Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 320 An attempt to open a passage between the two worlds!

"If one day, I, Ye Tianchen, reach the level of the Shura God, and if I can only break through again by leaving this continent, I'm afraid I will be even crazier than him, the Shura God!"

This is what Ye Tianchen realized in his heart at this moment...

In fact, this sentence is also a fact. No one wants to see themselves standing still and seeing that no matter how much they spend or how much time they have, their energy is still standing still!

Not to mention heroes like them...

At this moment, Ye Tianchen more or less understood what Shura God was doing.

It's a pity that all of this conflicts with his own interests. If Shura God wants to achieve all of this, it will be a disaster for him. In order for himself to survive and for the continuation of Star Reaching Tower, Ye Tianchen can only sacrifice God Shura...

But in fact, it doesn’t matter. There are always a few stepping stones on the road to spiritual practice. For him, the current Shura God is just a relatively large stepping stone...

After taking a deep breath, Ye Tianchen also closed his eyes slightly and began to use his spiritual power close to that of a god to explore the specific location of the passage between the two worlds!

Fortunately, his spiritual power has reached the level of a god, otherwise he might not be able to find it!

I don't know how long it took, but Ye Tianchen finally felt the source of the mysterious power!

Suddenly, he opened his eyes and looked into the void with a flash of light!

"Unexpectedly, the passage between the two realms is actually here!"

Seeing that he had found the passage between the two realms, Ye Tianchen couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Now the most important part has been completed. He only needs to wait until the finals start to open this passage!

But before that, he needs to try what kind of strength it takes to open the passage between these two realms!


And in the void thousands of meters away, a piece of white cloud was floating quietly in the sky at this moment. Even if the wind at high altitude was extremely strong, it still could not blow the white cloud!

Hidden among the white clouds is a white snowflake. This is actually the Snow Emperor!

The reason why Ye Tianchen didn't discover it was because of his identity!

Strictly speaking, the Snow Emperor is not a soul beast, or it is more appropriate to call it the darling of heaven and earth. She is naturally more in line with the laws of ice and snow. Because of this, she can use ice and snow to cover up her soul beast's aura.

However, although this move is easy to use, even Ye Tianchen of the same level did not notice it, but this is only because the Snow Empress is in the state of a snowflake at the moment. Once she returns to the form of a human or a soul beast, it will be difficult to cover herself up. The breath is gone!

Seeing Ye Tianchen come to such a deserted valley, it would be false to say that the Snow Emperor had no doubts in his heart, but she did not believe that such a mysterious level 99 titled Douluo would come to a deserted valley. place!

It's a pity that the Snow Emperor has been observing for a long time, but he can't detect any special aura at all. This is just an ordinary valley, even though it belongs to the Star Forest...

However, the Snow Emperor did not intend to leave just now. He believed that Ye Tianchen came here in such a secretive way, not just because he was crazy, or just for fun, but that he must have his own unknown secret hidden in it!

Simply, the Snow Emperor just hid in this white cloud and continued to watch quietly!

But soon, she discovered the secret...

After finding the passage between the two realms, Ye Tianchen wanted to see if he could open it with his current level 99 Titled Douluo power. He did whatever he wanted. Soon, blood-red soul rings appeared under his feet. Start emerging!

Until the ninth platinum soul ring appeared, Ye Tianchen's level 99 aura filled the entire valley!

As his body slowly rose into the air, he soon arrived at the specific location of the passage between the two realms!

Feeling the magic of the void in front of him, Ye Tianchen struck with a casual blow, reaching the full power of level 98!

Unfortunately, my casual blow did not make any changes to the passages between these two realms, and even passed directly through the void without leaving any traces...

Seeing this, Ye Tianchen couldn't help but frown. It seemed that the situation might be more complicated than he thought. It would not be possible to open the two-world passage with a few more attempts. In other words, quantitative changes caused qualitative changes. This method was impossible!

Thinking of Ye Tianchen, he couldn't help but continue to strengthen his attack!

"The seventh soul skill, the true form of the demon!"

In an instant, the body of the 100-foot demon appeared behind Ye Tianchen, and without the slightest hesitation, Ye Tianchen punched it down!

The soul power of the level 99 titled Douluo exploded directly in the void at this moment!

Suddenly, I came to the specific location of the passage between the two realms, and there was a click!

Ye Tianchen seemed to hear the trembling in the void, but it was only such a small sound. The entire two-realm passage seemed to have not changed at all. His punch had already exerted 70% of his strength, but the entire two-realm passage seemed to There was no big progress as he saw. Seeing this, Ye Tianchen also frowned!

"With 70% of the power, I can only hear a crisp sound. If I want to completely open the passage between the two realms, I'm afraid it will be a bit troublesome!"

Although Ye Tianchen is just trying at this moment, he cannot continue like this forever. If his aura leaks a little, he is already relatively bold. Once he unscrupulously attacks the two-realm passage, I am afraid it will easily attract the attention of God Shura!

Once God Shura shifts his attention from the Soul Master Competition to himself, then this matter will become even more troublesome!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen decided to try it with all his strength!

Soon, Ye Tianchen became crazy!

"The ninth soul skill, transform into a demon!"

In an instant, Ye Tianchen performed his second ninth soul skill. This is also the terrifying part of a hundred thousand year soul ring!

But this was not enough. Ye Tianchen, who had transformed into a heavenly demon, turned into a hundred-foot heavenly demon, covering the sky and the sun with so much demonic energy!

"The ninth soul skill, the devil destroys the world!"

In just a moment, Ye Tianchen was about to use the two soul skills that came with the hundred thousand year soul ring!

But he soon discovered that something was wrong. When he transformed into a demon, the soul power in his body was almost exhausted!

But soon, billowing demonic energy emerged from the Tianmo Qin and instantly wrapped around Ye Tianchen's body!

In an instant, his already dry soul power was replenished, like a mighty river, inexhaustible!

The second ninth soul skill was successfully used instantly!

In an instant, a thousand-foot demon stood in the sky!

The demonic energy is rolling all over his body!

The demon clenched his fist and punched the passage between the two realms hard!

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