Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 260 Bo Saixi approaches the mainland, Qian Daoliu meets Bo Saixi!

Hearing what Bo Saixi said, Tang San still felt a little resistant deep down in his heart...

The current situation in the mainland is very obvious. The Star Reaching Tower and Wuhun Palace are working together for the first time, which makes it even more difficult for Tang San to survive!

Now that Tang San has enjoyed all the benefits brought by Poseidon Island, how could he want to leave Poseidon Island?

In just a few months, Tang San himself had already reached level 42, and with the Poseidon's Light constantly transforming his physical strength and mental strength, Tang San could almost conclude that it would only take him about ten years to reach this level. Can reach the realm of Titled Douluo!

It can be said that Poseidon Island is a cradle. Tang San was silent...

Bo Saixi also saw this scene, but since Poseidon has already explained this matter, he has no right to refuse. Besides, Bo Saixi is also extremely confident about Tang San going to the mainland to compete!

With their own strength and that of Tang Chen, as long as there are no special circumstances, that is, the soul beast clan joins the battle group, the two of them can ensure that Tang San is safe and sound.

Moreover, Poseidon has made it clear enough that unless the Wuhun Palace, Star Reaching Tower and the Soul Beast Clan want to defeat them to death, Tang San's life will definitely not be in danger...

Although Bo Saixi didn't know where Poseidon's confidence in saying this came from, one thing was clear to Bo Saixi!

Tang San was not only the heir to the Sea God, but also the heir to the Shura God's throne...

God Shura will not let Tang San fall into danger...

"Tang San, I know what you are worried about in your heart. Although the current situation in the mainland is a bit complicated, you must complete the divine test!

Don’t worry, before you go to the mainland, I will go to the mainland to discuss with Qian Daoliu and the guy from Zhaixinglou!

Your safety will not be a problem. "


Seeing that Bo Saixi had already reached this point, Tang San knew that he had no right to refuse, so he could only nod in agreement.

But he still had some grudges in his heart. After all, even though Bo Saixi and his great-grandfather Tang Chen took action together last time in the Spirit Hall, they didn't get him out easily.

But these words will only rot in his stomach and will never be spoken out!

Time passed very quickly, and when Tang San reached level forty, he also began to train with the young soul masters selected by Bo Saixi from Poseidon Island!

After all, the Soul Master Competition is not a one-person competition. It requires extremely high coordination to win. Besides, Tang San's strength is indeed a bit embarrassing. He can't get up or down, so he can only look forward to teamwork...

And Bo Saixi, after discussing with Tang Chen, took Seahorse Douluo towards the mainland without hesitation!

Three days later, in the Spirit Hall, Bibi Dong frowned and looked at a strange man below, it was Seahorse Douluo!

Seahorse Douluo was a little shocked. Before coming to Wuhun Palace, he had heard his high priest talk about the power of Wuhun Palace, but now when he stood here in person, looking at the unfathomable martial arts in front of him. When Pope Bibi Dong came to the Soul Palace, he realized the horror of the mainland!

"Your Majesty Seahorse Douluo, I don't know why you came to my Spirit Hall alone!

Could it be..."

As Bibi Dong's cold voice echoed through the entire hall, Seahorse Douluo was obviously startled.

"No, no, no, His Majesty the Pope has misunderstood. I have come to the Wuhun Palace to deliver a letter to Qian Daoliu Mian, the chief priest of the Wuhun Palace, as entrusted by the high priest of Poseidon Island..."

Hearing this, Bibi Dong seemed particularly calm. She had no idea what Bo Saixi wanted to do.

But since they are here to find Qian Daoliu, Bibi Dong can't continue to stop him...

However, she still wanted to give the titled Douluo of Poseidon Island a show of strength!

"Hmph! That's nice to say. How can a guy like you, the great priest of Wuhun Hall, be able to see you?"

Bibi Dong's words were extremely thorny, even though the strength of the Seahorse Douluo in front of her was not weak!

The ninety-seventh level titled Douluo, unfortunately, was out of the sea, so he could only display the strength of the ninety-sixth level.

Facing Bibi Dong's words, Seahorse Douluo felt a little gloomy, but he could only endure it...

"His Majesty the Pope, I came here on the order of Seagod Douluo Bo Saixi. I hope Your Majesty the Pope will not embarrass me!"

"Use Bo Saixi to suppress me?

Well, Bo Saixi does have some strength, but if I can reach her height that day, then there will be two problems...

Leave the letter and you can go. "

As Bibi Dong issued the order to expel the guest, Seahorse Douluo was a little unwilling. After all, his high priest's order was to hand him over to Qian Daoliu himself, not to the Pope of Wuhun Hall, Bibi Dong.

"What, you don't want to?

I still look down on this emperor! "

Suddenly, just when Seahorse Douluo hesitated, Bibi Dong's ninety-eighth level of pressure swept through the entire hall!

In an instant, Seahorse Douluo's whole body was deeply shaken. The place where his feet stood collapsed, and his legs kept shaking...

Seeing that a more intense conflict was about to occur, Seahorse Douluo compromised.

"Why does His Majesty the Pope have to be angry? I just leave this letter here. How can I mean to look down on His Majesty the Pope?"

After saying that, Seahorse Douluo quickly took out the letter written by Bo Saixi from his arms, and it flew into Bibi Dong's hands in an instant.

Then he felt that the pressure on him was gone, and he couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief.

Without the slightest hesitation, Seahorse Douluo left the Pope's Palace and galloped towards the sea!

He really felt afraid...

Seeing Seahorse Douluo leaving in such a hurry, Bibi Dong did not stop him, but looked at the letter in his hand, thoughtfully. To be honest, Bibi Dong still wanted to open it and see what happened, but...

After all, this was Bo Saixi's letter to Qian Daoliu. Bibi Dong already knew a little bit about the relationship between the two.

After thinking for a while, Bibi Dong still shook his head slightly.

"Where is Ju Douluo!"

As Bibi Dong's words fell, a figure suddenly appeared in the hall!

"My subordinate is here!"

"Give this letter to the great worshiper."

"I obey my orders!"

Looking at Ju Douluo's retreating figure, Bibi Dong also sighed in her heart. After bringing Qian Renxue back last time, she originally thought that she could easily let Qian Renxue participate in the Soul Master Competition in place of Wuhun Palace, but... …

Thinking of this, Bibi Dong looked a little struggling...

In the enshrinement hall, Qian Daoliu had received the letter from Ju Douluo. As he read the five words written by Qian Daoliu himself, Qian Daoliu could already feel the familiar aura coming to his face.

This is the smell of old friends, the smell of the sea, and the smell of Bo Saixi...

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