Douluo: Titled Qin Demon, this killer is a bit cold

Chapter 353 New cultivation method, Tao!

In the void, Ye Tianchen quickly arrived at the exit of Maoshan Mountain Protection Formation!

Sitting leisurely on the banana leaf, Ye Tianchen at this moment would not know that this trip was not as easy as he thought!


"Uncle Bu Zhong, are you going down the mountain?"

"What, Uncle Master is here?"

Soon, the Maoshan disciples stationed at the mountain gate also discovered Ye Tianchen's arrival.

They are just some outer disciples of Maoshan. Although they have heard of Ye Tianchen's name, it is still not easy to meet him!

Of course, there is Ye Tianchen who is only obsessed with fishing every day, but more importantly, the outer disciples cannot climb Damao Mountain...

Slowly reducing his speed, Ye Tianchen also controlled his magic weapon Banana Leaf to come to the group of outer disciples!

At this moment, Ye Tianchen was dressed in white clothes, her long black hair was casually scattered around her waist, and there seemed to be thousands of stars surging in her eyes!

Every move, even though it looks extremely lazy, is so harmonious, as if heaven and man are one!

"Okay, your little mouths are like honey...

Take it, it’s not easy, divide it! "

Ye Tianchen listened to the chattering of these outer disciples, many of whom were full of respect for him. He would be embarrassed if he didn't show it...

He simply took out a bottle of Qi training pills from his arms. Although there were not many, it was already a rare treasure for the outer disciples like them who were on the third or fourth level of Qi training!

Everyone who got the elixir was also stunned!

Normally, it would take them three months to have one of these Qi-training pills, but now they only have a few words of respect. Uncle Master has given it to him like this. He is truly the proud man of Maoshan Mountain!

It’s just atmospheric!

"Thank you very much, Uncle Master!"

Shaking his head, Ye Tianchen didn't care. He had plenty of these things, so it wasn't a big deal...

"Okay, Master Master has given Pindao a task, so I won't say more to you."

Having said that, Ye Tianchen pinched the magic weapon with his fingertips, and the magic weapon banana leaf under him also shot up to the sky!

In an instant, he disappeared from the sight of these Maoshan outer disciples!

"Uncle Bu Zhong is so powerful. Except for Elder Mao Shan who owns the flying magic weapon, among the second generation disciples, I am afraid that Uncle Bu Zhong has this ability!"

"That's not the case!"

Putting the Qi Training Pill in their arms, they also ended their discussion and began to patrol in earnest...


After leaving Maoshan, Ye Tianchen rarely had the opportunity to go down the mountain for a walk. On weekdays, it almost took a few days to go down the mountain by himself, and most of them were accompanied by Maoshan elders, so there was no alone time at all...

Ye Tianchen never expected to have such an opportunity this time!

"Longxu Lake is three hundred miles away from Maoshan. Pindao's twelfth level of Qi training cannot last long...

It’s really troublesome! "

After flying for about a hundred miles, Ye Tianchen jumped off his magic weapon, the banana leaf.

Currently, his cultivation level has not yet been established. Generally speaking, only real people in the foundation-building realm can control the flying magic weapon. However, it can only fly a few hundred miles for a short period of time...

The reason why he can control this banana leaf at the twelfth level of Qi training is not only because his magic power is strong enough, but also because this banana leaf is a middle-grade magic weapon!

Generally, what Qi cultivators have in their hands are some low-grade magic weapons that have just been consecrated. As for magic weapons, that is another world that they can hardly touch...

After landing, Ye Tianchen's speed slowed down significantly, but he was still much better than ordinary people!

After all, in addition to practicing qi and Taoism, he also practiced martial arts for a period of time. Although it was not the main direction, it was quite effective in strengthening the body and enhancing qi and blood!

"This place is deep in the mountains and old forests. The sun is going to set soon. There shouldn't be any disgusting piao in this place, right?"

Ye Tianchen couldn't help but frown. He was more willing to deal with monsters than with ghosts...

If I have to say the reason, I can only say that all the devils in the world are as ugly...

However, Ye Tianchen's worries were obviously unnecessary...

Within a hundred miles of Maoshan, there is almost no evil spirit!

Even if it is a hundred miles away from Maoshan, there will not be some powerful ruthless characters.

Along the way, Ye Tianchen was looking forward to having a good time after arriving at Longxu Lake, and did not pay attention to the occasional small movements in the mountains and forests...

In fact, there are really many lonely ghosts in these deep mountains and valleys...

However, let’s not talk about the fact that Ye Tianchen’s energy and blood are so high that he can make these little ghosts disappear in smoke just by getting close to him. Even with his Taoist robe and indifferent appearance, these little ghosts can’t even hide away...

It’s unlikely that some brat who is not afraid of death would dare to cause trouble for such an ignorant Taoist, right?


At dawn the next day, Ye Tianchen walked hundreds of miles overnight!

With the remaining distance, my mana has almost recovered, so naturally I still go to Longxu Lake through Banana Leaf...

And near Longxu Lake, a hundred miles away from Ye Tianchen, there happens to be a town nearby called Longxu Town. Almost all the people in the town make a living by fishing in Longxu Lake!

The local people were also worried about the fish demon causing trouble in Longxu Lake. Fortunately, the mayor had sent people to Maoshan to ask for help. They were relieved, but they still stayed at home and did not dare to go out...

"Wang San'er!

Didn’t you say that Fifty Mile Longxu Lake is a good place for fishing?

How can people live and work in peace and contentment? Look, there is no one on the street now! "

At this moment, on the streets of Longxu Town, a greasy-faced man in his twenties was pushing a bicycle. There were several fishing rods tied to the back of the bicycle. In front of him, there was a sloppy young man in coarse clothes.

Wang San'er was also extremely curious when he heard the rich young master behind him scolding him.

He is originally from Longxu Town, but he has been to the county town in the past few years and has not come back for several years!

This time, my young master likes to fish, but there happened to be no suitable place. He volunteered, saying that big fish weighing over a hundred kilograms can be found everywhere in Longxu Lake. This is the opportunity he just got!

If he has taken good care of his young master this time, will he not be able to take a step forward when he returns to the county?

"Hey, Master, don't worry!

Maybe there is some festival happening in Longxu Town recently, and everyone is preparing for it!

Besides, young master, we are here to catch big fish in Longxu Lake. Does it matter whether the street is hot or lively has anything to do with us?

Go, go, go!

Master, now I will take you to the lake to throw a shot! "

After hearing this, the man with oily hair and pink face relaxed his brows, pushed his bicycle and followed Wang Saner towards the lake...

In a short time, the two of them arrived at Longxu Lake!

From a distance, the entire Longxu Lake is endless!

Microwaves rippled in one after another, and along with the sunshine, they instantly captured the heart of the rich young master!

"Master, look!"

As he spoke, Wang Saner pointed to the lake with his finger!

There, facing the direction of the sun, a large carp roughly estimated to weigh dozens of kilograms jumped up!

Heavy water splashed out, making the rich young master's heart suddenly tremble!

"This! This! This!


Wang San'er, this Longxu Lake is really a treasure place for fishing!

Today, I will bring a hundred-jin carp back to the city to celebrate my father’s birthday!

When the time comes, I will definitely not forget you, kid! "

Having said that, the rich young man impatiently came to the lake, took off his fishing rod, and after this operation, also dropped the bait!

Wang San'er behind him was even more triumphant, with a bright smile...

The moment the bait was put into the water, it seemed as if some kind of seal was opened, and big fish kept jumping out of the water!

The splashing lake water combined with the flow of light and shadow made the rich young man drool at the sight.

"Hahaha, what a great place, why didn't this young master of Longxuhu discover this treasure earlier!"

At this moment, the rich young man still held the idea that he would definitely catch a big fish, but after a while, it was clear that big fish kept jumping out of the water, but there was no sign of biting the hook.

Frowning his brows, the rich young master immediately felt a little embarrassed...

"Master, as the saying goes, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry. This fishing test is the most demanding of patience. Maybe you are very lucky today. Those small fish weighing tens of kilograms know that they are not worthy of you, so they dare not bite the hook. I guess, A fish worth a hundred catties is worthy of a trip like this, young master!"

Wang San'er is also a good person. Seeing that his young master was obviously depressed, he smiled and explained.

Even though it's a bit far-fetched, these words can't help but please people. The rich young master's face instantly started to rise from the depression he had felt since he was a child. Just like AK, it's hard to suppress this joy...


Under the water, big fish weighing tens or even hundreds of pounds were swimming in front of the bait. They seemed to have wisdom. Even though they knew that what was on the hook was very tempting, no big fish dared to cross the pond. Half a step!

They... seem to be specially guarding this bait!

However, just when everything seemed extremely calm, the group of big fish seemed to have noticed something, and they swung hard and left the bait place in an instant!

The next second, in the depths of the deep Longxu Lake, a huge figure began to loom!

Finally, this giant thing came under the rich young man’s bait...

On the shore, the originally calm lake surface began to float with a large number of bubbles, like hot springs gushing out. The rich young man was stunned for a moment!

"This this!

Could it be that a fish weighing a hundred pounds has entered the nest? "

In an instant, the rich young man made his own judgment. After hearing this, Wang Saner also looked at the lake with an attentive expression!

Suddenly, the fishhook that had been silent began to shake violently!

The rich young master was instantly ecstatic!


He tilted his body back slightly, gripped the fishing rod tightly, and suddenly said, I have to say that the rich young man's fishing skills are still a bit strong. This standard fishing technique is just as fast as lightning. The rich young man knows that he will definitely get the bait this time. It’s a big fish weighing over a hundred pounds!

Without the slightest hesitation, the rich young master also began to work hard to reel in the line!

But after working for a long time, my face turned red and I still had no intention of pulling.

"Could it be that you are cheating?"

Just as he had this doubt, suddenly, a huge force came from the fishing rod. Without any preparation, the rich young man was forcefully pulled into the shallow water of the lake!

Until now, he still didn't notice any danger, and even pulled harder, as if he wanted to compete with the big fish that had finally taken the bait!

Wang San'er on the shore no longer felt happy at the beginning, but instead frowned, looking a little anxious...

"Master, you must be careful!"

As soon as he was reminded like this, the young master from the rich family suddenly turned dark!

After all, he is also a good fisherman in the county. Today, he was looked down upon by a servant. How can he bear this?

Thinking of this, the rich young master ignored it. While dragging hard, he did not notice that his body was gradually getting deeper into the lake...

Finally, just when the rich young man felt that his legs could no longer use their strength, the lake water had already reached the depth of his sides!

At this time, he also realized the danger and knew that if he continued to entangle, it would be difficult for him to win...

Turning around and looking at Wang San'er who was waiting anxiously on the shore, the rich young master also directly gave orders!

"Wang San'er, quickly throw the rope to me!"

Until now, he still has no intention of giving up. Although he can't exert any strength when he goes deep into the lake, as long as he ties the rope and goes ashore to pull the hook with Wang Saner, he still can't pull up a big fish?

When Wang Saner on the shore heard this, he was also in a hurry. He had just found the rope, but before he could throw it away...

Suddenly, an unimaginable force suddenly pulled the rich young man out of the lake, and his whole body flew uncontrollably into the deep water!

Then, before falling into the water, a black shadow rushed up from the bottom of the water!


A big golden fish nearly ten meters long, with a mouth full of fangs, took a bite!


The huge body splashed with waves, and after a touch of scarlet melted on the water, everything gradually returned to calm...

At this moment, Wang San'er on the shore opened his mouth wide and his fingers kept trembling, wanting to say something, but there was no trace of light in his empty eyes!

Immediately afterwards, he subconsciously turned around and wanted to run, but found that his legs and feet did not obey his orders at all, and were as trembling and weak as his hands...

"Young Master, I was... eaten by the fish demon..."

After finally uttering these few words, Wang Saner understood that he might be finished this time too!

The scene that just happened deeply shocked Wang Saner, but also gave him a lifelong mental shock...

More than an hour later, Wang Saner appeared on the streets of Longxu Town with a disgraced face. His whole body was bruised and bruised. He didn’t know how many times he fell down in this short few kilometers!

Finally, Wang Saner, who came to the town, finally felt a slight sense of security.

The empty eyes turned to panic!

"Fish demon!

There is a fish demon in Longxu Lake, and the fish demon eats people! "

Using his last strength, Wang Saner collapsed on the street. After struggling so hard, finally, as if because of the word "fish monster", all the closed houses in Longxu Town, which was originally dead, slowly opened their doors. !

Seeing the extremely embarrassed Wang San'er, all the people of Longxu Town did not have shock on their faces, but looked helpless...

Finally, just as everyone was waiting and watching, gunmen wearing black and white police uniforms came to Wang San'er!

This is the security team of the local town, which can also be regarded as the town’s police security team...


Who was eaten by the fish demon again? "

Not long after the security team took control of Wang San'er, several gray-haired local squire landlords and the mayor of Longxu Town also appeared!

After learning the cause of the incident from Wang Saner's mouth, the mayor of Longxu Town and all the squires were furious...

It is obvious that everyone knows that there are fish monsters in Longxu Lake, so why do some people who are not afraid of death dare to approach the lake?

Just when the mayor of Longxu Town was thinking about how to properly handle this matter, a middle-aged man jogged all the way. After a while, he squeezed past the security team and came to the mayor's side.

Before he could take a breath, the middle-aged man beamed with joy and roared!


Immortal Master, Immortal Master is here!

The immortal master from Maoshan has already arrived outside the town waiting for us to receive us! "


Suddenly hearing the words Maoshan Immortal Master, the mayor of Longxu Town and all the squires and common people, who were originally feeling uncomfortable because another person died today, instantly lighted up!


Immortal Master Maoshan has arrived. This time, the two fish monsters won't be able to jump around for long!

Everyone, hurry up and get ready. After burning incense, the mayor will lead everyone to welcome Maoshan Immortal Master into the town to eliminate demons! "

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