Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 343 The Snow Emperor forces him to Shaolin Temple!

"By the way, His Highness has one more thing to ask you!

Did Snow Emperor also leave Douluo Continent with you? "

Gu Yuena actually didn't know about this matter, or it was more of a guess.

In the name of the Lord of Soul Beasts, she asked the Ice Emperor and Snow Emperor to go to Soto City together in the ice and snow, but in the end, the Snow Emperor followed Ye Tianchen privately, although she didn't know what happened in the final stage. , but since that incident, this year, the Soul Beast Clan has not had any news about the Snow Emperor.

Therefore, Gu Yuena had to guess whether the Snow Emperor followed Ye Tianchen to the Tianxuan Continent!

Suddenly hearing Gu Yuena's words, Ye Tianchen seemed a little at a loss.

When did Snow Emperor leave Douluo Continent with him?

Ye Tianchen was also confused...

"I don't know about this matter. When I left Douluo Continent, I didn't find any trace of the Snow Emperor. Logically speaking, she shouldn't go to Tianxuan Continent with me..."

Hearing Ye Tianchen's somewhat confused answer, Gu Yuena couldn't figure it out, but since what happened has happened, it's useless to say anything now. Regardless of whether the Snow Emperor went to Tianxuan Continent or not, at least he is missing now. Yes.

"In short, that's what my Highness is saying. After all, the Snow Emperor has disappeared recently..."

After Ye Tianchen and Gu Yuena continued to communicate for a period of time, there was still no useful news between the two. Ye Tianchen was also curious, where would the Snow Emperor go?

Didn't he really follow him back to Tianxuan Continent?

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen became more and more uncertain. Although he was not familiar with Snow Emperor, Snow Emperor gave him the impression that he was the person who would do such a thing!

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen also hurried back to Tianxuan Continent. Anyway, he stayed in Douluo Continent and had nothing to do for the time being. It seemed like a good idea to go to Tianxuan Continent to inquire about the Snow Emperor.

Moreover, Ye Tianchen has a feeling that Tianxuan Continent is not as simple as he imagined. Maybe he can find some strong men in the heaven and human realm. Through these warriors in the heaven and human realm, he may be able to set foot in it faster. The realm of heaven and man...

Thinking of this, Ye Tianchen, who had just returned to Douluo Continent, left Douluo Continent without a trace of hesitation, turned around and returned to Tianxuan Continent through the two-realm crossing gate!

In the Tianxuan Continent, the Shaolin Temple is particularly lively today. Since the old monk who was in the realm of land gods died some time ago, the Shaolin Temple has become much more stable. However, these bald donkeys never expected that Xue Emperor unexpectedly came to the door at this moment...

All of a sudden, the entire Shaolin Temple became very lively. All the martial arts people rushed towards the Shaolin Temple. A strong man with the level of a land god provoked Shaolin. This kind of thing is very interesting no matter how you say it!

In front of Shaoshi Mountain, the Snow Emperor today was particularly majestic and domineering. Even if he was as bright as a fairy, he could not hide the aura that was like an abyss.

All the warriors are just guessing about the Snow Emperor's cultivation. After all, for them, they don't know what soul power is...

It is precisely for this reason that even though the Snow Emperor has already forced his way to Shaoshi Mountain, the old monsters in Shaolin Temple still did not choose to take action directly.

They really couldn't understand that the Snow Emperor was able to severely injure the Supreme Elder of Shaolin, proving that her strength was at least at the level of a land god...

But when Snow Emperor actually came to Shaolin Temple at this moment, the other hidden land gods in Shaolin were panicked.

Logically speaking, if they and Snow Emperor are both in the realm of land gods, they should be able to see each other clearly, but now...

In their eyes, the Snow Emperor is just a mist, and they can't see the depth at all. They are all old monsters who have lived for more than a hundred years. They are all like human spirits, and they are not willing to be the first to take action. depth.

Of course, the most important thing is that they are worried that the Snow Emperor is not a land god at all, but an old monster in the heavenly realm that has not been in the world for hundreds of years!

If that's the case, if a bunch of old guys rush up to them, wouldn't that mean they're going to die?

At this moment, in front of Shaoshi Mountain, Snow Emperor had lost the last of her patience. She also did not expect that the so-called famous sect in the world, Northern Shaolin, would be so cowardly.

However, even if the Shaolin Temple does not take the initiative to find him, the Snow Emperor will not give up seeking justice for Ye Tianchen!

"Is it possible that all the bald donkeys in Shaolin Temple have become mute at this moment?

Today I have arrived. The so-called matter is not something that your Shaolin Temple has offended me. The moment that old bald donkey died, I no longer struggled with this matter...

However, today I came to your Shaolin Temple, so-called, to seek justice for a friend of mine!

Now I give you a stick of incense to think it over carefully. Once the time passes and you Shaolin Temple are unwilling to come forward and still want to be a coward, then I will have no choice but to go on a killing spree! "

The moment the words fell, those onlookers looked at each other in shock. They did not expect that this newly emerged Snow Emperor would be so bold and directly came to the Shaolin Temple to block the door!

This kind of thing is beyond their imagination...

But I have to say, this thing is getting more and more interesting!

In the Shaolin secret room, three white-browed old monks were looking at each other at this moment, waiting for each other to speak...

Finally, the old monk in the middle sighed slowly.

"Two junior brothers, now in the Shaolin Temple, only the three of us are still capable of fighting. I never thought that a strong land god who has not been born for a century would be so bold as to come to our Shaolin to challenge...


"Senior brother, don't worry. Let Fang Zheng go and ask what is going on first, and then make plans. If it doesn't work, the three of us brothers will take action together to protect Shaolin's reputation from being affected!"

"Hey, that's all we can do for now..."

After saying that, the order was passed on. The current master of Shaolin Temple, Master Fangzheng, was helpless. Several masters and uncles asked him, a warrior who had just stepped into the Grand Master, to face the Snow Emperor. If he said that he was not panicking, it must be a lie. of.

However, Fang Zheng cannot disobey orders...

Frowning, Fang Zheng finally put on his cassock and led a group of Shaolin Temple disciples to open the gate of Shaoshi Mountain!

"Amitabha, why should Snow Emperor benefactor be so hard on us? Shaolin Temple is a peaceful place for Buddhism after all. If anything happens, Snow Emperor benefactor can come in and talk about it."

"It's a joke. I'm here today not to argue with you bald donkeys. I'm here to complain about a friend of mine from twenty years ago!"

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