Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 18 Encountering a thousand ants, black and white emerge from nowhere!

Of course, Ye Tianchen, who was still deep in the Star Dou Forest, didn't know what was happening in the Haotian Sect.

Even if he knew, he wouldn't have any interest.

It doesn't matter what happens to the Haotian Sect. Just two or three big cats and kittens can't change the world.

Compared with this, Ye Tianchen was more interested in Tang Hao. Why would the so-called god choose Tang Hao, a soul master who had just been titled Douluo!

Of course, there is also Tang Hao and the child of the hundred thousand year soul beast, the last light is not simple!

Walking in the core area of ​​the Star Forest, the ten-thousand-year soul beasts that appeared in front of them from time to time made Yin, Hei and Yangbai a little excited.

Just as Ye Tianchen and Yin Heiyangbai continued to move forward, a group of ten thousand year soul beasts suddenly appeared in front of them!

Run in the direction of Ye Tianchen and the others desperately!

Looking at the expressions of these ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts, they are extremely frightened. It seems that there are even more terrifying soul beasts chasing them behind them!

"The 20,000-year-old soul beast Fire Cloud Evil Fox!"

"The 30,000-year-old spirit beast Earth Rhinoceros!"


Both Yin, Hei, and Yang were dumbfounded. Such a group of ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts were actually being chased. Could it be that there was a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast behind them?

There was no time to think about it, Ye Tianchen and the others were not targeting these ten thousand year soul beasts, and they had no interest in killing these ten thousand year soul beasts at will.

Immediately, they flew directly into the air. The hurried group of ten thousand year soul beasts had no interest in taking care of Ye Tianchen and the others, and just ran away like crazy from under Ye Tianchen and the others!

In mid-air, Ye Tianchen looked behind these thousands-year-old soul beasts. Rows of thousands-year-old trees were directly uprooted!

Mighty and mighty, like an army marching out!

Getting closer, Ye Tianchen could see clearly that those chasing these ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts were actually a group of countless thousands of ants!

Among them, there are also some ten-thousand-year-level beings!

"Master, no wonder these ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts are so exhausted. Although not every one of those thousand-year-old ants has a ten-thousand-year cultivation level, their countless numbers are too scary.

Ants can eat elephants in large numbers, should we evacuate first? "

Yang Bai was a little cautious, but what he said was reasonable. It was obviously not a good idea to fight with a group of ants.

Ye Tianchen was just about to nod and evacuate, when suddenly, three Jun ants, each about three meters in length, suddenly appeared in the ant colony!

The body, which is about three meters long, is covered with a dark golden carapace, has six thick and powerful broken legs, and there are six eyes on the top of its head that emit green light.

"These are... three Giant Ant Emperors that are about 90,000 years old!

Hahaha! It takes no effort to get there even if you wear iron shoes. "

Yin Hei Yang Bai originally thought they would evacuate immediately, but when they heard their landlord's exclamation, they couldn't help but swallow.

Ninety thousand year soul beast, isn't this the same one that was tailor-made for them just now?

Turning his head and looking at Yin Hei Yang Bai, Ye Tianchen smiled strangely under the mask.

"Yin Hei, Yang Bai, do you two want to try the strength of this 90,000-year-old soul beast?

It is a rare opportunity for you to display your full strength. "

When Yin Hei Yang Bai heard this, he did not refuse.

Anyway, with my own poster watching, there won't be any danger. I just want to try out what a ninety-thousand-year-old soul beast can do!

"Lord, let's go!"

With a flash in the sky, the two of them passed by the front troops of the Jun ant colony and headed straight towards the three Jun ant emperors!

"Blazing Sun Sword!"

"Hanyin Knife!"

As Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai activated their martial souls, eight soul rings, two yellow, two purple, and four black, lit up at their feet!

"The first soul skill, the blazing sun light!"

"The fifth soul skill, Yin Yue Slash!"

Two streaks of light broke through the dim sky and hit three Jun Ant Emperors!

With a bang, the entire Thousand Jun Ant colony began to riot, and after the three Thousand Jun Ant Emperors were smashed dozens of meters underground, they seemed to feel the terrifying impact, and their entire skeletons lit up with silvery white light.

In an instant, the three Giant Ant Emperors were in pain, their huge eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and they began to become violent.

With just one ejection, the three Giant Ant Emperors flew directly from the ground to the ground in an instant.

Looking at Yin, Hei, Yang and Bai, they started to roar!

In an instant, all the Giant Ants seemed to have received the signal to attack and began to surround Yin Hei Yang Bai!

"Yinhei, these guys are difficult to deal with, their defense capabilities are too strong, and the Giant Ants are infinitely powerful, so don't get close to them!"

"Yin Hei, Yang Bai, you come and hold down the three Jun Ant Emperors, and I will deal with these ant colonies!"


"The eighth soul skill, the ultimate ultimate kill!"

"The eighth soul skill, Dark Wind Shock!"

The two of them activated their eighth soul skill at the same time and directly launched a full blow, hoping to kill him with one blow!

The three Jun Ant Emperors instantly burst out with endless strength!

The Thousand Jun Ant is a spirit beast with a very tenacious vitality. It has outstanding physical defense capabilities, strong ability to withstand attacks, and extremely powerful strength.

He has strength far in proportion to his body.

This is all the characteristics of the Thousand Jun Ants. As a kind of soul beast, they do not have any soul skills themselves.

In any spirit beast forest, they will often become food for other spirit beasts.

Although their defense is good, it is limited after all, and they lack attack methods. Although their power is good, it is difficult to display it.

Of course, there are also many spirit beasts who look down upon the Giant Ants. After all, it is a bit tiring to break their defenses and then eat them.

It is precisely because of their tenacious vitality that such soul beasts exist in large numbers in the soul beast forest.

Generally speaking, the body length of a Thousand Jun Ant that has been cultivated for ten years is about three inches. Only its mouth has a pair of saber teeth, which can bite hard things.

The body length of a Thousand Jun Ant that has been cultivated for a hundred years is no more than six inches. After a thousand years of cultivation, it is possible to grow to a foot long.

This is already a rare ant. Because they do not have any powerful means of survival, and they often kill each other among their own groups.

The average soul master has also entered many soul beast forests, especially this star forest many times. Every time, he can see many thousands of ants, but they have never attracted his attention and have never seen them. A giant ant whose body is over a foot long.

Faced with the pressure from Yin, Hei and Yang, Bai, the three-headed Fifteen Ant Emperor just shook his head, and the two on the left and right slowly separated to both sides, forming a semi-surrounding force on Yang and Bai, gradually oppressing him.

The dark golden color on them also became more and more obvious.

But its own energy is completely internal, with no intention of dissipating outside the body.

Buzzing, the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor flapped its wings behind it, and slowly flew up. These three brothers had lived together for many years, and their movements were uniform, just like mirror images. The height of the rise from the ground is exactly the same.

In an instant, the three Giant Ant Emperors ignored him and charged towards Yang Bai!

With the huge power and extremely fast speed, Yang Bai was blown away more than a hundred meters by this huge pressure just by looking at him!

Yin Hei was not feeling well at the moment. The endless ant colony killed some and others, seemingly endless. Yin Hei's soul power soon bottomed out!

"Lord Landlord!"

Yin Hei Yang Bai knew now that it was not the time to show off, so he called Ye Tianchen directly.

"You've done a good job, stand down!"

After saying this, the Tianmo Qin in Ye Tianchen's hand suddenly sounded! The swords and weapons surged like a tidal wave, and in an instant all the ants were cut into pieces!

Being so frightened, they ignored the order of the Giant Ant Emperor and all the Giant Ants broke through the ground directly!

Running wildly underground!

"Dragon Eight Sounds, broken!"

In an instant, Ye Tianchen's soul power exploded as level ninety-six approached level ninety-seven!

Three transparent yet powerful swords hung on the horizon in an instant, and suddenly they slashed at the three Giant Ant Emperors!

Between heaven and earth, only a bang was heard!

When the smoke cleared, the three Jun Ant Emperors were already breathing out more air and taking in less air.

"Yin black, Yang white, let's get started."

Yin Hei nodded, raised his right hand, resisted the feeling of weakness, and slowly condensed his remaining soul power into the palm of his hand. With a light red halo, the Blazing Sun Sword was finished in an instant. A giant ant emperor!

"Come on, my ninth soul ring, you will decide whether I can become the top master in the mainland!"

Under the pull of the pale red light, the soul ring of the Ninety Thousand Years Ant King slowly flew towards the dark direction.

Ye Tianchen stared at the floating soul ring and shouted in a deep voice: "Sit cross-legged and guard the martial soul."

Yin Hei sat down cross-legged on the spot and focused on the martial spirit in his right hand. At this time, as the ninety-thousand-year-old Ant Emperor Soul Ring approached, he felt an unprecedentedly powerful pressure. All the bones in the body even made slight noises under this pressure.

Soon, the black halo came to the top of Yin Hei's head. Without giving him any chance to react, the black halo suddenly shrank and turned into a black ring that was only the size of a bracelet but was extremely solid and fell directly on the palm of his right hand. Above the Hanyin Sword martial spirit.

Yin Hei felt as if his right hand was invading magma. A burst of hot energy poured in crazily. The violent heat flow rushed into his body instantly. In an instant, his insides were on fire. His body couldn't help but tremble violently.

"No matter how the power of the soul ring impacts your body, remember to stay awake. Only in this way can you make better use of the power of the soul ring in the future."

Ye Tianchen still reminded him, and soon the darkness fell into calm.

Then Yang Bai absorbed the ninth soul ring, everything went smoothly. From today on, the two of them are ninety-one level titled Douluo!

I have something to do today, so I can only write this point, sorry fellow book friends! Will make up for it tomorrow!

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