"Chen'er, where are you?"

Tang Hao was walking through the forest. Years of decadent life had made his body worse than before.

The spread of soul power at the Title Douluo level was also blocked by the chaotic aura, making it impossible to feel too far away.

Looking at the ruined appearance of the forest, Tang Hao's heart suddenly became entangled, and he even felt a deep sense of guilt.

Tang Chen inherited Ah Yin perfectly, both in appearance and aura.

So all these years, he didn't dare to take another look. It was like some kind of curse, causing him to fall into endless pain.

But what's the result?

Now that he is like this, the titled Douluo will actually find it difficult to travel.

The two children are also very thin, and now they are facing the pain of losing their loved ones again.

Is he really worthy of being a husband and the father of a child?


Tang Hao roared in pain, and the huge pit in front of him finally made him collapse, because Chen'er's breath remained here.

Can a seven-year-old child survive such a terrifying battlefield?

The pain made people crazy, and Tang Hao felt like something was broken in his heart.

Then he spat out a mouthful of blood and fell softly to the ground.

"Huh? Who is calling me?"

Tang Chen, who had already left, stopped, he must have heard correctly just now.

Someone is calling his name

"It can't be that boy Tang San, right?"

Tang Chen thought of this reckless guy and quickly ran back.

I saw someone actually lying beside the pit, and there was a large pool of blood on the ground.

Although this person is not Tang San, he is his cheap dad Tang Hao.

The dignified and titled Douluo suddenly vomited blood and fell into a coma. Is he dead from drinking?

Tang Chen didn't know how to treat it, so he used his soul power to roughly sense it and found that it was a recurrence of an old injury.

Is it because of him?

"I'll just help you once."

Summoning the sacred tree martial spirit, he picked a few cultivation fruits, squeezed out the juice, and poured it into Tang Hao's mouth.

Although it can only increase the speed of cultivation, it will help the injury to some extent.

It wasn't until he spent five pills that Tang Hao's breathing became steady and his face was no longer blood-red.

"Okay, let's go home."

Tang Chen grabbed Tang Hao's calf and dragged him towards Holy Soul Village.

He is too young now to hold such a big man.

In the square of Holy Soul Village, more than 300 villagers gathered here.

Although there are no more earthquakes now, no one is in a hurry to go back.

Tang San paced back and forth, looking towards the village entrance from time to time.

After waiting for a long time and no one came back, I finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"Grandpa Jack, my father and brother haven't come back yet, I want to find them!"

"Mistress, don't be impulsive. Grandpa will bring someone to help you find it!"

The old village chief quickly greeted the villagers and ran out after Tang San.

However, when a large group of people just left the village entrance, they all stopped.

I saw Tang Chen's thin figure, carrying the prey that bent him, and dragging Tang Hao forward with difficulty.

"Brother, daddy!"

Tang San's eyes instantly turned red, and he rushed out with a shout.

The villagers also screamed and rushed over to help in a panic.

Tang Hao has been in the village for almost six years. Although the villagers look down on him, they still have some friendship with him.

After all, he bought a lot of farm tools, and the villagers knew the cheap prices.

"Brother, what's going on?" Tang San asked nervously.

"I don't know either. There seems to be a battle between soul beasts in the woods, and I picked up some prey."

"When I came back, I saw my dad unconscious, so I brought him back!"

Tang Chen said casually, there was no need to show off his superiority in front of the villagers, there was no sense of pretentiousness at all.

"This unlucky guy!"

The old village chief thought Tang Hao was drunk, so he was so angry that he poured a large bucket of water over him.

To be honest, he felt very regretful about forcing Tang Chen to go hunting just now.

Now that I see him returning safely, I feel relieved.


Tang Hao groaned and opened his eyes in confusion, but as if he remembered something, he stood up and went back to the woods.

"Hmph, don't be embarrassed. When you go out to look for the child, the child will carry you back!"

"Look at what it looks like!"

The old village chief Jack was so angry that his crutch almost hit Tang Hao's face.


Tang Hao patted his forehead, his memory just now was a bit blurry.

But after seeing Tang Chen, she couldn't suppress the emotions in her heart and hugged him tightly.

"Chen'er, it's okay."

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, I will never let you suffer again."

"Oh~ it's all gone!"

When the old village chief saw this scene, he felt mixed emotions in his heart. He knocked the ground hard with his cane and led the villagers back to the village.

"Dad, I'm fine!"

"Go back quickly, I'm hungry!"

Tang Chen said helplessly, why do you need his comfort in turn?

"Okay, okay, eat meat today!"

Tang Hao's steps felt much lighter as he carried the prey.

Tang San also smiled, changes often appeared from small places.

The blacksmith shop in Saint Soul Village is Tang Chen’s current home.

It is a simple house made of wooden blocks, and the area is large because of the iron work.

There is a sign hanging at the door, which lists the prices for making various farm tools.

Compared to the blacksmith shops in the city, this place is reasonably priced.

The moon has already risen high. Originally, at this time, there was always the sound of hammering in the house.

Because Tang Hao would be drunk during the day, and blacksmithing at night would help him forget his sorrows.

But today it was different. Smoke was always curling up from the chimney on the roof.

There was also a lot of fun in the house, and Tang Hao had the rare opportunity to cook and burn a whole wild boar.

The bones are stewed in soup, the fat meat is stir-fried, and the main part is roasted, which looks quite tempting.

For the first time, Tang Hao poured a glass of ale for the two of them and said.

"Chen'er, why do you want to go to the forest?"

Tang Chen suddenly put down his chopsticks and replied with a stern expression.

"Dad, look at the mistress, there's not even a ounce of flesh on her body!"

"He is growing, so how can he eat porridge with wild vegetables all day long?"

"You don't care about eating and drinking, why don't you think about your mistress?"

These words came from the sincerity. No matter how sinister and vicious Tang San became in the future, Tang Hao's attitude was still excessive.

Seeing that he remained silent, Tang Chen continued to stimulate.

"Since you are willing to indulge in grief, I can't say much!"

"But an elder brother is like a father. I must let my mistress grow up healthily, even if it costs me my life!"

“So I’m going to go hunting, and I’ll go every day from now on!”

Tang Chen's words were so loud that everyone was stunned.

"Brother, don't talk to dad like that!"

Tang San quickly pulled the corner of his clothes and whispered persuasion.

"Shut up and eat!"

Tang Chen remained unmoved and stared at Tang Hao fiercely.

Unlike Tang San, he lived together since birth.

The system skipped seven years for him. It was a lie that he had feelings. It just left this identity.

Tang Hao's next words will determine his future attitude towards him.

Whether he is regarded as a background identity or a real father depends on his own choice.

Afraid that the air would suddenly become quiet, Tang Hao held the wine glass with trembling hands and stared at Tang Chen's familiar face.

After being taught such a lesson by my son, it would be false to say that I am not angry, but as an adult, I can understand the meaning.

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