Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 253 Zhu Zhuqing and Qian Renxue look at each other

In the field, Qin Tianzhen was furious at this moment. He tried his best, but he couldn't even touch Dugu Yan...

In the end, after Qin Tianzhen heard the wails of his teammates, he finally put away the giant claw in his hand. Now, they have undoubtedly lost. If they delay it any longer, it will damage the foundation of the other six!

"We surrender!"

As Qin Tianzhen finished speaking, a smile slowly appeared on Dugu Yan's originally calm face.

Then, the Jade Phosphorus Snake King withdrew, and the entire poisonous mist slowly dissipated!

After taking a look at the exhausted Qin Tianzhen and the six people who were seriously injured, Dugu Yan didn't say a word and just walked back to the team slowly.

"At the end of the game, this game was shocking, and the final result was no surprise. The victory belongs to the Zhaixinglou team!

Of course, our Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex family team is also doing its best..."


As the host continued to exaggerate the atmosphere, the audience burst into roaring applause!

At the VIP table, a smile flashed in Ye Tianchen's eyes, and he immediately stood up and walked towards Xiao Wu and the others. Yang Bai followed behind and left quietly...


Outside the competition venue, although Xiao Wu and the others were not too happy at the moment, after all, they had just been threatened by Ju Douluo...

But Dugu Yan won by himself, Xiao Wu Xieyue, Zhu Zhuqing and Hu Liena couldn't help but be impressed!

The special nature of Wuhun, they had to admit at this moment, it had unexpected effects!

Although these members of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family are not actually very strong, there is no doubt that if one takes on them all, except for Xieyue Hu Liena who has such confidence, Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing may really fall into a fierce battle!

While several people were exchanging their experiences, Ye Tianchen came over with Yang Bai!

"Xieyue Hu Liena pays homage to the host!

I’ve met the teacher! "

"Xiaowu Duguyan pays homage to the owner of the building, and Yangbai worships him!"

"Qingqiu has met the teacher, and Yangbai worships him!"

Seeing several people saluting, Ye Tianchen gave up directly.

"You little guys, you don't need to be polite. This battle is quite exciting, especially you, Dugu Yan. Your future will definitely be more brilliant than Grandpa You!"

"Yan'er, thank you sir for the compliment!"

Seeing this scene, Yang Bai also nodded. To be honest, Dugu Yan has been much better off in these years in Zhaixinglou than when Dugu Bo was struggling alone!

If Dugu Bo had not joined the Star Reaching Tower, I am afraid that his highest achievement in this life, which is to become a titled Douluo, would only be level ninety-five at most...

And now, not to mention that Dugu Bo has reached level ninety-five, he is not far away from even level ninety-six...

As his granddaughter, Dugu Yan is extremely lucky!

At the age of seventeen, he can possess the strength of the fifty-seventh level fighting spirit king. By the age of twenty, he will probably be a fighting spirit king of more than sixty levels. At most, by the age of thirty, Dugu Yan will definitely become a titled Douluo!

The future achievement is also to go up to level ninety-five!

At least, Yang Bai doesn't think that Dugu Yan is weaker than him and Yin Hei!

Just when Ye Tianchen and Yang Bai were planning to take Xiao Wu and the others to the house where Dugu Bo was enshrined as a guest of the Tiandou Empire, Qian Renxue followed behind them at some unknown time!

"Teacher, why are you so fast?

Could it be that I dislike Xueer..."

Qian Renxue had changed back into women's clothing at this moment, with a curvy and exquisite body, coupled with the beginning of her charming voice, even Ye Tianchen couldn't help but tremble...

Slowly turning around, when he saw Qian Renxue, Ye Tianchen felt a headache...

Seeing his landlord like this, Yang Bai was so smart that he didn't choose to say a word, but just watched quietly.

Just when Ye Tianchen didn't know how to send Qian Renxue away, Zhu Zhuqing, who had been silent all this time, suddenly came to Ye Tianchen!

Zhu Zhuqing's cold eyes were full of cold meaning!

Staring at Qian Renxue as if declaring war!

"You want to die!"

When Zhu Zhuqing finished speaking, it was like an earth-shattering shock. Ye Tianchen also suddenly became interested at this moment. He didn't expect that his disciple, who had always been quiet, would defend himself in this way!

Tsk tsk tsk, Ye Tianchen’s heart is so moved!

Suddenly he stood there with a smile, looking at Qian Renxue's embarrassed face, he couldn't help but feel happy!

Obviously, Qian Renxue at this moment did not expect that Zhu Zhuqing would choke herself directly like this. Of course, Qian Renxue was not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Seeing Zhu Zhuqing's cold expression, Qian Renxue smiled lightly!

"Let me tell you, little sister Qingqiu, this Qin Demon Crown is not only your teacher, but also my Qian Renxue's teacher!

You shouting and killing, you don't look gentle at all, and your beauty has nothing to do with it...

Also, I, Qian Renxue, am a soul saint in my seventies after all. Sister Qingqiu, your teeth seem to be a little chipped, right? "

As he spoke, soul rings slowly began to appear at Qian Renxue’s feet!

Yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black and black!

When the seven soul rings lit up, her level 72 strength was undoubtedly revealed!

At this moment, the explosive atmosphere between the two people also rose to a certain height!

Zhu Zhuqing also released his martial soul, and the five purple, purple, and black soul rings under his feet were equally eye-catching...

Looking at this scene, Qian Renxue didn't care at all. After all, the difference in strength between the two was still too big. Even if Zhu Zhuqing had something special, he couldn't be her opponent!

At this moment, Xiaowu Duguyan, who had been silent, also took a step forward, and the soul rings under his feet lit up. After hesitating for a second, Xie Yue and Hu Liena glanced at their teacher, and also stepped forward, releasing My own martial spirit!

Looking at this scene, although Yang Bai was not moved at all, he still couldn't help but praise his two disciples deep in his heart!

This can be regarded as a friendship between the teams...

At this moment, Qian Renxue's face was ashen. She knew that once she really took action against Leng Qingqiu, what was waiting for her was the cooperation of the five of them!

Even Qian Renxue, who is at the soul saint level, is not sure that she can defeat them without hurting the other party...

"Okay, you bunch of little brats, no matter how big a deal it is, you are all from the Star Reaching Tower. From now on, situations like today will not be allowed to happen!"

The moment Ye Tianchen's voice fell, the martial spirits of the six people dispersed directly, as if nothing had happened!

At this moment, Qian Renxue also took back her initial arrogance and charm, and began to speak properly...

"Teacher, Xue'er actually wants to say that if the teacher and Yang Bai don't mind, you can go to my prince's residence!"


Ye Tianchen was speechless. Wouldn't it be better if he said it earlier?

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