Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 326 The system comes and the dream world collapses!

The memories that the magic city brought to Ye Tianchen seemed to be only bits and pieces with Liu Tianxian. Now that they were so far apart, Ye Tianchen didn't know where to go.

But one thing is for sure, he is not willing to stay in the Magic City anymore. He wants to go out and see this charming world...

To see the beautiful scenery that I have never had before, to blow the wind that I have never blown...

In Hongqiao Station, Ye Tianchen stood for a long time. In front of him, the staff at the high-speed rail station also felt helpless.

I asked Ye Tianchen where to buy tickets. After asking for a long time, he still said casually...

"Brother, where are you going..."

" a place with wind..."


"Well, brother, I recommend you to go to a place! I guarantee you will be satisfied!"

"Oh? Tell me."


Snow falls rarely in Suzhou these days. This kind of scene has not been seen in several years!

If I didn't need to work, I would go there too! "

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen smiled knowingly.

"Okay, let's go to Suzhou..."

"It's your turn!"

As the staff quickly issued tickets, Ye Tianchen also boarded the train to Suzhou in the early morning...

Ye Tianchen's departure seemed relaxed and joyful, and he looked particularly chic, but the entire entertainment industry immediately exploded!

In the mansion of Tomson Yipin that once belonged to Ye Tianchen and Liu Tianxian, Liu Tianxian was sitting cross-legged on the sofa without saying a word, and the tears in the corners of his eyes had already turned red.

As a mother, Liu Xiaoli didn't say much. She knew what her daughter was like, and she...

It seems that he is not qualified to judge.

From the moment the sun rose, all netizens who like to eat melons were surprised to find that the number one hot search headline on Weibo was Liu Tianxian’s official breakup...

The second most popular search topic is that Liu Tianxian’s boyfriend is actually a popular writer...

As for the third most popular search, it is Ye Tianchen’s late night live broadcast...

The top three on the hot search list are directly dominated by the affair between Liu Tianxian and Ye Tianchen, which is not easy.

After all, hot searches almost always have a large number of trolls. Almost every day, some insiders will be ranked first on the hot search list. But today, their trolls seem to be useless...

In Kyoto, the king and the king also knew about Liu Tianxian's news, but they were all a little silent.

To be fair, they are not heinous people who insist on breaking up such a talented and beautiful couple. However, Liu Tianxian's popularity has declined too fast in recent years!

Soon, Liu Tianxian, who was far away in the Magic City, heard his cell phone buzzing...

This is a call from Xiao Wang.

Liu Xiaoli is already used to this. Ever since Sissi's official announcement of their breakup last night, too many people have called or sent messages asking for comfort and so on.

But without exception, Liu Tianxian paid no attention to these phone messages. She still stared blankly in the direction of the door...

Seeing that the call was from Xiao Wang, Liu Xiaoli was a little hesitant. It was okay if she didn't answer other people's calls, but Xiao Wang...

Liu Xiaoli can't be the master.

"Sissi, this... is Mr. Wang's phone number..."

The moment he heard his mother's words, Liu Tianxian's brows moved slightly, and a look of pain flashed through his originally empty eyes.

Liu Xiaoli didn't feel well either. After sighing softly, she went to prepare breakfast for Liu Tianxian.

Buzz buzz...

Another ringtone rang, and Liu Tianxian finally took a deep breath, then stretched out his arm, held the phone in his hand, opened the screen, and clicked to connect.

"Mr. Wang..."

On the other side of the phone, Xiao Wang frowned when he heard some trembling in his voice.

"Sissi, since you have made your decision, Uncle Wang won't say anything more. Don't worry about public opinion. Uncle Wang will organize people to solve it...

During this period, please stop your announcements and the crew for a while. Uncle Wang will give you a month's leave and have a good rest..."

These words were like a knife, which directly made Liu Tianxian feel a little uncontrollable...

However, she still held back the sadness.

"Then... Sissi thanks Uncle Wang..."

Immediately, after hanging up the phone, Liu Tianxian tried to stand up, but after sitting cross-legged all night, his legs were already a little numb, and for a while, he was still a little unable to stand up...

On the Internet, as Xiao Wang began to control public opinion, soon the official breakup between Liu Tianxian and Ye Tianchen was directly and frankly announced!

Use thunderous means to make those guys in the corner who want to spread rumors and gain traffic be like rats crossing the street!

Of course, all of this would be inseparable from Ye Tianchen’s live broadcast last night...

And it was the first time for many netizens to truly recognize Ye Tianchen!

At this moment, Liu Tianxian’s Weibo social platform has already attracted tens of thousands of comments!

Half of the comments were about the news about Bala Ye Tianchen.

"Brothers and sisters upstairs, I have found relatively complete information. Regarding Ye Tianchen, his status is no lower than Princess Sissi!

Three years ago, Ye Tianchen was indeed unknown.

But after the official announcement with Liu Tianxian, he became an unprecedented presence in the online literary world!

Everyone is familiar with the Zhu Xian trilogy, Panlong and Jianlai, but they were all made by our CEO C!

Now, his prehistoric era is even more popular!

Therefore, people said at first that we, C, were not worthy of Princess Sissi, but now it seems that she is the golden boy! "

This comment is the one with the most likes, and everyone is surprised!

In the past, Ye Tianchen would never reveal everything about himself. People would naturally think that except for being a bit handsome, Ye Tianchen was useless, or that he was some young man.

But now, it's different. When it was revealed that he was a well-known online writer, fans who once thought that Ye Tianchen was not worthy of Liu Tianxian also fell silent.

The reason why Liu Tianxian's popularity continued to decline was actually because people felt that Liu Tianxian and Ye Tianchen were together as the Seven Fairies and Dong Yong. This inevitably made fans who really like Liu Tianxian feel a little complicated...

But now, when everything is revealed, especially after Ye Tianchen's live broadcast was released last night, everyone really understands some of Ye Tianchen's core!

Online reviews also took a turn for the worse, especially after countless Ye Tianchen book friends began to learn the news, and they firmly dominated this hot search list!

Everyone is paying attention to what is going on with Ye Tianchen and Liu Tianxian, but it is almost a coincidence!

Liu Tianxian was given a month's leave by Xiao Wang, so it was naturally impossible for him to appear in the public eye, and Ye Tianchen...

At this moment, when Weibo is blowing up, he has already arrived in Suzhou!

Ye Tianchen didn't care about the turmoil caused by Weibo and the Internet, and he didn't even have the slightest intention to care about it.

It's just that after he finished writing his new chapter and published it, he turned off his phone directly. Even if the China Literature headquarters was in trouble and tried to contact him, they still ignored him...

After getting off the train from Suzhou, Ye Tianchen didn't know where to go. Obviously, he didn't like those hotels with a commercial atmosphere, so he simply headed directly towards the small bridge and flowing water in the ancient town...

It doesn't matter to Ye Tianchen where he goes, he is alone, the whole world is home, and none of them is home.

Among the ancient towns of Suzhou, Ye Tianchen has already visited Suzhou city in these days.

At this moment, he was in a B\u0026B with his eyes wide open in shock, with an incredible look on his face!

The reason was the voice that kept coming to his mind after he woke up in the morning...

[The Xiaoyao value system has been bound! 】

[Please host to open it as soon as possible! 】


This can be regarded as confusing Ye Tianchen. He really didn't expect that he would have such an opportunity to obtain the so-called time traveler's weapon system after traveling through this parallel world for three years.

After thinking about it, Ye Tianchen didn't have a definite choice...

The so-called system, although Ye Tianchen didn't know what this free value was.

But according to the descriptions of those online novels before time travel, this is probably just a game played by an unknown strong person...

Just when Ye Tianchen hesitated, there was a knock on his door!


"Hello, your breakfast has been delivered. Could you please open the door?"

Hearing the voice of the B\u0026B proprietress outside the house, Ye Tianchen subconsciously responded...

"Wait a moment, it will start soon..."

Before Ye Tianchen could finish speaking, in his mind, the system he had been waiting for for a long time suddenly made a sound of mechanical installation!

[Received host instructions, system installation is in progress!

Progress: 10%...20%...]

At this moment, Ye Tianchen was completely confused. Is this possible?

There was no way, everything was already done, and Ye Tianchen didn't continue to stop it. Anyway, he had nothing to lose now, so it didn't matter, just let it develop!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen couldn't help but smile, then opened the door and took the breakfast from the landlady...

After breakfast, Ye Tianchen thought that the system had been installed!

[Congratulations to the host, the system has been installed!

The host only needs to check it silently in his mind! 】

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen also had the attitude of giving it a try, and then opened the system!

【Xiaoyao value system welcomes the host!

This system is designed to make the host live a more carefree and comfortable life. The system will not issue any tasks. As long as the host is always in a carefree state, the host can randomly sign in once a month! 】

Seeing this, Ye Tianchen moved his lips slightly, and a smile slowly emerged.

At this moment, Ye Tianchen only found that the world in front of him was becoming illusory, as if everything was false, everything was so dreamlike!

In an instant, time began to flow backwards, and everything around him was moving in the direction of the beginning. This scene made Ye Tianchen feel particularly surprised, because the world was changing, but he himself seemed to be someone from outside the world. Not only did he not The slightest change, even I noticed the strange existence!


As the sky began to slowly collapse, Ye Tianchen could only watch himself, as the world fell into boundless darkness...

In the Star Forest, Ye Tianchen, who had fallen into a deep sleep, suddenly opened his eyes!

In an instant, terrifying soul rings emanated from his body. The scarlet soul rings, coupled with the aura of a level 99 titled Douluo, swept directly across the entire canyon!

At this moment, Ye Tianchen's eyes were full of doubts!

The dream just now was so real and lasting, as if I had really lived in that magical world for a lifetime!

What surprised him even more was that all the experiences that happened in the dream world were clearly imprinted in his mind at this moment, and even those touches were so clearly visible!

Ye Tianchen even remembered the last look Liu Tianxian looked at him...

"This dream..."

Before Ye Tianchen could finish these words, a mechanical sound suddenly came back to his mind!

[Ding dong, the Xiaoyao value system has been bound to the host!

Host: Ye Tianchen

Age: 40

Wuhun: Tianmoqin!

Cultivation: Level 99 Titled Douluo, (the pinnacle of land gods)

Soul ring configuration: red red red red red red red gold

Kung Fu: Yin Yang Divine Technique, Tianlong Bayin...]

[Congratulations to the host for coming to Douluo Continent, you can now sign in for the first time!

Note: Check-in items depend on the needs of the host, and are generally items that are useful to the host! 】

As the mechanical sound echoed in his mind, Ye Tianchen was stunned!

Do you really have this system?

Thinking of this, he began to frown. Although he didn't know what this system was, it was obvious that it didn't seem to be a threat to him. Of course, it was more that Ye Tianchen heard that signing in could obtain items that were useful to him, so he thought Here, my mind can’t help but move!

"Open the first sign-in!"

As Ye Tianchen's cautious voice came out, soon, the system he had obtained began to prepare for the first sign-in!

[Ding dong, congratulations to the host for completing the first sign-in. The sign-in location is outside the Star Forest and the item obtained: a hundred thousand year soul beast, a lightning dragon!

The dragon has automatically recognized its owner, please check the owner! 】

As the sound of the machine disappeared, suddenly, a lightning dragon that covered the sky and sun fell from the sky. With its wings of thunder, it was like destroying the world and destroying the earth. The aura of a 100,000-year-old soul beast began to spread!

Ye Tianchen, who was watching all this happen, couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he saw this!

It seems that the system I got is not as simple as I imagined!

Without any time to think about anything else, Ye Tianchen began to focus on this 100,000-year-old soul beast, the lightning dragon!


As soon as it appeared, the 100,000-year-old soul beast Lightning Dragon began to roar. It didn't know why it came to this world inexplicably. Looking at the young human man in front of it, the Lightning Dragon had a desire to The feeling of surrender!

This feeling made him extremely unhappy. He wanted to resist but found that he had a splitting headache!

But soon, Ye Tianchen forced him to recognize the reality!

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