Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 331 Something unexpected happened in the finals of the Soul Master Competition!

Suddenly hearing the voice from Ye Tianchen, Tang San couldn't help but panic, but he still pretended to be calm and nodded calmly!

After doing all this, Ye Tianchen seemed to have become Bibi Dong, sitting quietly on the VIP table...

And in the competition venue, a big battle has begun at this moment!

As the five members of the Xingxing Loulou team, whether it is Xiao Wu Zhu Zhuqing, Xie Yue Hu Liena, or Dugu Yan, they have all released their martial spirits, and their eyes are full of determination!

It can even be said to be extremely confident!

Although Tang San's strength on Poseidon Island should not be underestimated, after all, Tang San is only a level 50 soul king. Even with the blessing of twin martial spirits, there are still some level 50 soul kings in the team, but Facing such a terrifying team as Star Reaching Tower, not to mention Tang San and the others, even Tang Chen and Bo Saixi behind them didn't think they could win this time...

But Tang San's purpose of training has been achieved, and they don't care whether they can win the championship in the end!

In the center of the arena, Zhu Zhuqing and the others were just looking at Tang San quietly!

"Everyone, the finals of this continent-wide soul master competition are about to officially begin!

Both teams are rare encounters in a century!

On the left is the Tangshan representative team, which comes from Poseidon Island in the depths of the sea, with level 99 titled Douluo at their disposal, and on the right is the newly promoted top power in the mainland, the Star Reaching Tower representative team!

Now let us look forward to who will win the championship in this final! "

As the host of the competition finished speaking, both sides were gearing up to fight!

As Xie Yue, who had the highest soul power at the scene, she also used all her strength at this moment!

took the lead in launching an attack...

And Tang San and the others also began to take it seriously. Although they knew that the final result would be to lose the game, Tang San also hoped that he could use all his strength in the last period of time in Douluo Continent!

A quarter of an hour later, there was only one figure in the field, still standing slowly. Tang San was the only one on the Poseidon Island team, who was still barely able to fight, but was almost exhausted.

Although Xiao Wu and the others were sweating profusely at the moment, they were getting more and more excited as they fought. Seeing that Tang San was the only one there, they couldn't help but feel a lot more relaxed!

But just when everyone thought this battle was about to come to an end, Tang San perked up!

The Clear Sky Hammer in his hand then slowly appeared!

This was the first time that he didn't have to hide his twin martial souls and used the Clear Sky Hammer without any scruples!

Unfortunately, the outcome was already determined. After a few more minutes, Tang San's soul power was completely exhausted, and his legs were so weak that he fell to his knees!

But there is an incomparable smile on the corner of the mouth!

"Today, Tang San lost!"


The game finally came to an end, and soon it came to the last stage of the competition, which was to award rewards to the team that finally defeated!

Of course, generally only the top three teams have this opportunity...

As for the strongest champion of the competition, it is undoubtedly the Star Reaching Tower, the second place is the Poseidon Team represented by Tang San, and the third place is given to the Spirit Hall...

As for Ditian and the others, they were not interested.

When it came to the awards ceremony, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Palace and Yang Bai, the priest of Zhaixing Tower, were invited to jointly present awards to the winning team!

When she was asked to step down to present the award, Bibi Dong, who was manipulated by Ye Tianchen, smiled slowly!

Then he walked gracefully to the stage!

And on the top of the Star-Zhaing Tower, the shadow that was sitting cross-legged suddenly shattered at this moment!

Ditian and the others who were waiting also opened their eyes!

"The shadow has been shattered, it's time to take action!"

After Ditian took a deep breath, he led Xiong Junchiwang and the others into several streaks of light and headed towards the competition venue!

As for Ye Tianchen, as he walked towards Tang San step by step, that noble smile never stopped!

At this moment, Tang Chen and Bo Saixi, who had been paying attention to the scene, did not feel anything was wrong at all. After all, it was just an awards ceremony, and Tang San would not have any surprises. They were also watching closely at all times, no matter it was Qian Daoliu is still the one in Zhaixinglou, but he seems to have no plans to take action now.

But the next second, Bibi Dong suddenly stopped a few meters away from Tang San!

Immediately afterwards, soul rings appeared under her feet. Although Ye Tianchen was not very familiar with Bibi Dong's martial soul, the soul power of a level 98 titled Douluo was enough!

Between the telephone and flint, Ye Tianchen controlled Bibi Dong to turn into a bolt of lightning, and suddenly came to Tang San's side. Tang San did not resist at all, but opened his hands and allowed himself to be controlled by Ye Tianchen Bibi Dong held up his collar!

In a moment, he jumped directly into the void and flew towards the direction of the Star Forest...

This scene happened very quickly. When Tang Chen and Bo Saixi reacted, they were extremely angry!

However, they did not sit still and wait for death, and then the auras of two level 99 titled Douluo exploded instantly!

The two of them wanted to pursue Bibi Dong in the direction he left!

But soon, several phantoms appeared in front of them!

Di Tian is already waiting!

"Where are you two going?

Today I am specially here to visit you two! "

As Di Tian spoke, Tang Chen and Bo Saixi instantly realized that the other party was coming to stop them!

But they weren't too panicked. Tang San was absolutely unlikely to have any accidents in Douluo Continent!

Even if Bibi Dong has been kidnapped by Bibi Dong at this moment, unless Bibi Dong wants to die, she will never kill Tang San!

What's more, Lord Shura God also has a backup plan. Anyone who kills Tang San will activate that protective method!

What they need to do now is to quickly break through the blockade of these ferocious beasts...

"Bold soul beasts, do you know that what you are doing now is a provocation to Lord Poseidon and Lord Shura!"

When he heard the other party mentioning Poseidon and Shura God, Ditian frowned, but he relaxed immediately!

"Scare us?

Soul beasts and gods are enemies of life and death. Today I just want to visit you two. Since you are so uncooperative, I still insist on pestering you! "

After the words fell, Ditian also transformed into his true form, and the black dragon with 890,000 years of cultivation lay in the world!

With a loud dragon roar, this peak battle started instantly!

Seeing this scene, Qian Daoliu, who originally wanted to intervene, also stopped in his tracks. Since there are ferocious beasts blocking Tang Chen and Bo Saixi, he should take a look first before talking!

Regarding the joint attack by Tang Chen and Bo Saixi, Di Tian did not dare to be careless...

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