Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong

Chapter 39: gun turret combination

  Chapter 39 Gun Tower Combination

   "It's nothing, food is something made by Wuhun, and it can be eaten in the first place!"

   "Don't worry about how obscene his spell is, it's just food made by a food-type soul master!"

  Su Mo said to Ning Rongrong, and then Su Mo took the initiative to go up: "I'll come first!"

  Su Mo then came to Oscar, took a sausage from his hand, put it in his mouth and began to bite.


  Su Mo took a bite and gave a compliment.

  Su Mo is not that hypocritical, in order not to eat a sausage, to fight against Flender, not to mention not eating it now, he will definitely eat it in the future, unless Su Mo withdraws from Shrek.

   "Okay, good, who's next?"

   Flender ate the sausage made by Oscar when he saw Su Mo's expression didn't change color, and his eyes became more appreciative.

"I come!"

  Everyone looked at Ning Rongrong in surprise when they heard the voice, and the second one to stand up was actually Ning Rongrong.

   "I will prove to everyone that I can stay in Shrek!"

   After Ning Rongrong looked at Flender and finished speaking, he ate a big recovery sausage.

   "Okay, not bad! As long as you have this determination!"

  Flender nodded in satisfaction upon seeing this.

   For Ning Rongrong, he actually doesn't have much requirements, as long as he can be obedient and not make trouble.

  The collective PUA of Tang San and others against Ning Rongrong last night was not in his plan.

   Now seeing that Ning Rongrong is willing to follow his course arrangement, he is very satisfied.

"And I!"

  Zhu Zhuqing dared to eat Ning Rongrong when he saw Ning Rongrong. Naturally, he didn't want to be left behind, so he quickly stood up and ate a large recovery sausage.

  Afterwards, Tang San and Xiao Wu could only finish today's lesson like everyone else.

  After everyone ate the big recovery sausage made by Oscar, even if today's class is over, Flender will let everyone practice freely.

  Su Mo turned around and left, going to practice.

   "Su Mo, I did well just now!"

   Seeing Su Mo leave, Ning Rongrong caught up with Su Mo, bragging about her performance just now, as if she wanted to get Su Mo's approval.

   "It's amazing, I set an example for you girls!"

  Su Mo praised without hesitation.

   "Hee hee, they all want me to leave, so I won't leave!"

   "Su Mo, are you going to practice? Can I practice with you?"

  Hearing Su Mo's praise, Ning Rongrong suddenly became happy.



   "The two of them, what's the situation?"

  When the others saw Su Mo and Ning Rongrong leaving together, they suddenly became thoughtful, as if they had discovered something.

  Only Oscar looked at the back of Su Mo and Ning Rongrong leaving together, a little uncomfortable.

  When did Ning Rongrong and Su Mo become so close?

  Although he decided to give up Ning Rongrong last night, and he really liked Ning Rongrong's character, but seeing Ning Rongrong getting on good terms with others, he was still very uncomfortable.

   "I'll go, this guy Su Mo told me that women will only affect his speed of drawing a gun. Didn't expect this to be easy?"

   Ma Hongjun was astonished when he saw the scene in front of him.

  He didn't know the scene of other people's group pua Ning Rongrong last night, so he didn't know the reason, and thought that Ning Rongrong had an affair with Su Mo.

   "Brother, don't be sad, Ning Rongrong is not suitable for you!"

  After that, Ma Hongjun also noticed Oscar with a sad face, stepped forward and patted Oscar on the shoulder and comforted him.

   "Why isn't it suitable?"

  Oscar was a little unconvinced when he heard the words.

   "Surely you don't know, right? There is a rule in the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School that the choice of a partner must be a battle soul master, so you are doomed to have no chance!"

   Ma Hongjun patted Oscar's shoulder again, and then explained.


   "Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School still has such rules..."

  Oscar sighed with regret, and then said in relief: "Then forget it!"

  Anyway, he gave up pursuing Ning Rongrong last night. Now that he knows that the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect still has such rules, it also makes him more clearly aware that he has no hope, so don't have any more expectations.

  He also had a few girlfriends, and he gave up when he said he would give up. Although he felt a little regretful, he was not too sad.

  After all, you have only known each other for two or three days, so how much do you like it? Not necessarily!

   "Right, you broke through level 30 today, why don't you two go to Soto City to celebrate together? Relax!"

  Seeing Oscar's appearance, Ma Hongjun put his arm around Oscar's neck instead, and suggested in a turbulent tone.

   "This is good, let's hurry!"

  Hearing Ma Hongjun's proposal, Oscar immediately had a rippling smile on his face.

  The two looked at each other with a rippling smile, and then headed to Soto City with their shoulders crossed, preparing for a daytime activity with clean clothes.

   Besides practicing, Su Mo did not forget to participate in a soul fighting match every day.

  After Ning Rongrong knew about it, she naturally went with her.

   "Su Mo, the dean said that you can only graduate with a silver medal spirit master, so do I need it too? But I am an auxiliary spirit master!"

  On the way, Ning Rongrong realized that he was also a student of Shrek, so he asked Su Mo about it.

   "I don't know, I should want it too!"

   "Although auxiliary soul masters can't participate in soul fighting by themselves, they can form a duo with other people or a whole team to participate in soul fighting!"

  Su Mo forgot about this question. Oscar didn't come yesterday, so he didn't know, but according to his analysis, it was still necessary.

   "You can form a team, so how about the two of us forming a team?"

  When Ning Rongrong heard that it was possible to form a team, her eyes lit up. Regardless of whether the academy required it or not, she herself wanted to participate in the soul fight. It seemed fun.

   "Are you okay~"

   Without waiting for Su Mo's answer, Ning Rongrong ran up to Su Mo and walked backwards, with big eyes pretending to be pitiful and watching Su Mo act coquettishly.

   Acting like a baby is Ning Rongrong's housekeeping ability. When she was in the sect, her housekeeping ability was always invincible.


   Facing the coquettish Ning Rongrong, Su Mo said that he really couldn't stand it.

   What's more, he had no intention of refusing, and with Ning Rongrong forming a duo, he would basically be one-on-two when fighting souls. This was also very helpful for him to hone his fighting experience.

   "Hee hee, then it's a deal!"

   "By the way, the duo seems to have a name, right? What should we call our group?"

   "How about a beautiful girl group?"

   "Not good, what about Suning Group?"

   "Seven treasures combination?"

   "Gun tower combination?"


  Hearing that Su Mo agreed to come down, Ning Rongrong smiled proudly, turned around and followed Su Mo, chattering about the name of the group.

   "Stop, just call the gun tower combination!"


  ps: Today is relatively early, let’s come to another chapter tonight!

  (end of this chapter)

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