Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 233 Tang San’s destiny, Poseidon inheritance!

Tang San, who was far away on Poseidon Island, didn't know anything about everything that had happened recently in Wuhun Palace and Star Reaching Tower!

Tang San's injuries were quite serious, but after arriving at Poseidon Island, with Poseidon's light constantly healing him, Tang San could be considered to have saved his life...

In more than a month, Tang San's injuries had actually returned to normal, but Poseidon deliberately wanted to increase Tang San's cultivation speed. Poseidon's light also cost no money, washing Tang San's meridians and improving his constitution!

More than a month later, Tang San finally woke up. After waking up, Tang San didn't find anything wrong. He only knew that he ended up unconscious in Wuhun City...

However, as long as he was alive, Tang San was actually satisfied enough. As for the rest, he really didn't think much about it!

But... neither Bo Saixi nor Tang Chen chose to call him immediately. Tang San was like a guest from afar. He even started to take the divine exam with the young soul master on Poseidon Island. Refining...

At this moment, on an altar, blue light was shining, quietly bathing Tang San!

But the strange thing is that after this blue light enveloped Tang San's body, it didn't change color as quickly as others before. It still remained blue, but the light became more and more intense.

This is the first time that Seahorse Douluo, who is responsible for all this, has encountered such a situation. He also doesn’t understand why Blue Light has not changed. Even the soul master with the least talent will at least have a white level assessment, and the one in front of him The talent of young people is obviously not bad!

Just when everyone was surprised and inexplicable why the Poseidon's light didn't change color.

The blue light on Tang San's body changed, not in color, but in quantity. The original blue light suddenly split into two, and the split light was thrown out horizontally!

Such a strange sight immediately made the young generation soul masters of Poseidon Island present feel excited.

At this moment, the blue light on Tang San's body remained unchanged, but the light on others began to change.

Blue turned to white, then quickly turned to yellow, and spread to purple without stopping.

At this time, Tang San's expression had also changed. He wanted to break away from the blue light around him, but found that he couldn't even move a finger. Although he didn't feel any pressure, under the blue light, he couldn't do anything. Do.

If the color of the light beam changes gradually when others are tested by the Poseidon's Light, then the color of the light beam that envelopes Tang San changes in leaps and bounds.

Blue, white, yellow, and purple, these four colors all flash for a moment before changing to the next one, so fast that it even gives people a dazzling feeling!

Even the change from purple to black only takes a moment!

The next moment, the black magic pattern climbed up at an extremely alarming speed!

The speed is so fast that it has surpassed everyone who has been tested before.

"Oh my God, is this another top-level assessment?"

Seahorse Douluo found that his heart could no longer bear such stimulation.

As the guardian of the Seahorse Holy Pillar, let alone him, even the seven holy pillars combined have never experienced such a special scene.

However, the shock did not diminish due to Seahorse Douluo's changing mood, but instead reached an unprecedented height.

The black magic pattern successfully passed through two-thirds of the Seahorse Holy Pillar. The black color turned into blood red, and the blood-colored magic pattern suddenly appeared. Moreover, this time the blood-colored magic pattern did not just jump on the basis of the original two-thirds. Instead of just one point, it instantly hit the top and rushed straight to the highest point of the Seahorse Holy Pillar.

A humming sound like the whimpering of the sea sounded from the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, and then, a huge blood-colored light pillar that was ten times more powerful than what the younger generation of soul masters from Poseidon Island had used before soared into the sky!

The sea within the sea was boiling. At this moment, the entire sea within the sea suddenly set off huge waves up to a hundred meters high, vertically upward!

In the huge waves, there was an intense blue light...

The changes are not over yet, the entire Poseidon Island seems to be trembling with the red light of the Seahorse Pillar rising into the sky!

Immediately afterwards, Seahorse Douluo clearly saw the same six huge bloody light pillars rising into the sky!

Seven beams of light gathered at one point in the air. The next moment, the blood color faded, and from the point where they gathered, an extremely brilliant golden light fell from the sky!

Everything seemed to have entered a state of absolute stillness at this moment, with only the brilliant light falling from the sky like the center point between the sea and the sky!

Before this, Tang San had seen golden soul power, and the most representative one was undoubtedly the Seraphim Wuhun in Qiandaoliu in Wuhun City!

However, the golden light in front of him was completely different from any golden light he had seen before!

This is the royal light full of majesty and magnificence!

The moment it appeared, the entire Poseidon Island, whether it was the Seven Sacred Pillars, the forest, the hills, or the sea within the sea, was completely rendered golden at this moment!

Even all the sea soul masters are illuminated with that special layer of golden light.

But there is only one destination for this golden light, and that is Tang San, who is standing under the Seahorse Sacred Pillar, slightly dazed!

Such a magnificent scene is no less majestic than nature. Is there really a god in this world?

This was the question Tang San was thinking about at this moment.

The golden light beam gave him a very strange feeling, as if something in his body had been touched. Then, nine square golden light curtains appeared out of thin air and appeared in front of him!

The light on the first light curtain is the brightest, while the other eight sides look a little dim!

Before Tang San could think about it, these light curtains floated directly into his eyebrows like golden meteors!

Suddenly, a huge amount of information was poured directly into my mind, and this information was vague and unclear, and only one of them could be clearly identified!

His mind was filled with the huge golden color, and then, Tang San felt a special energy wave like an enlightenment. His whole body seemed to be soaked in the cool liquid, feeling indescribably comfortable!

Subtly, Tang San vaguely felt that his body had undergone some subtle changes in this golden light!

He couldn't explain exactly what it was, but the feeling was magical, as if his body's functions had been straightened out, and it was indescribably comfortable.

Unconsciously, he opened his mouth and let out a breath of turbid air, which seemed to be the turbid air forced out by the golden light from all the impurities in his body.

The golden light gradually faded, first from the air and from the sea within the sea, and then from all directions!

Tang San's body is the final destination of all this golden light!

And the place where all the golden light finally converged was in the middle of his forehead!

There, what was left was not a star-shaped trace, but a golden trident mark!

The faint golden trident brought Tang San a kind of nobility full of majesty. Even though he was just standing there, the trident had a feeling of looking down at the world...

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