Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 240 Tianshui College direct finals, the competition begins!

To be honest, the first time Shui Qingrou heard the news from Dugu Bo was not that she felt happy, but instead felt that there were countless ants crawling in her heart!

This feeling caused Shui Qingrou to slowly start to sweat in waves on her exquisite forehead, and her eyes were filled with a look of fear...

In desperation, Shui Qingrou smiled bitterly.

"Your Majesty Dugu Mian, you... I can't understand what you said. There has never been any interaction between our Tianshui Academy and Zhaixing Tower...

Your...this news really shocked us! "

Shui Qingrou said this tactfully. She was unwilling to accept the news, and she did not want their Tianshui College to receive favors from the Star-Zhaing Tower for no reason, because in Shui Qingrou's eyes, there was never love for no reason, and the Star-Zhaing Tower was nothing like that. Good stubble!

Obviously, Dugu Bo also understood that it would be strange for Shui Qingrou to happily accept this matter upon hearing it. Therefore, facing Shui Qingrou's somewhat reluctant reaction, Dugu Bo had already been prepared.

"Dean Shui, don't rush to refuse. Let me explain in detail. You can decide..."

"This... okay, Your Majesty Dugu Mian, please tell me!"

"Dean Shui, let's first talk about the benefits that your Tianshui College will bring to Tianshui College by accepting a spot in the finals!

As far as I know, Dean Shui now wants to develop in the mainland. However, Dean Shui knows that the mainland is now a carrot and a pit. Tianshui College can still be respected in Tianshui City, but...

I am afraid that if Tianshui Academy wants to develop to the mainland, it will be blocked by the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire!

In addition, there are four lower sects and three upper sects!

Although Dean Shui is quite strong, he is only an eighty-ninth level Soul Douluo after all. He does not have the strength of a titled Douluo. It may not be that easy to gain a foothold on the mainland!

But...if Dean Shui accepts our quota for the Star Building, all these problems will be solved. No force will deny us the Star Building's face, unless they don't want to stay in the mainland!

Dean Shui, tell me, is what I said useful? "

Hearing this, Shui Qingrou nodded. Indeed, Dugu Bo's words were not unreasonable, but...

How could they reach the Star Tower for no reason?

Seeing that Shui Qingrou still didn't let go, Dugu Bo also sighed!

"Dean Shui, I know what you are thinking. You are worried that I will eventually have some plot against your Tianshui College, right? In fact, there is no need for it!

To be honest, Dean Shui has an old friend who worked for me in Star Reaching Tower. It was his intention to give the quota to Tianshui College this time...

We have no extra requirements at Zhaixinglou!

Okay, the words have been brought here. No matter what Dean Shui thinks, this matter has been decided. When I come, I just give a notice!

In other words, your resistance is meaningless...

Say goodbye to this! "

After the words fell, Dugu Bo stood up. After taking a deep look at Shui Qingrou, he gave a helpless smile and left immediately. Xiao Wu and Xie Yue also smiled politely and quickly followed...

Looking at the retreating figures of Dugu Bo and the others, Shui Qingrou felt extremely complicated!

"My old friend...who is he...?"

Shui Qingrou didn't know, but as Dugu Bo said, their Tianshui Academy had no right to refuse...

Soon, three days later, the fact that Tianshui College directly advanced to the finals instantly became a hot topic in the mainland. Countless people were speculating about the relationship between Tianshui College and Zhaixing Tower!

It's a pity that no one knows this. Time flies by. In the blink of an eye, one month passes by, and the preliminaries for the Soul Master Competition are also starting in various places!


In Tiandou City...

Surrounding a huge and open square were countless shouting and cheering spectators!

Directly in front of the central venue is a rostrum with a golden background. Behind the rostrum is the renovated VIP area!

The wide field is more than 150 meters in diameter, and the colleges entering from the front have already arranged themselves in neat formations in the center of the field!

When each college enters, there will be a special emcee on the podium to introduce it!

“The last one to enter is Lanba Academy!

Look how distinctive their strange costumes are, there are ten students participating in the competition!

Hope they can perform well. "

Listening to the words of the emcee on the stage, the audience in the stands burst into laughter and boos.

Among the Lanba Academy team, Xiaorou did not have the slightest fluctuation...

She ignored the roar of laughter around her. She had been carefully observing the situation around her. This great soul fighting arena was undoubtedly the largest she had ever seen!

A grandstand large enough to accommodate 80,000 spectators!

They are all decorated with a silver-toned background. Although it is morning, there are special magic lights hanging all around, giving people not only luxury, but also a sense of grandeur!

When her eyes fell on the VIP table, she saw several terrifying beings!

The person in the center is wearing a golden-red robe and a golden diamond crown on his head. His face is like the ancient moon. He looks slightly older than Prince Snow Star, and there are some similarities between his eyebrows!

The difference is that this person's magnanimity is far beyond that of Prince Snow Star. Although he looks a bit old, sitting there gives people a sense of origin!

It seems that everything around him is centered on him!

No need to ask, Xiaorou also guessed the identity of this person...

Even Prince Xuexing has to sit in the second row. So, the identity of the person in the center of the first row is already revealed. Besides His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, who else can sit in this position?

To the left of this man, sitting upright was an old man who was even older than him!

The whole body is covered in a bright red robe, with a certain five-pointed platinum crown on his head. His eyes are slightly closed, as if he is asleep. His shoulders are very narrow, and his slender body is like a javelin!

The person on the right side of Emperor Xue Ye is none other than Ning Rongrong’s father, Ning Fengzhi, the leader of the Qibao Glazed Sect!

Ning Fengzhi wore a white robe today and a purple gold crown with seven treasures on his head, which symbolizes status. As one of the top three sect leaders of the seven sects, he is fully qualified to sit in this position!

As for the red-robed man on the other side, Xiaorou could tell from the five-pointed platinum crown on his head that this man was the platinum bishop of Wuhun Palace...

The supreme ruler of Wuhun Palace is undoubtedly the Pope. Under the Pope, there are four archbishops, whose status is symbolized by a five-pointed platinum crown!

The person in front of me is undoubtedly one of the Platinum Bishops!

To be qualified as the Platinum Bishop, this person should be the master of the Spirit Temple in Tiandou City, and his status is extremely noble...

At this time, Ning Fengzhi seemed to feel Xiaorou looking at her, her eyes moved, and she happened to face Xiaorou, smiled slightly at her, and nodded gently...

This made Xiaorou a little stunned...

The master of ceremonies on one side of the VIP table said loudly: "Now, I would like to invite His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire to announce the opening of this competition!"

Just as Xiaorou guessed, His Majesty the Emperor of the Tiandou Empire, sitting in the center of the first row of the VIP seats, wearing a red-gold robe, slowly stood up amidst thunderous applause!

He raised his right hand and waved lightly to the audience and the participating soul masters below. The applause stopped quickly, and the square of Nuo Da became silent!

A calm and resonant voice spread through the audience through the loudspeaker soul guide, "I, Emperor Xue Ye of the Heaven Dou Empire, announce on behalf of the Heaven Dou Empire that the Elite Competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy is now open!"

The applause thundered again, and the cheers came one after another!

But Xiaorou, who was present, suddenly discovered that the smile on the emperor's face was a bit forced, as if he was not excited about this competition.

When the applause fell silent again, His Majesty the Emperor continued: "Here, I hope that all the soul masters participating in this competition can fully demonstrate their strength and achieve good results!

You are all the pride of the Tiandou Empire!

For the glory of the empire, show your glory! "

Applause rang out for the third time, and this time, the eyes of the soul masters in the center of the competition venue released a burning light!

For them, such a competition will be the best stage to showcase themselves!

Emperor Xue Ye sat back down, and the master of ceremonies' voice sounded again, "Now, I would like to invite Mr. Ning Fengzhi, the master of the Qibao Glazed Sect, to give a speech for this competition."

As Ning Fengzhi stood up, applause appeared again, and more attention was paid to him. As the number one auxiliary soul master in the soul master world, who wouldn't want to see his style...

Ning Fengzhi smiled slightly and pressed his hands!

“I am very happy to be invited to be the guest at the opening of this competition!

As the leader of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, I have witnessed the growth of too many soul masters!

As the most noble profession in the mainland, the development of every soul master must go through many hardships!

But what I want to say is that the edge of a sword comes from sharpening, and the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold!

Those participating in this Soul Master Competition are undoubtedly the elites of the younger generation!

As His Majesty said just now, I hope you can bring glory to the empire and your own college!

The empire needs talents like you, thank you! "

Listening to Ning Fengzhi's speech, a sincere smile finally appeared on Emperor Xueye's face.

The master of ceremonies said: "Sect Master Ning, you are the most powerful auxiliary soul master. On behalf of the audience watching this game, I would like to ask you, what do you think of the twenty-eight teams participating in the Tiandou City Division Qualifiers this time? What about that one?"

Ning Fengzhi was still smiling.

"In addition to the Tiandou Royal Academy team that entered the finals as the seed team, I am also optimistic about another team among the twenty-eight teams this time!

I think that not only do they have the ability to pass the preliminaries, but they are also very likely to win the final victory in this elite competition of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy! "


The master of ceremonies said in surprise: "I wonder how the team could get the Qingmi of Sect Master Ning?"

Ning Zhiyuan smiled mysteriously and said: "As for which college this team belongs to, I forgive you for being shy and cannot reveal it for the time being!

But I believe that the final champion of this competition will definitely belong to the Empire! "

Sitting next to Emperor Xue Ye, the platinum bishop who had been slightly closing his eyes before opened his eyes at this time. His eyes looked very cloudy and lacked any brilliance. His eyes fell on the twenty-eight competing teams in the field. The team seemed to be looking for the team that Ning Fengzhi was talking about...

At this time, the audience had already started a heated discussion. They all guessed which team Ning Fengzhi was optimistic about. Those who were smarter would naturally understand that Ning Fengzhi was not referring to the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy!

Because their strength is not as good as the first seeded team, how can they be the final champion?

But there were a total of twenty-eight teams participating in the qualifiers, and only five teams appeared in the end. How could it be so easy to guess!

Ning Fengzhi sat back in his seat, and the host smiled and said: "It's a pity that I couldn't get the team he was optimistic about from Sect Leader Ning!

Next, I would like to invite Mr. Salas, the master of the Wuhun Temple in Tiandou City and the Platinum Bishop of the Wuhun Temple, to draw lots for the first round of qualifying!

After the draw is over, the Tiandou Royal Academy vice-team will compete against their opponents drawn in the first round!

This will also be the only game today! "

Platinum Bishop Salas stood up slowly, walked to the master of ceremonies under the leadership of the palace maid, and began to draw lots!

He seemed very reluctant to speak. Every time he drew a pair of opponents, he handed them over to the master of ceremonies to announce them!

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Canghui College faced off against Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex College."

"In the first round of the qualifiers, Oakland College faced off against Flame Glory College."


"The first round of the qualifying round, Tiandou Royal Academy versus Qibao Glazed Sect Academy!"


When Ning Fengzhi heard this, his face looked a little strange...

When everyone in the field heard that the first round was between Tiandou Royal Academy and Qibao Glazed Sect, the expressions on their faces couldn't help but become weird.

Oscar murmured: "It can't be such a coincidence."

For a time, there was an endless stream of boos and boos!

After the drawing of lots was over, the platinum bishop Salas glanced at the audience and said lightly: "I feel that the drawing of lots is not false!

I swear by the honor of Wuhun Palace!

At the same time, I would like to announce here that for all participating students from the Soul Master Academy present, who can enter the finals, the Wuhun Temple will make an exception and allow them to directly join the Wuhun Temple! "

What kind of existence is the Spirit Temple?

It is the highest place after the Pope's Palace and the Douluo Palace's Wuhun Palace. There are only two empires in the entire continent that each have one!

The Papal Palace is the exclusive place of the Pope!

Douluo Hall is also a symbolic existence. Therefore, the status of Wuhun Temple is actually the highest institution in Wuhun Temple!

Being able to directly enter the Spirit Temple is a shortcut for a spirit master to improve his strength!

Not only does he have the best treatment, various training measures and the honor of the Spirit Temple, he is extremely attractive to ordinary spirit masters!

At the VIP table, Yu Yuanzhen, the patriarch of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, looked at Ning Fengzhi on the stage meaningfully at this moment!

This time it is said that there are twenty-eight teams, but in fact, if you count carefully, there are only twenty-seven teams in the field!

As for who the remaining team is, Yu Yuanzhen knows very well. Apart from the Star Reaching Tower, there may be no other existence...

As for why the Star Reaching Tower didn’t arrive, that’s a long story!

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