Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 271 Tang San’s Blue Silver Grass Opportunity!

The people from Poseidon Island, led by Dugu Bo, also came directly to a courtyard next to Wuhundian's residence...

Once we get here, we'll leave it to Qian Daoliu to handle...

Five days later.

Tang San was led by Tang Chen to an unknown forest.

As soon as he arrived here, Tang San immediately felt a familiar aura.

After his mental strength became stronger, his sense of the outside world also became obviously sharper.

This is the smell of danger.

Tang Chen stopped in front of the forest, "You are about to go to the place where you will actually practice actual combat.

Therefore, it is necessary for you to obtain your fifth soul ring.

There is a soul beast suitable for you in this forest. "

Are you finally going to get the fifth soul ring? Tang San couldn't help but feel a little excited.

After obtaining the fifth soul ring, one's own soul power will be fully reflected.

After practicing till now, Tang San's Ren channel has been penetrated.

Now there is only one Du Vein left.

The goal Tang San set for himself was to penetrate the Governor Vein before level sixty.

By then, Xuantian Kung will be able to reach another level.

After the eight meridians are penetrated, you can use the body-protecting Gangqi.

This is something that soul masters don’t have.

To describe it in the words of this world, it should be the materialization of soul power.

"sit down."

Tang Chen pointed to the ground.

Tang San was stunned for a moment. But he still sat down cross-legged as he was told. It's just that he doesn't understand what his great-grandfather wants him to do.

Tang Chen didn't explain and walked to Tang San.

"Release your Bluesilver Grass, and then feel it with your heart. With your current mental strength, you should be able to feel it.

Originally, I didn't want you to get this skill so early.

But since your mental power has increased to the present level, it should be time to obtain it. "

Tang San didn't understand the meaning of his great-grandfather's words, but he could vaguely sense that the spirit ring he was about to obtain seemed to have been planned by his great-grandfather.

Without thinking much, he immediately closed his eyes.

The Bluesilver Grass released itself and slowly emerged around his body.

The mental power is condensed and dispersed around.

Plants like Blue Silver Grass are extremely common in Douluo Continent.

Soon, Tang San entered the realm he had reached before.

The surrounding bluesilver grass seemed to be calling him, and his mental power was greatly enhanced, making his feeling particularly clear.

He can even distinguish the emotions of each Bluesilver Grass.

The sense of thought expanded with the gradual release of mental power, and the aura of Bluesilver Grass that Tang San felt became more and more powerful.

Gradually, he became immersed in this feeling. He found that all the Bluesilver Grass seemed to have a moisturizing emotion towards him.

It was as if he was his own child, excitedly talking to his father.

It was an emotion he hadn't felt before. Gradually, he did not need to release too much mental power. Each bluesilver grass in the forest released a faint mental wave. Although the individual was not strong, the bluesilver grass everywhere connected together to form a A rather huge spiritual magnetic field.

Integrated with the spiritual power released by Tang San.

Through them, the range that Tang San could feel suddenly increased exponentially.

Every bluesilver grass seems to have become Tang San's eyes and ears, using his mental power to explore everything in the outside world. Tang San could do this before.

But at this time, using the mental magnetic field of Blue Silver Grass, the area he could see could only be described as terrifying.

At this moment, a voice without warning suddenly sounded in Tang San's heart, "King, great king, is it really you? You finally came to me. Thank God."

king? Is this talking to me? Tang San was shocked.

He didn't understand why a voice appeared in his spiritual world. At this moment, Tang Chen, standing next to him, had a faint smile on his face.

His mental power is always on!

Just when Tang San was feeling the spiritual magnetic field of the Bluesilver Grass around him, a sudden voice surprised him greatly. The voice actually called him king.

In the originally peaceful and distant mental magnetic field of Blue Silver Grass, a strong mental force suddenly came. This mental force quickly became entangled with Tang San's mental force, like two ropes tied together.

"King, can you please come to me?"

The voice seemed to become more urgent, with a strong desire.

Opening his eyes in surprise, Tang San subconsciously looked towards his great ancestor.

Tang Chen said calmly: "You should have felt it. Go, I will wait for you here.

Sometimes, hunting is not required to obtain a soul ring. "

After saying this, Tang Chen glanced at Tang San with some confusion. At their level, how could they not know that lying inside Tang San's body was not only the bloodline of the Haotian Sect, but also the hundred thousand year old soul beast Blue Silver Emperor? , Tang Chen had heard about it a long time ago...

Now that the opportunity came, he wanted to give Tang San a chance!

It's a pity that he can't follow, otherwise if his aura is leaked at all, it will definitely arouse the vigilance of those blue silver grasses!

Although Tang San didn't understand what his great-grandfather meant, he still stood up.

What surprised him was that he did not deliberately control his mental power at this time, but the strong spiritual aura was still connected to him, constantly calling to him.

Stepping into the forest, Tang San suddenly felt that the threatening aura from the spirit beasts in the forest had obviously weakened, as if the spirit beasts hidden in the forest suddenly made way for him.

With his great-grandfather's affirmation, he no longer hesitated, stood up, and moved quickly in the direction led by his spirit.

Wherever he passed, the bluesilver grass on the ground seemed to be calling excitedly, swaying gently rhythmically, as if dancing happily for Tang San's arrival.

The area of ​​​​this forest is not large, at least it cannot be compared with the original Star Dou Forest. But entering it, Tang San found that the plants here looked very old, as if they had experienced a long time.

Towering trees can be seen everywhere, and it is difficult for even the sun's rays to reach the ground from these dense plants.

Tang San was certain that this must be an ancient forest, but what exactly was the voice calling him?

He was eager to know the truth of the matter, so he moved forward extremely quickly.

Along the way, he didn't encounter any obstruction from the soul beast, and he easily followed the pull of the spiritual power.

After running for about an hour, the spiritual power connected with him became particularly clear.

"King, I'm here."

The spiritual call came again, and there was even a hint of nervousness in the excitement.

Passing through two ancient trees that required at least several people to embrace, Tang San moved his mental energy and locked onto a plant in front of him.

He could clearly feel that the spiritual call came from this plant.

Slender vines climbed up and tangled up to about ten meters in the air.

It looks like a special plant composed of countless vines condensed together.

The whole body is clear blue, and the surface is shining with a special crystal.

Around it, Blue Silver Grass grows extremely lush.

Each root of the vine is as thick as an ordinary person's waist and more than a foot in diameter.

At this time it was swinging slightly. In the middle of the vines, where the condensation was, there was a mark that looked like a human face.

At this time, its expression seemed to be smiling. Smile at yourself.

This vine gave him the feeling of being powerful, and the extremely powerful aura was released without reservation. From the face in the center, strong spiritual fluctuations spurted out, circling Tang San's body with a cheerful rhythm.

The mental pull ends here. Although Tang San had seen plant-type spirit beasts before, this was the first time for one with such a powerful aura.

"Are you calling me?"

Tang San stared at the huge vines in front of him with burning eyes.

Although he had sensed that the other party did not have any ill intentions, he could not help but feel a little more vigilant.

"Yes, great king. It is I who call you."

The human face in the center of the vines moved, showing a very human expression. It opened its mouth and spit out human words.

This time it was no longer a spiritual communication, but a real conversation.

Tang San was shocked. You must know that the cultivation of plant spirit beasts is much more difficult than that of animal spirit beasts.

He had never heard from Yu Xiaogang that a plant-type soul beast could speak. But the facts were in front of him, and he couldn't tolerate disbelief.

"Who are you? Why do you call me king?" Tang San asked curiously.

Vine smiled and said: "Because you have blood that is nobler than mine.

If I am the king of Bluesilver Grass, then you are the emperor of Bluesilver Grass. "

After hearing these words, Tang San somewhat understood. His brain was running rapidly, and various possibilities kept popping up in his mind.

The huge vine in front of me is actually Blue Silver Grass. Can the Blue Silver Grass, which is known as the Wasted Martial Spirit, be able to be cultivated to such a powerful level?

Before Tang San could speak, the Blue Silver King spoke again, "It will take me at least another fifteen thousand years to cultivate before I can reach a bloodline realm like yours.

Being able to see you and feel the aura of blood on your body, I seem to have found a way to a more noble bloodline.

Thank you, my king! "

Tang San frowned slightly, "I'm sorry, maybe you made a mistake.

I am not your king.

I am a human being, not Blue Silver Grass. I just have the martial spirit of Blue Silver Grass. "

"No." King Blue Silver said with some urgency: "Great King, it is impossible for me to admit my mistake. The aura on your body is that of the Blue Silver Emperor and Queen. This is absolutely unmistakable.

If you were just one of those ordinary humans with the Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, do you think you could cultivate to the level you are now?

What you have is the blood of the Blue Silver Royal Family!

Great king! "

Tang San was stunned, "You mean, my Blue Silver Grass is not ordinary Blue Silver Grass?"

"Yes. What you possess is the purest blue silver royal bloodline. If I have to describe your martial spirit, then I think it is more appropriate to use blue silver emperor instead of blue silver grass.

All the Blue Silver people are your people. Have you not felt their call to you? "

Blue Silver Emperor?

Tang San's heart moved, and he suddenly understood some of his great-grandfather's intentions in asking him to come here.

What he inherited is not a useless martial spirit.

But he is blessed with the Blue Silver Emperor's martial spirit. Who allowed his mother to take the form of a hundred thousand year old spirit beast...

Tang San smiled slightly, feeling for the first time the great benefits brought by his mother being a hundred thousand year spirit beast!

The huge Blue Silver King continued: "The Blue Silver King will always be of the same origin in this world.

Only when the previous generation of Blue Silver Emperor dies will the next generation of Blue Silver Emperor appear.

Although you are a human being, you are the only person today who has the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor. "

Tang San felt his heartbeat speeding up, "But, I have never felt that there is anything special about my Bluesilver Grass.

Maybe you don't understand that the strength I have now is obtained through some special methods. "

Tang San has always believed that the reason why he was able to possess innate full soul power had nothing to do with his own martial soul, but was obtained by practicing the Xuantian Technique.

Therefore, he was somewhat doubtful about the Blue Silver King's words.

The Blue Silver King sighed and said: "Yes, you are right. In the past, there was no difference between your Blue Silver King and ordinary Blue Silver Grass. This is our fault. Because, your Blue Silver Royal bloodline is not the same as ordinary Blue Silver Grass." There is no real awakening.

That's why you can't feel its power.

Great King, aren't you here to let me help you awaken it? "

Hearing what Blue Silver King said, if Tang San still doesn't understand, then he is no longer Tang San.


My martial soul had already awakened once when I was six years old. Do I need a second time?

As if sensing Tang San's thoughts, the Blue Silver King said patiently: "Great Your Majesty, how can the awakening given to you by ordinary people truly awaken your noble bloodline? On this continent, besides you, I am The longest-lived bluesilver grass.

That’s why my name is Blue Silver King.

We finally meet you. As your eternal subordinates, we will always protect you. Are you willing to protect your subjects forever? "

Without any hesitation, Tang San stared at the Blue Silver King in front of him seriously and nodded firmly.

"I do!"

Just kidding, it is very possible to get the benefits in vain now, how could Tang San miss this opportunity?

Two drops of blue liquid flowed down from the eyes of the Blue Silver King's human face, "It's been almost twenty years, and I haven't felt His Majesty's breath. Today, we are finally no longer children without a mother."

Your Majesty, please feel the admiration of your subjects. "

As soon as he finished speaking, an extremely huge aura suddenly rose up. It did not appear from the Blue Silver King in front of him, but from the entire forest.

A faint blue light emerges quietly from each Bluesilver Grass. What emerges from one Bluesilver Grass may only be a tiny blue light spot, but when the blue light from hundreds of millions of Bluesilver Grasses condense together, that It's just a blue ocean.

Tang San immediately felt that he had become the center of this ocean. His body was like a huge swallowing mouth, madly devouring the blue ocean rushing in from the outside world.

An unprecedented heat flow rose from the deepest part of the body. At this moment, Tang San felt neither the impact nor pressure brought by the huge energy, nor the expansion within the body.

He was surprised to find that when the heat and courage flowed through his body, an extremely gentle breath gently passed through his body.

I don't know why, but when he felt this gentle breath, Tang San suddenly felt the urge to cry.

It seemed to be a soothing emotion. It was as if what he was receiving at this time was his mother's caress.

Closing his eyes, Tang San didn't want to let this feeling pass. He gave up sensing everything in the outside world, and didn't even use his first-class mind to calculate his own gains and losses at this time. All his thoughts were focused on that without reservation. And nothing more than gentleness.

The Clear Sky Hammer was inherited from Tang Hao, and the Blue Silver Grass was inherited from the 100,000-year-old soul beast Blue Silver Emperor.

Tang San also smiled mysteriously at this moment. He felt that his fifth spirit ring seemed to be constantly changing! (End of chapter)

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