Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong

Chapter 34: Bibi Dong's persuasion

  Chapter 34 Bibi Dong's Persuasion

   "Su Mo, you like that girl named Ning Rongrong, right?"

  After returning to the dormitory, Bibi Dong suddenly appeared in front of Su Mo, and then asked Su Mo.


   Facing Bibi Dong's question, Su Mo was baffled. He didn't know where Bibi Dong knew that he liked Ning Rongrong, because he hung out with her during the day?

   "It's fine if you don't have one. She's not just from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, she's also the only daughter of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School master, and the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School!"

  Seeing Su Mo's denial, Bibi Dong couldn't say anything, and then pointed out Ning Rongrong's identity.

   Of course it's not because Bibi Dong fell in love with Su Mo herself.

   After so many years, she also gradually got to know Su Mo, a little brat, and knew Su Mo's excellence.

  Although Su Mo's talent is not good, she appreciates Su Mo's wisdom, especially Su Mo can rely on his own wisdom to solve the problem of his lack of talent.

  Su Mo even did better than Yu Xiaogang in this regard!

  So Bibi Dong is very optimistic about Su Mo's future.

   Optimistic about Su Mo's future, Bibi Dong naturally doesn't want such an outstanding potential stock like Su Mo to fall in love with that girl Ning Rongrong.

  She admits that Ning Rongrong is excellent, but she is still not as good as her daughter Qian Renxue and disciple Hu Liena!

   Bibidong is still waiting for the opportunity to let Su Mo meet Qian Renxue or Hu Liena!

  Of course, priority is given to daughter Qian Renxue. If Qian Renxue looks down on Su Mo, it will be Hu Liena's turn.

  In the past, she really loved Hu Liena more, but after the last battle, she has let go of her prejudice against Qian Renxue, so of course she hopes to leave the best for her daughter!

  It's better than a daughter crazy in love with Tang San.

   And Hu Liena, in the future she must stop Hu Liena from falling in love with Tang San.

  So no matter what happens in the end, she must stop Su Mo from falling in love with other girls first.

   "The little princess of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?"

   "If I really like her, wouldn't it be better?"

  What Bibidong didn't expect was that she directly revealed Ning Rongrong's identity in order to make Su Mo quit, but Su Mo laughed instead.

   "You... don't you feel unworthy of others?"

   "Besides, she is the little princess of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, how could she fall in love with you? Even if she falls in love with you, the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School behind her will not agree!"

   After seeing Su Mo's reaction, Bibi Dong said hastily.

  Su Mo's reaction was really beyond her expectations.

  When Yu Xiaogang faced her at the beginning, he was very inferior and sensitive. Even if he liked her, he didn't dare to show his heart, but she took the initiative in the end.

  So in her opinion, Su Mo, who has bad innate talent and bad background, should be the same as Yu Xiaogang back then when facing Ning Rongrong.

  Unexpectedly, Su Mo didn't have the slightest sense of inferiority, but was even happier.

   "These are not things, if I really like it, then I will work hard to fight for it!"

   "Even if the final result is unsatisfactory, at least I have worked hard, and I will not regret it!"

  Su Mo said indifferently to Bibi Dong's words.

   "You're right, I just don't think she's suitable for you, as long as you don't like her!"

   Bibidong admired Su Mo more and more, but Su Mo didn't admit that she liked Ning Rongrong, so she couldn't continue to persuade her.

  Afterwards, Bibi Dong returned to Su Mo's Martial Soul Space.

  Just before going back, Bibi Dong faintly felt that something was wrong. How could today's scene be a little familiar?


  The next day, everyone assembled on the college playground.

  As the oldest senior, Dai Mubai introduced it to everyone, no matter if they were freshmen or veterans.

   Everyone has known each other for the time being.

   Not long after, Dean Flender arrived late.

   "That's right, this year we have another five little monsters in Shrek Academy!"

   "But no matter who you were before, when you come to Shrek, you must follow Shrek's rules!"

   "Because everyone here is no worse than others, you have no capital to be proud of here!"


   "The first lesson for all soul masters today is tonight, and I will take you there tonight!"

  Flender talked a lot of nonsense about the opening ceremony, and after emphasizing the characteristics and rules of Shrek Academy, he also made arrangements for today's classes.

  The teaching time of the battle soul masters was pushed directly to the evening, and Ning Rongrong and Oscar, the auxiliary soul masters, were arranged to attend the class first.

   "Auxiliary system soul masters Oscar and Ning Rongrong come out!"

   "The most important thing for an auxiliary soul master is to ensure his own safety, so he needs to have the ability to escape to save his life!"

   "Start now, run 20 laps around the entire academy!"

  The arrangement of the last few sentences was to name Oscar and Ning Rongrong.


"I see!"

  Oscar smiled wryly when he heard the words, but when he thought of being able to run with Ning Rongrong, he immediately became happy again, got up and ran out slowly.

  Ning Rongrong hesitated for a moment before running out.

  Looking at the backs of Oscar and Ning Rongrong, Flender secretly smiled.

  He knew that Ning Rongrong would definitely not be able to persevere, what he wanted was that Ning Rongrong could not persevere and made mistakes so that he could teach Ning Rongrong a lesson.

   Originally, he was a little worried yesterday, but before going to bed last night, he received a letter in his bed, a letter from Qibao Liulizong.

  Ning Fengzhi, the patriarch of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School, took the initiative to let him not worry too much, and asked him to correct Ning Rongrong's spoiled temperament.

  With Qibao Glazed Tile Sect letting go, what else does he have to worry about?

   Of course, let go!

   "The others are gone, Tang San, come with me!"

   Then Flender dismissed the rest, leaving Tang San alone.

  When he saw the soul guide on Tang San's waist, he guessed Tang San's identity, and called Tang San just to confirm further.

  After Tang San was called away, only Su Mo and the others were left in place.

  Because Tang San was called away, Xiao Wu couldn't think about Tang San anymore, so she had to drag Zhu Zhuqing and leave together.

   Dai Mubai looked at Zhu Zhuqing's back as if he wanted to catch up, but in the end he didn't, so he pulled Ma Hongjun and left together.

   "This is free-range teaching!"

  Su Mo complained about this. The assembly was early in the morning, and then the class was held in the evening. During the whole day, the students were free to do their own activities.

  Don't say it, Su Mo thinks this is really suitable for him.

  Su Mo didn't need other resources, except for the materials needed for forging weapons. The main purpose of Su Mo entering Shrek Wei is to prevent Tang San and the others from obtaining the fairy grass.

   It is Ning Rongrong, it is a bit difficult to adapt, Ning Rongrong is not difficult to adapt to this kind of free-range education, but needs to be taught a lesson first, pua!


  ps: short and weak!

  (end of this chapter)

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