, the void that was originally empty and revealing the distant light began to rippling and revealing. Vice is different from the scene of Douluo Mainland at this time.


In a virgin jungle where the sky is endless and the sky is green, a golden horse of the gods spreads its wings, and the edge of the wings with a diameter of more than ten meters, the golden light is looming. Along with the spread of the wings, two crescent-like golden light blades flew out in a staggered manner, instantly splitting a shadow not far away in two.

There is no doubt that this divine bird, which is close to the legendary Dapeng Golden Winged Carving in both appearance and breath, is the little gold that Tang Chen stayed in Dou Er World to temper.

But after Tang Chen left that world, the original time rules seemed to be disrupted once again, just like a quantum form. Only by observing the Tao can truly know the originally unknown form.

The void emblazoned with a few images of Dou Er World not only showed Xiao Jin's figure, but also revealed the dark-faced Emperor Tian, ​​Yan Shaozhe who seemed to be happy and sad, and Tang Chen who closed his eyes and meditated. Out of the black curtain covering most of the stars, and the countless soul guide ships that were against it.

"It seems that the development of things has gone beyond your expectations, Tang Chen."

Withdrawing his palm, the rippling void in front of him still exists. The current Emperor Wa is not Tang Chen who could barely travel through the world with his root power a few years ago. The latitude of crossing the world is simply a breeze.

But this world is different. It is not just the innumerable world of the pan-multiverse, but the world consciousness is unique. In such a world, new changes may occur every minute and every second, and Tang Chen's immature omniscience and omnipotence are somewhat blinded here.

Especially the different changes in different world time rules have made Tang Chen's previous arrangements vanish. In his thoughts, it should be after the emperor Wa came to that world and the demon clan began to develop, then the extraterritorial celestial demon would begin to attack.

But what he didn't expect was that Dou Er World's time stretched rapidly after he left, and now it seems that at least more than ten years have passed. His back hand in that world is no longer enough to cope with the ever-changing situation.

Seeing all this, Tang Chen's face was as dark as the bottom of a pot, especially the chuckle of the emperor Wa, adding fuel to the fire. But all this was his choice. After a few seconds of incompetent anger, he shook his head helplessly and exhorted the emperor Wa:

"It seems that the original idea of ​​rejuvenating spiritual energy and the black hand behind the scenes does not work. Sure enough, no matter the pathfinder is life or death, the powerhouse of the world of demons always has a way to judge whether they can invade. It seems that the world of Douluo They found out the overseas strong middlemen."

As he said, Tang Chen shook his head, and said with a pity: "Tsk, how safe it was originally to develop slowly, now it can only be the savior of the heavens. With the background of that world, even with the technology and technology of the Dou San world The blessings of the Hall of Valor and the Holy Grail are definitely beyond the reach of the Heavenly Demon World. If you go, you still have to be more careful."

"I have my own judgment on this kind of thing."

The emperor Wa gathered the strands of hair behind his ears, his eyes still did not leave the surging void in front of him, as well as the picture that was still showing up: "As long as the demons return to their positions, the stars will meet, and the world of heavenly demons will fight against the stars. The array is enough to sweep."

Listening to Emperor Wa's crazy words, Tang Chen didn't mean to refute her either. He didn't say anything like "There is not enough time, the star array demons have never been born" and so on. Instead, he nodded and laughed: "If this is the case, I will leave it to you over there, it is not possible..."

"Dasdro will be with you."

"No need." The emperor Wa paused and didn't turn his head. Instead, he waved his hand at random and said: "He has a more important task, Miss Niya, I'm afraid I've been waiting for you for a long time. "


Before leaving, in the turbulent passage of the world, Emperor Wa finally turned his head and smiled at Tang Chen: "My dear Noumenon, you still care about it, how should that little girl solve it."


Scratching his head awkwardly, Tang Chen looked at the gradually calming passage of the world in front of him, then turned around, looked at Dasdro, who was asleep behind him, feeling the familiar aura gradually approaching in the distance, and sighed again. Made a negligible contribution to global warming.

"It's a crime."


Just when Tang Chen scratched his head and was thinking about how to fool Qian Renxue, on the other side, as if he had been inspired by a greatness, the extremely energetic master finally calmed down.

Although the ideal is very beautiful, the reality is still very skinny.

The current master enjoys a great reputation among the soul masters. Whether it is the main points raised before the soul master training, or the knowledge and catalog compiled after the world change, he appears irreplaceable in the Douluo Star.

But even a master has many things that he is not good at. For example, it is related to the new system that can be practiced. He can say that he doesn't know anything about writing this thing.

A new system that can support its development must be a new energy situation, a new cultivation method, and a set of knowledge systems that are completely different from soul power.

Now in the master's mind, the new energy forms, those supreme beings, have been shown; independent and more complicated knowledge system, he also has complete knowledge in his mind to compile classics.

But once it's time to write the exercises, the master is completely blinded. This is a completely new research direction. He has come into contact with them, but not many, let alone develop different methods from scratch.

In this way, just walking out of the excitement and excitement, the master fell into despair once again.

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