Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 281 Sea Dragon Douluo dies, Bo Saixi is confused

"Brother Tianchen, are you coming or am I coming?"

Di Tian looked at Sea Dragon Douluo's frightened expression quietly without any emotion!

He also had itchy hands for a long time. Maybe he could kill a sea soul master to stretch his muscles.

It's just a pity that Ye Tianchen naturally won't give this opportunity to Di Tian!

"Brother Ditian, no need..."

The moment the words fell, Ye Tianchen had disappeared. The next second, he had appeared in front of Sea Dragon Douluo. Sea Dragon Douluo didn't even have a chance to react, and was grabbed by Ye Tianchen's chest. Broken clothes, and then grabbed his throat!

At this moment, Sea Dragon Douluo wanted to resist, but unfortunately he found that he had no soul power in his body...

At this moment, Ye Tianchen smiled slightly.

The blood-red soul rings under his feet suddenly lit up!

Red red red red red red red platinum!

The nine-path Sea Dragon Douluo's never-before-seen spirit ring configuration and the terrifying pressure of the ninety-ninth-level titled Douluo that covered the sky didn't even require Ye Tianchen to crush Sea Dragon Douluo's throat and his hybrid skeleton. It started to break apart inch by inch!

Ditian was already used to this scene, and Xiong Junchiwang and the others even turned their heads, not wanting to see Ye Tianchen's terrifying power like a god or a demon at this moment...

Only the Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor were like little girls who had never seen the world!

Ice Emperor's whole body was trembling non-stop. It was hard for her to imagine how Ye Tianchen practiced to have such a terrifying cultivation level in decades!

Can that terrifying soul ring configuration really be possessed by a soul master?

The Ice Emperor couldn't believe his eyes, he only felt a little more fearful and uneasy deep in his heart.

Emperor Xue, on the other hand, frowned. She had never thought that this was the terrifying strength that Ye Tianchen, who Di Tian said might surpass him, actually possessed!

At this moment, the Snow Emperor finally understood why His Highness the Silver Dragon King asked them to follow Ye Tianchen and not have any other small thoughts...

This is the confidence brought by true strength!

In comparison, Sea Dragon Douluo was in a state of misery at the moment.

He could feel every inch of his bones cracking and blood spurting out, but he couldn't make any movement and could only watch everything happen...

However, Ye Tianchen has no intention of erasing him now. After all, he still doesn't know what happened to make that guy Yin Hei be so desperate!

In just a moment, Yin Hei leaped in front of Ye Tianchen. Looking at the dying Sea Dragon Douluo in the hands of his landlord, Yin Hei couldn't help but shudder.

My host is really cruel...

However, Yin Hei also saw Di Tian and the others. Yin Hei knew Xiong Jun Chi Wang and others, but he had never seen the Snow Emperor and Ice Emperor. However, Yin Hei understood with just one glance that this might be another number. A ferocious beast with a hundred thousand years of cultivation exists.

I didn’t read more.

"I pay my respects to the host!"

"Okay, Yinhei, get up and tell us what's going on..."

After casually glancing at the somewhat unconscious Sea Dragon Douluo, Ye Tianchen turned his gaze to Yin Hei!

When he heard his landlord's question, Yin Hei couldn't hide it, so he could only tell everything that Sea Dragon Douluo wanted to do against Tianshui Academy.

After hearing this, Ye Tianchen nodded, and then his eyes turned to Shui Qingrou and Shui Bing'er who were thousands of meters away...

Looking at Shui Qingrou's beautiful appearance, Ye Tianchen immediately smiled.

"Yinhei, I didn't expect you to have such a past. That girl was pretty good. No wonder you said you were unworthy..."

Shaking his head, Ye Tianchen didn't want to say anything more. He glanced at the Heavenly Demon Bead in Yin Hei's hand and hesitated to speak. Unexpectedly, Yin Hei was willing to use this thing!

One can imagine how much Sea Dragon Douluo wanted to kill Yin Hei!

In the distance, the moment Ye Tianchen glanced over, Shui Qingrou felt a surge of divine power coming!

Then it flashed away again. Although she didn't know who exactly was coming, Shui Qingrou knew from just one glance that they were probably some terrifying existences!

After all, Shui Qingrou could see the black-robed titled Douluo being so respectful at the moment!

"Teacher, do we need to go and say thank you?"

Shui Yue'er couldn't help but say this at this moment, to which Shui Qingrou nodded.

At this time, if the other party wants to do something to them, with their strength, they don't have to run at all, because there is no chance at all.

Besides, experts have extremely weird tempers. Shui Qingrou couldn't guarantee whether she would cause dissatisfaction with Shui Bing'er and the others if she left directly with them.

They simply had to bite the bullet and led Shui Bing'er and the others towards Ye Tianchen and the others slowly!


Yin Hei had long been accustomed to the teasing of his own poster. After bowing to Di Tian, ​​Yin Hei set his sights on Shui Qingrou and the others who were getting closer.

The murderous eyes just now have become extremely gentle now...

Soon, Shui Qingrou brought Shui Bing'er and other people from Tianshui Academy to Ye Tianchen and the others.

"I'm Qingrou, the dean of Tianshui College. I've met all of you seniors. Thank you for helping us just now!"

After Shui Qingrou bowed down at this moment, she didn't dare to look up at Ye Tianchen and the others. From their bodies, Shui Qingrou got closer and realized what it means to explode at just one glance...

"Shui Qingrou, Dean of Tianshui College, Yin Hei, I'll leave this half-dead guy to you!"

After saying that, Ye Tianchen threw Sea Dragon Douluo towards Yin Hei, Yin Hei smiled evilly, and then punched him with a bang!

The terrifying impact directly blasted Sea Dragon Douluo into countless fragments, turning into blood mist that filled the air. In response, Ye Tianchen waved his hand, and a breeze dissipated the blood mist...

Sea Dragon Douluo will never understand until his death why he was so unlucky that he ran into Ye Tianchen and the others' guns...

At this moment, Ditian and the others suddenly frowned!

Ye Tianchen was also stunned, and then turned to look into the void. Dozens of miles away, a familiar aura was coming quickly!

"Brother Tianchen, I didn't expect that Bo Saixi would come so quickly. It's a pity that she came late after all..."

Hearing what Di Tian said, Ye Tianchen smiled.

Then he gave Yin Hei a look. Yin Hei immediately understood and led the people from Tianshui Academy to retreat behind!

Now that Bo Saixi is here, if a war breaks out, no one can guarantee the safety of the people in Tianshui College, not to mention that even Yin Hei dare not guarantee his own safety.

After Shui Qingrou, who was confused, heard about Yin Hei's fate, she didn't ask why due to some strange combination of circumstances. Her intuition told her that the black-robed titled Douluo in front of her was trustworthy...

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