Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong

Chapter 42: Soul beasts cannot be extinct

  Chapter 42 Soul Beasts Are Impossible to Extinct

   "You guys did a good job last night!"

   "A team needs to cooperate well in order to exert its greatest strength!"

   On the next day, on the way to the Star Forest, Zao Wou-ki praised Su Mo and others for their performance last night.

   Obviously, although Zao Wou-ki didn't show up last night, he must have watched Su Mo's conflict with Canghui Academy secretly.

  After the conflict broke out between the two sides last night, all the students of Canghui Academy were easily settled by Xiao Wu alone.

   Then Ye Zhiqiu, their teacher who led the team, stood up to stand up for his students, but unfortunately he was defeated by the cooperation of Su Mo and others in the end, and finally left in despair.

  In the original book, the Seven Shrek Monsters faced Ye Zhiqiu, who possessed the soul king level, and the opponent was mainly defensive, with a solid defense. Tang San and the others did not break through Ye Zhiqiu's defense in the end.

  In the end, it was Zhao Wuji who came out in time to replace Tang San and the others.

   But last night was different, after Su Mo joined.

In the beginning, Su Mo's soul-hunting gun in the horcrux-integrated state couldn't break through Ye Zhiqiu's defense. Later, Ning Rongrong added an auxiliary effect to everyone. Tang San and the others attacked first, and Su Mo made the last move to break through Ye Zhiqiu's defense. defense.

   "Su Mo is still the best. Without Su Mo's final blow, we would definitely not be able to break through that bastard's turtle shell!"

  Ning Rongrong giggled, until now Ning Rongrong is still very excited, participating in defeating a soul king!

   "It's also well directed by Tang San!"

  Dai Mubai praised Tang San, thinking that Tang San's role is the greatest.

   "Yeah, it's the third brother who directed it well!"

  Xiao Wu naturally firmly supported Tang San.

  Ma Hongjun and Oscar didn't say anything, it doesn't matter.

  Only Zhu Zhuqing is still a little cold, Su Mo is obviously lower than her, but the combat power he displayed is so much stronger than her, which makes her even more dissatisfied with her own strength.

   A group of people, continue on their way.

   "Unless I encounter a soul beast that is more than a thousand years old, I will not make a move. Everything is up to you. This is also an experience for you!"

   "Let's start entering now, Dai Mubai and Tang San take the lead, responsible for opening the way, the others are in the middle, I will be responsible for breaking the rear for you!"

   After entering the Star Dou Great Forest, Zhao Wuji asked Tang San and Dai Mubai to open the way ahead.

  Although Zhao Wuji knew that Su Mo's combat power was also very good, but that was when Su Mo used Horcrux Unity, in terms of his own strength, he still believed that Dai Mubai and Tang San were the strongest.

   Moreover, Su Mo has the Horcrux Unity, Tang San also has his hidden weapon, and in his opinion Tang San's hidden weapon is stronger.

  Last night, if Tang San had used the hidden weapon that hit him before, he wouldn't have fought so hard at all.

   Su Mo naturally had no objection to Zao Wou-ki's arrangement, so he was happy and relaxed.

  Looking at Xiao Wu who seemed very happy bouncing around in the team, Su Mo was also thinking about what happened next.

  The Titan giant ape in the depths of the Star Dou Great Forest should have smelled Xiao Wu's breath, and would show up to take Xiao Wu away.

  And Tang San will also be stopped by a Man Faced Demon Spider on the way of chasing Xiao Wu, thus obtaining Tang San's first treasure, the eight external spirit bone spider spears that burst out of the Man Faced Demon Spider.

  That is a treasure worth as much as a hundred thousand year soul ring.

   "That Eight Spider Lance is also very suitable for me!"

   "Bibidong is my martial soul now. Rakshasa God Bibidong can still use the abilities of Death Spider Emperor and Soul-eating Spider Emperor. If I awaken Rakshasa God martial soul in the future, I should be able to use their abilities too!"

   "Then the Eight Spider Lances are very suitable for me!"

  Su Mo's heart moved secretly, and he was already planning to cut the Spider Lance from Tang San's hand.

   After all, that Eight Spider Lance still doesn't belong to Tang San yet.

  If Tang San had already obtained it, Su Mo would not **** it from Tang San, but since it does not belong to Tang San, Su Mo would not be polite.

   "Boss Dai, wait..."

   A few hours later, when passing by a bush forest, Tang San suddenly stopped Dai Mubai.

"What's wrong?"

  Dai Mubai didn't understand why, but he still paused.

   Then everyone knew that under a leaf in front of Dai Mubai, there was a small squirrel-like soul beast hiding, trembling there.

  If Tang San hadn't called Dai Mubai to stop just now, Dai Mubai, who was leading the way with tiger claws in the spirit possessed state, might accidentally injure this little spirit beast.

  Seeing this, Xiao Wu hurriedly stepped forward to hug the little squirrel to comfort her, and then let it go.

   "There are many low-level soul beasts in this area, let's go around!"

   "Soul beasts grow slowly, so try to avoid them if you can!"

   "In case of accidental injury, within a few years, there will be no soul beasts in this forest!"

   "There is another reason. In case of a battle, the sound will attract powerful soul beasts. Be careful if you can!"

   Tang San then started to suggest.

   "Then let's go around!"

   "You boy, you have good knowledge!"

  Dai Mubai praised Tang San endlessly.

   "The teacher taught me!" Tang San said modestly.

   After everyone changed direction and continued on their way, they encountered a situation soon.

  After everyone was alert, Zhu Zhuqing went to a high place to observe.

   "It's a flying snake!"

  After hearing Zhu Zhuqing's words, Su Mo knew that they still encountered the cockscomb snake that appeared in the original book.

   After some fighting, the cockscomb snake was finally captured by Su Mo and the others, lying on the ground dying.

  However, just when Oscar was about to kill the cocksnake, the snake lady Chao Tianxiang appeared with her granddaughter Meng Yiran.

  Everything is the same as in the original book, and it hasn't changed much because of Su Mo.

   After all, it wasn't Su Mo leading the team, it was Tang San and Dai Mubai leading the team, and this time after Oscar broke through level 30, it was normal for everything to happen as usual.

  Although there was an episode of Meng Yiran in the middle, in the end Oscar got his third soul ring as he wished.

   "Mr. Zhao, I just broke through level 30!"

  When Zao Wou-ki was about to lead everyone back, Tang San suddenly revealed that he broke through level 30.

   In this way, everyone can only stay in the Star Dou Forest and continue to help Tang San find a suitable spirit beast.

   It's a pity that after searching, I couldn't find it at night.

  Everyone could only find a safe place to rest in the Star Dou Forest, rest for one night and continue tomorrow.

   "Hey, even in the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, there were many thousand-year-level soul beasts!"

   "Now... hey, I don't know if they all ran to the depths of the forest, or for some other reason."

  When everyone was sitting and resting, Zhao Wuji suddenly let out a sigh.

   It just feels that finding the soul beast is more difficult than before!

   "No matter what the reason is, it is caused by us!"

   "Although soul beasts are ferocious, we humans are even more ferocious than them!"

"The teacher once said that although the number of soul masters is small, it only takes a few decades for a soul master to grow into a strong man from the beginning of cultivation. And in these decades, a soul master A powerful soul master also needs at least six or more soul rings. That is to say, he must hunt and kill more than six soul beasts. Among them, there will be hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even ten thousand years. The cultivation of soul beasts is more difficult than We humans have a lot of difficulties, otherwise we would not divide our strength according to the number of years. Although they are numerous and can continue to be killed like this, the number of soul beasts will only continue to decrease, especially for powerful soul beasts. Only one is missing. After many years, I am afraid that it will be difficult to see the existence of more than a thousand years."

"What has the greater impact is aimless killing. A soul master needs at most nine soul beasts in his lifetime, but how many soul beasts does a soul master need to hunt and kill in his lifetime? Not to mention others, even on our trip, if we encounter some ten-year and century-old spirit beasts that are actively attacking on the road, we can't help but shoot them. And those who hunt and kill spirit beasts for a living, the number of kills is even higher The multiplier increases. If things go on like this, the profession of soul master may one day reach the point where no rings can be used."

  After hearing Zhao Wuji's emotion, Tang San, who had learned this knowledge from Yu Xiaogang, said everything he knew.

  Hearing Tang San's words, Zao Wou-ki, Dai Mubai, Ning Rongrong and others were all silent for a while, as if they were mourning for the future.

  Xiao Wu clenched her hands even more, she was more sad than others when she heard Tang San's words, feeling desperate for the future of spirit beasts.

   "Impossible, no matter how many years it takes, soul masters won't be able to use ringless!"

  Seeing everyone's gloomy looks, Su Mo smiled faintly, and refuted Tang San's words.

"Oh why?"

   "Didn't Tang San make it very clear just now?"

  Zhao Wou-ki looked at Su Mo in surprise when he heard Su Mo's words.

   Tang San and the others also looked at Su Mo, not knowing why Su Mo said that.

   "I admit that most of what Tang San said is correct, but I can't agree with the last point. In my opinion, soul beasts cannot be extinct, and soul masters will not be reduced to the point where no ring can be used!"

   "It's just that future soul masters may only have low-level soul rings available!"

   "For example, the Blue Silver Grass, the Blue Silver Grass on the Douluo Continent, I don't know how many there are, and it is simply impossible to count!"

   "Spirit beasts like the Blue Silver Grass will never be extinct!"

   "If those soul beasts with high cultivation bases are killed indiscriminately, the soul rings will not be wasted if they are not absorbed by people, but will dissipate in the world and return to nature!"

   "And after the death of the soul master, the soul power on the body will return to nature!"

  "After these soul powers return to nature, more soul beasts will naturally be born, and those animals without soul power will become soul beasts more easily!"

   "In the future, if the number of high-level soul beasts decreases, the number of low-level soul beasts will increase dramatically. Even if there are too many strong human beings and there are fewer soul beasts for a while, it will be fine as long as the strong human beings die!"

   "That's why I said that it is impossible for future soul masters to have no rings. At most, there will be no high-quality soul rings!"

   "But if everyone doesn't have it, it will be evened!"

   "There may be a large number of white ring soul masters in the future, and all the soul rings on their bodies are white!"

   "Then they will be very envious of our ancestors!"

  Su Mo quickly expressed his opinion. When he said that the future soul masters are all white soul rings, Su Mo himself couldn't help laughing.

   "Haha, it's all white soul rings!"

   "That's too funny!"

  Ma Hongjun and the others also laughed when they heard this.


  (end of this chapter)

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