Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 251 A battle without any suspense?

At the VIP table, Qian Renxue was looking at Yang Bai in a daze at the moment!

To be honest, although the number of Titled Douluo-level soul masters in the Star Reaching Tower is not as good as theirs in the Spirit Hall, in terms of quality, they are all very high!

Just two ninety-seventh-level titled Douluo, Yin, Hei and Yang, are enough to sweep away many forces in the mainland except Wuhun Palace!

What's more, their journey to this point in the Wuhun Palace is just a step-by-step accumulation. But don't forget that among the nine heaven-level killers in the Star Reaching Tower, several have already reached the point where they are hunting for the ninth soul ring. It’s time…

Seeing Qian Renxue looking lost, Ye Tianchen gently patted her forehead.

"Why is His Royal Highness so shocked?

I am a ninety-ninth level titled Douluo, and I have never seen you look like this. Could it be that I am not overbearing enough? "

Hearing Ye Tianchen's joke, Qian Renxue rolled her eyes at Ye Tianchen and regained her composure.

In response, Ye Tianchen just smiled.

Apart from Qian Renxue's reaction, who had the most intense reaction at the scene was definitely Luo Chenxin, a sword fighter at level ninety-seven from the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect!

His martial soul is the same as Yang Bai's, both are swords, but the paths they take are different. At this moment, Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's eyes don't have any fear at all, but are full of fighting spirit!

He longs to fight with a sword master of the same level!

On the stage, the most embarrassing person is naturally Ju Douluo. He originally thought that his arrival would cause a roar in the audience. Although it shocked the entire audience at this moment, everyone's eyes seemed not to be on him. on body...

After taking a look at Yang Bai's terrifying hundred thousand year soul ring, Ju Douluo sighed, he was still lagging behind after all...

Shaking his head, he glanced in the direction of Qian Renxue, and he was about to fly over, but when his eyes glanced at Ye Tianchen beside Qian Renxue, Ju Douluo braked instantly!

An awkward smile appeared on his face, and he immediately headed in the opposite direction...

Yang Bai, on the other hand, didn't pay attention to this. After handing Xiao Wu and the others over to the referee and host, Yang Bai glanced at the location of his landlord and came directly there!

Falling down steadily, Yang Bai also cupped his fists and bowed!

"My subordinates pay homage to the original poster!"

Ye Tianchen smiled and then pointed to the place beside him where Qian Renxue was sitting.

"Yang Bai arrived in time, come and sit!"


Yang Bai was a little confused. Isn't this where Qian Renxue is sitting?

Yang Bai was not the only one who was confused at this moment. Qian Renxue was also frowning. Looking at Ye Tianchen's calm smiling face, Qian Renxue understood that she had been clearly arranged.

Moreover, to a certain extent, since I am Ye Tianchen's disciple, I can only call Yang Bai my worshiper, and I am no longer the proud daughter of the Spirit Hall...

Standing up slowly, Qian Renxue tried hard to control her polite smile.

"Yangbai worship, please!"


Yang Bai glanced at his landlord eagerly again, and saw that Ye Tianchen still had a calm smile on his face. Yang Bai finally took an anxious step and sat down in the seat that originally belonged to Qian Renxue...

Qian Renxue, on the other hand, stood between Yang Bai and Ye Tianchen with her arms folded and looking ahead!

There, the competition between Xiao Wu and the others and the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family is about to begin!

“Dear guests, today’s game is probably the two strongest teams so far!

To my right is the representative team of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family!

And to my left is the representative team from the mysterious Star Reaching Tower!

Now, let us give our warmest applause to both teams! "

After the thunderous applause, it was time for the soul masters from both sides to greet each other and introduce themselves!

As the host finished speaking, the seven soul masters on the side of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus took a deep breath, and then began to introduce themselves!

"I'm Yu Mingyue! Martial Spirit Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex, nineteen years old, level 46 Soul Sect!"

"I'm the Jade Tianjiao! The martial spirit is also a blue electric tyrannosaur, eighteen years old, a forty-fourth level soul sect!"


Then several more soul masters in their forties introduced themselves!

Until the last person!

"I am Qin Tianzhen, Martial Soul Flame Demon Wolf, twenty years old, fifty-level soul king!"

After the words fell, the seven of them also slowly emerged with their soul rings!

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, almost all the same!

But this Qin Tianzhen is rare in yellow, purple, purple and black!

It can be considered the most ideal soul ring configuration...

Facing Xiao Wu and the others, the team from the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family had firm eyes even though cold sweat broke out on their foreheads!

Before going on the field, Qin Ming told them that they would lose this battle. He just hoped that they would not lose too ugly.

They also knew this very well. Facing the Star Reaching Tower, they all felt deeply powerless. However, even if they lost in the end, at this moment, they still faced this game with the most serious attitude!

After hearing this, Xiao Wu and the others on the opposite side nodded. Even though the other side was not as good as them, they deserved their respect just for their courage!

Taking a step forward, Xiao Wu took the lead in introducing it!

"Xiaoxing Tower, Xiao Wu, Wuhun Rougutu, fifteen years old, fifty-third level Battle Soul King!"

Next up is Dugu Yan!

"Zhaixing Tower, Dugu Yan, Wuhun Jade Phosphorus Snake King, seventeen years old, fifty-eighth level soul king!"

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing also released his martial spirit!

"Zhaixinglou, Leng Qingqiu, martial soul, civet cat, fifteen years old, fifty-third level fighting soul king!"

Later, Hu Liena and Xieyue also released their martial spirits!

"Star Picking Tower, Xie Yue, Martial Soul Moon Blade, nineteen years old, sixty-third level Battle Soul Emperor!"

"Star-Zhailing Tower, Hu Liena, Martial Soul Demon Fox, eighteen years old, Level 61 Battle Soul Emperor!"

As the soul rings under the five people's feet lit up, an even more shocking scene appeared!

I saw that the feet of Xieyue Hu Liena and the others were all uniformly purple, purple, black and black!

And Xiao Wu and the others were also purple, purple, and black!

In an instant, everyone at the VIP table above except Yang Bai and Ye Tianchen had their eyes widened!

This moment is undoubtedly incredible!

"Why are the younger generations in Zhaixinglou so scary..."

Ning Fengzhi held the scepter in his hand tightly, his face flickered with light and dark, and even Yu Yuanzhen felt as if he had eaten shit...

Salas stood up and took a sudden breath of cold air. Even Qian Renxue frowned!

This is a result that no one expected. Everyone knows that the younger generation of Zhaixinglou may not be simple, but seeing this scene with your own eyes now, you will still be shocked!

The soul masters in the audience were already stunned, and the sounds of surprise kept coming one after another!

At this moment, what the Star Reaching Tower displayed was a kind of charm and a symbol of strength!

Yang Bai, who was originally calm, couldn't help but glance at his landlord. Yes, all of this was naturally Ye Tianchen's handiwork!

When he was bored, Ye Tianchen was not idle. The side effect of Tianmoqin now increasing the life of the soul ring was no longer worth mentioning for Ye Tianchen. Naturally, it was only given to Xiaowu and the five others. A few operations...

When Qian Renxue saw Yang Bai's look, she understood instantly, and a smile appeared on her face. Since all of this was the work of a cheap teacher like herself, then...

Qian Renxue thought of her first four soul rings, but they were all yellow, yellow, purple and purple...

Regardless of what others think at this moment, the team of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family, who are Xiao Wu's opponents, are completely in despair...

However, I still didn’t give up!

At this time, Xiao Wu and the others did not bully each other, it was just Dugu Yan who stood up alone.

Looking at each other calmly, taking a deep breath, Dugu Yan's calm words instantly detonated the entire audience again!

"This time, I will fight the seven of you first. If I lose, I will fight the seven of you next!"

As soon as these words came out, Qin Tianzhen and the others were shocked, but also showed a hint of smile!

So, they really have a chance!

As long as you cooperate well, even if you are not a Soul Emperor-level opponent, you don't have to lose too badly after all...

Thinking of this, they also directly formed their formation!

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