Douluo: Wuhun is Actually Bibi Dong

Chapter 90: Ning Rongrong: "Look at the gun, look at the gun, look at the gun..."

  Chapter 90 Ning Rongrong: "Look at the gun, look at the gun, look at the gun..."

   "Look at the gun!"

   "Look at the gun!"

   "Look at the gun!"


  In the center of the main hall, Ning Rongrong, who was surrounded by four soul rings of yellow, yellow, yellow, and purple, was waving the seven-treasure soul hunting gun fused with the purple gold soul hunting gun, constantly attacking Bone Douluo.

   One shot after another, wide open and close, brave and unparalleled.

  Su Mo's overlord marksmanship, now in the hands of Ning Rongrong, is also very impressive.

   It's not that Su Mo is unwilling to teach Ning Rongrong other marksmanship, but that his martial spirit is more suitable for this kind of overbearing marksmanship.

   And Ning Rongrong also likes this kind of marksmanship, she said that this is what a battle soul master should look like.

  At this time, Ning Fengzhi and Jian Douluo, who were watching the battle on the other side, looked at Ning Rongrong who was violently waving the Seven Treasure Soul Hunting Spear with a look of astonishment.

  They never imagined that their weak little princess of the Qibao Liulizong would actually have such a heroic side.

  Jian Douluo was a little bit psychologically prepared, after all, he knew that Su Mo's marksmanship was like this, but he was still stunned after seeing it. He really had never imagined Ning Rongrong's heroic side.

   "Uncle Jian, is this really our Rong Rong?"

  Ning Fengzhi doubted his eyes very much at this moment, and asked Jian Douluo beside him in disbelief.

   "Of course, is the suzerain also very surprised?"

   "It seems that after Rong Rong has someone he likes, he has worked harder. This kind of marksmanship must have put a lot of effort into it!"

  Jian Douluo immediately smiled when he heard this, and then praised Ning Rongrong gratifiedly.

   "Only with excellent talents can we become excellent. It's not like we don't know what Rongrong was like before!"

   "It seems that the decision to let her go out and make a fortune on her own is still very correct!"

  Ning Fengzhi also laughed when he heard the words, and his tone was quite proud of his original decision.

   "Indeed, the suzerain still has a vision!"

   What else can Sword Douluo say? He could only admit what Ning Fengzhi said.

  Continuing to watch Ning Rongrong and Bone Douluo fight, Sword Douluo quickly laughed again: "Old Bone must be very regretful now, he shouldn't have promised Rongrong to limit his strength to the level of the soul master!"

  On the battlefield, under Ning Rongrong's berserk attack, Bone Douluo was actually forced to retreat repeatedly, only parrying.

   This is all because Bone Douluo limited his own strength, and promised Ning Rongrong to only use the strength of the soul master level.

   Right now, Bone Douluo's complexion is indeed a little ugly.

  Before the start of the soul fight, he was still very confident, but after the start he realized that he was wrong.

  Ning Rongrong, who is in the fusion state of martial soul fusion skills, is really not weak, but he is not afraid of this alone.

  The problem is that the Seven Treasure Soul Hunting Gun in Ning Rongrong's hand, after being fused with Su Mo's Zijin Soul Hunting Gun, is really amazingly destructive. If he only uses the first three soul skills, he can't defend against them all.

  That destructive power, even the soul king can't stand it!

  The bones he summoned were easily crushed one by one in front of the Seven Treasure Soulhunting Gun in Ning Rongrong's hand.

   He looks a little embarrassed now.

  However, Bone Douluo still dealt with it calmly. With his combat experience, even if he only used the strength of the soul master, it would be difficult for Ning Rongrong to hurt him.

  And after a period of fighting, Bone Douluo basically figured out Ning Rongrong's attacking routine.

   "Rongrong is going to lose!"

   Sword Douluo, who was watching the battle, quickly made a judgment.

   "Oh? Isn't Rongrong very powerful now?"

  Ning Fengzhi asked curiously.

   "Well, Rongrong's performance is really good, but Rongrong's marksmanship is only used for a few sets, and he still doesn't know how to adapt to the situation, and his marksmanship is still not skilled enough!"

   Sword Douluo explained with a smile.

   "Stop, don't play anymore, Rongrong is doing well, it seems that the progress is really great, and you have lived up to Grandpa Gu's expectations of you!"

  However, what stunned Sword Douluo was that in the next second, Bone Douluo simply called a stop, and then praised Ning Rongrong.

   "Hee hee, of course, I'm still very good!"

   After hearing Bone Douluo call to stop, Ning Rongrong also stopped.


   Immediately, Su Mo and Ning Rongrong released the combined state under the martial soul fusion technique.

   After all, using it all the time consumes a lot of soul power!

   "Well, it's amazing, Grandpa looks at you with admiration!"

   Bone Douluo praised.

  Let him defeat Ning Rongrong? It's a joke, he doesn't want to!

   And he doesn't need to admit defeat, if he said it was Ning Rongrong's test, then he can stop it naturally when he is satisfied.

   This is not ashamed!

  After this test, he also somewhat understood how powerful Su Mo and Ning Rongrong's martial soul fusion skills are.

  Even without using the Horcrux Unity and the purple-gold soul-hunting gun, Ning Rongrong still has the strength of a soul master under the leadership of Ning Rongrong.

  If Su Mo is the leader, he will definitely have the strength of the Soul Sect, and if the Horcrux is combined, it will be even more outrageous.

  He is still very clear about Su Mo's record, so he knows that Su Mo's combat ability is also very strong. In Su Mo's hands, the Seven Treasure Soul Hunting Gun is unmatched by Ning Rongrong.

   "That's right, Rong Rong, Dad also looks at you with admiration!"

  After Bone Douluo finished speaking, Ning Fengzhi stepped forward and praised Ning Rongrong.

   "Hmph, of course!" Ning Rongrong was so proud, and looked at Jian Douluo and asked: "Grandpa Jian, am I good?"

   "Yes, Rongrong's performance today is really good, I didn't expect our Rongrong to have such a heroic side!"

   Sword Douluo immediately laughed when he heard this.

   "Uncle, I believe you already know that I have a gift for the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

  After some compliments and jokes, Su Mo stretched out his hand and took out the Soul Hunting Crossbow from the soul tool.

   "Oh, is this the weapon?"

  Ning Fengzhi suddenly looked curiously at the Soul Hunting Crossbow in Su Mo's hand, but he couldn't tell anything just by looking at it.

   It can only be said that the weapon in Su Mo's hand looks different from ordinary bows. It is very exquisite. Just looking at the structure, it is difficult to forge without exquisite forging technology.

  But he didn't care too much, he was very satisfied if Su Mo had this kind of heart.

   "Dad, don't look at the soul hunting crossbow. It's very powerful. Even the soul king can hardly block its attack! And it's easy to use, even ordinary people can use it!"

   Seeing his father's indifferent attitude, Ning Rongrong next to him was immediately unhappy, and immediately explained the power of the Soul Hunting Crossbow.


"is this real?"

   Sure enough, Ning Fengzhi and the others, who were originally only surprised by the appearance of the soul hunting crossbow, changed their eyes immediately after hearing Ning Rongrong's introduction.

   "It's true, Uncle..."

   After giving a gift, it is natural for people to know how precious the gift is. Su Mo immediately introduced the Soulhunting Crossbow just like Ning Fengzhi and the others.

   "This is simply a weapon tailor-made for the disciples of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School..."

   "Su Mo, this gift of yours is really too precious to our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School. Uncle, thank you for this gift!"

  After Ning Fengzhi understood it clearly, he immediately looked excited, and then solemnly thanked Su Mo for sending such a gift to the Qibao Glazed Tile School.

   Now he feels more and more that his daughter has found a treasure.

  Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo looked at Su Mo with more appreciation and recognition at this time.

   "Uncle, you don't have to be so polite. I also want to thank my uncle for the purple gold soul hunting gun specially made for me!" Su Mo also thanked Qibao Liulizong for his support.

   "That's worth nothing compared to your gift. Don't worry, no matter what level of weapon you need in the future, uncle will help you make it. The Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect will support you to keep evolving your martial soul!"

  Ning Fengzhi said hastily, and made a formal promise.

  After this meeting, Su Mo was completely recognized by the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School.

  In the next few days, Su Mo received the highest level of hospitality from the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

  In the past few days, Ning Rongrong took Su Mo around the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and shared with Su Mo where and where he played when he was a child.

  The rest of the Qibao Glazed Tile School also knew Su Mo's identity.

  For a while, the disciples of the sect looked at Su Mo with envy and hatred, especially the male disciples, who were the little princesses of their Qibao Glazed Tile School, and they already had someone they liked, and that person was not themselves.

  But they were secretly envious, and no one dared to trouble Su Mo because of this.

   After staying with Ning Rongrong for a few days at the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, Su Mo wanted to leave.

   Although Qibao Glazed Tile Sect has good food and living facilities, it is too comfortable here. Su Mo is still in a hurry to break through level 30, so it is not easy for him to hunt and kill soul beasts here to devour and upgrade.

  So soon, Su Mo submitted his resignation to Ning Fengzhi.

   "Have you decided which soul master academy you want to join next? Do you need my help?"

  Ning Fengzhi had already expected Su Mo to leave.

  In his opinion, Su Mo must still enter the Soul Master Academy. A capable soul master must want to express himself on the stage of the soul master competition.

  And if you want to participate in the Soul Master Competition, you must join the Soul Master Academy.

  Before, he was actually very optimistic about Shrek Academy, every student in it was very good.

   It's just that he didn't expect that Su Mo would choose to leave Shrek Academy.

  After learning the whole story from Ning Rongrong, he also approved of Su Mo's behavior very much. Since he was targeted, there is no need to stay.

  However, he can actually understand Shrek's actions. If the Shrek team's next soul master competition is the goal, it is also understandable to deal with it without knowing Su Mo's real situation.

   It can only be said that Shrek Academy failed to gain Su Mo's trust, and started targeting Su Mo before Su Mo could tell his secret.

   It's a little too hasty.

   No, it's too eager!

  After finishing the Soul Master Competition a year later, or even after Su Mo's spirit power level fails to keep up, there is still time to make arrangements.

   "It's still too narrow-minded to see that Su Mo is so good under his eyes!"

  After knowing that Su Mo had also studied under Yu Xiaogang and was rejected, he knew that the problem was Yu Xiaogang.

   It can only be said that waste is waste.

  He really wanted to see what Yu Xiaogang's expression would be when Su Mo really grew up in the future.

   "Does uncle have any good suggestions?"

   Regarding which college to go to, Su Mo is not sure for the time being.

  If Su Mo wants to perform in the next soul master competition, joining a strong team is the most suitable.

   It is impossible for Su Mo to go to Xingluo Royal Academy and Wuhundian Academy.

  The Academy of the Five Elements and the Royal Academy of Heaven Dou are both good choices.

  If you choose Tiandou Royal Academy, the combination of members of Tiandou Royal Team, if you add him and Ning Rongrong, it will be perfect.

He and Yu Tianheng mainly play strong attack, Dugu Yan plays control, Shi Mo and Shi Mo play defense, Ye Lingling and Ning Rongrong play support, one buffs the state, and the other adds healing. The two brothers protected them well, and Su Mo and Yu Tianheng just killed them randomly.

  If the enemy is too strong, he and Ning Rongrong will use the martial soul fusion skill again.

  But they were rejected by Tiandou Royal Academy, and neither Su Mo nor Ning Rongrong would choose them.

  If you go to the Five Elements Academy, Tianshui Academy doesn’t accept men, and the members of the other four Elements Academy are also of the same element attribute, either fire or wind, and he and Ning Rongrong will be out of place.

  People may not want it either, because they have a different philosophy of forming a team.


  ps: The second update. Ask for a monthly pass.

  (end of this chapter)

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