Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 329 The dream world comes again!

At dawn the next day, the finals of the Soul Master Competition that attracted the entire Douluo Continent began!

And in the Star Forest, Ye Tianchen once again fell into a dream...

Across the ocean, California!

Here, there is the world's largest underground black boxing world!

Every day, countless adventurers walk into the iron cage of life and death with the determination to die...

And what they do cannot escape money and desire!

However, at this moment, the once crazy underground world of black boxing has become dignified and solemn because of the arrival of a person!

All the rich people who participated in the betting have lost their crazy expressions in the past. Their expressions became amazed and silent the moment this person appeared!

The entire black boxing arena is made of a five-meter-diameter steel cage. The former stainless steel cage has long lost its luster, replaced by a black gloss!

This is the color of blood that turns red and turns black...

The entire prison also exudes a pungent smell of blood, but to everyone present, this is more like a stimulant...

“Gentlemen, in the fifteen years since Rock Boxing was held, this is the first time that a guy has been able to win ninety-nine games in a row without dying!

What's more, he is a friend from the mysterious East!

Today, this warrior from the East is about to celebrate his 100th battle! "

As the host in black finished speaking, Ye Tianchen raised his brows very calmly!

He is the warrior from the east mentioned by the host!

But the purpose of his trip is different from that of most black boxing players. He is here to chase death...

In other words, he came here for excitement...

"Gentlemen, the odds this time have increased to 1:10

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Come on, everyone, bet to your heart’s content! "

As the host said this, the world's richest people, who had been waiting for a long time, also sneered!

"This time, that Eastern monkey will probably die without rebirth!"

"Who made his opponent be Donkey Kong...

This is a ruthless character who kills his opponent every time. He is more than two meters tall, weighs nearly 200 kilograms, and has all those muscles..."

"Why bother so much? Since Rock Boxing dares to play like this, wouldn't it be nice for us to make a huge profit?

My guys! "


With almost no exception, all the rich have put their wealth on the so-called Donkey Kong, and this is also a game they think they must win!

Seeing this, the host also broke into a cold sweat and couldn't help but glance at the extremely luxurious private room upstairs!

There, there is the owner of Rock Boxing Arena!

A blond middle-aged man who looks to be about thirty years old...

"Sir, they have already pressed out five billion US dollars...

Once the Oriental loses, we may have to pay 50 billion US dollars! "

As an old servant beside the middle-aged man spoke quietly, the middle-aged man stood up!

There was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, but at the same time, he was also filled with murderous intent!

"So, that Donkey Kong is the person they brought to deal with me...

What a bunch of wild wolves with a keen sense of smell!

But... I, the Rockefeller family, don’t care about these 50 billion! "


During the scene, the host had not received the instruction for a long time. His lips turned white and he was also a little trembling.

Until the middle-aged man's instructions came to his ears!

In an instant, he put away his panic and looked at everyone present calmly.

"Gentlemen, now, let us look forward to a wonderful showdown!"

After the words fell, the iron cage slowly opened, and the match that Ye Tianchen had been waiting for for a long time was about to begin!

Quietly staring ahead, there is the so-called King Kong!

He is more than two meters tall, with a dark complexion and a ferocious face. Even Ye Tianchen has a frown on his face!

"This is a good opponent...I will let you die slowly!"

In just a moment, Ye Tianchen relaxed his brows and stepped out, boom!

His body also shook, and countless muscles and bones roared together, which was extremely shocking!

As Ye Tianchen and Donkey Kong slowly walked into the cage, after it was closed, the other party also looked at the Oriental Monkey in front of them with great disdain!

He came here for those rich people. This time, if he wins, he can get 10 million US dollars. This cannot allow him to be tempted, not to mention that the opponent is an Eastern monkey...

His name as King Kong is by no means an empty one. Since he entered the underground black boxing world, countless people have died in his hands. Naturally, he is not afraid of Ye Tianchen, who is only about 1.9 meters tall and has no exaggerated muscles!

"Gentlemen, the game begins!"


All the rich men's hormones are exploding at this moment!

"Donkey Kong, kill this Oriental guy quickly!"

"Fake! A direct hit!"


The rich people's eyes were red and bloodshot, and they shouted heartbreakingly, as if ten times the reward was so easy to get!

Donkey Kong, who was stimulated by the sponsor, did not hesitate at all!

"Eastern Monkey, die!"

In an instant, Donkey Kong took a stance, with his arms crossed, clenching his iron fists, and suddenly he was charging like a bull!

His size and strength are his advantages. As long as he delivers a solid blow, he is confident that he can end the battle!

This sudden mountain-like figure made Ye Tianchen tremble!

However, he is faster!

Stepping out of the five-meter iron cage, you are already in front of King Kong!

With a volley kick, he hit Donkey Kong at lightning speed!

Seeing this, Donkey Kong moved his arms back and boom!

With one kick, Ye Tianchen frowned immediately!


The strength of his kick was definitely not weak, but the other party did nothing, but he felt great pressure!

"No pain or itching, Eastern Monkey, that's all you can do!"

After saying that, Donkey Kong slammed into it, stretched out his arms, and flew towards him quickly!

boom! boom! boom!

The moment he almost touched Ye Tianchen, he was slammed against the iron cage by this bull-like force!

The huge impact caused Ye Tianchen's back to be directly trapped by the iron cage, and his flesh and blood were immediately bloody!

Donkey Kong's chest also tightly covered Ye Tianchen's mouth and nose...

Seeing this scene, the group of rich people cheered instantly!

"damn it!"

Upstairs, the owner of Locke Boxing Arena spilled the coffee in his hand!

Feeling the pressure coming from his muscles and bones, Ye Tianchen even found it difficult to breathe...

As for Donkey Kong, he closed his eyes tightly, grabbed both sides of the iron cage with his arms, and squeezed Ye Tianchen with all his strength, trying to end his life!

I have to say that he is very smart. Although he does not think Ye Tianchen is his opponent, he still uses this method to maximize his advantages!

Seeing that he was about to suffocate to death, Ye Tianchen also became fierce and bit hard with his mouth!

The next second, King Kong screamed, and taking advantage of this gap, Ye Tianchen took a sharp breath!

A piece of flesh and blood was torn off from his chest by Ye Tianchen, but when he noticed that Ye Tianchen had the strength to breathe, he became ruthless and pressed Ye Tianchen tightly without moving!

Stimulated by the blood spurting out, Ye Tianchen knew that he had no means available at the moment. His hands and feet were tightly suppressed and he could not pull them out...

With a cold smile, Ye Tianchen continued to take a fierce bite!

Another bite...

In less than a minute, Donkey Kong's chest was already exposed with bones!

And Ye Tianchen has reached the limit of what his body can bear!

But, at this moment, King Kong gave up. If he continued, Ye Tianchen would die, and he would also die of excessive blood loss...

After you get the money, you still need life to spend it!

In an instant, he let go suddenly, and then wanted to give Ye Tianchen, who was a little dizzy, a heavy punch!

But... this is the opportunity that Ye Tianchen has been waiting for!

Only by struggling on the verge of death can you feel the beauty of the air at this moment!

Without hesitation, while dodging, Ye Tianchen formed two fingers into claws and thrust them directly into Donkey Kong's eyeball!

And he was also punched in his left arm. In an instant, his left arm went soft!


Under the pain, Donkey Kong pushed back like crazy, covering his bleeding eyes with both hands...

Seeing this situation, Ye Tianchen also seized the opportunity, used up the last bit of strength in his body, and pounced!

He immediately locked his arms around the neck of Donkey Kong and started to strangle him naked!

Donkey Kong's entire body collapsed to the ground, but he still struggled and rolled...

I don’t know how long it took, but Ye Tianchen finally couldn’t feel the struggle anymore, and he himself had no strength at all!

Listening to the incredible curses and angry sounds in his ears, the corners of Ye Tianchen's mouth slightly raised. At this moment, he seemed to have experienced the ultimate end of life...

【Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the challenge!

Challenge content: One hundred wins in the underground black boxing world! 】

[Challenge reward: Strength +100, Speed ​​+100, Constitution +100

Bonus Skill: Bajiquan Mastery! 】


Ye Tianchen, who fell into a coma, naturally didn't know that he had won, and he had been arranged by the owner of Rock Boxing Stadium to be admitted to the best hospital in California...

Three days later, in an extremely luxurious room, Ye Tianchen began to slowly wake up from his coma!

The next second, what comes into view is a group of doctors and nurses...

I don't know how long it took before Ye Tianchen remembered that his system challenge was successful.

After the medical staff dispersed, Ye Tianchen finally had the opportunity to see the reward he had obtained this time!

"Check the system!"

As Ye Tianchen recited silently in his mind, the system panel also appeared in his mind!

[Host: Ye Tianchen

Age: 21

Height: 191

Weight: 90kg

Strength: 199 (normal human limit 100)

Speed: 188 (limit for ordinary people: 100)

Physique: 190 (limit for ordinary people: 100)

Possessed skills: fighting (advanced), splitting muscles and bones (intermediate), mastery of Bajiquan (not extracted)]

Looking at his system panel and then at his whole body wrapped in plaster, Ye Tianchen sighed helplessly.

He is not from this world, but this world does not seem to be much different from his previous life.

Of course, he still feels lucky to be able to obtain the system!

In his previous life, he was an extreme sports enthusiast. Unexpectedly, in this world, he would not be able to escape the fate of extreme sports!


Compared with his previous life where he could only make small fuss, he is fascinated by his current life!

Just when Ye Tianchen wanted to extract the mastery of Bajiquan to see what magic it had, click!

The door was pushed open directly, and the clear sound of footsteps slowly reached Ye Tianchen's ears...

Seeing this, Ye Tianchen could only give up on extracting the skill of Bajiquan mastery for the time being.

Slowly turning his head, he could clearly see the person coming!

A man about 1.8 meters tall, with a well-proportioned figure, seemingly ordinary clothes, blond hair and blue eyes, and looked to be in his thirties slowly approached.

Seeing that Ye Tianchen could turn his head to look at him at this moment, the man also smiled slightly.

"Warrior from the East, you are already awake. You seem to be in good condition!"

Seeing that the other party was so familiar, Ye Tianchen also didn't know how to deal with him.

"Sir, you are..."


Let’s get to know each other. Just call me Rock. By the way, Rock’s boxing ring is my territory. "

Hearing this, Ye Tianchen knew who was coming. It turned out to be the master of the boxing ring!

In the end, he won the victory for the boxing ring. Speaking of which, this Rock boxing ring can be said to be making a lot of money!

Looking at myself now, it seems to make sense...

"Mr. Locke, I wonder why you came here?"

"Of course I'm here to see your magical warrior!"

"Thank you sir...

This is just for rewards. You and I each get what we need, so we are not considered warriors. "

Although he didn't know the purpose of this man's arrival, as the owner of the world's largest underground boxing ring, Ye Tianchen still had to be cautious!

after all……

Speaking of which, this man can be regarded as a man with great hands and eyes!

Hearing the caution and rejection in Ye Tianchen's words, Little Locke was not dissatisfied at all, but instead smiled even more warmly!

"Don't worry, the purpose of my coming today is not to do anything to you, but...

I would like to invite you to join us in Rock Boxing Arena!

Your strength is worthy of my use..."

Although these words sounded extremely calm and ordinary, Ye Tianchen instantly frowned!

I will definitely not agree to this request, but...

Ye Tianchen was not sure what the price of rejection would be.

His heart trembled, and Ye Tianchen also smiled slightly.

I am not even afraid of death, so why should I care about this?

"Mr. Locke, I'm afraid I will reject your kindness...

I don't want to be a member of a certain company, I advocate freedom! "

At first glance, Little Locke was a little surprised. The oriental man in front of him seemed not satisfied with his company.

This was somewhat beyond his expectation...

Normally, as long as he opens his mouth, no one will refuse or dare to refuse him!

“How much do you want before you agree to stay?

I can give you $500 million a year!

even more!

As long as you open your mouth, who told me to appreciate you? Warrior of the East! "

"Sir, this is not a matter of money. I really don't want to be tied down...

I don’t even want to serve anyone! "

Hearing this, Little Locke felt a little angry!

The reason why he wanted to drag Ye Tianchen into the Rock Boxing Arena was not only because of Ye Tianchen's ability to control the ring, but also because of Ye Tianchen's unyielding will!

But now he rejected himself so ruthlessly, and Little Locke's face immediately darkened!

"You have an old saying in the East, which is, don't skip the toast and eat the penalty wine!

I came to invite you to join today, and I have already given you enough face. You should understand the cost of rejecting me! "

Now that the words have come to this point, Ye Tianchen understands that there is no need to be secretive.

If he was really left in Rock Boxing Arena for the rest of his life, then he might as well die now!

Freedom is precious, but the price of extreme life is even higher!

"Mr. Locke, I know that your power is overwhelming, and it only takes one sentence to deal with me!

But... I have made up my mind. I live my whole life just to challenge the limits again and again!

Now, I have won a hundred fights in a row in the boxing ring.

Next, I will challenge Ozaki’s eight sports and more!

I'm sorry I can't accept your kindness! "

"Interesting...if you follow me, you can have a lifetime of glory and wealth. Are you really not tempted?"

"I live for freedom, and I will die for freedom..."

After the words fell, Little Locke fell silent.

After a long time, the originally tense atmosphere suddenly changed!

Little Locke's serious face suddenly smiled!

"Warrior, what is your name?"

"Sir, my name is Ye Tianchen!"

"Okay, I respect your decision!

Remember, you were the first person to reject me and still be alive! "

"Thank you!"


Soon, little Locke did not stay in the ward for long. After leaving, he continued to let the medical staff treat Ye Tianchen until he fully recovered!

And Ye Tianchen was not under house arrest by Little Locke. Before leaving, he only said one sentence to Ye Tianchen.

When Ye Tianchen leaves, he will give him something!

As for what it is, Ye Tianchen can't guess...

Three months passed by in a flash, and it took Ye Tianchen three months to fully recover!

After receiving this reward, his original physique has exceeded the human limit, and his recovery speed will naturally be much faster!

In the blink of an eye, it’s time to leave!

Little Locke also arrived as promised and gave Ye Tianchen a special gift!

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