Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 243 Qian Daoliu compromises and Qian Renxue becomes his disciple!

“Stop, stop, stop!

Ye Tianchen, I don’t want to play anymore!

Oh my god, you guy, how long has it been since you broke through to the ninety-ninth level Titled Douluo? I’m not surprised. It’s not surprising that all your soul rings are at the 100,000-year level. After all, you are This guy is a monster!

But... what the hell is your platinum ninth soul ring! "

Qian Daoliu was not feeling well at the moment. He was still fooling around with this terrifying aura!

Hearing Qian Daoliu's urgent call to stop, Ye Tianchen did not continue. After all, he didn't really want to have a fight with Qian Daoliu in the first place...

"Qian Daoliu, so...

I am qualified to accept your granddaughter as my disciple, right? "

Hearing what Ye Tianchen said, Qian Daoliu breathed a sigh of relief and did not continue to refute.

"It's agreed, Ye Tianchen, although I don't object to you accepting Xue'er as your disciple, but Xue'er is my only bloodline. No matter what your plans are in the future, I have only one request, don't involve Xue'er!

To be precise, Xueer's inheritance of the angelic status has nothing to do with you!

Don't make this idea! "

Seeing that Qian Daoliu was still chattering a bit, Ye Tianchen felt that this old man was talking too much at this time.

"Okay, do you think I want to accept a disciple?

Isn’t it because this guy, Emperor Xue Ye... got an advantage and behaved well? I will not plot against your granddaughter!

Go away, you can take care of yourself, Wuhun Palace is not monolithic, not to mention Tang Chen and Bo Saixi will not let you go easily! "

After saying that, Ye Tianchen rose directly into the sky, left Wuhun City, and headed towards Tiandou City!

Over there, Xiaowu and the others in Zhaixinglou are about to have their first show. As the owner of Zhaixinglou, I might as well go and have a look...

Of course, Qian Renxue is still in Tiandou City, and Ye Tianchen will directly take Qian Renxue as his disciple, which is killing two birds with one stone...

In Tiandou City, this period of time can be described as extremely lively!

So many teams throughout the empire have begun to compete nervously for the final spots in the Soul Master Competition.

Of course, some are happy and some are sad, just like the current patriarch of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Yuanzhen...

He was speechless now. The opponent of the team formed by their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family turned out to be the Star Reaching Tower...

This makes Yu Yuanzhen not know what to say!

Unfortunately, even if Yu Yuanzhen doesn't want to face all this, it is still a real problem that needs to be solved.

This time, when the newly formed team of their Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus family encounters the Star Reaching Tower, it is almost certain that they will lose...

Even if their team from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family could win, Yu Yuanzhen would not dare to let them win!

But if he loses, the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family will have no chance of entering the finals. This incident also gives him a headache. After all, the Qibao Glazed Sect next door has already defeated the second team of Tiandou Royal Academy...

Just when Yu Yuanzhen felt a headache, Ye Tianchen had already arrived in Tiandou City!

In the palace, Ye Tianchen approached Emperor Xueye step by step...

Inside the Tiandou Palace, in front of the Great Emperor's Palace...


With the sound of slow footsteps, Ye Tianchen also slowly walked into the Emperor's Palace!


I have been thinking about my Tiandou royal family for hundreds of years without interruption. How could it finally come to naught in my hands?

My ancestors, I, Xue Ye, am ashamed of all of you, but please rest assured, this Tiandou royal family, Xue Ye will definitely continue it! "

In the Emperor's Palace, Emperor Xueye was kneeling in front of the memorial tablets of the ancestors of the Tiandou Empire. His voice seemed extremely weak, his face was pale and weak, even his fingers were trembling slightly, and his brows were dim. Guang, his illness has become more and more serious...

Standing tens of meters behind Emperor Xue Ye, Ye Tianchen could easily see what Emperor Xue Ye looked like now, and he couldn't help but feel sad. Logically speaking, Emperor Xue Ye was only forty or fifty years old now, but No different from an old man in his twilight years...

"Xueye, I'm here..."

In a daze, as Ye Tianchen's voice sounded in Emperor Xueye's ears, Emperor Xueye always felt that he had heard wrongly. However, the moment he turned around, what he heard was something he would never forget. The figure stood straight in front of him!

Suddenly, Emperor Xue Ye's brain circuit was short-circuited for an instant. He couldn't believe that what he saw could be real...

Even though there was a trace of uncertainty, Emperor Xueye still couldn't help shouting!


After this tentative voice fell into Ye Tianchen's ears, a soft smile began to appear on his originally cold face!

Perhaps only by facing friends who were once unscrupulous can we have the comfort and relaxation we have now. At this moment, Ye Tianchen felt that it was worth it!

The moment he saw Ye Tianchen smile, Emperor Xue Ye could finally be sure that the person in front of him was not a shadow, but the real Ye Tianchen!

"Haha, Tianchen!"

In just a moment, Emperor Xue Ye's face instantly turned red, and he. At this moment, because of the arrival of Ye Tianchen, the already declining complexion began to burn crazily...

At this moment, Emperor Xue Ye felt that all his problems seemed to be solved with the arrival of Ye Tianchen!

"Quick, quick, quick! Tianchen, come and sit down!

Why are you like last time, not saying anything in advance when you arrive in Tiandou City! "

After saying this, Emperor Xueye seemed to be a fine person again, as if all the weakness and paleness just now had flashed over his body at this moment.

Before Ye Tianchen could speak, Emperor Xueye hurriedly walked to the door of the hall and started greeting him!

"Someone come!

Prepare good wine and good food for me! "

After doing this, Emperor Xue Ye slowly came to Ye Tianchen and looked into Ye Tianchen's eyes. For some reason, Emperor Xue Ye began to feel a little complicated.

He knows his body best. This meeting with Ye Tianchen should be the last time...

He also understood that Ye Tianchen came here to accept Qian Renxue as his disciple...

Ye Tianchen didn't say a word from beginning to end. Seeing Emperor Xue Ye busying about, his heart trembled slightly.

It is hard to imagine that the high-spirited Emperor Xue Ye had the ambition to conquer the mountains and rivers and rule the world, but now, he can only end up in this situation...

Time is the scariest thing...

Soon, the food and drinks arrived, and Ye Tianchen sat on the floor with Emperor Xue Ye!

"Tianchen, you are here today, but I can't believe it. I originally thought that the letter I wrote might not be delivered to you!"

When Emperor Xueye said this, he was also a little sad. Although he is a mortal emperor, but...

There are too many things that are beyond his control, and he cannot control everything in this world!

Ye Tianchen...

Just three words, but they represent the top strength in this world today!

Hearing what Emperor Xue Ye said, Ye Tianchen shook his head and did not deny it. Indeed, he had thought about it at first, but in the end he decided to take another look at Xue Ye...

If mortals are like this, what can a soul master do?

What's more, strictly speaking, soul masters below the level of Titled Douluo don't actually live very long...

Even human soul masters like Ye Tianchen and others who have reached the ultimate level in Douluo Continent only live for more than a thousand years at most!

Birth, old age, illness and death, this moment seems so real...

After quietly swallowing a cup of Drunk Immortal Brew, Ye Tianchen raised his eyebrows.

"Brother Xue Ye, as I said before, things in this world are difficult to achieve perfection. For many things, the result of pursuing perfection too much will often end up being unsatisfactory. Enjoying it in time is the best way to live in this world in vain! "

At this moment, Ye Tianchen did not discuss anything about soul master training with Emperor Xue Ye, saying that these would only further irritate Emperor Xue Ye, but had no other effect...

Hearing what Ye Tianchen said, Emperor Xue Ye shook his head...

"Tianchen, I understand what you are saying, but I, Xue Ye, was born in an emperor's family. From the moment I was born, it was destined that I would not be able to live a happy life like ordinary people!

This is the price and responsibility of the emperor's family. Now that he enjoys this glory, wealth, power and dignity, Xue Ye has no way to escape what he deserves! "

Speaking of this, Emperor Xueye sighed silently. Once upon a time, he was also a high-spirited young man...

But now, the silver thread on the cheeks can no longer be hidden, and this bad complexion is just being forced to hold on...

Appearance is easy to age and fade away, so how can there be any eternal truth?

But looking at Ye Tianchen in front of him, Emperor Xue Ye really felt that the final consequences faced by all things in this world did not apply to Ye Tianchen!


This friend I know can escape from this damn destiny and become a legendary god...

Ye Tianchen did not refute what Emperor Xue Ye said...

The helplessness of the emperor's family has obviously been decided since they were born. Fortunately, the fate cannot be changed, so let Emperor Xueye bear it alone...

What's more, Ye Tianchen's future is only dim now...

What qualifications do you have to change the fate of Emperor Xue Ye against heaven?

After thinking about it, Ye Tianchen decided to help Emperor Xueye one last time. This would also be his last visit to Tiandou City...

"Brother Xue Ye, I, Ye Tianchen, have known you for many years. There is nothing I can do about the affairs of the Tiandou Empire...

This is the path that your Heaven Dou Empire needs to take...


I, Ye Tianchen, am willing to help Brother Xue Ye one last time. Brother Xue Ye, if you have any needs, just speak up!

I, Ye Tianchen, can’t guarantee that I will be able to see the sun tomorrow...

The road to becoming a god is difficult! Disaster! Disaster! "

Ye Tianchen said it very straightforwardly, but in fact, there was no need for more twists and turns between him and Emperor Xue Ye...

While nodding, Emperor Xueye also expressed his last request!

"Tianchen, I can feel that my body is deteriorating day by day, and it may not be long before I die. I am still worried about the Tiandou Empire, but...

A huge empire needs a strong and capable monarch to manage it. Although Xue'er already worships me as her father, she is a girl after all, so it is really too difficult!

Tianchen, I want to ask you one last thing. It’s what I said last time. Can you accept Xue’er as your disciple? I don’t ask you to teach her the ways of a soul master. As long as she can control the empire, the emperor’s mental skills will be enough..."

At this moment, Emperor Xueye also revealed his final purpose!

After all, he has not escaped the shackles of the empire. As the emperor of the entire Tiandou Empire, Emperor Xueye knows very well that he has great responsibilities!

Obviously his body can't last much longer. Before he dies, he needs to choose a qualified heir for this huge empire!

And this heir is undoubtedly Qian Renxue!


Emperor Xue Ye has a clear heart. Qian Renxue is still young. Although he is not lacking in intelligence and talent, it is extremely difficult to suppress the huge Tiandou Empire!

A prince about twenty years old...

If it were Emperor Xueye himself, he wouldn't dare to easily believe in the existence of such a monarch...

And if Qian Renxue can be allowed to worship Ye Tianchen as his disciple, then all problems will be solved!

First of all, with the help of the prestige of Zhaixinglou and Ye Tianchen, the ambitious ministers and families in the Tiandou Empire did not dare to act rashly. After all, the existence of a level 99 titled Douluo was obviously a mountain that could never be bypassed!

Even if they were only masters and apprentices in name only, those aristocratic families would not dare to use their entire family as a bet...

What's more, Emperor Xue Ye knew very well what kind of person Ye Tianchen was...

If Qian Renxue can really become Ye Tianchen's teacher, with Ye Tianchen's immense knowledge, Emperor Xue Ye understands that Qian Renxue will definitely gain something in the end!

And, more importantly, once I let Qian Renxue take the position, it would be impossible for her to continue to be a man. And once she returns to her original identity, with just the name Qian Renxue, I am afraid that the nobles of the Tiandou Royal Family will be even more repelled!

And with Ye Tianchen...

The result is different!

With Zhaixinglou and Qiandaoliu, it is impossible for anyone to make irresponsible remarks!

After all... Qian Renxue's inheritance of the throne is not much different from being merged into Wuhun Palace. It is normal for some people to resist.

Ye Tianchen didn't feel any surprise about this...

Before coming back, he had almost anticipated this situation, but...

"Brother Xue Ye, forget about this matter, let this girl Qian Renxue come over now!"

Hearing what Ye Tianchen said, Xue Ye understood that Ye Tianchen had agreed to his request, but...

In some cases, Qian Renxue must come in person before the final decision can be made!

Thinking of this, Emperor Xueye didn't delay at all, walked quickly to the door of the main hall, and asked the people in the palace to quickly summon Qian Renxue...

And he naturally had to continue chatting with Ye Tianchen...

A moment later, Emperor Xue Ye's order was transmitted to the residence of Prince Xue Qinghe!

But at this moment, Qian Renxue was caught off guard!

“Your Highness the Crown Prince, Your Highness the Crown Prince!

Your Majesty summons you to enter the palace quickly!

After hearing the news, Qian Renxue nodded. Although she didn't know what was going on in the palace, she was not afraid anymore...

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