Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong

Chapter 5: goddess sister

  Chapter 5 Goddess Sister

  Su Mo tried to cultivate soul power for the first time in his room.

  Su Mo doesn't know if those sect forces have more advanced soul power cultivation techniques.

  What Su Mo is practicing now is the soul power cultivation technique disclosed by Douluo Dalu, which can also be said to be meditation.

  I saw Su Mo sitting cross-legged in meditation, he summoned the soul-hunting gun and Wuhun, and then quietly suspended in front of Su Mo.

  When Su Mo started to practice, in the void, an invisible energy began to gather in Su Mo's martial soul.

   Continuously absorbed by Su Mo's martial spirit!

   This is the soul power cultivation technique on the Douluo Continent. It is all through meditation, and then uses the martial soul to absorb energy and turn it into soul power.

  So the quality of the martial spirit determines the cultivation speed of that soul master.

   The higher the quality of the martial soul, the faster it can be cultivated.

  The higher the quality of the martial soul, the higher the innate soul power is normally.

  So there is also the level of innate soul power, which determines the cultivation talent of a soul master.

  After practicing for two full hours, Su Mo found that his martial soul had reached saturation, and he could no longer absorb energy to increase his soul power.

   "Is this the limit?"

   "According to this speed, it will take me at least half a year to increase my soul power by one level!"

   "It will take me about five years to upgrade from soul power level 2 to soul power level 10!"

   "Graduated from the Junior Soul Master Academy in six years, my soul power level is around level 12!"

   "This talent really isn't good, it can't even reach the minimum standard for admission to Shrek Academy!"

   "And this is only the early stage. The later the talent becomes worse, the slower the cultivation speed will be!"

   "According to the cultivation theory of this world, it is almost impossible for me to cultivate to a very high level!"

   "Not to mention the soul king, the soul sect may be my limit!"

  Su Mo, who finished his training, was somewhat depressed.

  Knowing that his talent is not good, but he was still hit.

  According to his current cultivation speed, at the age of 12, he can only reach about 12th level of soul power.

  The protagonists in the anime are all close to level 30.

   This is not even a star.

  Su Mo thinks it is necessary for him to change this bad situation.

  In the previous case, Su Mo’s idea might be to find ways to find grass jelly to improve his talent.

  But now, Su Mo felt that he could ask Bibi Dong first.

  Do as soon as you think of it, Su Mo immediately quieted his mind, entered the realm of inner vision, and his consciousness once again entered the world of Wuhun in his body.

   After entering the martial spirit world in his body, Su Mo came to the **** mist again, and then entered the Rakshasa domain inside.


   "Why are you in again?"

  Seeing Su Mo come in again, Bibi Dong's figure appeared beside the blood pool, looking at Su Mo with a somewhat unkind expression.

  She told Su Mo not to bother her if there was nothing to do.

   How long has it been!


   "God... Sister Goddess, I came to see you for something!"

  Su Mo looked at Bibi Dong with a bad look, and was somewhat nervous. What if his previous guess was wrong? The Bibi Dong in front of him might cut him off in a bad mood.

   "Sister Goddess?"

  Hearing Su Mo address her, Bibi Dong was slightly stunned.

   It was the first time she heard someone call her that!

   Inexplicably, I feel like this title very much.

   "Tell me! What is it?"

  Since Su Mo called her Goddess Sister, Bibi Dong didn't bother with Su Mo anymore, and her expression eased.

   "Sister Goddess!"

   "I heard that in addition to the open soul power cultivation techniques on Douluo Continent, those sect forces have more advanced soul power cultivation techniques. Sister Goddess, you also have it?"

   Hehe, woman!

  Seeing the change in Bibi Dong's expression, Su Mo sneered in his heart, but on the surface he asked Bibi Dong with a nervous and expectant expression.

   "Soul power training?"

  Hearing Su Mo's words, Bibi Dong paused slightly, probably because she didn't expect Su Mo to come to her just because of such a simple matter.

  It's just a more advanced soul power cultivation technique, so it's naturally not a problem for her.

   "For the sake of being so self-motivated, I can give it to you!"

   "But you can answer my question first, how many years is it in the Douluo calendar?"

   Immediately Bibi Dong smiled slightly, and while answering Su Mo, she also asked questions that she hadn't had time to ask Su Mo before.

   "Really, that's great, thank you Goddess Sister!"

  Su Mo first thanked Bibi Dong excitedly, and then answered Bibi Dong's question: "Sister Goddess, it's 2637 of the Douluo calendar!" (Tang San was born in 2631 of the Douluo calendar!)


   "I'm back?"

  Hearing Su Mo's answer, Bibi Dong's eyes trembled slightly, and she muttered to herself unconsciously.

  Maybe she didn't have any precautions in front of Su Mo, thinking that Su Mo, a kid, couldn't understand what she was saying, and maybe she didn't even think about hiding Su Mo.

  Her mind is full of surprise and joy now!

  She didn't expect that she actually went back to the past.

  Hearing Bibi Dong's subconscious self-talk, Su Mo's heart moved slightly.

came back?

  Where did you come back from?

   It definitely didn’t mean returning to his body to become his martial soul, nor should it mean returning to the Douluo Continent, Bibi Dong had never been trapped anywhere in her entire life.

  Then... most likely, it came back from the future.

  That's why Bibi Dong asked him what year it is now.

   This is too similar to the protagonists in the novels Su Mo read that traveled back to the past!

   "Normally speaking, people who are reborn in the past go back to the past after death!"

   "Then the Bibi Dong in front of me came back after being killed by Tang San in the future?"

   "It's just that Bibi Dong was very unlucky not to be reborn on her own body, but was reborn on me to become my martial soul?"

   "So, in this world, are there two Bibi Dongs?"

  Based on Bibi Dong's words, Su Mo deduced many things instantly.

   No wonder Bibidong introduced herself as a Rakshasa God. Isn’t she the next generation Rakshasa God in the future?

   "Sister Goddess, is there any problem that this year is 2637?"

  Looking at the agitated Bibi Dong, Su Mo tried to ask again, to see if Bibi Dong would tell him the truth.

   "It's nothing, I just want to know what year it is!" Bibi Dong shook her head, obviously not thinking of telling Su Mo.

  But Su Mo's voice brought her back to her senses, and she beckoned Su Mo to come forward: "Come here, I will teach you the more advanced soul power cultivation technique!"

   "Okay, Sister Goddess!"

  Su Mo stepped forward without hesitation.

   Then Bibi Dong stretched out a jade finger and tapped Su Mo's forehead lightly, and a stream of information entered Su Mo's consciousness.

   It is the more advanced soul power cultivation technique that Su Mo wants!

   "Okay, I've already given it to you, remember to practice hard!"

   After Bibi Dong encouraged Su Mo, she waved Su Mo out again.

   Right now, she just wants to be alone!


   The new book starts, follow-up reading is very important for the new book, please catch up with the new book issue!



  (end of this chapter)

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