Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 313 Qian Renxue is defeated and heads to Gengxin City!

Qian Renxue didn't feel angry at all when she heard this. After all, the other party was right. Apart from her, there seemed to be no other soul masters in Wuhun Palace who could do anything...

A big battle started just like that, without any fancy moves. Everyone was real, using their soul power to fight the ultimate showdown!

As soon as the competition started, the other soul masters in the Wuhun Hall were directly seriously injured by Xie Yue. Although Qian Renxue had more than 70 levels of soul power, she could only struggle to hold on. After about a stick of incense, Qian Renxue finally It also ended in failure!

Although the final result did not exceed the expectations of the group of titled Douluo at the VIP table, Wuhundian Bibi Dong Qiandaoliu still sighed helplessly...

At the same time as the semi-finals were going on, Yangbai Chongfeng also took Ye Xunhuan to the legendary capital of artifacts!

In addition to Yang Bai and Ye Xunhuan, there is also Titan, the leader of the force clan, following them!

The reason is because Yang Bai once saved Tai Tan's life...

Gengxin City is located within the Star Luo Empire, but it happens to be in two directions from Longxing City. Longxing City is in the southeast of the Tiandou Empire, while Gengxin City is in the southwest of the Star Luo Empire...

It is closer to the area within the Star Luo Empire.

This journey is not short...

With everyone on the road, it took nearly three days for Yang Bai and Ye Xunhuan to arrive at Gengxin City!

Gengxin City is one of the main cities of the Star Luo Empire, but it is definitely not a famous city.

The city itself is only in the middle and lower reaches of the main city territory.

Douluo Continent is the world of soul masters. As a city of metal, it is normal that it is not taken seriously.

The status of a blacksmith is the same as that of a commoner.

The influence of the Blacksmiths Association only has some status in this city.

The Wuhun Palace is actually the Soul Master Association, but it can affect the situation of the entire continent.

This shows how huge the gap between blacksmiths and soul masters is.

Yang Bai told Ye Xunhuan that the better the blacksmith, the more likely he is to be a soul master.

Because only the soul master's own ability far beyond that of ordinary people can make the casting more sophisticated. Of course, this is not absolute.

There are also some special blacksmith geniuses who have achieved great success in the blacksmith world without the help of martial spirits.

In the distance, Gengxin City was already in sight. Everyone got off the carriage and looked around, and could already see the tall city wall.

The entire city wall of Gengxin City is iron-grey, and it feels like it is made of metal.

Although they haven't arrived in the city yet, they can already vaguely feel the metallic atmosphere brought by Gengxin City.

"We're finally here. The whole carriage ride made my bones weak."

No matter how comfortable the carriage is, anyone would be bored after three days of riding.

However, it cannot be said that there were no gains at all along the way.

Everyone successfully entered Gengxin City. As soon as they entered the city gate, the metallic aura that hit their faces immediately gave them a different feeling.

After entering the city, everyone got off the carriage again and looked at the appearance of this special city with great interest.

Titan's mood became visibly excited. He pointed at the surrounding buildings and introduced them to everyone.

"Gengxin City is the city with the most blacksmith shops. Only in this city will blacksmiths be valued.

It is said that there are thousands of blacksmith shops in the entire Gengxin City.

There are tens of thousands of blacksmiths. There are many blacksmiths from other cities who come here specifically to take the blacksmith assessment.

If you can pass the senior blacksmith test, you can stay in this city.

Simply put, this is a blacksmith’s paradise. "

“Although blacksmiths are not valued by the two empires, the military’s weapons and equipment, farm tools, buildings, and furniture all require the participation of blacksmiths.

The more advanced the blacksmith, the more valuable the items are. "

Ye Xunhuan has become relatively familiar with Titan in the past few days.

"Elder Titan, what, are blacksmiths also divided into levels?"

Tai Tan nodded and said: "It's not as detailed as you soul masters distinguish.

Generally speaking, blacksmiths are divided into seven levels. From low to high, they are: junior blacksmith, intermediate blacksmith, senior blacksmith, master blacksmith, master blacksmith, master blacksmith and divine blacksmith. "

"Then what level of blacksmith are you?"

"Stupid, why should you ask? As the vice-president of the Blacksmiths Association, Elder Taitan is of course a master craftsman."

Tai Tan chuckled, acquiescing.

"Elder, how many master-level blacksmiths are there in the mainland?"

Ye Xunhuan asked again...

Tai Tan's expression changed slightly, and he sighed: "Three people! Me, the dead Tang Hao, and the current president of the Blacksmiths Association."

At this moment, everyone suddenly heard a loud voice in front of them shouting loudly, "Don't miss it when you pass by. The current president of the Blacksmith Association, the King of Divine Craftsmen, Lou Gao, once again told his disciples to create brilliant silver armor with their own hands. One piece, sold at a discount.”

"The height of the building?"

Tai Tan said with some confusion: "Do the new disciples of the old building also need to hawk on the street?

Oh, Lou Gao is the president of the Blacksmiths Association, so it’s not wrong to say that he is the king of divine craftsmen.

I am better at refining and forging various metals, while he is better at some exquisite techniques.

Speaking of which, I plan to ask him for a few disciples this time.

Blacksmiths of his line will be more comfortable in making.

Come on, let’s go take a look! "

It was an ordinary-looking blacksmith shop. The person selling goods was a middle-aged man with bronzed muscles on his naked upper body. In front of the blacksmith shop, a middle-aged man who looked to be in his forties was sitting upright. There, the old god closed his eyes, looking like a master.

Next to him was a piece of armor.

The armor is bright silver all over, shimmering under the sunlight. The overall look is gorgeous. It can be seen that each piece of armor has been specially polished, and the breast mirror is inlaid with a huge transparent crystal.

Under the sunlight, it complements the body of the armor.

Titan only glanced at the armor, frowned, and said two words disdainfully, "Trash."

Let alone a Titan, even Ye Xunhuan, who was far inferior to him in casting, could see how flashy this armor was.

The bright silver armor leaves are actually made of polished steel, but each one is very thin and clearly has no defense.

However, the corresponding weight is not too high. Perhaps, this is the only advantage of this armor.

If you wear this set of armor, then its only function may be to show off.

As for using it on the battlefield, don't even think about it.

Any infantryman with a little bit of strength can be cut through with a single blow.

Although Tai Tan is over eighty years old, as the leader of the Force Clan, he is full of confidence. Although he only said the word "trash" in his ordinary voice, everyone around him still heard it. The middle-aged man hawking was naturally no exception.

While he was hawking excitedly, his eyes immediately fell on Titan, "Old guy, who are you calling trash?"

Who is Tai Tan? He said coldly: "I said that armor is garbage.

So does the blacksmith who forges armor! "

This time, his voice rose a little higher. The middle-aged man sitting at the door of the blacksmith shop had opened his eyes and looked at Titan with disdain.

The middle-aged man hawking had strode up to Tai Tan, "Old guy, do you know anything about casting?

You can tell by your appearance that you are a foreigner. If you don’t understand, don’t talk nonsense.

My teacher is a disciple of Senior Lou Gao, the current president of the Blacksmiths Association.

Do you dare to say that the armor made by my teacher is garbage?

This is an insult to our lineage of divine craftsmen.

If you don't speak clearly today, don't even think about leaving. "

Tai Tan snorted disdainfully, "You want me to make it clear, right?

Okay, then I will make it clear to you.

Don't tell me you are a teacher.

Even if Lou Gao were here and said that this armor was made by him, I would still treat it like rubbish. "

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar around him.

There are also blacksmiths watching the excitement here, and there are also some with extraordinary strength.

Of course they could see how flashy the armor was.

However, the hawker's words, "The higher the building, the more disciples," calmed everyone down.

Lou Gao's status in this Gengxin City is equivalent to Bibi Dong's status in Wuhun Palace.

No one would have any objections to Tai Tan's criticism of this set of armor, but he directly criticized the master craftsman Lou Gao, and the surrounding blacksmiths immediately stopped working.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise.

It also included a lot of yelling.

Yang Bai frowned and pulled Ye Xunhuan in front of him, without choosing what to say...

Tai Tan took two steps forward. Although he did not release his soul power and Contra-level pressure, his tall figure and the majesty he had developed over many years as the clan leader still made the middle-aged man hawking take a few steps back.

Tai Tan walked to the armor and turned around, looking at the people around him, "You are not convinced, are you?

Okay, then I will tell you.

This set of armor is made using chain mail method.

You can take a closer look. There are subtle differences in the size of each nail piece.

It looks very bright on the surface. But in fact, the texture itself is very thin.

Still wearing silver armor?

The nail polished out of steel is plated with a layer of silver.

It’s not much better than paper! "

After hearing what he said, the middle-aged man with the old god couldn't sit still anymore, stood up suddenly, and said angrily: "My armor is just for decoration.

It’s not like going to the battlefield!

The thinness of each nail leaf shows the skill.

It's so light in weight that you won't feel tired when wearing it.

Decorations, do you know what decorations are? "

Tai Tan said coldly: "What do you think the armor pieces are different in size?"

The middle-aged man argued forcefully: "This is called the beauty of disharmony.

It was taught by my master, Master Lou Gao Shenjiang.

What do you know! "

Tai Tan laughed loudly, "Okay, what a dissonant beauty. I wonder if that old guy Lou Gao would be so angry that you would vomit blood if he were here."

Has his reputation been almost ruined by people like you?

Brilliant silver armor, Lou Gao had indeed created such an armor. However, your imitation is too outrageous. "

As he spoke, he raised his hand and took off the armor from the supporting frame and turned it over to the back.

It was too late for the middle-aged man to stop him.

If the surface of the armor is as smooth as a mirror, then the back is as rough as numbness.

Titan shook his hand casually, and several armor leaves fell from it.

With a cold snort, Taitan casually threw the armor in front of the stunned middle-aged man, "It's easy to call you trash.

Let me teach you a lesson, the brilliant silver armor cast by Lou Gao, the armor leaves are made of pure silver that has been refined and turned into silver essence.

Although each piece is very thin, its defensive power is quite strong. Although it is just a decoration, it is also very practical.

Don't use his name anymore to cheat.

Otherwise, you don’t have to continue hanging around in Gengxin City. "

"you you……"

The middle-aged man who was known as the disciple of Lou Gao Zai Chuan was now green in the face, and the noise of the civilians and blacksmiths surrounding him was much quieter.

"I'll fight you!"

The middle-aged man shook his hands and pulled out a sharp knife from his waist, and rushed towards Titan.

What kind of strength was Titan? It would be a joke if he got close to him. Without looking back, he stamped his right foot hard on the ground.

Suddenly, there was a low roar.

The strong shock wave suddenly knocked the middle-aged man to the ground.

But the people watching nearby only felt a shock under their feet and were not affected!

"Who is causing trouble here?"

At this moment, the crowd of onlookers suddenly separated, and a group of infantry with non-standard equipment from the Star Luo Empire strode in.

Ordinary infantry are only equipped with leather armor at most, but the infantry of Gengxin City can be regarded as close to the water, and they are all wearing light metal armor.

There were more than ten people in total, one of whom looked to be about thirty years old. His armor was obviously thicker. He strode in with his hand on the hilt of the long sword at his waist.

The middle-aged man who was shaken by Taitan's kick immediately became energetic when he saw these soldiers, and ran up to the soldiers in a hurry, "Brother-in-law, that's him, I'm selling my latest Works, this old guy is here to cause trouble!

At first glance, he looks like a foreigner.

Not only did he criticize my newly forged armor, he also insulted Master Lou Gao!

Quick, catch him. "

Tai Tan sneered, "No wonder he dares to mess around in the name of Lou Gao. It turns out he has some background."

The soldier captain's face turned cold, and he waved his hand fiercely, "Take him away."


Before the soldiers could rush up, a loud shout suddenly sounded from the crowd. The crowd parted, and an old man in his sixties was seen walking in quickly.

The old man looked very strong, with steady and powerful steps. But he had a look of shock.

Seeing this old man, the soldier captain's expression suddenly changed, and he said in a deep voice: "Master Ren Yuan.

Please do not hinder me from carrying out my official duties. Otherwise, even if you are a blacksmith, you cannot afford it! "

The blacksmith named Ren Yuan didn't seem to hear what he said. He came to the front of Titan in two steps. His eyes widened and he looked at Titan's face carefully. "You, you are..."

Tai Tai frowned slightly, "I think I've seen you before.

You should have been an apprentice under Lou Gao at that time.

Now he is also a blacksmith.

Not bad! "

Lao Renyuan's body suddenly trembled, and he knelt down with a thud, "It's really you, Lord Titan!"

Before Tai Tan could say anything more, Yang Bai, who had been silent all this time, exploded at this moment!

He came here to create a magical weapon for Ye Xunhuan, not to pester him!

"There's so much nonsense, I don't have time to tangle with you!"

The moment the words fell, soul rings suddenly appeared at Yang Bai's feet!

In an instant, nine soul rings emerged in the void, and the blood-red ninth soul ring was so dazzling!

"Seal... Title Douluo!"

For a moment, everyone present was stunned!

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