Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong

Chapter 3: Bibi Dong is actually inside me

  Chapter 3 Bibi Dong is actually inside me

   "Sister-in-law, I'm back!"

   "How is it? What kind of martial soul has been awakened? Do you have soul power?"

   "Martial soul is a soul hunting gun, innate soul power level 2!"

   "Okay, okay, great..."


  After Su Mo returned home, he reported to his sister-in-law about the awakening of the Wuhun.

  Su Mo's parents are no longer there, and Su Mo lives in his sister-in-law's house.

  Since there is no boy in my sister-in-law's family, she almost treats Su Mo as her own son.

   But that was before. Su Mo's cousin was born at the beginning of this year. Except for my sister-in-law, the rest of the sister-in-law's family did not love Su Mo as much as before.

  Even if Su Mo was smart and polite since childhood.

  But Su Mo has no objection to this. Since the sister-in-law's family has a boy, they will naturally have a preference. This is human nature.

   On the contrary, Su Mo will remember the good of my sister-in-law's family!

  And after today, after learning that Su Mo can become a soul master, I believe my sister-in-law's family will love him even more.


  After returning to his room, Su Mo sat on his bed, feeling the soul power on his body again.

"so amazing!"

   "This feeling is really amazing!"

  Feeling the soul power flowing in his body, he squeezed his right hand slightly, and the soul power also moved to his right hand with Su Mo's movement. Su Mo felt that the strength of his right hand had increased a lot.


   Then, Su Mo summoned his Wuhun Soulhunting Gun and looked at it carefully.

  The body of the gun, which is more than one meter long, obviously fits his current height.

  The whole body is dark, it feels like holding an iron gun, and the quality is just average.

   "Innate soul power level 2, it's a match!"

  Su Mo sighed, and then put away the hunting gun.

   "Let's take a closer look now, whether I was an illusion before..."

  Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and then he closed them.

  He definitely wanted to figure out whether the second martial spirit he felt awakened before was an illusion.


  Su Mo let out a long breath, letting himself relax physically and mentally.

  Afterwards, Su Mo began to carefully perceive his own situation!


  However, as Su Mo calmed down and began to perceive himself seriously, Su Mo suddenly had vision without opening his eyes.

  Su Mo found that he came to a silent void, and in front of his eyes, a long spear was quietly suspended.

  Su Mo took a closer look, isn't it his martial soul?

   "Is this my conscious world? Or the Wuhun space?"

  Su Mo was amazed in his heart. He never thought that he could actually enter his body, achieving the inner vision in martial arts novels.

  Su Mo speculates that his soul may be reincarnated, so the power of the soul is relatively strong. After awakening the martial soul, he can look inside and enter his own martial soul space.

  After the excitement, Su Mo's attention was quickly attracted by the **** mist next to the hunting gun.

   "Is this the second martial spirit I feel?"

  Su Mo's heart moved, but no matter how he observed, he could only see a cloud of fog.

   Could it be that his second martial soul is a **** mist?

   It's just that Su Mo found that he could only faintly feel that this blood-colored mist had a slight connection with him. It was not as close as the soul hunting gun at all, and he could call it at will.

  Afterwards, Su Mo reached out and tried to touch the **** mist.


  Su Mo's hand just touched the **** mist, and a strong suction pulled Su Mo's entire figure into it.

  Su Mo felt that the scene in front of him changed, and when he came back to his senses, he found himself in a huge dark cave.

   Gulu Gulu~

   And in the center of the cave, there is a pool of blood, and the blood-colored spring water is gurgling and tumbling.

  Seeing this scene full of strangeness, Su Mo's scalp felt a little numb.

  But Su Mo still had the courage to watch the blood pool in front of him carefully. Since it is one of his twin martial souls, it shouldn't hurt him... right?

"That is…"

   "Bibi Dong..."

"How can it be…"

  However, when Su Mo saw the appearance of the blood pool, he was shocked.

  Because Su Mo was in the blood pool, and saw a very familiar figure lying in it soaking in it, the biggest villain in the original Douluo Continent, Pope Bibi Dong of Wuhun Temple.

  It was just Bibi Dong soaking in the blood pool, with her eyes closed peacefully, as if she was peacefully sleeping there, forming a very strong contrast with the evil blood pool.

   "Little guy, your soul power is good, you can actually enter here!"

   While Su Mo looked at Bibi Dong in the blood pool in shock, a cold female voice suddenly rang in Su Mo's ear.


  Su Mo was taken aback immediately, and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

   Then Su Mo felt his scalp tingle again, because he saw Bibi Dong again.

   It’s just different from Bibi Dong who was sleeping peacefully in the pool of blood. This Bibi Dong in front of her eyes was gazing at Su Mo coldly.

  The one who appeared in front of Su Mo was naturally Bibi Dong's consciousness.

  Because she became Su Mo's Martial Soul, Bibi Dong has always been very unhappy with Su Mo, and the eyes she looked at Su Mo were naturally not so friendly.

   "Who are you? Why did you appear in my body?"

  Su Mo was still full of shock at this time, but Su Mo still pretended not to know Bibi Dong, and asked Bibi Dong.

  He didn't know why Bibi Dong appeared in his body, and he didn't know whether Bibi Dong already knew that he was a reborn person, anyway, he just pretended not to know Bibi Dong.

   After all, even if Bibi Dong knew that he was a reborn, she probably didn't know that he was a reborn who had seen Douluo Dalu.

  Why does it appear here?

   I still want to know!

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong was also full of slander and resentment.

  She really wanted to know why, how could she become someone else's Martial Soul when she was a majestic Rakshasa God.

   "Little guy, don't be nervous, I believe you should have noticed it yourself. When you awaken your martial soul, you still have a second martial soul, right?"

  Although her heart was full of resentment, and she was also very upset when she saw Su Mo, Bibi Dong calmed down quickly and smiled kindly at Su Mo.

  Bibi Dong didn't want to do this either, but she had no choice. She had to let Su Mo put down his guard against her and make Su Mo trust her.

   "Yes! Yes!"

   "Do you know what my second martial soul is?"

  Seeing the change in Bibi Dong's attitude, Su Mo's heart moved, and he took advantage of the situation to question Bibi Dong.

  Su Mo also had a guess in his heart, but this guess made him feel very absurd.

   "Of course, I am your second martial soul!"

   Sure enough, Bibi Dong's next words confirmed Su Mo's guess.


   The new book starts, follow-up reading is very important for the new book, please catch up with the new book issue!



  (end of this chapter)

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