Although what Yin Hei says usually is not very reliable, Yang Bai knows that Yin Hei is really paying close attention to this Soul Master Competition!

It just so happens that these two disciples of his are easy to see in the world. Besides, their strength is not bad at all, so it doesn't matter...

"Okay, you brothers and sisters don't need to say more. This matter is not only decided by your teacher, me, Yinhei worshiper Dugubo worshiper, and the three of us. The landlord has already nodded on this matter, so...

We at the Star Reaching Tower must participate in this soul master competition. Not only that, we also need to win the final victory!

You two, don't talk too much. There are so many heroes in the world.

To put it bluntly, if Xiao Wu and the poster’s disciple Leng Qingqiu reach your age in the future, I’m afraid they will be much more terrifying than you!

Don’t forget, Wuhun Palace is a behemoth after all. Although you brothers and sisters are good, but...

Don’t be complacent! "

As Yang Bai made the final decision, Xie Yue naturally showed no expression, and Hu Liena could only give up, but after thinking about it, it was really possible!

They have never come into contact with other younger generations of Wuhun Palace, but Qian Renxue, daughter of Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace, has been to Zhaixing Tower!

Xie Yue and Hu Liena also knew that Qian Renxue was definitely stronger than them!

"Teacher, you two worshipers, we brothers and sisters have no objections. In this soul master competition, we brothers and sisters will do our best!

Teacher and the two worshipers please rest assured! "

Hearing that Xie Yue had made a sudden decision, Yang Bai took a deep look at Xie Yue and smiled slightly.

"After all, this matter is not your brother and sister's business. It requires the cooperation of others!"

As soon as Yang Bai finished speaking, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, and Dugu Bo's granddaughter Dugu Yan were already here!

"Xiao Wu pays homage to the teacher and has seen two worshippers!"

"Qiuyue has seen three worshippers!"

"Grandpa! You two worshipers!"

At this moment, Yang Bai couldn't help but smile when he saw Xiao Wu and the others had arrived.

All of them are handsome and dashing...

"Hahaha, come here quickly, Xiao Wu, Qiu Yue, Yan'er..."

Dugu Bo was filled with joy when he saw his granddaughter coming.

Hearing this, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing both had calm faces and came slowly, while Dugu Yan just trotted all the way...

"Now that everyone is here, let me say it again, with the consent of the host, our Star Reaching Building will also form a team to participate in this quadrennial mainland soul master competition!

You all know in your heart that the people participating in this competition are the five of you!

The captain of this competition is Xie Yue, and the vice-captain is Qiu Yue. Remember, what you represent this time is the first time our Star Reaching Tower will show its appearance in front of the world's soul masters. In the end, we must win! "

Hearing Yin Hei speak again, Xieyue brother and sister nodded to express their understanding. After all, they already knew...

When Xiao Wu heard about the Soul Master Competition, she frowned slightly. To be honest, she didn't really want to participate in this competition. Xiao Wu just wanted to practice faster and catch up with Bibi Dong's pace...

As if he could see some resistance in Xiao Wu's heart, Yin Hei didn't feel angry at all, but smiled softly and walked into Xiao Wu slowly.

"Xiao Wu, I also know that you, a little guy, are only thinking about surpassing Bibi Dong, but you have to understand that this competition will not delay your cultivation. You will even compete with the most talented people in Douluo Continent. Fighting will be a big challenge for you, and it will also be beneficial to your cultivation...

What's more...

In this competition, it is the original poster who has spoken. "

"Teacher, don't worry, Xiao Wu Dan will do her best!"

Before Yin Hei could continue to persuade, Xiao Wu directly agreed. Seeing this, Yin Hei was a little surprised. After all, logically speaking, he should be moved by emotion and reason. Xiao Wu, a stubborn little boy, Only a guy can be soft-hearted...

Now it seems……

As an imperceptible smile appeared on the corner of Yin Hei's mouth, although Yang Bai caught it, he could only pretend not to see it...

Compared to Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing and Dugu Yan didn't have any objections!

Zhu Zhuqing just heard that his teacher nodded in agreement, and that was enough. As for the rest, he should wait until he wins the championship!


After everything was finally confirmed, Xiao Wu and the others returned to their respective residences, but Yang Bai did not leave directly, but slowly came to Yin Hei's side!

Looking at Yin Hei's face with a sweet smile, Yang Bai was sure that this was something he had never seen on Yin Hei's face in his entire life!

"Yin Hei, do you... really want to meet those people from Tianshui Academy that much?"

Hearing Yang Bai say this abruptly, Yin Hei was also a little stunned, and then the smile on his face gradually disappeared...

"Yang Bai, you don't understand...


Forget it, come on, you and I have a drink, and let me tell you my story today..."

After saying that, Yin Hei disappeared instantly, and Yang Bai quickly followed...

Thirty miles outside Soto City, there is a cliff. At this moment, in front of Yin Hei is a towering cliff, while beside Yin Hei is Yang Bai.

Without haste, Yinhei quickly took out the Drunk Immortal Brew and some food from his soul guide...

"Yang Bai, come on, let's go!"

Hearing this, Yang Bai also raised his glass and drank it in one gulp. As the two of them drank slowly, after a while, his dark face was filled with disappointment...

"Yang Bai, do you know why I want to see Tianshui Academy?"

"It's just for one person, why else?"

"You're right, for one person...

Thirty years ago, at that time, I was still a high-spirited young man. Unfortunately...

When I was at my weakest, I met the person I love most in my life. She is the most powerful genius of Tianshui College. Our understanding of her was so simple...

Unfortunately, everything will not go as we wish. At that time, I was just alone. Although my talent was reasonable, it was just like that. Without family power behind me and no support from the sect, Tianshui Academy was not worth it at all. I……

And her mother was the dean of Tianshui College. In the end, like most poignant loves, she and I had to let go...

From then on, I practiced hard every day, kept fighting, and kept growing. In the end, if the original poster hadn’t rescued me from the mouth of that 80,000-year-old soul beast, I’m afraid I would have long since disappeared from this world..."

Yang Bai never interrupted. He could understand Yin Hei's feelings, but now, Yang Bai really didn't know what to say...

"Yin Hei... After you became a Titled Douluo, why didn't you go see her..."

Hearing Yang Bai's words, Yin Hei was stunned, and then his face turned extremely pale.

"I also thought that after I became a Titled Douluo, I would probably have the ability to meet her, but...

When I became a Titled Douluo, twenty years had passed!

You also know that I was in charge of the information of Zhaixinglou at that time. At that time, I learned that she had become the new dean of Tianshui College, and she... also had two daughters...

I! "

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