Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 148 When Ye Tianchen meets Qian Daoliu, Wuhun City is shocked!

In the Elder's Hall, Ju Douluo always felt a little uneasy at the moment, but he had clearly contacted Qian Renxue, so nothing should be wrong!

The increasingly intense feeling made Ju Douluo couldn't help but get up and slowly walk towards the Pope's Palace...

In the Pope's Palace, when Bibi Dong returned to her own territory, she finally breathed a sigh of relief after having been tense!

She also began to think about what she had experienced this time!

But no matter how hard Bibi Dong tries, one topic can't be avoided: who are Zhaixinglou and Ye Tianchen?

But when Bibi Dong calmed down, she also discovered that her strange experience in the past three days was not without any benefits!

Even Bibi Dong couldn't believe it!

That's about the Rakshasa divine thought in Bibi Dong's body!

If Bibi Dong was still a little uncertain last night, today Bibi Dong is completely sure that the Rakshasa power in her body has disappeared inexplicably!

This is really good news for Bibi Dong.

It’s not that Bibi Dong doesn’t understand the Rakshasa God’s thoughts, but if she wants to obtain the Rakshasa God’s position and start the Rakshasa God Examination under the influence of others, Bibi Dong can only follow the Rakshasa God’s requirements!

But now, the disappearance of Rakshasa's spiritual thoughts means that Bibi Dong is not affected by Rakshasa's divine thoughts and is completely free!

As for the inheritance of the Rakshasa God, she has already started the divine test. Even the Rakshasa God cannot stop Bibi Dong from continuing the divine test!

Because the Rakshasa God was not created by the Rakshasa God, she was just a lucky person for hundreds of thousands of years...

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong couldn't help but have a smile in her eyes!

At this moment, the burdens in Bibi Dong's heart were suddenly relieved a lot!

Because of Ye Tianchen's unexpected action, Bibi Dong completely forgot about Qian Xunji, forgot about Ye Tianchen, and forgot about the suffering he had suffered.

There is only one scumbag Yu Xiaogang that Bibi Dong still remembers, but that's all. Bibi Dong will not feel hazy because of Yu Xiaogang!

Just when Bibi Dong's huge mental power was constantly searching in her body, and she wanted to be more sure that she was free from the control of Rakshasa spiritual thoughts, a sneaky figure slowly appeared in the Pope's Palace!

It's Ju Douluo!

At this moment, after Ju Douluo walked into the Pope's Palace, he felt a little uneasy. That kind of uneasiness made Ju Douluo's nerves highly tense...

The moment Ju Douluo entered the Pope's Palace, Bibi Dong had already noticed Ju Douluo's arrival!

For some reason, Bibi Dong always felt that she was slightly angry towards Ju Douluo!

In fact, this is also a conditioned reflex. If Ju Douluo hadn't secretly reported the news, Bibi Dong would not have gone to the Star Reaching Tower...

If Ye Tianchen hadn't been looking forward to Bibi Dong's divine status and wanted to leave some escape routes for himself, Bibi Dong would have been dead!

He Ju Douluo also caused the death of two popes in Wuhun Palace...

With a hint of inexplicable anger, Bibi Dong closed all his energy and slowly came behind Ju Douluo without making a single sound!

It wasn't until she saw Ju Douluo looking here and there with stern eyebrows and rat eyes that Bibi Dongfang couldn't bear the anger!

"Yueguan, do you want to die!"


The moment Bibi Dong heard this voice behind Ju Douluo, Ju Douluo seemed to be turned to stone!

My heart is pounding!

Listening to the familiar voice of Pope Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo slowly turned his head, and for a moment he met Bibi Dong's eyes!

Ju Douluo's mind was about to explode!


Almost out of conditioned reflex, Ju Douluo's eyes widened as if he had seen a ghost!

Then it turned into a stream of light and rushed forward in an instant, directly smashing the wall of the Pope's Palace...

Bibi Dong was slightly stunned when he saw this scene. There seemed to be something wrong with Ju Douluo's appearance!

In an instant, Bibi Dong also disappeared. The next second, Bibi Dong appeared in front of Ju Douluo!

But this time Bibi Dong didn't let Ju Douluo continue to run away like crazy!

With a palm strike from his hand, the ninety-seventh level soul power poured down, directly sending Ju Douluo flying hundreds of meters away!

Bibi Dong's blow woke up the slightly insane Ju Douluo.

At this moment, he climbed up from the ground with difficulty. Feeling the injuries he suffered, Ju Douluo finally understood that the person in front of him was really Pope Bibi Dong!

In an instant, a fear spread in Ju Douluo's heart again...

Slowly arriving in front of Bibi Dong, Ju Douluo no longer dared to look at Bibi Dong. At the same time, his heart was also full of doubts.

Why did Pope Bibi Dong's appearance change in the past few days after he left? But when he thought of Ye Tianchen's divine power, Ju Douluo seemed to be able to understand...

"Yue Guan meets His Majesty the Pope!

Just now Yue Guan thought...

That’s why I contradicted His Majesty the Pope, and I hope His Majesty the Pope will punish me! "

Ju Douluo has a good attitude towards pleading guilty. No matter what, since Bibi Dong is back, Ju Douluo has to hold it in!

Nodding, Bibi Dong felt keenly at this moment that Ju Douluo might know something about what had happened to her in the past three days, otherwise he shouldn't have been so frightened when he saw her.

"Yueguan, tell the truth, what do you know!

Don't try to hide it, or you will know the result! "

Bibi Dong's cold voice made Ju Douluo's heart tremble!

How dare he hide it!

But Ju Douluo just thought that Bibi Dong was asking him if he had leaked information...

Then Ju Douluo opened his mouth and started talking word for word!

"Your Majesty the Pope, don't worry. Apart from your subordinates, only the Great Enshrined One and the Second Enshrined One should know about the fact that you were killed by Ye Tianchen and disappeared for three days!

But now that His Majesty the Pope is back, it’s nothing! "

Quietly looking at Bibi Dong's head full of silver threads, Ju Douluo guessed that Bibi Dong must have paid a huge price, even the price of damaging her foundation, to escape from Ye Tianchen!

When he thought that Bibi Dong was also a ninety-seventh level titled Douluo expert, Ju Douluo felt that this was probably what he had guessed!

But it was obvious that neither Bibi Dong nor Ju Douluo knew what each other was thinking at the moment!

When Bibi Dong heard the words Ye Tianchen, she immediately frowned. She also understood that Ju Douluo probably knew very little.

But Ju Douluo may know who Ye Tianchen is!

"Ye Tianchen...Yue Guan, what do you think of his strength, and what do you think of the Star Zhailing Tower!"

Bibi Dong asked very cleverly. She actually suspected that she had lost a memory, because since Ju Douluo said that he had fought against Ye Tianchen, it proved that Ye Tianchen was not weak!

You should know it yourself!

When Ju Douluo heard this, he complained slightly and thought, what's going on with Bibi Dong?

You don’t understand how strong Zhaixinglou and Ye Tianchen are?

However, Ju Douluo didn't understand what Bibi Dong was thinking. Seeing that Bibi Dong's attention shifted from him to Zhaixinglou and Ye Tianchen, Ju Douluo was also happy.

"Your Majesty the Pope, speaking of it, Ye Tianchen's strength should be stronger than His Majesty the Pope. After all, Golden Crocodile Douluo was somewhat defeated by Ye Tianchen six years ago...

Moreover, Ye Tianchen, as the owner of the Star Building, the Star Building is actually not much worse than our Spirit Hall..."

After saying that, Ju Douluo felt anxious and a little at a loss!

However, Bibi Dong was already shocked at this moment. She had no interest in dealing with Ju Douluo, so she waved her hand and let Ju Douluo go down...

Back in the Pope's Palace, the words Ye Tianchen kept ringing in Bibi Dong's mind. She understood that if she wanted to know what happened to her, maybe only Ye Tianchen could understand everything!


Soon, three days passed by in a flash, and the peace of the past had returned to Wuhun City. Even Bibi Dong did not continue to struggle. After all, she had not seen Ye Tianchen, so there was no point in thinking about it!

In the entire Wuhun City, only Qian Daoliu and Golden Crocodile Douluo understood that what happened to Bibi Dong was just a coincidence.

Ye Tianchen's target should be on them!

Just when Wuhun City fell into calm, outside Wuhun City, Ye Tianchen finally came back again!

In the past few days, he had spent a lot of effort suppressing the demonic energy and adjusting himself to peak condition!

Looking at Wuhun City in front of him, Ye Tianchen smiled softly.

Then he took one step forward and entered Wuhun City!

Without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tianchen galloped straight towards the Wuhun Palace!

In the sky, the aura belonging to Ye Tianchen swept over the entire Wuhun City!

As if the doomsday is coming, streaks of demonic energy are also faintly appearing!

In the enshrinement hall, Qian Daoliu instantly opened his eyes and looked at the sky in the distance, with a more solemn expression on his face!

He has already felt Ye Tianchen's aura!

"Ye Tianchen, you are finally here..."

There are three more chapters tonight, at ten o'clock!

The author is really happy that everyone can support the monthly recommendation vote. As long as he is not a one-man show, he has confidence!

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