Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 345 Guantian Pavilion, Old Man Tianji!

At this moment, Snow Emperor, who already had some understanding of martial arts, also clearly felt the difference between the two cultivation methods!

Moreover, an extremely fatal problem has now been discovered!

In the Douluo Continent, the damage of her soul skills is extremely terrifying, but in this world, although the soul skills can be used, the effect is somewhat reduced...

The reason why the land immortal in Shaolin Temple was able to be severely injured quickly last time was not only because the land immortal was only in the early stage of cultivation, but more importantly, there was only one person.

But now, facing the crazy attack of the three land immortal warriors, Snow Emperor knew that it seemed that he would not be able to regain his place for Ye Tianchen today.

Therefore, after another hour of fighting, the Snow Emperor also planned to leave...


As countless ice cones opened up the distance, the Snow Emperor's ethereal voice echoed throughout Shaoshi Mountain!

"I didn't expect that your Shaolin Temple still has three masters, but everything is in vain. I can't make your Shaolin Temple pay the price today, but in the future, when Ye Tianchen arrives in person, you should understand the consequences of what is waiting for you in the Shaolin Temple. !”

After saying that, the Snow Emperor disappeared into the white clouds.

Only three old monks with white eyebrows were left, looking at each other in surprise!

The Snow Emperor's words just now are final. Could it be that the six-fingered piano demon from 20 years ago is not dead yet?

In fact, they didn't know about this. The current abbot of Shaolin Temple and several disciples of that generation had to deal with the matter. They had never even heard of the name Ye Tianchen...

Since the Snow Emperor said he was not dead, and also said such cruel words, it means that this six-fingered piano demon is probably even more powerful than the Snow Emperor just now!

Thinking of this, the three old monks were vaguely worried, but also somewhat helpless.

It’s impossible for them from Shaolin Temple to escape directly, right?

And just a few days after Snow Emperor left Shaolin Temple, Ye Tianchen also returned to Tianxuan Continent.

After returning to Tianxuan Continent, Ye Tianchen went directly to Guantian Pavilion, the intelligence center of the entire Tianxuan Continent!

Guantian Pavilion, like the original Zhaixing Pavilion, is a well-known force in this world. However, the difference from Zhaixing Pavilion is that Zhaixing Pavilion is only for killing people, while Guantian Pavilion is engaged in the intelligence industry. …

Of course, there is also numerology inference.

However, generally speaking, Guantian Pavilion is still much better than Zhaixing Tower.

When Ye Tianchen was besieged, the old master of the Guantian Pavilion sent his disciples to the Star Reaching Tower to tell Ye Tianchen to make plans early and that it was best to leave first to avoid the limelight.

It's a pity that Ye Tianchen still didn't do this in the end, so now that he has returned to Tianxuan Continent, it is time to meet those old friends...

Of course, I also wanted to see if there was any news about the Snow Emperor.

Thinking of this, as soon as he came out of the two-realm crossing gate, Ye Tianchen disappeared where he was...

And in Guantian Pavilion, within the forbidden area, an old man with a white beard slowly moved his life chart with his dry fingers, one hexagram after another, and after calculating 64 hexagrams in succession, the minute he saw the result, His whole face turned pale, and soon he turned from pale to surprised!

"He...that little guy isn't dead yet?"

Just when the old man wanted to continue to calculate a hexagram, Ye Tianchen was already standing in the void outside Guantian Pavilion!

Soon, the disciples of Guantian Pavilion discovered Ye Tianchen.

"Whoever comes to my Guantian Pavilion, I wonder if I can tell you your name!"

The disciples of Guantian Pavilion are very discerning. With just one glance, they can tell that this young man who can float in the void is definitely beyond his imagination!

At least the strength is above that of Grand Master.

"My little friend, go ahead and let me know that the owner of Zhai Xing Building, Ye Tianchen, is here to visit!"

Hearing this, the disciples of Guantian Pavilion were a little confused, but thinking that it was normal for them not to understand, they simply ran back to the door and reported to the top...

After a while, a middle-aged man slowly appeared!

The moment he saw Ye Tianchen in the void, this middle-aged man was stunned!

"Brother Tianchen!

Is it really you? "

"Brother Wu Ming, I haven't seen you for a long time, and you never thought that I, Ye Tianchen, would be alive to see you!

Hahaha! "

The moment he heard Ye Tianchen's admission, Wu Ming, the current master of Star Gazing Pavilion, was still in a state of shock.

"It's really unbelievable. When you disappeared in Mount Tai, Master once made a fortune telling for you. The fortune telling at that time showed that you were no longer in Tianxuan Continent. Although it was very strange, it also meant that you should not be alive anymore. , I never thought that you and my brother would meet one day!"

Hearing Wu Ming mention his master, Ye Tianchen also showed a bit of respect!

The nameless teacher was the previous master of Guantian Pavilion, named Old Man Tianji. He was Ye Tianchen's teacher, an old monster from the same era.

The relationship between the two is also very good. Because of this, after the death of the old building owner, the old man Tianji was particularly protective of him...

Of course, the reason for respect is also because of Old Man Tianji’s strength!

When he jumped from the top of Mount Tai, Old Man Tianji was said to be a strong man in the realm of land gods. Now that so much time has passed, Ye Tianchen doesn't know how deep it is.

"Brother Wu Ming, don't say much. The things that happened back then have long since dissipated, and the person who has survived these days is already a different Ye Tianchen!

By the way, he is here for a visit. In addition to wanting to meet Brother Wu Ming, he also wants to pay a visit to the old senior..."

Wu Ming also knew who the old man Ye Tianchen was talking about was his teacher.

"Tianchen, Teacher has been in seclusion for many years and only comes out every few years. I don't know if..."

Wu Ming's words were very euphemistic. He was just a disciple. His teacher was in seclusion. He couldn't force him to come out, right?

The moment Wu Ming said these words, an old figure suddenly appeared in everyone's eyes!

"I didn't expect that my little friend would have the opportunity to visit today. I had calculated for my little friend many times that he was still uncertain about his life or death!

Now that I'm back, 20 years have passed, and my little friend has jumped from the realm of Grand Master to the pinnacle of land gods!

The world is so big, it is rare to be able to achieve such greatness in 20 years! "

The moment they saw the person coming, all the disciples of Guantian Pavilion knelt down, including Wu Ming!

"Disciple has no life, pay homage to Master!"

"I'll pay my respects to the old Pavilion Master!"

Ye Tianchen, on the other hand, bowed slightly and bowed!

As the corners of Ye Tianchen's mouth raised slightly, a smile filled his face.

"Zhaixinglou, Ye Tianchen, I have met my senior!"

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