Douluo's Beginning Obtained Chaos God Test

Chapter 494 The First Swordsman in the Universe

"Within thirty seconds, exit the outer space of the earth. Within one month, exit the solar system. Otherwise, kill without mercy." Mu Chen's voice sounded in every aircraft carrier of the Taotie civilization.

"So arrogant. Kill him." A warrior in full armor ordered the Taotie soldier sitting on the operating table in front of him.

It is the Taotie King.

The reason why I use this it is because I don't know whether it should be classified as a living thing. Because it looks like a robot from head to toe. If you have to summarize it in an understandable way, it is more like a fusion of human brain and machine.

The Taotie King, Shi Shi, is the supreme commander of the Styx civilization. He is 433cm tall and claims to be the first swordsman in the universe. He is not a super soldier under the super gene, so he does not have super abilities. They prefer to use equipment to fight.

Because the Styx civilization was established by the death god Carl and cultivated into a combat army used by Carl. Therefore, this civilization does not have too much emotion, and the whole army is full of fighting spirit.

The Styx Civilization is actually far away from Carl's Dark Nebula, completely outside the supervision of Holy Kesha. They have never exposed their position, and they have slowly developed under the protection of the Dark Nebula, so that the entire legion is full of militarism and aggression.


A missile was launched and attacked Muchen.

Muchen did not move. When the missile flew five meters in front of him, it slowly stopped moving. Then, under the control of Muchen's mind, it turned and shot towards a spaceship next to it.


The missile hit the spaceship closest to Muchen. A brilliant fire burst out.

"You have fifteen seconds." Muchen's voice once again sounded in all the spaceships of the Taotie interstellar fleet.

"King, what should we do?" The staff officer of the Taotie civilization asked the Taotie King beside him.

"We have the order of God, and we cannot retreat without authorization at this moment. Tell our God about the situation here. In addition, use the extinction S missile. See if you can kill him." The Taotie King ordered.


As soon as the Taotie King finished speaking, a red light shot out from the barrel of a spaceship and shot towards Muchen.

This time Muchen did not move, but just stood there quietly. The opponent's attack was still focused on him.

"Oh my God!"

"King, what kind of monster is this!"

"Our Taotie civilization's S extinction missile can easily destroy a large city. How come he is not hurt at all."

The scene that appeared in the void in front shocked all the creatures in the Taotie spaceship. The missile clearly hit Muchen, but Muchen was not hurt at all.

"Thirty seconds have passed, it seems that you have made your choice!"

Muchen's voice sounded in their ears again.

Then, Muchen's eyes closed and opened, and water-like patterns appeared in his eyes. Then, all the lives of the creatures in all the spaceships within ten miles around Muchen were wiped out.

Muchen continued to move forward, and all the creatures he passed by were killed without exception. All the spaceships within ten miles became ownerless flying objects without anyone controlling them.

"King, Fleet No. 18 did not respond."

"King, Fleet No. 99 did not respond."

"King, Fleet No. 108 did not respond."


Such similar voices kept ringing in the ears of King Taotie. Many spaceships did not respond to the orders of King Taotie's main fleet.

"Shoot the void bomb." King Taotie ordered.

Void bombs are a type of bomb specifically targeting those with super genes. Once they hit the enemy, it will be like being immobilized.


Many bombs were fired, forming a dense attack on Muchen.

King Taotie did this to turn a large area around Muchen into an area where life could not move.

There is nothing wrong with the tactics of the Taotie King. But he overlooked one point. In the face of absolute strength, any tactics are nothing.

The void bomb of the Taotie civilization did not stop Muchen's footsteps. Muchen continued to move forward.

"Devil, he is simply a devil!" The commander of the Taotie civilization said in fear.

"Has our god not responded yet?" The Taotie King asked hoarsely.

"Here we are. God asked us to act according to circumstances." A Taotie responded.

"Retreat, retreat quickly." The Taotie King said anxiously.


A sound rang out, and Muchen was seen approaching the main force where the Taotie King was standing. When Muchen approached a certain distance, a photon barrier was born around the main fleet. Muchen was intercepted.

"Damn, he's coming. Launch the fierce tide." The Taotie King shouted anxiously.

"King, launching the Fierce Tide requires God's approval." The commander of the Taotie civilization reminded.

Fierce Tide: The most advanced weapon of the Taotie civilization. An upgraded antimatter weapon, it accelerates to near the speed of light, increasing the mass of antimatter to infinity, and the recombination of positive and antimatter produces infinite energy. But this kind of firepower has a disadvantage, which is that it cannot touch any positive matter, so it is very easy to intercept. Even though it is at the speed of light, it will explode if it encounters even a little air molecule. As long as there is a little debris where it passes, this particle antimatter beam will explode.

For a planet, if it is hit by a fierce tide, the creatures on the planet will be extinct. If a planet is hit by two fierce tides, the planet will be destroyed in an instant.

Because the fierce tide is powerful, the Taotie King of the Taotie civilization must obtain the approval of the God of Death Carl if he wants to use the fierce tide.

"God asked us to act according to circumstances. I am acting according to circumstances." The Taotie King shouted urgently.

"Yes! Start the fierce tide!"

"Prepare to launch the fierce tide!"

"Countdown to the launch of the fierce tide."





Mu Chen raised his eyebrows slightly and looked in one direction. There was a large spaceship there. Ten red lights emerged. The intensity of the light was very strong, causing the surrounding space to be extremely distorted.


Ten red lights shot towards Mu Chen. The speed was very fast and approached the light beam.


Ten red lights fell on Mu Chen one after another.

A powerful shock wave spread out from the location where Muchen had just stood. All the spaceships around the ground where Muchen had originally stood were overturned. Like fishing boats in the sea, drifting aimlessly.

"He's dead now!" The Taotie King of the Taotie civilization murmured.

In the eyes of the Taotie King, unless it was the Holy Kesha, the God of Death Carl, or the Demon Queen Morgana. Otherwise, no one in the known universe could withstand the attack of the evil tide.

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